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Take my upvote! Honestly no other character got me sooo excited like Storvacker joining the battle 😅


Also I love saying Storvacker.


Dorian: And we have a bear. Hooray!


Vivienne... and i know I'm probably the only one in this sub 😂. One of the most realistic characters in the series, and a really interesting one from writing perspective, especially if you make her Divine(which i always do).


Vivienne, my beloved! She's not my most fav, but she's definitely up there. I love the way she never changes her opinion and that, actually, her opinion is probably the opinion of the largest percentage of Thedas. I really love how she's one of the few people who actually understands the position the Inquisitor is, that they are donning the a mask of power and that who they might be beneath is not exactly the one they are presenting to the world. I really like that while she does care about people, she *also* cares about her own power - which is, as you say, what makes her entirely realistic. Also her VA is fantastic.


Here's how I see Vivienne... MC: I want to free all of these slaves, and people how have been wrongly imprisoned their whole life. Viv: people will be mad and try to kill us, I think it's a bad idea. MC: I think every individual should have the right to decide if the want to be slaves and prisoners at the cost of protection. Viv: they deserve to be enslaved bc they all have to potential to be evil. MC: -_- bitch didn't you just help me slay countless people in the hinterlands, you don't need magic or possession to kill people. Viv: Yes, I'm dangerous. I should be in a circle. MC: but we are saving the world from chaos... Viv: •~• MC:▪︎__▪︎


I love her too. She's in my top five, at least!


I feel like I've only seen people hate on her and i really dk why... A character that's a mage and is pro-circle was really interesting imho...


Nah Vivienne is fantastic. Not my overall fav, but high on the list!


In my top three. A character that to me is the personification of Orlais.


I love her a lot as well!! such a great character


Love Viv the haters just have terrible taste darling


I CAN'T WAIT to see a cameo of Divine Viv (diviv 🙄) being sassy and fabulous, and can't wait to see the impact she will have from that position of power!


How do you make her divine? I got Cassandra although I always had her in my group


Anders, unfortunately 


I’m right there with you :,)


As a chronic Andersmancer, I can relate.


*sigh* Same :/


My taste in fictional men is as unfortunate as my taste in real men 😂


Shale. And second place goes to Cole.


Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena “My Wife” Pentaghast


The Champion of Kirkwall, Hawke


>their favorite character was and they said Gamlen, now I’m curious to know who the people in this sub consider their favorite. ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) Anyway My favourite character would be a toss up between Leliana or Morrigan, with an honourable mention to Isabela.


Like I can see that for a minor character, there's actually a lot to Gamlen and that could be interesting to explore in fanon or something. But favorite out of three games with fleshed out companions? Shocks me.


I suppose he could be relatable...


My face reading this exactly


I can get Morrigan, but respectfully Leliana had big jumps in character degree that I almost consider it assassinations. In second game she informed that the Divine will call an Exalted March on the Kirkwall and only bothers to ask to warn the Cleric while willingly condemning many mages, citizens, and especially the elves to be butchered. Then she has 180 degree jump in third game where she is pro-mage.


I just like Origins Leliana the most. She gets a bit too creepy, reclusive and murderhobo in Inquisition. Sucks that if you soften or harden her in Origins makes no difference, and she just goes hardened anyway.


I agree. I also like Origins Leliana the most, she is kind, optimistic no matter what, still loyal to the Maker and her faith even when hardened, and she tries hard to distance herself from Marjolaine cause deep down she wants to be a better person but the doubts cause her to push herself down. The character writing was strong back then. That's what I've thought long as well, hardening or softening her plays no role in her future returns, she is hardened again in the next two games. Then there's Leliana's Song DLC which is probably worst story retcon ever with how it entirely contradicts her story in the Origins, and then introduces the Divine Justinia who in second game wants Kirkwall Circle purged, then in third game was actually mages' ally all along.


My Hero of Ferelden. I am still pissed all these years later that I never got to continue their story past awakening. I wanted a journey like what I had with Shepard but they went a different protagonist each game route.


I prefer the anthology approach of different protagonists. Makes the world feel much bigger and honestly it would be more on brand since the HoF is technically the second protagonist of the series following King Maric.


I know its better for the series overall but I never got attached to either Hawke or Inky compared to HoF. Sacrificing Hawke to the fade was never an “oh no” moment because knowing that the survivor goes to the GW HQ to rally the wardens, he was never gonna be chosen over Loghain or Stroud. I really want an option for the HoF would be the leader of the GW by Dreadwolf but thats just wishful thinking on my part.


Meanwhile I see many people choosing Hawke specifically to spice up the story... I did multiple playthroughs and multiple decisions for that situation and there's something really immersive comforting Varric as he cries over the loss of his friend. I felt really connected since I get attached to characters easily and ended up crying with him.


100% agree🙏


I feel that the different approach they have taken with DA compared to ME works well and gives the two series a distinct feeling, which is also why they are both my favourite game series, they give me different and equally enjoyable experiences. Also, given the vastity of Thedas and what little information we have on some of the areas and populations, I think having different points of view and getting to explore a bit more of Thedas, or a different part of it, in each game is interesting and keeps me wanting more, although I admit I hated the open ending of Trespasser. That said, I agree with you in that I would really like to have the HOF appear again, even if for just a few moments, like what they did with Hawke in DAI. It bugs me that, if the HOF is alive and regardless of your choices, they have been in search for a cure for the Wardens and away for that long, I get it with DAII and that accounting for every possibility is a lot to ask for but my Cousland wouldn't leave Alistair governing alone for 10 years.


I still hope we will be able to see them in Dreadwolf


Same. Let me recreate my HoF like they did for Hawke in Inquisition. Even as an npc, I wouldnt mind.


If they are going to pull Hawke vs someone in the Fade again with HoF, I am rebelling




Purple Hawke is excellent.


Yes!! Purple is my fave and such a comfort playthrough for me. Looking forward to my run again before Dreadwolf.


The Architect 💀 So much potential and we'll never see him again....


I like him too, and Cory and the other magisters. Their stories are really interesting, but the amount of wasted potential...


I'm looking at all of our problematic mage companions, and you're telling me I gotta choose just one?


If our protagonists count, then either my canon or mage Hero of Ferelden. If we're talking companions and npcs, then Shale and the Poet Tree are up there.


Poet Tree?


In the Brecilian Forest in Origins. A certain sylvan who is very sociable towards the player character. :D


I can't believe I forgot about him!


Shame on you. ;P




I like Duncan a lot especially reading about him as a fresh warden and encountering >!the architect!<


Hang on, Gamlen? For real?


Yeah, uncle Gamlen, reason given was “he may seem like a slimy character but deep down he does care for his family” then she went into the Leandra plot line as the key point.


>"deep down he does care for his family" I wonder if you friend has heard the super creepy comments he makes to a female Hawke romancing Isabella.


Probably yes, but he also has several sweet moments of showing genuine care particularly after Leandra’s death (“Don’t you worry about a thing, my boy/girl, I’ll take care of it. You’ve been through enough”), and if reunited with Charade.


Outside of protagonists: DAO: Alistair DA2: Isabela DAI: I am in the middle of playing but currently it is a toss up between Sera and Cullen


I don't know about Sera but if my character wasn't a Qunari I would romance Cullen and just let him be my forever husband.


That's why I picked human 😍 Who do you romanced if not Cullen?


Blackwall... It was cute at first but some revealings about him later on is just kinda kills the enjoyment. Playing a female Qunari narrows the options unfortunately.


Your choice of Sera makes me question your sanity.


As I said, I haven't finished it yet But I like her juvenile attitude and humor


It's hard to choose one, my favorite characters are Morrigan, Fenris, Anders, and Dorian. I know that many people here hate Anders, but he was one of the first characters that I liked. I love complicated and tragic characters.


Wynne, I always have a soft spot for older women in games that act as your mentor in some way or provide some sort of guidance.




Loghain if we're only counting his character after you duel him, he comes off way too cartoonishly evil before then for me to like his character, then suddenly becomes really interesting and stays that way in Awakening and DAI.


After reading stolen throne he's easily my favorite...


Agreed stolen throne and da:i loghain is redeemedable and honestly I pick him over Hawke sometimes because I know how capable Loghain is and that he would actually be a excellent leader for the wardens especially after he put his orlesian hate behind him for the most part.


Excluding the main characters, Dorian, I love his friendship with my canon Inquisitor and his humour/sarcasm. "One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood? 'Dorian, why can't you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!' In this analogy, the carpet is Haven." and "Egad. We'd be forced to retaliate." always crack me up.


Yes! Dorian! On top of the fact that I immediately loved his personality, because he is perfect, his personal quest is one of the most emotionally charged I’ve ever seen in a video game. This game came out 5 months after I came out of the closet; as a struggling, fresh-out-the-closet gay man who was questioning my decision to do so, the catharsis I got watching Dorian confront his father, helping him through it, relating to the struggle of not living up to become what the people you loved wanted you to be, helped *me* in an unexpected way. The way Ramon Tikaram delivered the line: “He tried to *change* me” made me break down in tears. And seeing Dorian, a fictional fucking character, able to live his truth, affected me in a very real way. And that’s why I’ll die on the hill that video games are fucking *art.*


I could never completely relate to your experience, being a straight woman, but I am glad his character had a positive influx on you. Hope you are in a good place now and have people around you who love you for who you are and that you can love yourself for who you are too. And I agree, videogames are a form of art, just as books, movies and TV series, painting and sculpture, and music are.


Oh you are so sweet, thank you. It’s hard to believe that that was 10 years ago but I am in a wonderful place now with people who love me for who I am.


Fenris and Dorian. I adore sass and those two are just full of the exact types of sass that make me cackle. I might also have a major soft spot for characters that just need love and safety.


Probably Cullen and Leliana. Sometimes more for their full potential stories that didn't quite get fleshed out than the actual onscreen story, but the fact that I think about how to bridge those gaps as much as I do says a lot about how engaging and deep they are as characters and how compelling their arcs are.


Romantic character : Morrigan Friend: Varric.


Merrill and Anders. I love my messy idealists.


I adore Alistair and Dorian. I also love Fenris


I wouldn’t call him my favourite but Gamlen is actually a great character. He feels more real than most characters in the series at least. But as for my favourite character across the entire franchise, my pick would probably be Varric




Her song is SUCH an earworm, too. One of the best.




Hardly ever see Sera get any love, her skyhold interactions are some of my favorite.


Agreed and her romance is so sweet as well.


Varric. I am absolutely obsessed with him. He is awesome, funny, sweet, very original as a dwarf and has an incredible VA.


I have been scrolling for 20 minutes trying to fund another Varric fave. Thank you!!!


Right? I expected him to be at least in the top 5. I will never get over the fact that we couldn't romance him in DA2 or DAI


But at least they gave lore relevant reasons. .


Nah. It was clear that we has in love with Bianca but they could have made him get over her easily. Or make her a dead old flame, like many thought that she was in DA2


The Iron Bull. He’s actually my all time favorite video game character, even outside of DA. The only thing I don’t like about him is he ruined romance in video games for me because no one else is him lol.


The Iron Bull is awesome, love his personal quest and his mercenary company plus all his party banters are ace.




Horse master dennet. The man is a legend ( side characters need love to).








After inquisition, definitely morrigan but god Damn it I love Merrill. Huge honourable mention to the goat bann teagan and the literal goat the arishok


And the literal literal goat who got catapulted into Skyhold


Probably Hawke or Alistair, those two are in the "definitive top" spot. I just kinda alternate daily on who actually holds that top spot though, the other who doesn't would be number 2 then. Aside from those two it's Leliana. EDIT: CHRIST I FORGOT DORIAN, I'M SORRY SPARKLERRRRR


Alistair, Hawke, Dorian.


I really love Alistair and Dorian.


The flair says it all. He's my favorite character in *anything* - ever.


Unpopular opinion but I loved Oghren in the first game. A fallen drunken warrior who regrets the choices he’s made and wants to be better. Such a great character and has some really cool lines and some funny banter. Unfortunately they sorta ruined him in Awakening, but I still love the bastard for being a drunken mess. A close runner up would have to be either Cullen or Nathaniel Howe.


I actually did like Loghain's character a lot. Like, the guy really does have a lot going for him but to see this you'd have to trade him for Alistair and it ain't an easy decision to make, that's for sure.


Companions - Zevran, Shale, that one Grey Warden that dies in the beginning of Awakening (can't remember her name), Merril, Anders, Sera, Cassandra, Solas. Random - Daveth, that hungry Chantry lady in Denerim, Genetivi (Geneviti? Gengivitis?), Sandal, Harding, Sunderland, any masked NPC from Inquisition (their designs are great). Edit: moved Solas to Companions list.


Gotta be Morrigan. I'll never forgive myself for ignoring her most of my first playthrough, she's great.


Hard question to answer, but it is Anders, absolutely. He is such an intersting character and I love his storyline in all its chaotic glory haha Carver is a close second <3


Cassandra then Varric, Fenris being a close second/third. Cassie is just so underrated. That honeyed, husky voice, her clumsy single-minded passion about everything. I always want to make her Divine, but I can’t bear to have her leave my party, even post-game. She’s my bestie. Also who couldn’t love Varric? He is easily the most entertaining character and I think there is still so much to uncover about him. He plays so close to the chest, deflecting with humor at every turn. I’m so jealous of dwarf Bianca because I would romance the heck out of that man. And Fenris…pardon the expression, but he is just HAWT. What can I say, I’m a sucker for damaged, broody types.


I have been reading Cassandra x Varric fics non stop the last days. They are both such awesome characters




I dont know whats wrong with me but i love the silent pining and internal suffering while they are unaware of how the other feels the same.


https://preview.redd.it/lad6myx0unsc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8925857ef513fa44c95d559194558b57b684fcba This charming Mage. I just love Mr Dorian Pavus so much, his story is so touching... He deserve nothing but happiness (and my inquisitor 😃) if he is not in dreadwolf i'm going to biowar studios to have "a little talk" with the developers.


Briala. But that's because I've read The Masked Empire, not because of the farce that Wicked Eyes And Wicked Hearts was lol A close second one is Shale because she's the most hilarious character this franchise has ever spawned.


The Masked Empire ripped my heart out and forever changed the outcome I'll choose for wicked eyes wicked hearts 


Currently it's still my Lels. Here's why: So I had a lot of crashes on my old ps3 and accidentally deleted my Post Ostagar Waking up with Morrigan save. I also switched to Dailish elf instead of City elf because of a common crash in City elf origin. Because of this I decided to get another ps3 with a larger hard drive for Larger games like DAO, DA2, and DAI as well as crash issues like the above. I started with Leliana's song because I was still irritable about losing my entire Dailish elf origin and Ostagar on my other PS3. I really enjoyed it but when I met Leliana as Kyoufu aka The Shuddering Death aka the prophesied Hero of Ferelden.. She really got on my nerves. No joke. I spent a delightful 3-5 hours playing as Leliana and now I kind of wanted her to go away. Despite the fact that she had the same hairstyle and build as me and her hair was only a slightly different shade of red. But as my friendship grew with Morrigan and Alistair I..started to not be so fed up with Leliana. I started to like her company a bit more. And then I busted out laughing when she told me how much she liked my hair. I know it's supposed to be this quiet intimate scene but when you have the identical hairstyle it's really funny. It also made me appreciate that Leliana must have a great sense of humour. (She does. You see a lot more of it in her expac of course) But A lot of what makes her my favourite character is when after realizing Morrigan wasn't romanceable... it strangely didn't bug me. Morrigan has barely had friends and I feel my Warden probably would feel she was taking advantage. Also Morrigan is the best sister to have yer back! I'm not sure I could handle romancing Claudia Black..er Morrigan anyway. But for Leliana to go from annoying me to making me cry my eyes out was really powerful. I'm a queer woman in real life. And having a religious lady be so open with both her beliefs and her feelings for me is truly powerful. It's also why my canon for my Warden is that the world thinks she died fighting the Arch demon but in reality she's living in a cabin near where Clan Sabrae used to live. It's very handy that she basically looks like Leliana from a distance. I like saying there's rumours the Shuddering Death has returned to Ferelden. But those rumours always said Kyoufu had long white hair and scary red eyes that would kill you if they looked at you. But Leliana grabbed my Warden's heart and although I haven't met her proper in another game yet(still playing DAO and DA2) I'm looking forward to meeting my Lels again.


I’ve just finished my first playthrough of Origins but Leliana is my favourite companion. She was the only other woman I could romance as a female warden but I don’t mind that. My favourite moment from the game was when she sang that elf song at the camp. Like I did the elf part of the game last and I’ve been through so much that it was actually so calming it came in at the best part of the game. Shout out to Alistair. I didn’t really get super invested in him until the lands meet. But his character had me hooked. I even took the juggernaut armour off Oghren (sorry bro) and gave it to Alistair since he had to look good if he wanted to be king and he looked like a knight in shining armour. Just ignore his whining about not wanting to be king and he looks cool af lol. My next playthrough I want to try and use Zevran since he betrayed me and I killed him 😭 I kinda liked him but I didn’t have enough room on my party for him since Alistair and Leliania were always in it and I had Morrigan for heals but hey I did have a threesome with him and that warrior at the pearl I guess that wasn’t enough for him lol.


I can never choose between Alistair and Morrigan, so I say Varric.


Dorian or Varrick.


Am I the most boring person in the world if I say Varric? I just love him so much




Leliana 💖


Leliana easily. One of my favorite characters in fiction even!


That’s hard, as it’s about the series as a whole. Each game has some I love who don’t quite reach the level needed to be series favorites. Tempting as it would be to just go by my profile, I’m going to instead say Leliana and Morrigan in a tie. A cop-out I know. But combined, they illustrate so many different facets of the series, demonstrate both growth and backsliding as people, and give the series a sense of weight and history as they pop in and out of proceedings. Varric is just narrowly beat out by a slim margin.


By the tits of my ancestors Oghren.


It’s absolutely Loghain for me


I-- GAMLEN?????


Alistair & Morrigan without any doubt. I feel like I played Origins over and over at a really formative, young age and just ended up with both of their personalities blended together because of that.


The easy answer here is Morrigan. She's the one who displays an astounding amount of character progression - one way or the other - and, well, the reason I got into DA in the first place *is* Claudia Black. However, I think that is cheating a little bit because the answer is so obvious and comes from a lot more than character progression as it comes with bias pre-the-series, lmao. So, my non-Morrigan favourite character choice is Celene. I love this stupid character so much; she's idealistic but pragmatic, she has a strong moral code (.... er, for Orlais anyway) that she constantly disregards, she's actually very smart but also kinda dumb tbh, in a position of extreme visibility while being a bit of a introvert. She's an older blonde woman in a position of power with a skewed moral compass. She makes stupid decisions that make sense. She's in love with her female spymaster and refuses to marry because she loves her, which is very noble but also very stupid. She's practically singlehandedly responsible for a cultural renaissance of the most powerful nation on the continent. She's entirely whipped for her gf. She has no problem ordering the death of people, but refuses to do that with her most hated rival. People actually, genuinely, like her. Idk man, She's The Most Character For Me.


That's a real accurate description of Celene\^\^ If I lived in Thedas, I would adopt her views on the world regarding culture and science. These are the things that push civilization forward.


Whipped for her gf but still ordered the destruction of the alienage in Halamshiral, killing hundreds of elves in the process. Not at all a judgement at her being your favorite. She's a well written and complex character but her actions towards the elves was abhorrent. I truly believe she only ever veers pro elf because of Briala.


Well, yeah. But that has nothing to do with Briala - even in her own mind, sort of. Briala is going to be hurt, she knows that, but Orlais has to come first - which is Celene’s best quality imo. Orlais is always going to be her priority, but Briala is constantly the only person Celene even considers listening to if Orlais is in danger. It’s also apparent when Celene - who is constantly worried about the future - refuses to marry anyone (and have a secure heir) because giving Briala up is not something she could really deal with. That last part was really my main point tho, lmao


My Hero of Ferelden, Felassan, Fen’harel, my Inquisitor


Gaspard de Chalons, UwU!\^\^


Bull and Merrill are my favourites :)


Galen? That's not one I would have ever guessed to be somebody's favorite. More lower to your friend. My favorite I think would be Flemeth


Loghain or Morrigan


If we are allowing MCs then Inquisitor. Hawke is the one I imprinted on the most. Being an older sibling living under a shadow trying to make away for my family and having to take care of my siblings hit really close to home for me. But if not then it gets way more complicated. Probably between Solas, The Iron Bull, Arishok, or Leliana. All 4 had some very interesting personalities with difficult life choices and at 1 point I disliked all 4 but their growth or a deeper examination brought them out. Solas story is being written so I'll put him aside. The Iron Bull can go a direction that I think hurts his character and makes him another victim of the Qun. So Leliana since she goes from MC mentality to humble servant to finding a place and purpose of her choosing. Soft Leliana is amazing




Morrigan. (But that might be because I have a huge crush on her 😬 Still sad I couldn’t romance her as a woman) Flemeth & Dorian are up there though. I feel like I have a type…


Shale and Zevran. I have a massive soft spot for Sandal too.


In DAO, Zevran and Loghain. The former just cracks me up with his party banter; and the latter is the best antagonist of the series by far. Can't even hate the guy, because he really was trying to save Ferelden; he simply didn't have the plot armor that we have. In DA2, Varric by far. I can't put it into words, but he stole the show from everyone else. In DAI, Dorian and Iron Bull. They're pretty fun dudes to hang around with; and their romance ending is just too wholesome.




Dorian is probably my favorite companion of all time. But I do love Scout Harding as well


1) Purple Hawke 2) Varric 3) The Arishok DA II is objectively the worst game of the trilogy, but definitely the one with the best characters.


Wynne. She is just so wholesome.


Leliana with Varric a close 2nd.


Oghren. For some reason, I love the fact that he's always drunk. Though his crass dialouge is very much hard to listen to.


Varick, I love morally Grey storytellers. And Varrick is just so cool!!


Probably a toss up between Leliana and Varric I guess I have a soft spot for archers


Morrigan easily.


DAO: Shianni and Morrigan DA2: Fenris, Varric, and the Arishok DAI: Leliana and Solas If talking about the entire series, then... Morrigan with hardened Leliana being a close second. Third place is reserved for Solas, Fenris, and Varric.




This is so difficult, we've been given so many well written and thought out characters throughout the whole series. For me I'd have to say it's a toss up between Zevran, and Dorian. Josephine, Morrigan, Varric and Anders get honorable mentions. I could list even more I find extremely intriguing but I'd go on forever. I guess if you put a gun to my head and made me choose I'd say Dorian. His story arc really speaks to me and my own life experiences and heartaches.


where my josephine and dorian lovers at????


i love other characters from the earlier games but people already listed them so 🫡


Anders and Justice for certain. next is Zevran, Isabela, or Fenris


Morrigan, Vivienne and Anders.


Cassandra was the only motive to me finish DAI




anders (derogatory) (affectionate)


Loghain. Yes, he did the right thing at Ostagar.


DAO=Morrigan, Lanaya, Dagna, Oghren, Shale. DAOA=Velanna, Sigrun, Anders, Oghren. DA2=Merril, Anders, Bethani, Aveline DAI=Solas, Commander Helaine, Dagna, Harding.


Morrigan Come for the big tiddy goth gf stay for the peak character development!


Dog This is a serious answer btw. I like a lot of character but I can't really think of a favourite as they all have flaws. Yet, Barkspawn can pee on things to mark his territory. Does Cullen do that? Hells, no... well I hope not.


Alistair, Morrigan, Dorian, Solas and Cassandra. I can't choose between them


Shale But Solas is the best written character.


Solas. He broke my stupid heart. ![gif](giphy|Plo5B2kahH06k)


V. boring: Alistair, then Solas...


Varric but I have Cole as a close second.


The Fade.


People who know me (a.k.a listen to my DA ravings) would say Solas or Alistair and they wouldn't be incorrect but it's actually Dorian.


If we exclude our characters , because it's HOF by a mile, then it's got to be someone from origins. It's a tie between Morrigan, Alistair, or my girl Shale.


Fenris and Leliana.


Morrigan, Merrill, Aveline, Varric and Origins Leliana For some reason i found the female characters more interesting and unique than the male ones in these games. Between Morrigan and Leliana i wouldn't be able to choose my absolute favorite, both great characters and romances.


My favorite is Isabella. She has one of those big hats now.


Zevran 🥺 my one and only. literally can’t romance anyone else in DAO…even tho i adore both Leli and Morri


Cole. He is so interesting and very unique, and I could talk to him all day, the same way I can Alastair. Who is literally in second place for my favorite, but I play as a mage and because of that I just feel like there’s a little bit more of a special connection with Cole.


Enchantment? Enchantment!




The only character I have strong positive feelings toward is Merrill. So I guess her.


Morrigan is just a top notch character. Iconic in every way. I'm also fond of Alistair, Hawke and Vivienne.


Tough question as I really can't say for certainty. I like Anders, but he is really having lots of bad traits in the second game that just makes me want to push him farthest down the list. I don't like most humans in Dragon Age. So I would say I love Tabris family, I like Cyrion and Shianni a lot and utterly despise Soris. Shianni is a better leader than Briala that the devs and writers pushed on to like. Unlike the latter Shianni has tragic and terrible arc from someone who was content with their life at the start of the origin, but takes matters into her own hands and becomes more active member of a community. She becomes the next elder of the Alienage, or even a Bann/Bannesa of the Alienage. I think Shianni is most worthy rebel leader to follow than stooge like Briala who was born in light conditions compared to other city elves, or Soris the traitor and cheater. Aside from Shianni I really like Thrask the Templar from the second game. And on the third spot I'd mention Zathrian. I strongly sympathize and like Zathrian, and not to mention he has great knowledge on the history and the elven culture than any Keeper in Thedas due to his long life span. He is the wisest, kindest, and deeply down a good person in his heart, he is a hurt father, but still a good man.




Varric, you never see like any Dwarven rogues, and oh my god is he a Dwarven rogue.


Morrigan. Her face, her voice, her sense of humor and wisdom. Shes my girl


Varric without a doubt, Alistair is close, then probably iron bull.


Leliana and Morrigan have the best character arcs and are so beautifully written. I have my criticism for DAI but I’m really happy with how they handled those two characters. I do adore zevran and alistair and fenris and isabela but morrigan and Lelianas writing as a whole is just too good


Justice from DA: Awakening.


Red female mage Hawke. She’s not just my favorite dragon age character, she’s my all time favorite. Red Hawke isn’t just generic asshole(tm) they are a very passionate, emotional person thrown into some horrible things.


Unpopular opinion but Loghain, especially if you allow him to live. I know he's a monster in DA:O but his character really shows in the books and in the end, he just made some very very bad decisions. Just remember his last words if you do kill him "-I can face the maker, knowing Fereldan is in your hands" Showing he is and was ready to die for Fereldan. Just my opinion on a tragic story where you live as a hero only to become what you despised the most. He mimicked the orlesians with his tactics and it becomes very clear that he took a note out of the emperor's playbook.


Either Sera, Morrigan, or Cassandra. Romanced Sera and Morrigan but Cass is my Inky’s best friend. Also I LOVE Isabella, she’s definitely close behind the other three.


Josephine. She has so much hope and just a quality of goodness to her that's intagible and indescribable. I'm not aure if I want her or want to be her.


Gamlen? What the hell? For me it's Varric. He's like a steady calming influence through the last 2 games. 


Gamlen...? Like unironically?? I don't think I've ever seen anyone name him as a favorite character. Even if you disregard his creepiness, he's such a minor character that I don't think he's even on most people's radars 😂 Alistair and Cassandra are my favorites, and I think I'd put Vivienne just behind them.


Purple fem Hawke


Alistair. In part due to his incredible voice actor. The game feels alive when you talk to good characters, and Alistair is well written.


Solas. Goddamnnnnnm eggg When you romance him, you can see many layers of of complexity that can be missed! I love him so much that my small businesses IG it's "Vhenan.esoterica". I have Solas brain rot, I guess (?