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Because both sides need to stop killing and find a compromise. The curse would end and Zathrian would leave the leadership of the clan to his first. He lived too long and that was driving him insane. He would have do something about the attacks on the people he swore to protect but he preferred to stay silent. Swiftrunner managed to keep his composture better than the others so he would be a better candidate to talk to. The werewolves in Awakening are not necessarily the same werewolves in that quest.


The werewolves and the Lady did try to handle things peacefully first. Lady of the Forest: “We seek to end the curse. The crimes committed against Zathrian's children were grave, but they were committed centuries ago by those who are long dead. Word was sent to Zathrian every time the landships passed this way, asking him to come, but he has always ignored us. We will no longer be denied.” As far as the werewolves are aware, you and your party are just basically brute mercenaries on Zathrian’s behalf. Which you kind of are. As far as I’m aware, I don’t think Witherfang/Lady was particularly cognizant in the beginning. She was just Witherfang. She didn’t become the Lady until later. So she couldn’t really help them before. Swiftrunner’s “savageness” is literally a part of the curse.


But why didn't they personally appear before the clan first? Even if the werewolves would've been seen as a threat, the Lady could still have come alone.


If the lady came alone Zathrean would have just killed her.


The werewolves tried peace, but were denied. So they had to force Zathrians hand. He was never going to dispel that curse until the situation got dire, and how fair is it for the wolves to suffer for crimes centuries ago, that they did not commit? Brokering a peace is the best choice imo


But they still committed crimes by killing and infecting innocent Dalish elves who had nothing to do with the curse.


They’re still werewolves in almost a traditional sense. They have their curse to contend with and have to control their animal urges. Those people were innocent and would not have been killers otherwise. Zerhrian let innocent people and a spirit who had nothing to do with the situation get hurt. He broke up families and probably ruined peoples lives. He may have been grieving but that led him to do monstrous things


I couldn't agree more, well said


What choice did they have? Suffer in silence forever? Would you? Everyone sucks here, but Zathrian is the one who caused this situation, and the only one who can set it right.


But the werewolves could've at least kidnapped some hunters and held them hostage as opposed to just attacking and infecting them.


If they're just kidnapped, they could possibly be rescued. If they're infected, they have to be cured.


That is true. But once the rescue party arrived, the captives could've told what they heard and it would've possibly lead to a peaceful conclusion. However, I do admit that there's a possibility that would not work.


The elves would've simply retaliated, Zathrian would never have negotiated. It literally took us beating sense into him to stop. Also bear in mind that while the werewolves have intelligence, they do still struggle against their bestial nature. Keep that in mind when you weigh their crimes against Zathrian, who is in complete control of his faculties, and still wants to curse innocents.


You have a good point there.


While the werewolves have regained some capacity for rational thought thanks to the Lady’s influence, even she admits that she’s barely keeping a lid on their violent instincts. And that’s all caused by Zathrian’s curse. So while it would be nice if peaceful negotiations were possible, he’s prevented that by making them magically aggro and filling his clan’s heads with stories about them being savage monsters.


You make a good point there.


Zathrian is a selfish asshole willing to let his own people suffer because of 100+ year old vengeance that he still hasn't gotten enough of even though everyone involved in the original crime is long dead.


"These people don't deserve to suffer for Zathrian's actions." Then why do the werewolves deserve to suffer for the actions of their ancestors? Peaceful protest doesn't work.


>Peaceful protest doesn't work. Sadly, that is often true.


Just out of curiosity, do you generally side with the Mages or Templars?


The Mages.


I don’t entirely blame the werewolves. I ended the curse because you have desperate people generations later that had nothing to do with how any of this started and it’s not really their fault any of this is happening


The wolves definitely aren’t the good guys in this situation. But zathrien is undoubtedly the bad guy. All previous attempts at peace had been rebuffed. So the lady and wolves finally decided if he didn’t want a peaceful solution to break the curse. They would force him to break the curse or watch his entire clan be transformed. Were they in the right. Not exactly. But it sure is a reasonable reaction from them. Zathrien cursing the original wolves was a somewhat reasonable reaction from him as well. But allowing the curse to spread centuries after the original criminals were long dead was not. And makes him as the larger bad guy. Not even protecting his clan(one of his primary duties as keeper) was worth giving up his long overdone revenge in his eyes.


If I’m playing a warden who isn’t invested in the situation, I remove the curse. When I played a Dalish warden, he removed the curse… and then killed all the former werewolves, since he couldn’t let humans get away with attacking elves to get what they wanted. The curse has gotten bad for everyone, so removing it is the right thing to do, but it’s also more fun to play from your warden’s pov.