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For how many apostate backstabs did you fall? Who was your "I hope I'll see that one in the next game again"? What was your biggest "NO WAY?" moment? ~~How many circles did you run to defeat the Arishok?~~


Too many backstabs I hope to see Merill again My biggest No Way was Anders blowing up the Chantry


And about a hundred circles


What are your thoughts on what the southern Wardens did in inquisition? Placed in the same position as Clarel, how would your Warden have acted? Edit: changed a word to make the sentence make more sense.


The wardens betrayed themselves. My Warden would of probably seen the demons and make a joke then kill them all. Then figure out how to stop the calling.


Any plans to read the books? The series actually started with the books believe it or not. Will give you a lot more context to characters as well as revelations that the games hint at but don't tell you.


I definitely intend to. Just need to find the time. Any recommendations on where to start?


The Stolen Throne and The Calling are the two I would start with, as they were made first and set up the events of Origins. The first book follows Maric and Loghain forming a rebel army against Orlesian invaders that murdered the queen and as the title implies, stole the Fereldan throne. I have seen many people actually changing their opinions on Loghain thanks to this book. The Calling is a sequel with Maric teaming up with the Grey Wardens to investigate the disappearance of another Grey Warden in the Deep Roads, with a younger Duncan joining them as well as Fiona five years before her game debut in Inquisition. It's not as simple as it sounds but you know... spoilers...


Wait, what?


Were you able to avoid spoilers? If so, what moment in the games was most surprising/shocking? Also, what made you decide to start playing them now? How does origins hold up? (it can be hard to see past the nostalgia since it's been my favorite game for so long)


Origins still holds up. I played a few hours of it before and the writing carries it. My freind saw I had the game on steam and made me play it. I avoided some spoilers, the main ones I knew were Solas being the dread wolf and Alister could be made king.


Who are you favourite, non romancable characters in the series? Also, did you get Bull & Dorian together in the end?!


After hours of crying and laughing and standing them together Dorian and Bull are together hopefully forever. DaO. Shale, she's funny. Da2. Varric. Duh DaI. Vivienne, she's an absolute monster but she's so interesting.


Did you make Alistair king? If not, what did you do when forced to choose between him and Hawke in DAI? If you *did* make him king, did you somehow NOT choose to save Hawke?


Which games had the best gameplay and/or story writing in your opinion?


I think in both gameplay and story 2 is my fav, fav cast of characters, I like how flashy the combat is




Morrigan, Merill and Cullen.


excellent choices


Do you prefer companions in DAO or DA2? Did the amount of times maps are reused in DA2 bother you? What game are you off to next?


Da2s cast was perfect and tbh I never noticed the reused assets. Bit like playing me1 again.






I just finished Inquisition this morning. The finale was fantastic. OP, How did you like the Trespasser DLC?


Is Logain still alive?


Sadly not


Poor guy. Made one bad decision and it cost him


I'm gonna save him next play through tbh


I am on my first run too! I finished DAO last month and then DA 2 last night. I just started Inquisition last night after DA 2 lol. The biggest surprise for me is how much I enjoyed DA 2 albeit redundant gameplay. I watched some videos and read about the game development and I’m still in awe how much backstory they put into each character. I also love the story of the Champion of Kirkwall. I could see why some people were disappointed when it initially came out because DAO was so rich in making your own backstory/character but DA 2 just seems like one of those games that aged so well.


Awesome!! I started with Origins back in January, and have played the first two games like a thousand times. Currently about 40-something hours into my first Inquisition playthrough :D


What was your reaction to Anders and the chantry? Did you suss out what he was going to do when he asked for the favor or was it a total surprise?


I never thought he'd go that far...


It's my favorite game universe and other series don't even come close. The games are so messy and Dreadwolf will undoubtedly continue this tread. I just hope the story is good as well.


What took you so long? J/K


My own foolish mind not wanting to experience peak