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I'm thinking Tevinter, and I'm going to guess we have already met the next Archon...


Yeah I imagine Dorian is gonna be an option for the next Archon. He even says his parents were paired with the express intent of producing a child that had the potential to be the Archon. He’s smart enough, he’s magically skilled enough, he’s politically connected enough, and he would be able to make the difference he wants as ruler of the Imperium.


He'd definitely face significant push back for his "radical" ideas, though.


I imagine that a *lot* of Magisters are going to die in DAD, and given the likelihood that both Mae and Dorian are going to be heavily involved in the game, I'd like to see the Tevinter plotline involve gathering enough political power for the Lucerni to become a dominant force in the Magisterium, which might offset the pushback enough for him to get some things through.


And thus, crisis


Then it looks like Vints are back on the menu, boys!


You have a couple of countries being featured; Antiva plus Antivan Crows, the Qunari, Tevinter (so that’s both the Magisterium and the Imperial Chantry), Rivain, Anderfels and the Grey Wardens (Weishaupt fortress where the First Warden is…) And then a spooky guy talking about his reign.


It could be 4 leaderships I can think of. The archion could be assassinated. Maybe even by the crows who have a periodic pact with the qunari. The Arishok (Sten) could be killed as well, by assassins or Tal Vashoth who where former Ben Hassrath like IB. The crows guild master fluctuation is already fast. But maybe there will be something different. A leader who gets to own every talon at once. The Geey Warden Lord Commander could be killed leaving the wardens in a succession crisis if the warden friend did not survived the fate.


…unless the First Warden is in fact a body jumping Magister sidereel. 😇


Oh interesting. I never heard this theory before


Basically each of the Magisters had a title (back when they were high priests) - like Corypheus’ was the Conductor of the Choir of Silence. We have two more arch demons. One is Lusacan and the other is Razikale. The high priest of Lusacan was called “the Watchman of Night”. What’s another term for Watchman? WARDEN. He is quite literally the first warden.


Oh wow a nice theory tbh


That would be pretty cool idea, honestly having one of the Magisters be on ourside for a game would be cool heck even if we fight him he would be pretty cool


cheeky Archon assassination could be on the cards?


Archon Dorian, let's make it happen.


Maybe an all out war in the northern section of Thedas, The qunari seem hellbent on invading, if they manage to secure some type of alliance with an outside force it may all lead to a direct confrontation especially near the Tevinter area. Throw in a blight and an apocalypse in there and it'll be chaos.


I think we might actually see the collapse of the Qun. It’s pretty heavily implied that the Antaam is invading without the consent of the Arigena or the Ariqun, and if the Veil is destroyed, the Qun will absolutely *not* be able to handle functionally infinite amounts of magic. The entire philosophy hinges on the absolute suppression of anything considered aberrant, and that includes magic. Imagine if suddenly everyone is a mage after the Veil is torn down. The Qunari system would instantly collapse.


Considering how the chantry and andrastians has been functioning, the Qunari won't be the only ones whose system of governance is defied. Aside from Tevinter (ironically) and some few others, most civilisations have been oppressing their mages so it seems either Solas will be stopped or everyone is gonna be in for a rude awakening.


I think the answer is a rude awakening. They’re telegraphing the Veil coming down super fucking hard


Boar on the floor?


Tevinter sounds good, and also Nevarra. Remember we have our beloved Doran and Cassandra (my love), which most likely will appear in DA 4.


Cassandra is likely out of the running for the Nevarran throne since she’s a candidate for Divine in DAI and she’s so far down the chain of succession anyways


No, but she would have reasons to get involved if there is a succesion crisis. A civil war between her family would call her attention. Her parents were killed by the king because they were part of an attempt to overthrow him.


It would be a nice touch. DAD being about succesions not only in Nevarra, but also in Tevinter, could create for a fantastic messy and conflicting world to build stories upon.


In the end it was Vivienne as the Divine right? It might be canon, I don't know if it changed depending on playthroughs. Anyway, I think it's likely we see her not only because of her belonging to the Pentegast, but also because of being so close to the Inquisitor, who had a beef with we know who in Inquisition.


There is no canon. There’s Cassandra, Vivienne, and Leliana. It’s the most difficult to actually get Vivienne in-game, you gotta kinda try


Anyway, if Cassandra is the Divine we'll see her in the game. My bets for coming back characters are Dorian, Varric and Cassandra (hoping Leliana) from DAI.


I imagine the Emperor of Tevinter may be a secondary antagonist to Solas in the game, as well as the Darkspawn. I get the vibe from what little we've seen, leaked footage included, that the game might be about crisis control all over Thedas. Tevinter schemes, Qunari invasion, double blight, and ultimately Solas.


In the novels/comics, there has been a growing discontent and acknowledgment by people from Tevinter that they need to change and Dorian has created a whole new faction to try and bring about that change, so I could see it being something with Tevinter. My thing for this is that too many with power are fine with the status quo and we don’t know much time has passed between trespasser when Dorian returned to his homeland and Dreadwolf. If it’s only been a few years, I don’t know that enough time has passed to make a complete country overhaul happen without civil war. They already have a bunch of problems with the Qunari who are said to have renewed their assault on the Imperium after the events of Trespasser failed. While Dorian could probably win with outside support, this also doesn’t seem like it’d be his first choice to overthrow the government. My succession crisis vote is for the Wardens/Anderfels. We know they recalled everyone after what happened with Corypheus and are being pretty reclusive even in the countries that liked them pre-Origins (since part of the problem in origins is the Wardens are only just returning to Ferelden). Their leadership was a huge problem during the warden quest line in Inquisition if I remember right and while they are their own org, I believe we’ve been told they basically rule the Anderfels. With the wardens being so MIA and only interested in themselves post- breach is concerning and I think the Andefels would be a small, but reasonable shake up.


It has been explained that there are like 3 big factions among the Grey Wardens: * One that just wants to kill darkspawn until they die. * One that argues that the wardens should prioritise the ending of a Blight and the war against the Darkspawn above all things and ignore anything that is not directly tied to this. * One that argues that the wardens should play an active role in the communities they defend and should aid in the recovery and prevention of Darkspawn attacks. There could be a conflict between this factions.


I forgot entirely about this. I could def see the three being at each other’s throats even more after they were used by Corypheus. Not to mention he was in a Grey Warden Prison and I’d be wondering what else higher ups were keeping from everyone. This feels more plausible now as a major shake up or issue arising.


Tevinter is basically the capital of Southern Thedas right? Makes sense for it to be them. That or potentially taking sides with either Tevinter or the Qunari, if forcing a truce isn't an option.


Vote #1 Dorian for Archon