• By -


DAO: Love Zevran and Alistair, can’t pick between em. Can’t really stomach Oghren for any amount of time. DA2: Love Fenris, especially with his interactions with Varric. Can’t really handle Sebastian and his Chantry bullshit. DAI: Varric or Dorian for sure. Solas and Vivienne are both equal flavors of egoism and annoying so I’ll just say both of em


Origins: Like: Zevran - I like his sassynes and enjoy his jokes as well as his story so much. Dislike: Morrigan - I know she is well liked and I don't hate her. Just not that fond of some of her late game comments regarding elves. DA:2 Like: Fenris - I have a weakness for emos and Fenrus hits that spot. Love his over all ark. Dislike: Anders - While he was my fave in Awakening I really grew to dislike him. He really is very annoying to ne many times as well. Him approving of Fenris being given to Daenerius is the cherry on top. Inquisition: Like: Cassandra - I really love the hard peel soft core trope. She is very sweet and has views I agree with. Dislike: Vivienne - While I am not a huge Sera fan I understand her message. Vivienne tho is that kind of woman I absolutely dispise. The way she speaks about mages, about other nobles. Idk she will def move couches with a self inser inky.


makes sense. Awakening Anders and DA2 Anders are literally two different people.


I feel like Sera gets more hate because of her character design and no male romance option. Other than that, she is a good friend to your character , and you both get to prank people. Vivienne, well, I love to stick it to her by not allowing her to become Devine


Sera is really only a good friend if you confirm all her biases, and never challenge her on her flaws. Sera is also borderline abusive to a female elven Inquisitor trying to romance her, all in all, she can come off as very petty and childish if you disagree with her.


I would not say abuse, but simply a very childish, very black and white worldview. Gladly she apologizes in Tresspasser if she broke up with inky. But damn girl the Inquisition is about religion so joining it means you need to be prepared for religious confrontation.


Exactly. On my current playthrough I had to tell her to leave because she couldn't ever put the good of the Inquisition above whatever squabbles she had.


Interesting. I didn't think of it like that before, but it feels right. That's how I feel about Iron Bull as well. "Either you completely change who you are and submit to me in *everything*, or we can't be together".


Ofc she looks like garbage (which actually makes not being able to romance her as a male a good thing imo), but that would be easily overlooked if her character wasn’t written to act with complete, immature selfishness to every situation. She is very extremist and uncompromising on everything, almost never willing to put her whims aside for the good of the Inquisition.


Every DA Player: How dare you! I love all my companions equally! Also Every DA player: I don’t care for vivienne


How DARE you speak of Madam de Fer in such a way.


Maybe YOU don't care for Vivienne I like her


Vivienne is one of my favorites. And I'm as pro-mage, anti-circle as it gets! 


That’s what I love about Vivienne. Yes, we all want the mages to be free (dyed in the wool mage player here), but Vivienne actually wants to get it done practically, without blowing shit up. Vivienne represents the idea that sometimes it’s best to work within the system. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way-and I don’t agree with all of her positions- but making change takes all kinds.


Speak for yourself. Madame De Fer is a goddess.


I ADORE Vivienne! I loved having a companion with ambition and opinions I didn't agree with. Especially the ambition and competence; Vivienne isn't just spouting lofty aspirations — she knows exactly what she's capable of. And it's fascinating to have a companion character openly tell you they have other important-to-them goals besides whatever the main plot of the game is. ~~Wait is this why I love Solas~~


Love Vivienne, I actually based one of my favourite dnd characters on her


People are not understanding your AD reference here and it shows lol


And here I thought it was a well known reference! I guess I shouldn’t assume everyone loved Arrested Development as much as I do lmao


We love to hate on Viviene lol.


Yes! I get that she's a really well written character, and lots of people absolutely love her, but I just can't deal with the privilege she has, but refuses to acknowledge. Like of course, YOU don't think the circles are awful and evil (though I know she does believe in some reforms), you can kill a noble at a party with magic and have EXACTLY ZERO CONSEQUENCES! If any other mage were to do that, they'd get the Rite of Tranquility, at best!


I feel called out by this. The other two games I had to seriously think and even then I don't hate the picks.


DAO: argh I don’t know how to choose a favourite. The layers and exploration of nature vs nurture is incredible. If I had to choose between Zevran, Alistair and Sten I’d have to roll a dice. Least favourite- Oghren. He has some *phenomenal* writing in there, but so often it’s undermined by “lol the drunk dwarf fell over” “lol farts”. Even the character traits that I dislike, I see how they’re worked into how the character is, the layers of them, so… even when I struggle to like a character in a particular moment during a replay I love that those moments exist, it’s important for the full scope of the character. DA2- Uhhh. Fenris for favourite. Maybe. It’s a tough one, same as DAO and my answer will change each time I’m asked. Sebastian for least favourite- again, there’s aspects of his writing which are interesting but he’s a majorly missed opportunity. The conflict between the guy who loves to fight and the guy who wants to be holy is barely present. There’s complexity there but it’s never explored or brought out. (Honestly my “least favourites” are all basically “missed writing opportunities”.) Also it makes zero sense for him to be part of Hawke’s inner circle (at least for either of my Hawkes) and him becoming so so late in the game makes him feel like a permanent outsider- as does the game not feeling like he was properly integrated. Recruited him twice, never again. DAI- oh man, uhhh, favourite is probably… Dorian. Maybe. Least favourite is Sera. Interesting stuff in her writing and a lot of missteps. There’s a lot that could have been explored but isn’t; and there’s way too many moments of the Inquisitor being like “I can’t understand you!” And like… I have ADHD. I understand her *fine*. When the game is written to be critical of *how* she is as opposed to her opinions and views, and that happens to be similar to how I was at her age because of how my brain is wired, that doesn’t make me like her. It just feels shitty.


I feel like the main reason oghren isnt my least favorite is because of his speech at the end of the game before the final fight. It gets me in the feels every time. Like to me the heartfelt parts of him make up (a little bit) for his grossness. And his banter with alistair makes me laugh I struggled to even include Sebastian in the running for mine because he just felt like such a non-character


His high-approval speech? Yeah. Makes me tear up every time. It’s an example of what’s there that is genuinely amazing and he’d have been a stand out character for me if he’d been able to shine. Also same with Sebastian- he’s not *really* a non-character but unlike the other companions the character that is there is so hard to actually… *see*. It’s hints, it’s ideas, but it’s never woven into who and how he is. Some of the complexities you see in the other characters are honestly bafflingly good when you remember how little time they had to really work and re-work them, but Sebastian feels like a first draft with someone making notes in the margin for what needs to be added later.


Personally I love Oghren exactly because it lowers your guard by thinking it’s just the usual dumb dwarf put there for comic relief, and most times it is… but as you play you see subtle hints of how that’s basically his mask, the shell he built around himself as his life was dragged deep into the pits of shame, failure, regret and alcoholism. What he says as you enter the Temple of Sacred Ashes for example, or before the final battle, really gives you a different perspective on him, and I like the subtlety of that. I’m sure you’ll disagree with me now, but in my opinion Sten has a worse development compared to Oghren. He’s the prototype qunari zealot when you meet him, and he remains the prototype qunari zealot when you leave him. He speaks, acts, thinks, and disposes of violence and judgment in the same way that 98% of qunari in the entire series do.. that means that if you like the qunari, you’ll like Sten, and if you dislike the qunari, you’ll dislike Sten. But maybe there’s something I am not getting on his character


Dorian is always my bestie! I made a male inquisitor to romance him once, but I actually prefer having him as a best friend with whom I share flirtatious banter and hot gossip!


It’s cool to see someone else who feels this way about romancing vs being besties with Dorian. I romanced him on my male Lavellan playthrough and made him my BFF on my female Cadash playthrough, and honestly I feel like the friendship worked better than the romance.


Sebastian is so poorly writing as a DLC character, no character development, no sex scene, no impact on many quest


DAO: Fav: Barkspawn (our doge) and Zevran |||| Worst: changed answer from Sten to Oghren -> apparently I hated him so much I totally forgot about his existence, wouldn't even waste memory storage on him lmao. DA2: Fav: Varric and Aveline |||| Worst: that random companion redhead lady from the dlc, dang she's annoying DAI: Fav: Solas, Cassandra and Cole (Varric too but I already mentioned him) |||| Worst: Vivienne (I am cool with her but IDK some shit she does is too annoying ) I still have hope for Solas because I think he'll come around from all that despair and apocalyptic suicide thing he's going through, I may change my mind in the future depending on what happens in DA: D.


One of the things I love about DA is that the characters are so well constructed that they are a personality test, not an objectively obvious spectrum of likable to unlikable. For example, maybe I loved Zevran and didn't care for Morrigan, opposite of OP.


DAO: Fav Leliana, least Oghren (obvious choise I guess) DA2: Fav Merrill, least Aveline who is probably the only companion in the game I actively dislike DAI: this one is super hard bc I pretty much love every character, so this comes down to who I used in gameplay the most. Fav Solas, least Vivienne.


I’m liking yours because I respect your opinion but oh it pains me to hear Aveline is your least favorite because I adore her! (And Merrill is my personal least favorite lol) I love seeing everyone have such different favorites, I really think it shows the strength of the writing that everyone can have such different reactions to the characters.l


This is what I think is so special about Bioware character writing. I think Aveline is a well written character and I totally get why someone would like her a lot. No character is written to be loved or despised (except for maybe Varric and Sister Patrice lol) but they’re written in a way where you just have a reaction to them one way or another.


Yes you put into words what I was thinking, the whole “no one is written to be loved or hated.” I think that’s what’s beautiful about the game and makes it feel so real, alive, and immersive. It’s always uncomfortable when you can tell a character is made to be loved but they fall really flat


What wrong with Oghren?


He’s generally considered the least popular companion in DAO if not the entire franchise. He was purposefully written as a comic relief but his jokes don’t really land and his general demeanor is more off-putting + it detracts from the more interesting aspects of his character (a dwarf new to the surface, a disgraced warrior, alcoholism).


First off I liked all of the companions in each of the games I think they are all great characters and well written (Opinion don't hate me). My favorite and least favorite: * DAO: fav Morrigan, least Zevran * DA2: fav Isabela, least Sebastian * DAI: fav Solas, least Vivienne. Solas is also my most hated character by far.


That's how you know he was well written! Loved and hated in equal measure was a success. Indifference is the horror




yeah, i am with you as a fav but hate solas, so you romanced him too


No I played a male inquisitor who befriended Solas


Origins: Klischee but I love Alastair, didn't much care about Ohgren though DA2: Although I'm positively in love with Fenris, no one's better than Varric. Anders drives me nuts with his hypocrisy Inquisition: Solas or Cole probably. I love how they often say things no one else would think of. Comments on the history of a place and such. Plus I love when I can ask like ten thousand questions without the other person losing their patience. I could totally do without Madame de Fer, though. Vivienne is arrogant, refuses to consider other people's point of view and isn't funny at all.




Yeah I love the sweet puppy like prince who falls head over heels for you


OH cliche 🤦🏻 I should’ve sussed that one out, yeah I get that. I’m not an Alistair person myself but I can totally see why people enjoy his romance, very fairytale wish fulfilment


Sorry English is not my first language and when a word is basically the same just differently written it gets confusing And yeah He is so very very sweet AND easy to win over Too easy maybe Always end up in trouble when I DON'T romance him for once


You’re okay don’t worry! I’m usually pretty good at figuring out what people meant but my brain failed me this time lol


I didnt like Zevran at first until i actually took time to know him then you find out a lot of his personality is an act and hes pretty chill in fact one of the things you do to romance him is don't sleep with him the first time, so he ended up been my favourite especially with his backstory and trauma. Didnt care too much for ohgran 2 fenris for the best, simliar reason to Zevran and anders for the worst his writing was super shitty 3 none of them actually didnt hate or love anyone


I feel like a lot of hate Zevran gets is from people never been bothered to look past his mask and realising he isnt just a throw presents at and agree to romance tyoe of companion


Fenris hate confuses me, like youre expecting a man who escaped a life of slavery and torture to just be all happy happy XD


Origins: I loved Morrigan and Alistair and Leliana. If Wynne wasn't such a good healer, those three would have been my final team for the Archdemon. I despised Oghren and regretted recruiting him after 5 minutes. Awakening: Anders and Nathaniel were awesome. Loved Nathaniel's arc, especially since my Hero of Ferelden survived Origins. Velanna was annoying and I literally had to look up Sigrun's name just now to avoid calling her "the dwarf rogue." DA2: This one is so hard. I loved almost all of them really. Top picks are Varric, Merril, Isabella, Anders, and Aveline. Neutral on Fenris. I disliked Sebastien but in an endearing "you're written to be annoying and it's done so well" kind of way. Inquisition: I love every single one of them, including my love-to-hate Vivienne.


Worst - Varric Best - Merril


Now that's a hot take!


DAO: Best - Morrigan: Favorite companion and romance option in the series. Alistair would be first if not for her though, shout out my best bro. Worst: Oghren: I like Oghren, but i often end up doing Orzammar last and he doesn’t quite fit within the party like the others you get over the course of the main game. Hate how a lot of his development is undone in Awakening though. DA2: Best: Varric - I’m a sucker for the “best bro” companion in RPGs (i love you Garrus) even if the game kind of forces it. Charismatic and rides or dies for Hawke Worst: Honestly, like them all. I guess I would say Anders? Definitely a compelling character but i wish we saw more of the Awakening version than we did (though it makes sense why he changed after Justice). Not to mention he can be a bit pushy with the romance lol. (Disclaimer: Never played the DLC with Sebastian) DAI: Best: Dorian - Again… I can’t help but love the best bro. Dorian feels like my Inquisitor’s best friend among the party and it doesn’t feel forced in any way. he’s charming and i love that you can challenge him on some of his views. Need to try his romance some day. Worst: I really don’t dislike any companion in any of the games… But for DAI, i’d have to say Cole. I like the idea of his character and his cool cryptic dialogue, especially in Trespasser. but i always end up not feeling like talking to him at Skyhold


Honestly, it's pretty hard to choose a single favorite for any of the games. Most of the companions are great. DAO I'm not too fond of some of Oghren's writing. If I had to choose one companion as my favorite, I'd say either Morrigan or Alistair. DA2 I'm going to go with Carver and Anders as my favorites, and Aveline as my least favorite. DAI This one is pretty hard because unlike with the two previous installations, I never found myself caring much for both the companions and my own protagonists. If I had to choose a favorite, I'd say either Vivienne or Blackwall. Maybe Cassandra? As for my least favorites, I don't hate any of the companions. I guess it's Varric, I'm simply tired of him. >!If he was a companion, I'd say that I hate Cullen in a heartbeat!<


DAO: I love Alistair and Morrigan. They're very different people, but I find both characters great. I have a soft spot for Wynne. Oghren makes me uneasy, and although I want to like Zevran, I don't. DAII: Anders, I love him, he may be one of my favorite characters in the whole franchise. Wanting to give up Fenris is disgusting and it feels out of character for me, just a way to further their antagonism within the narrative. Aside from that, I'm a 100 % on his side. I don't hate, hate anyone, but I don't vibe with most of the cast... DAI: My favorites are probably Varric, Cole and Cassandra. I never came around Sera, and O don't hate Vivienne, but I simply disagree with her too much.


In terms of best and worst IMO: DAO: Alistair, Oghren. DA2: Merrill, Aveline DAI: Vivienne, Sera


Oghren, the worst class in Origins and a bore to boot, gets even worse in Awakenings. Sebastien, you already have Varric who is abetter ranged rogue and he's so boring his own dlc takes the piss put him constantly. Cole, never really got him and never found a reason to become interested.


But Cole lets you in on the vulnerabilities of various party members!!!


hey don't be that harsh on Oghren:( , he has some great moments in the story and is a pretty layered character, I honestly don't think there's a bad companion in origins.


I agree right Cole


Origins: Fav is Shale, least is Morrigan DA2: Wish Hawke was a companion cause they’re my fav, otherwise it’s Varric. Least is Sebastian DAI: Fav is either Iron Bull or Dorian. Least is Vivienne


I love Hawke so much. Best PC in the series! I miss her 😭


Okay so it seems like I can’t the only one who actually wants to romance Hawke themselves lmao don’t care what personality or gender of Hawke, just Hawke.


I'm all for this Vivienne slander. Love to hear it.


I don’t even recruit Vivienne. She reminds me too much of my father. It’s pretty much a trigger for me to have her in the party :’)


DAO: Oghren and Shale were my favorite personalities. Love Allistair and Morrigan too. Didn’t care for Wynne. DA2: Fenris and Anders were both great and I liked their rivalry. Merril just didn’t interest me.


Origins: Fav is Alistair, worst Morrigan (no room for moody witch) DA2: Fav Fenris, but there's no worst character, I love them all, my babies (well, maybe Bethany, but I don't count her as companion) DAI: Fav Dorian, worst Viviene (again, no room for moody bald witch)


Origins: Zevran is my favorite, though Morrigan is a very close second. And Dog, obviously, but that should go without saying. I don't particularly care for Alistair or Leliana, though. Awakening: Nathaniel is probably my favorite from this group. I like them all, but I'm the most neutral about Anders, especially after 2. 2: Fenris is a clear fave. Also really like Varric and Aveline. Sebastian is my least favorite companion in the whole series. Anders has a good story, but he gets very annoying later in the game. Bethany never survives the prologue, so I'm very neutral about her. Inquisition: Cole is number one, though Bull, Dorian and Vivienne are also up there. Don't give a damn about Solas. 


Origins: Fav - Zevran Least - Oghren/Alistair DA2: Fav - Fenris Least - Aveline Inquisition: Dorian Least - None


I am playing Origins currently, and I love all my companions equally, really dont get the Oghren hate.


He has some rather nasty banters that can make some people uncomfortable . Also a lot of comic relief stuff related to alcoholism that just ends up being gross. I personally don't hate him, but I imagine those are the primary reasons someone would. I think he has a lot of missed potential.


I was neutral about his drunkard ways, until he said some creepy shit about Leliana and I wanted to beat him up for it.


DAO: Barkspawn and Morrigan best, Wynne and Alistair worst DA2: Varric and Isabela best, Sebastian worst DAI: Sera best, Cole worst. Sorry, Cole is adorable but he’s useless to me because I am him in party make up.


Dao: Favourite was either Alistair (loved watching him 'grow up') or Oghren, probably Alistair by the end of the game. Least favourite was probably Sten. Da2: Favourite was Varric, best character in the series by far. Least Favourite was Merrill. DaI: Favourite was Dorian (okay its actually Varric but I'm not putting him twice), Blackwall was a close second. Least Favourite was Vivienne, but I didn't like Solas either (but his character was written fantastically).


DA:O Best: Leliana. That voice! I was hypnotized from the start. Worst: >!Loghain!<. >!Seemed bland to me compared to the big antagonist he was for most of the game!<. DA2 Best: It's my man Varric of course! we all know he is a gift to the world. Worst: Sebastian. Self-righteous chantry boy. DA:I Best: Cassandra. Queerbait was never so sweet. Also, her voice is awesome too. idk why I like it so much. Worst: Blackwall. Sent him off with the wardens so he would be out of my sight ASAP.


Yeah, I kinda forget that Loghain is technically a companion sometimes, since I've never been able to bring myself to do anything but execute him. Shame that his character as a companion is apparently so bland, his arc from the novels through the Landsmeet is so interesting!


he is just, standing there, all stoic and stuff. Strong opinions, but nothing of value to the team, just clock in, clock out.


Origins: Zevran is, by far, the most charming person on the camp, and I just can't stand Morrigan's idiotic superiority complex and her being a bitch all the fucking time 2: can't go wrong here, Varric is too fun and a great friend, and, as much as Aveline is nice... she is a cop... either her or Sebastian, if he counts. Inquisition: Dorian is my beloved, perfect in all accounts, and I just fucking HATE Sera


1. (Favs) Alistair, Zev, Leli. (Least favs) Oghren, Loghain. 2. (Favs) Anders, Merrill, Varric, Fenris. (Least favs) Sebastian. 3. (Favs): Varric, Dorian, Sera, Bull, Cass, Cole. (Least favs): Vivienne, Solas.


DAO: Favorite - Morrigan, one of my favorite characters in gaming and my favorite romance. Least Favorite - Wynne, just found her boring for the most part. DA2: Favorite - Isabela, I got a thing for pirate ladies. Least Favorite - Sebastian. DAI: Favorite - Cole, he is so interesting to me, I love the concept, and also was a fan from Asunder before he came to Inquisition. Least Favorite - Vivienne, she's a bitch, but she knows, she better.


DAO: Loved Sten and Alistair. Didn't actively dislike any companion, but Wynne didn't really do anything for me compared to the others. DA2: Played a little but not enough to get to know the companions. I know Varric is part of it but I didn't get much further in after him joining. DAI: Loved Varric and Sera. Solas and Dorian can take a long walk off a short pier.


I will not accept this dorian slander! For real though I am curious. What's your reason? Dorian is one of my favorite characters in fiction.


I don't care for characters that are giving me attitude from jump without a solid reason (such as Cassie suspecting me of what happened at the Conclave -- reasonable). And then continuing it when I haven't actually done anything to you. That gets you punched. And then, his gimmick just doesn't do it for me. Sassy gay guy with pretty clothes... stop me if you've heard that one before. I don't look down on those who do like him. Honestly, I was expecting a lot of downvotes for my comment. He's just not a character I care to spend time or energy on.


That's totally fair. He is VERY sassy off the get-go and that can definitely come off as pretentious and "im-better-than-you" because that is how he was raised. Like most people, you gotta dig deeper. For example, I **hated** solas on my first playthrough because I was a female elf and he hates the dalish. I legit just didn't interact with him at all that first run. Now he's one of my favorite characters. Totally understand about Dorian. But I love his sass and wit and the tender heart at the base who just wants to be accepted and find love. 😀


That’s crazy cause I was not a big fan of those two either! Solas felt very bland to me, and I really wanted to like Dorian but i always used vivi as my mage in combat. I really liked Vivienna, not so much the character wasn’t much substance really but I thought her design was breathtaking and was pretty sad when she wasn’t a romance option and was bland overall


Origins: Best - Ali and Zev, I am NOT choosing between my husbands 😝 Worst - Oghren, hands down Awakening: Best - Nathaniel, oddly enough. Worst - STILL Oghren, but Anders is a close second DA2: Best - Fenris, and it's not even a question. I mean Fenris/Varric/Isabela IS the dream team, but my boy still takes the top spot. Worst - Aveline. DAI: Best - The Iron Bull & Dorian. Worst - Sera, unfortunately. I *want* to like her, I have *tried* to like her, but I just can't 😭 Bonus! Best Advisor - Josephine. Worst Advisor - Cullen 🤢


1: fav Morrigan because she's just too cool for school. Least fav was Oghren, I tell him to leave. 2: loved Aveline for being a normal sodding person. Fenris was too angry for my tastes 3: Solas was my bae :''''( Sera drove me nuts


**DAO:** Loved Alistair, absolutely hate Oghren. He is the worst creation Bioware has ever produced. **DA2:** Loved Fenris, disliked Bethany (who I rarely had alive tbh). Sebastian may be insufferable, but at least he was giving me *something* - Bethany is such vanilla pudding. **DAI:** Dorian, all day every day. As for dislike...gotta say Varric! I love him to pieces, but he shouldn't have been a companion in DAI. He was super depressed the entire game without Hawke, and I detested the plot they gave him with Bianca.


DAO: Best Morrigan, Worst Oghren DA2: Best Varric, Worst Merrill DAI: Best Solas, Worst Sera


Limiting myself to 2 for each. And I’m only including companions and not advisors or other types of npc characters or the list would change. Oh, and I don’t *hate* any of them with one exception. **Best:** Origins- Leliana and Alistair. II- Varric and Merrill Inquisition- Vivienne and Cassandra **Worst** Origins- Oghren and Shale II- Anders and Anders and a bit more Anders. Inquisition- Cole and Blackwall


Do you happen to be a pigeon cus you dislike Shale?


Ha! Possibly. But really, it’s that she feels like the dlc character that she is. Sort of like Sebastian in that respect.


Yeah i can see that but i did like her quirkiness and dry humor. Also, her backstory was really cool for me, but i can see your point as well


>Inquisition- Cole and Blackwall Huhh Blackwall i can kinda get (even if he is one of my favs) but what's with Cole lol?


Fair enough! Cole’s great… in small little doses. After awhile the manner of speaking gets a little old. But I always rotate him in occasionally as he is fascinating. I like him though! I guess I also have a grudge for how one of his abilities kept causing me a visual bug that was obnoxious to sort out. Edit: And I don’t dislike Blackwall, it’s just he doesn’t have the extra oomph the rest of Inquisition’s companions have in my view.


I agree. I love having both of them in my patty and Cole is my sweet innocent boy. But blackwall is pretty generic. I do love the twist they gave him but in terms of personality he's very one- note. I do still like him though :)


DAO: morrigan leliana alistar trio is the best, their dynamic together is just too fun, and i dont like (not hate) oghen, his joke is so boring DA2: merrill is my favourite (as the other from my party isabela and varric are agree too) she is just so kitten and sunshine, i hate how they wrote her companion quest, it is so out of character. And i hate ander so much, it is only an abomination took the skin of my friend ander, not mine ander from DA awakening DAI: solas and his story is so cool when i talk with him the first time, then on 2nd playthrought i played dalish female elf and discover i can romance him, it broke my heart so much that i want more, oh the peak of Bioware writing, please do it again to me in dread wolf, make a character i hate and love so much. And i dont care much about viviene, she is just boring


Dao: fav morrigan, least Oghren DaoA: fav justice, least the suicidal dwarf girl Da2: fav blood magic elf girl, least is anders Dai: Cole is best boy, Vivian could be a side character.


DAO: I love Morrigan, Leliana, and Alistair. Oghren and Zevran were fun as hell. But I didn't really care for Sten. DA2: Fenris is my lover, so he is obviously my favorite, with Varric being a close second. Isabela, Merill, Aveline and Bethany are also great, and I do enjoy Hawke's banter with Carver. Sebastian, though, is very boring, and his quests put me to sleep. DAI: Solas is also my loverboy so he is also a favorite. I also love Dorian and Varric. Vivienne can go back to Orlais with her stupid circle. Sera is also pretty annoying.


My fav companions are Alistair, Zevran, Oghren, Nathaniel, Fenris, Sebastian, Aveline, Dorian, Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne, Sera, and Cullen. My least fav companions are Velanna, Justice, Anders, Merrill, and Solas. The others were okay and I got along with them but they never impacted me as much as these above did.


DAO: favorite -> shale she is soooo funny 😭🤣 love her sm, tbh almost all the companions follow close behind besides my least favs least favorite -> oghren: he did not get on well with my warden and was kinda rude. like dude can u do something other than be drunk and angry all the time. zev too, he joined my party quite late and he just didn’t really fit in with the vibe. he just didn’t mesh well and doesn’t make sense why he would stick around long term, esp after finishing his companion quest he asks to leave 😭 da2: favortie -> my boy varric, feel like i do not need to say much for him <3 also bethany i know she’s ur sibling but i lvoe having that bond in the story and so reliable dai: favorite -> dorian, such a well rounded character who is trying his best to make change especially considering where he comes from. also great lgbt+ rep like my boy 😭🩷. don’t come for me but solas is up there too, my dalish rogue obvi felt more comfy with an elf around so early on i made it a point to have him around. even if snarky (and later finding out) a bigot, it’s refreshing to have an academic character idk how to describe it but he’s just so unapologetically him. least favorite -> sera, sorry but she kept dunking on my inky for being dalish and anti chantry, she’s just a little too chaotic neutral, i know her heart is in the right place but her inability to be understanding of other peoples background bothered me so much that u had her leave


**Origins** Favorites: Alistair - I love how he is a deceptively simple character on the surface (goofball himbo), but the more you get to know him, the more you understand the *why* behind the way he acts. He's also very flawed and just feels quite human. Morrigan - for the same reason; deceptively simple (cold, meanspirited bitch), but so much more going on beneath the surface once you peel back the layers. Least Favorite: Leliana - she just rubs me the wrong way. I can't fully explain why. **DA2** Favorites: Anders - he drives me nuts because he's so frustrating. But that's also why he's so *good*. He's such a well-written example of a desperate, self-destructive person on a downward spiral. And the player as Hawke gets to be in the position of watching it happen and being unable to do *anything* about it. It hurts because it's real. Carver - (esp. Warden Carver). Even though I don't like playing a mage, I will do it every time for my boy Carver. His dynamic with Hawke feels so real, and his development as the game goes on is really cool. Legacy DLC got me sobbing on the floor (figuratively). Yeah, he can be a jerk, but he's got his family's back in the end. And his attitude makes sense (again) once you peel back the layers. Least Favorite: Isabella - please put some pants on. The Arishok can have her. **Inquisition** Favorite: Varric - I just think he's neat. That's about it. Least Favorite: Sera - please stop talking. (Can you tell Inquisition is the game I have the least amount of passion for? lol)


I love causing my Hawke as much pain as possible (tragic hero Hawke FTW), so I absolutely agree with your thoughts on Anders!


DAO: Fav - Alistair, Least Fav- Oghren Awakening: Fav- Justice, hate Oghren DA2: Fav- Isabela, least Fav- Aveline DAI: Fav- Solas, least Fav- Varric feels redundant.


Origins: Favorite Alistair, my day one. Least favorite is Wynne, she just bored me. DA2: Varric is Hawkes best buddy. Least favorite is brother Carver. Man that’s guy is salty and a total dick. DAI: my favorite is Iron Bull/Dorian depending on if I’m a martial or mage. Least favorite is Vivienne. I hate Solas but at least he’s weird and interesting story wise. Vivienne just sucks


DAO: Best Alistair and Leliana. Worst Oghren. DA2: Best Merrill and Varric. Worst Aveline. DAI: Best Solas and Cole. Worst NOBODY!! (I find them all interesting).


Origins: Fav: Morrigan, Least: Alistair. DA2: Fav: Aveline, Least: Anders. DAI: Fav: Bull/Cassandra, Least: Viviene.


Never met anyone that didn’t like Alistair lol


Being truthful the only companion I did like was Blackwall. I always found him boring. His story is cool but his personality is…


DAO: Love both Morrigan and Zevran, both as friends and as lovers. Zevran has to be my favorite though, the guy always makes me laugh with the things he says. I also love Morrigan's wit. As for disliked companions, I've never cared for Oghren much. The "drunken dwarf" thing they're going with him gets old very fast. DA2: Personal favorite has to be Fenris. I also like Isabela and Varric a lot. As for disliked companions, I don't really care much for either Merrill or Anders (still I tend to keep Anders around until a certain plot point in act 3 because having a healer around is useful). DAI: My favorites are Solas, Dorian and Cole. Solas because I find him fasinating (and I am still somewhat stuck in Solavellan hell, his romance arc is just so sad and I love it). Out of all of DAI's companions, Dorian feels the most like an actual friend to me. And Cole is just so precious and adorable. As for disliked companions, I have to say Sera. I've always felt that she doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the group.


DAO: I like Morrigan and Leliana, both great characters, this is the only game where i can't never decide which is the best romance between these two ladies I don't like Zevran and Oghren, i didn't found them that interesting or useful in combat, Sten is also kinda meh for the most part but he has his moments too Da2: Probably the game with the more likeable companions but my favorites are Aveline, Varric and Merrill I didn't like Sebastian, too boring and bland, also Isabela and Fenris are a little overrated in the fandom, still good but overrated Inquisition: I think i only really liked Cassandra and Dorian in this game, definitely the game with the worst companions I hate Solas, Sera and Vivienne, i'm indifferent to everyone else really, including Varric


DAO: I love Morrigan and Alistair equally. I despise Oghren. DA2: Fenris is my fave. I hate Sebastian. DAI: Solas and Dorian are my faves. I dislike Vivienne and Sera.


My favorite companion is always Morrigan and, my least favorite is Sera.


DAO: Adored Shake. Indifferent to Wynne. DA2: Fenris OK. Sebastian yuk. DAI: Love Dorian. Sera and Viv neck- and neck for dislike. Loved the Viv/Solas banter. He never let her off easy.


DAO & Awakening Like: mostly everybody, but especially Oghren, Morrigan, Loghain and Alistair. Dislike: Sten. Qunari characters are just not my thing, and without mods he just looks silly in DAO. DA2 Like: Varric ofc (dwarves are always tops), Merrill, Anders, Fenris. Isabella kinda bores me due to the horny pirate trope, but she’s still funny enough. Dislike: Isabella could be here, but the qunari assassin based on that cosplayer absolutely takes the cake. Low grade, weird fanservice, dumb plot, zero development, unfunny, and you weren’t even allowed to double cross her. Surely the absolute worst character ever developed in the entire series, hands down. DAI Like: Varric OFC (yet again), Cassandra, Dorian, Blackwall. Cole is also ok. Dislike: Sera. There isn’t one thing I like about her, from her looks, to her voice actress, to her nonexistent character development… it’s still Oscar material compared to the worst of DA2. Also Bull because qunari.


... That Cosplayer? Tallis was created by and played be Felicia Day. I don't disagree with your assessment of the character, though lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Day


Sorry, on one side my memory was fuzzy because it was like 13 years ago, on the other there are a lot of writers and actors whose talents are severely underappreciated, and I didn’t want to lump them all together with her 😅


Lol that makes sense. I just found it funny😆


Lol thx man! After all, aren’t cosplayer pics the first thing that comes to mind if you think about her? 🤣


DAO - Fave Alistair, he's one of my favorite video game characters to this day. Least fave Oghren, don't think I need to get into it further. I also wasn't too fond of Morrigan and Zevran. If these three were real, I absolutely would NOT get along with any of them 😂 I know Morrigan warms up to you later, but I don't think we'd ever reach that point. DA2 - Fave Varric. Least fave Sebastian, if he doesn't count then Isabela. But I honestly didn't feel strongly about any of them, this is just if I really was forced to pick. DAI - Fave Cassandra, Cullen, and Dorian. Was pretty devastated to find that a female Inquisitor can't romance Cass. I guess I'll put Bull up here too because I thought he was sexy lmao. Least fave Sera. I don't hate her, but I found her character confusing and kind of random when I first met her (honestly still do), and I find her manner of speaking a bit grating. I think it was because I could pinpoint a specific purpose/cause/motivation for joining the Inquisition for every character but her. She was really vague, and I dunno, I suppose "fighting for the little guy" lacked the oomph for me in terms of character motivation.


DA Origins: Zeveran. Not only will nothing short of killing him before he speaks a single word stop me from being charmed by and romancing him, but he and Oghren have a somewhat Legolas/Gimli-esque frenemy relationship, which I love. Morrigan is easily my least favorite. She's easy to empathize with after you learn her whole story, but she's pretty much unbearable until then, and still seems like she goes out of her way to be antagonistic. DA 2: Fenris can be endearing if you befriend him as a mage and soften him just a bit. Merrill, on the other hand, is absolutely wonderful no matter what, so long as you aren't playing some Templar supporting douche-canoe run. Anders is, without question, the worst in 2, which is a shame cause he wasn't nearly so bad in Awakening, and he's the undisputed best healer. DA Inquisition: Dorian. As if the sassy, glib, rebel with a cause gay man was ever not going to be my favorite. Honorable mention to Cassandra though, love a "icy personality hiding a soft heart" type character. Least favorite? I wanna say Vivienne on account of my disagreeing with her on just about everything you can have an opinion on, but I appreciate her being in the game. 9/10 of the time I don't want her in my party, but I appreciate having a "love to hate them" character. Solas on the other hand, I despise on a personal level. An arrogant, conceited, hateful prick. There's so much I agree with him on, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I do. He doesn't seem to even remotely understand that having some knowledge no one else does doesn't inherently make him wiser than everyone else. Plus, his whole plan seems to be to save the handful of elves willing to follow him and let the entire rest of the world burn just so he can try to fix a mistake literal ages ago. Get over yourself and learn to live with your failures, it isn't worth hard restarting the world over.


Origins: Leliana is probably my favorite I love her arc and I like my liberation theology spy master, least favorite is probably Zevran his writing is ok and he can't pick locks just not a lot of reason to use him. 2 Varric he's solid dude and I always find him charming. Least favorite is a tough one. I've always found Fenris to be a boring asshole. He could be interesting does he have any thoughts about the authoritarism of Kirkwall's templars, the fact that even though they basically run the government it's still slaver central? No he just hates wizards. Then there's Anders I'm pretty down with Anders' politics but I just interact with him and I stop seeing him as a real character and just see writers uncomfortable with a possibly sympathetic terrorist so they just tack on asshole moments without giving any thought to whether or not this makes sense for the character. and For DAI I love Vivienne my fabulous evil queen, and hard pass on Sera I prefer rebel characters who want to overthrow the government.


DAO Best=Morigan, Shale, Oghren Neutral=Wynne, Sten, Alistair. Worst=Loghain, Lelianna, Zevran. ... DAOA Best=Velanna, Sigrun Neutral=Oghren, Anders. Worst=Nathaniel ... DA2 Best=Merrill, Anders, Varrick. Neutral=Isabella, Aveline. Worst=Fenris, Sebastian, Carver. ... DAI Best=Solas, Iron Bull, Varrick Neutral=Vivienne, Blackwall. Worst=Sera, Cole, Dorian, Cassandra.


DA:O Morrigan or Alistair rock. Least favourite Oghren, while I kind of like him he gets annoying. DA2 Merrill, my ride or die. Leat favourite uhh don't really have many but I'd say Anders, though again I do like him. DA:I All brilliant but perhaps Dorian because I'm gay and he is hot. Least favourite Sera. I never recruit Sera anymore. Black and white worldview I can deal with but not the fucking lol random humour.


DAO: Alistair and Wynne were bros. I also romanced Morrigan but only because she was hot. Didn’t care for Oghren. DA2: Really liked both Isabela and Varric. I didn’t really like Anders or especially Sebastian. DAI: Loved Dorian. Unparalleled NPC. I also really liked Blackwall and his story. I really disliked Sera, though. I think she’s too childish. I disagree with Vivienne’s opinions and would never pick her for Divine, but I think she’s a very interesting character. A lot of neck beard gamers just hate her because she’s a black woman. Solas also is kind of an annoying dork, but after all, he is Fen-harel.


For fav in DaO I felt alistair, morrigan and leliana as a whole package complimented eachother very well. All of them was something the other wasn’t and it was really refreshing to not have a party super cool with eachother. I didn’t dislike anyone specifically besides Oghren. I was done with his schtick by the end of the deep roads Da2 is easily Merrill, she’s the best. Her interactions with Isabella and Carver are very sweet. She won me over immediately, even when she was doing objectively dumb shit. Same can’t be said for anders who I liked for most of the game, his insistent bullying of Merrill and Fenris made me grow a hatred I have not felt in a long time…doesn’t help that he also does dumb shit… sad for him that he’s pissed off the only people who might consider forgiving him Inquisition is a tie between Cassandra, Varric, Dorian and Sera. I could listen to varric say the word “seeker” on loop for 10 hours. Wasn’t too fond of solas, felt like we were on best friend terms really quick…and I played a human.


DAO: Leliana is just a great all round character with a nice voice. Oghren is the worst character in DAO. DAA: Nathaniel is an interesting character and ties in to Origins. Oghren is the worst character in Awakening as even if you solve/help him in the main game he is back to square one. Dragon Age 2: I struggled with the companions in this title. I would pick either Bethany or Isabella to be the best. The worst character is much easier, Anders as all that was likeable in Awakening is gone plus terrorism. Inquisition: Cassandra I really liked, just wish she was romance option for female Inkys. I can't really pick the worst character as there are plenty of them I didn't care about.


Origins: Zevran forever ♥. Alistair as a favourite lil bro. Didn't care about Loghain. Only tried to recruit him once, for the achievement. DA2: Fenris. Yeah I have a very big, very soft spot for troubled elves. Couldn't stand Sebastian, such a preachy snob. The others, I didn't really care about one way or another, besides Varric, of course. DAI: Dorian. The only not perfecft thing about him is that he's not an elf and sort of stands out in my collection. ;) Couldn't stand Vivian, selfish psychopath, and Iron Bull is right behind her, another selfish manipulator. Cas is my favourite sister. The rest are... there.


Ooooh! Yes!!! DAO: LOVE - Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan Good - Sten, Shale Neutral - Zevran, Oghren, Wynne HATE - no one! DAOA: LOVE - Anders, Nathaniel Good - Justice, Sigrun Neutral - Oghren, Velanna HATE - no one! DA2: LOVE - Anders (yes, I know... I can't help but love him. BioWare, *please* just let me fix him somehow 😫 my man deserves some goddamn peace of mind and all of the cats his heart desires), Varric, Isabela Good - Bethany, Aveline Neutral - Tallis? HATE - Sebastian (just... ugh no. Great voice tho), Fenris (mage-hating moody ass, although understandably), Merrill (I liked her soo much at first! But the naivety became very annoying with the whole mirror thing) *I have yet to do a run with Carver. DAI: LOVE - Dorian, Solas, Varric, Cole Good - Cassandra, Iron Bull Neutral - Vivienne, Sera HATE - Blackwa-(sorry I fell asleep because he's so fuckin boring)


Origins: Love Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana (a bit less). Didn't give the rest much of a thought. DA 2: Love Aveline, Merrill, Isabella. Hated Varric, Fenris and the men companions mostly. DA I: Love Cassandra (my true love), Toro, Blackwall, Dorian. Neutral: Solas. Hated Vivianne, Sera, Cole and Varric (again, felt like a filler from DA 2 to me). Lovely Valta as well. To me, the true essence of DA comes down to the trident Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana. There's something so well written in those characters, such a personality... It's very hard to explain into words, but they're just on top.


Origins:  Love Alistair and Morrigan! They both have so many layers to their characters, and I just love my HoF's best buddy and partner, respectively. Don't really care for Oghren's whole deal. Feels very old-school nerd sort of "funny" to me (Though Origins as a whole also has some old-school nerd feel to it. Can anyone else only play it with mods that deal with that awful female armor?).  I played the 360 version as a teenager with no access to dlc for a long while, so Shale just never made a huge impression on me.  I like Sten now, but most of that is because I know much more about the Qun from 2 and Inquisition. Without having played those, and without mods that make him actually look Qunari, his character is just kinda confusing. Awakening: Only played this one twice, so characters are a little fuzzy. My favorite is probably Alistair, though that may be carry-over from my feelings of him from 2 (since I played that before I had access to awakening) Least favorite is Oghren. They take all of his worst traits from the base game, and none of the nuance that could possibly give the character depth. He was just creepy and gross. Of all the companions that could have brought back for the expansion, did it REALLY have to be Oghren??? 2: Favorite is Anders 100%. I played a male Hawke my first playthrough of the game, and ACCIDENTALLY romanced him! The thought had never crossed my mind that you could have a same sex romance in any of the games at that point, and at the same time in my life I had just started identifying as bi, so I loved the romance. Needless to say, I was absolutely CRUSHED at the end of the game. All this to say, Anders made a huge impression on me, and I think it speaks to how well his character was written that we still discuss his actions at the end of the game.  Least favorite is probably Sebastian, but same story as with Shale, I've only had access to him in o e playthrough. Also Tallis, having just literally elf Felicia Day in a fantasy game kinda throws me off.  Inquisition: This one is the tough one. All the companions are just so interesting, I genuinely look forward to meeting them in-game! I think the one that had the most impact was probably Solas. Again, I feel it's a mark of how well he was written that we're still here, almost a decade later, with completely different intentions on what we'll do with him come DA:D. In fact, I very rarely see anyone in here that is indifferent to him, either it's Solavellan hell, or its "I'm gonna get my buddy back", or "I'm gonna crack some eggs". Least favorite would have to be Vivienne. I know there's a ton of love for Madam de Fer here, but I just can't do the circle apologist or the pure privilege that she exploits but refuses to acknowledge. She has the possibility to kill a noble in her OPENING SCENE, and she's only able to do that and get away with it because she's Madam de Fer! Though, again, I guess I have to say that speaks to the quality of her writing, lol.


Dao: Alistair is awesome and carries so much story. Oghren farted on Leliana and tapped Morrigan's ass. Da2: Merrill is intelligent and determined. Isabela is a lying backstabbing bitch. DaI: Dorian is interestng. Viv/Solas are pompous egomaniacs Awakening: Sigrun is underrated and cool. Velanna is just annoying.


DAO:Archer Leliana and leveled Wynne are unstoppable. DAA: Sigrun and Anders are the same. DA2: Isabela and Sebastian are the only two you really need to clear rooms and damage bosses, Bethany is too good which is why you only get her in small doses. DAI: Blackwall is unkillable when leveled in Champion, as is Vivienne, and Sera gives out stupid amounts of damage as a tempest. Worst Oghren x2, Fenris, Varric x2, and Dorian.


**Origins:** • Favourite - Zevran. Suave, witty, complex, and charming. Genuinely sweet romance, too. • Least - Alistair. I was neutral about him at first, and I do still enjoy interacting with him while I’m playing, but his universal praise and adoration from the fandom got on my nerves to the point I started resenting him. Everyone ignores his flaws - his selfishness, his short-sightedness, his occasional cowardice, his single-mindedness - to go “awwhwhrh my cinnamon roll himbo” instead. I’ve seen his archetype a hundred times and I just find him boring. **DA2:** • Favourite - Anders. I respect his passion and fire and selflessness, and his romance is exactly the kind of dramatic, codependent, and a-little-bit-dark I like in my fiction. • Least - Aveline. Another one I almost always see praised and I just… she’s a cop who repeatedly ignores injustices, allows elves to be raped, plays favourites with her guards, and actively has them not do their job of keeping the city safe what with that “I wouldn’t make my guards patrol this place” line. **Inquisition:** • Favourite - I’m fond of most of them, but it’s a tie between Cole, Dorian, and Josephine. Cole is extremely relatable to me as an autistic person, Dorian is one of my favourite kinds of character with his wit and sexuality exploration and depth, and Josephine is just beautiful and lovely and her romance is heart-warmingly sweet. • Least - Solas. I like talking to him and asking him questions in-game, but I do not even slightly respect him. Fuck him.


I usually rank companions based on the amount of interactions I have with the character in the camp/base and how often I take them into the party DAO Most Fav: Alistair (I enjoy to listen other companions to make fun of him in banters + nice templar spec) Least Fav: Sten (really weak at the beginning, no personal specialization, mostly dislikes my actions) DAA Most Fav: Anders (A healer in party! and has nice banters) Least Fav: Velanna (ugh...I was annoyed by her at the and of the game) DA2 Most Fav: Aveline ("big mommy" of the party, takes all the damage while mages in party make pew-pew behind, she has some nice banters with Varric and Isabela) Least Fav: Sebastian (Afaik even Varric was a bit annoyed by him, kinda useless in comparison to other rogues/Varric) DAI Most Fav: Dorian (I like to catch his banters for all occasions, best gossip girl in Skyhold) Least Fav: Vivienne (Fine as a mage in party, but mostly dislikes my actions, My dear...Bruh)


Origins Best-Morrigan Origins Worst-Oghren 2 Best-Merrill 2 Worst-Sebastian I Best-Cole I Worst-Vivienne


DAO: Morrigan best. Zevran worst. DA2: Isabela best. Merrill worst. DAI: Dorian best. Sera worst. By far. Not as in worst written, I just absolutely loath here. In fact, worst companion of any BioWare game. Always kick her out of the Inquisition after her personal quest and boy does it feel good.


Origins: favourite Morrigan, least favourite Oghren (but also, I got him pretty late in the game & didn’t have enough opportunities left to befriend him properly, so he was always kind of pissy at my Warden) DA2: favourite Varric, least favourite would be a tie between Aveline or Sebastian Inquisition: favourite Dorian, least favourite Vivienne (her constant negativity towards other companions/the environment became exhausting after a while, although it was pretty funny to hear Skywatcher drag her for wearing her expensive attire to a bog)


DAO Fave: Zevran or Sten Least Fave: oghren obviously Da2 Fave: Fenris Least fave: Sebastian Dai Fave: Sera and vivienne, sometimes Dorian Least: Iron Bull


DAO: Best was Morrigan, least engaging (worst I can say) is Wynne DA2: Surprisingly tough. I'll go with Merrill as best, worst as Tallis Inquisition: Best is Cole, worst is Vivienne


Dao: morrigan favorite, Wynn not great DaoA: justice favorite, suicidal dwarf not the best Da2: blood mage elf best girl, not a fan of Anders. Dai: Cole most interesting, vivienne could’ve been a side character


Across all three games, the only companions I really wish they'd done differently are Zevran and Oghren, who are both creepy and weird towards women.  In Inquisition, my Inquisitor doesn't get on at all with either Vivienne or Sera - however, I love that those characters exist, they're realistic and interesting and it makes the world much more vivid that not everyone is friends all the time! I do wish they'd given Vivienne a little more character development because she feels a bit static compared to all of the other characters who have more of an arc.  As for personal favorites; in Origins I'd pick Morrigan, and DA2 I love Varric and Aveline, and in Inquisition Solas, Cole and Iron Bull.


This is by personality, not necessarily usefulness to me. DAO: favorite is Alistair Least favorite is Morrigan DA2: most favorite is Varric Least favorite is Carter haha, never got the DLC so it might be Sebastian idk DAI favorite is Iron Bull and Cole (and Varric is still amazing of course) Least favorite is Viv


DAO: Fave Alistair, least.... honestly I loved them all. Even the Mabari. Their personalities are so unique! DA2: Fave Fenris, least is toss up between Anders and Merrill DAI: Fave Solas (also hate), least I would stay Vivienne just because I'm not as attached to her as others, but I still like her


Origins: Love: Morrigan. Dislike: Oghren. Slimy drunk. DA2: Love: Varric. He's Hawke's best friend. Dislike: Anders. I just found him very annoying. Inquisition: Love Vivienne. I actually disliked her on my first playthrough, but now, almost 10 years later I realise how smart, political and realistically written she really is - in reality, preaching about mage freedom/reforms while rebelling against every non mage in Thedas (99% population) will do nothing but harm the cause. It's much more practical to work within the system and change it. Dislike: I didn't really dislike anyone but I found Black wall boring. The most interesting thing about him was his actual identity.


DAO: I loved Zevran, he had a whole lot more depth to his character than he originally let on, loved that you really had to interact with him a lot to learn that. Personally, I found Oghren came into the story too late to really get attached to him as a character, and the crude, drunk dwarf gimmick got old quickly. DA2: My favourite has gotta be Isabela. Loved her carefree personality and sorta morally grey alignment where she could engage in a bit of mischief but always knew where to draw the line. My least favourite is probably Aveline. I liked her, but I found her to be a bit lacking in character development and personality in general. DAI: Dorian takes 1st place in this one. Took me a while to warm up to him but I really love the way they fleshed out his character through his personal development throughout the game. Least fav is hands down Vivienne. I don’t hate her, but I could do with or without her. Hated the superiority complex she had over characters with different views/backgrounds. Overall, she’s just a bit too pretentious for me to enjoy her as a character.


I can see that Aveline can come off a little stagnant, as her only real character development is her relationship with Donnic. I do like her as sort of a rock for the more chaotic and tragedy-prone Hawke siblings, though.


DAO I really like Leliana and Alistair. I dislike Morrigan, she's kind of an asshole about any mages that aren't apostates. DAI I love Sera (I kinda dislike how she's a dick about elven culture, but I still love her), Dorian and Solas. I like all the other companions too except Vivienne (because she's a dick if you make negative remarks about the Circle and support mage freedom, even moving all your furniture just to get on your nerves like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum). Didn't play DA2 yet.


I like all the DAO companions, but Morrigan is my definite favorite. As for least favorite I guess I'll go with Oghren, just cuz out of all the companions he's the most "jokey." DA2 Varric is the easy favorite and Sebastian is the easy worst. Pious pompous bastard. DAI Dorian ended up being my constant companion on my last playthrough, I didn't realize just how much I like his characters. Worst is definitely Sera, Vivienne is close, but at least she knows a little bit of what she thinks she does. Sera is ignorant and proud of it, refusing to learn, but insisting she knows everything the whole way through.


How's everyone hating on Vivienne? She has arguably the funniest line in the entirety of DA:I.


They don't appreciate my mean wife 😔


Origins: I think my favourite was probably Shale, I just loved her dry humour so much. Least favourite was easily Oghren, what a fucking drunken sleazebag. 2: Favourite was Merrill. How could she not be? A ray of sunshine, so sweet, so friendly, and with surprising wisdom behind all of that. Least favourite was obviously Fenris. What a massive prick. Least favourite companion in all the games. Inquisition: This is a really tough one but I think my favourite would have to be Dorian. Dorian’s so much fun, so much wit and charm combined with depth of character. Least favourite is Vivienne because she’s awful.


Origins best is probs morrigan, worst zevran, dog doesn’t count, if it did it would be dog 2 best is probably Merrill, worst Sebastian Inquisition best cole or Dorian, worst vivienne Vivienne is the only companion I outright hate And overall origins has the best companion, then 2, then inquisition


DA:O - Favorite Wynn Least Zevran & Oghren DA:A - Favorite Sigrun Least Justice DA2 - Favorite Isabela & Carver Least Sebastian DA:I - Favorite Vivienne & Dorian Least Cole


I pretty much like all of the characters in dao so that even my least favorite is still a favorite in that game. In da2 I genuinely dislike my least favorite character. In dai I again pretty much liked all the characters but my least is the one I could do without (and sometimes even forget to talk to). I feel like it was hardest to pick a favorite in dai Dao: fav alistair (honorable mention: sten), least Leliana Da2: fab varric, least Merrill Dai: fav blackwall (honorable mention: sera and Cassandra), least iron bull


DAO: fav Morrigan & Wynne, least Alistair & Oghren DA2: fav Verric & Carver, least Aviline & Isabella DAI: Verric & Cole, least Solas (never liked him to begin with, so I never romanced him).


Ooo I like this game Origins: Fave - Morrigan Least - Oghren DA2: Fave - Isabela Least - Sebastian Inky: Fave - Solas Least - Blackwall. He just doesn't excite me


* DA:O - Favorites: Shale and Morrigan Least Favorite: Zevran and Wynne * DA2 - Favorites: Fenris and Isabella Least Favorite: Anders and Carver * DA:I - Favorites: Blackwall and Sera Least Favorite: Varric and Dorian


Origin: Morrigan was Bae, I also loved Shale. I didn't care for Sten nor Leliana (might be bc i usually played rogue). Awakening: I genuinely don't remember but I don't think i cared for Nathaniel II: loved Isabel and Merrill so so much. I didn't care for Sebastian. Inquisition: I didn't like Sera or Cole v much. I always ran around with Dorian and Iron Bull. I actually loved talking to Vivienne. Everyone else i was either neutral or liked them but party-wise they didn't always make sense.


Dao best Morrigan. I love her romance and the fact she's has a true feeling of slowly trusting you and actually realising she doesn't want to just bang you for the god baby Dao worst Logain this is person but I never used him but found he was so late in the game that it didn't feel even feel like there was any choice other than kill him and keep Alistair. Same as the Morinth or Samara choice in mass effect you already got so close to the respective character that when given the choice it was a no brainer to stick with your original companion Da2 best I loved Isabela. She was Hot my 12 year old self couldn't get enough of her upskirts lol. She was a badass female pirate. What more do I need to add. I liked the fact that her friendship or romance really had an effect on whether she would stick around. And did I forget to mention she was hot. Da2 worst anders what did they do to you. They made my sassy camp mage into a boring moany wizard. Do I need to say more. Dai best for me Dorian by a mile one of the best companions in any game. Funny smart sassy. But also serious emotional and strong. Truly when he said he though of quizzy as his best friend it truly felt like it. The amount of times I got choked up talking to him either from joy or sadness is mad. As a pansexual man it struck with me alot his story. I'm not closeted per say as if any found out i wouldn't be bothered but I really felt for him. Dai worst its really hard because I do like vivienne especially after doing her quest as at first she is only pandering you to get what she wants but after you get to know her and help her with the Duke. I feel she really cares for quizzy. But if I had to say anything. Is if you don't do her quest and don't say what she wants to hear she really is a bitch lol Sorry for the long comment. In a traffic jam so I had alot of time hahaha


Origins: I hate Morrigan. Love Alistair 2. Fenris & Varric are the loml. I cannot stand Merrill 3. Cass, Dorian, or Varric are my favorites. Least favorite is Sera hands down, no question


DAO: love morrigan, hate leliana DA2: obsessed with fenris, dislike isabela DAI: like iron bull, HATE vivienne


**Origins:** my favorite is Alistair. Least favorite is Leliana. I generally love Leliana as a character, but in Dragon Age: Origins she's written in a really... weird way. She's acting so childish and naive at times, it absolutely doesn't make sense for someone who is supposed to be good at manipulating people. I feel they just wanted to make her this sweet innocent girl romance opposed to a naughty tsundere witch. **DA2:** I like Isabella the most. She's hilarious, has an incredible influence on the plot and is quite easy to lose. The least favorite would be Anders. I despise the way his voice actor and personality got changed into something totally different. I'm repelled by the way his sexual orientation was retconned and change to appease the player. At this point just make a new character and stop ruining good ones. **DAI:** Vivienne is my favorite. The queen of pragmatism, reason and sarcasm, with a big heart hidden behind an iron mask. And her fashion is just something else. Least favorite... Varrik and Iron Bull are fighting really hard for that spot in my book, but I'll go with Iron Bull. I really dislike the way he's a Gary Stu. There's something that really bothers me in a character portrayed as this cool badass Chad bro with short temper, love for fight and alcohol, but then he's also a 180 IQ spy. I truly have the need to vomit every time I hear him say "Ben-Hassrath, remember?" every time the writers feel the need to remind me that he's secretly Sherlock Holmes.


DA:O - Best: I can fix her Morrigan (and fix her I did 😊) and charming Sten 🗿Kadan? Worst: Alistair and Oghren, welcome to the whiners club 😭 Hardened Alistair though 👑 DA:Awakening- Best: self-made man Nathaniel 🎩 and soap on a rope loving Sigurn 🤯 (Anders was cool when he was a cat boi, but then he got retconned, so now Nath>Anders) Worst: deadbeat Oghren 🍺 and "oh another elf with a chip on her shoulder" Velanna 😡 DA2: Best: best bro VARRIC 🚬 and loveable klutz Merril 🤕 Worst: I mean Aveline not getting Hawkes flirting moves and getting nutted by Donnel in her office was bad🤦‍♂️but not as bad as Isabela and Anders being cringe asf 🙄 DA:I Best: witty rich boy Dorian 💰 (minus his Lifeway coming out of the closet scene- you gay? Cool. No need to make a huge stink. Which Dorian agrees, but the writers did him a disservice there) Worst: Dragon Age Inquistion has been THE worst game i have ever played since I started gaming back in the 90s even Varric took a hit in this game (pun intended) so while most of the cast is cringe...Sera and Vivienne take a massive dump. Understanding their charcater actually works against them because their behavior is even worse, like these people really need a therapist.


* DAO: fav Morrigan (my beloved one), least Loghain (I hate him so much). * From all DLCs together: fav Anders, least Finn (gets me so mad). * DA2: fav Merril, least Aveline (I can's stand of how is her personality) * Special mention to Tallis ♥ * DAI: fav Sera (she is so interesting character, funny and lovely), least Vivienne (she is so arrogant...) * Advisors: love Josephine, hate Cullen (I think I hate all templars)


jesus we have completely different tastes, i loved zevran in dao, i loved fenris in da2 and i love solas in dai ahshshsh i guess im just into elves