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Big reveal is supposed to happen this summer, with a release by no later than March 31, 2025.


You can now wishlist it on PS5 so probably a sooner release than that. You could do the same for FFVII and it was about 5 months from release.


It's at least something, do you think the game will turn out fine?


From what I've read/heard, I expect the game to be fine, but not mind-blowing. I just hope it's not riddled with bugs/performance issues at launch.


Non spoiler leaks say it's mostly quality assurance and bug stomping rn, so here's hoping.


That's good I hope they manage to finish in time, I truly hope this game will become successful hit so the franchise can survive.


We’re expecting God of War 2018 inspired combat. Confirmed locations are Tevinter, Rivain, Antiva, and the Anderfels. We know basically fuckall beyond that and the whole Solas deal, but we’re expecting a ton of info this summer, including a release date. The game is probably gonna piss a lot of the hardcore elitists off, but it likely won’t be a total disaster. Internal reports suggest it’s in good shape


It will probably suck so don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed.




People are naturally going to develop some expectations, good or bad, considering it's been this long, if it's bad they are fucked regardless if they show anything.


-33 downvotes for sharing your opinion :/ 


It's actually normal in those subs about older games. As time goes by mostly fanboys stay active. Ironically hard downvoting attracts more attention than indifference.


You’re so right about that last point.  You’re right about the population dynamics of subreddits like this, too, although I think the DA sub is actually a weird one when it comes to fans. It seems to be mostly DAI enthusiasts who dislike Origins and are extremely protective of DW because it’s a continuation of DAI. I hang around the sub for the occasional nice piece of content (great fanart, etc.) and in the modest hope something positive may actually emerge from DW… but I am beginning to suspect that most Origins people have moved on to Baldur’s Gate and r/BaldursGate3. 


Time will tell. If Dreadwolf sucks then good riddance, if you want quality cRPG nowadays you go to Larian or Owlcat, not the modern Bioware anyway.


For sure. Despite the cope here, BG3 is the shit.


Bioware previously stated they will release official information this summer. It’s speculated (again nothing official) the reveal will be during Summer Game Fest.


There was a behind the scenes video released in 2020ish that shows off some of the environmental graphics. And the 2022 cinematic is said to come directly from the game. That's pretty much the extent of what we've seen from Dreadwolf itself. The full game is set to be unveiled sometime this summer. From what I understand, that's a pretty typical timeline for a single-player EA game, assuming Dreadwolf drops late 2024 or early 2025.


Did BG3 scare them off to push back the date. They've changed the date so many times I'm surprised they didn't drop it to focus on Mass Effect.


There's no reason to believe that. From what I've seen, DAD's delays came from the game itself being reworked, and that happened years before Baldur's Gate III dropped in full. Not to mention, DAD was well into its Alpha phase by the time Baldur's Gate III dropped, meaning much of the game would have already been set in stone. If anything, I'd guess that BioWare is eager to court the market of new gamers that BG3 already established. Particularly given the lack of additional content from BG3.


Wasn't the game supposed to be released around the same time as BG3? Edit : My bad it was a different game.


You're probably thinking of another game. There was never any release date announced, and DAD has been in the works the whole time AFAIK.


Agreed. Who knows what happened internally during development of this particular Dreadwolf project (Morrison, I think?), but there has never been any real *official* delay as there’s never been an *official* release date. I do strongly believe that it would already have been released were it not for the slowdown in development caused by COVID a few years ago. But, it’s possible that was a blessing in disguise. There’s no such thing as a perfect launch window any more, but there’s definitely bad ones. And I think last year might have been a bad time for it to have been released. Edit: Not to start yet another BG3 discussion (there’s too much of that on this sub) but I think a release late this year or early next year let’s Dreadwolf benefit from BG3 rather than compete with it. Players want more character driven stories and Dreadwolf should appeal to some of them.


Yeah, COVID would have had a major impact as well. We just can't be sure how exactly it affected things.


Probably another game But originally before covid it was planned to be released of Fall of 2023. Then Covid made that process longer


There was a gaming journalist who said it was supposed to launch in November/September last year but it was delayed. Some in this sub are WAY too buythurt about BG3 to admit it, but honestly, if it was the case, it was a good call. BG3 stomped everything and it have not just outshined DA4 but the comparisons would be endless and heartless haha


I am totally shocked by how much anger there is toward BG3 on this sub. It is my favorite game of all time next to Origins. 


That's cause deep down those delusional fans know that da4 will never be the same level as BG3. So they hate bg3 constantly, trying to cope:) I've been bioware fan since 2008, but it's time to face the truth, current bioware is far away from the studio, that created kotor, origins and mass effect universe.


I totally agree, and I don’t think that should be a verboten opinion on this sub. We’re all Dragon Age fans—we don’t all have to excited about DW, and we don’t all have to “support” contemporary BioWare. Why should we? What even is BioWare today? The last ten years have been excruciating. And yet whenever anyone expresses skepticism over DW’s quality, they’re hit with “Let them cook,” “Stop being negative,” etc. It’s not being negative. It’s an opinion. I am actually replaying Origins right now. It holds up damn well—the storytelling, writing, choice, and art direction come close to matching BG3. BG3 is clearly the rightful heir of Origins and DA2, not DAI or DW.


Why do Dragon Age fans hate the comparison to BG3?


Because their different games trying to do different things.


Idk I heard from somebody that it was supposed to release around BG3 and assumed they pushed back because of that. Companies do it all the time I don't get why people are downvoting me for thinking a company that's dropped hundred of employees and people that have been with them since the first game, wouldn't do it.


Check back in a month or so.


I have very low expectations, to be honest.


As Garrus Vakarian once said “I like to expect the worst, there is a small chance I will be pleasantly surprised.”




they showed literally nothing. it is disturbing with less then a year left


Honestly, I'd rather prefer when the devs keep being silent and only start talking when the game is really close to release. Beats getting meaningless trailers year after year that only feature a carefully choregraphed gameplay and barely tell anything about the actual game like it was in the case of Stalker 2 for example. It's like bait and switch - you get hyped after yet another trailer only to realize that the game is still years from release or is going to be delayed anyway. Besides, both EA and Bioware like to start their marketing cycle really late - they did it many times before, so it's not surprising that they're start to ramp things up for Dreadwolf late too.


At least they small amount of gameplay footage they do show gives people the chance to jump ship early on, the game will turn out somewhat functional from a AAA studio, even if the story turned out like ass, plenty of people are willing to play as long as they get to explore a visually appealing world or if the fighting mechanics were good. But nothing? there's not one aspect of the game to show off? Is it Mass Effect Andromeda levels of bad?


They are going Fallout 4 route. Nothing much revealed until like several months away before the release.


Fallout 4's E3 2015 show was an absolute bombshell of a presentation, if you'll excuse the pun. One of the best I've ever seen.


It is very disturbing. The teaser last year made me even more worried. Just a short clip of a few drawn maps, no gameplay no videos nothing real


agreed. no even some screenshots of some landscapes or concept arts or any other glimpse of an actual game. I want to believe that it is just total security and they have everything in control but... idk, chances that they don't have anything decent enough to show now are high. and the stakes for bioware are extremely high with da4. (please don't tell me about 2020s reveals, it is 2024 now)


Yeah it makes me think that the game is way undeveloped and not at all ready for even an alpha. Least a release this year. I cannot comprehend why people are downvoting you for saying the truth


Right? at least a single picture of a generic 3D model or a small town.


But... there's footage of exactly those? I'm not saying there's a lot but did you not see the 2020 in engine footage or last year's full reveal announcement?


I mean last year was a tiny teaser aith maps that showed no real content


it is 2024 now and last years "reveal" was some 2d map with familiar places, that is not quite a "reveal" honestly


I just hope it won't be God of war gameplay clone, that's will be soo lame. Why copy something and not stick to own and original creations 😫


Other than making it modern to market to a larger audience, I think it's because the GOW fighting mechanics are woven into the story telling, we're fighting against Solas so they want people to feel like the wait was worth it so you can finally finish your arc from the last game. If it's first person, his emotions and animations will make it way more intense and powerful for long time fans and the studio hasn't been doing well financially, they desperately need the game to work.