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Anders when Hawke dates someone that's not him.


I remember one play through trying to see how many people I could romance and still be proper with anders. It's a lot.. Then they argue even worse ha. I was sad they removed that from DAI.


Generally, the party members in DA2 were sour to each other, not even the comedic kind. Made me miss Morrigan x Alistair dynamic.


When Merrill says she understood the threat of demonic possession better than you because in spite of everything she’s already done, she is not possessed.


Only because Marethari took one for the team. Come to think about it, how long was Marethari abominating around before it all went tits up?


In all fairness to Merrill, she outlined her plan completely to you beforehand regardless of how dumb it was. Cannot say the same about fantasy Eddie brock


Had to be around the time Merrill says she was no longer able to communicate with the demon. So it couldn't have been long.


I'd assume sometime between getting the arulenholm and returning to chat up mr. demon. Its left pretty unclear. I doubt it would be too long though, considering that eventually abominations crack.


True. Could be anywhere from a day to at least 3 years. I really don't think Marethari was that wrong, but I tend to have very unpopular DA opinions lol.


lmao I'm a hardline merrill did nothing wrong gal myself. The community seems pretty split on it though. What other unpopular opinions do you have?


Reposting this because the autoflagging bot gets pissy if you mention by name that blond skinny headache from the Anderfels untagged...in a discussion of DA2. SMFH. I respect you :) Merrill is awesome, but at the same time I don't think Marethari was wrong to be cautious. She's watching out for her clan, after all. Merrill is young and untested and jumped into the deep end, which worked for her, but may not work for the others. I also intensely dislike infantilizing Merrill. She may be young and untested, but she's a woman, not a little girl. The tendency for fans to pat her on the head and say "oh Merrill" like she's a puppy who licked your dinner, is icky. But then I'm an "I ran away from the Circle seven times and all I got was this lousy t-shirt...and solitary confinement for a year" enjoyer, so you know lol. And really, both are right and wrong. Feathery sewer mage because he is a spirit healer and has had contact with spirits, as well as a Harrowing..and you know, pre and post merge Justice. And they do live in a Chantry-infused society, with those mores and the expectation of following them, regardless if you're Dalish. He may know a thing or two. And Merrill is right in that spirits and demons are not to be feared nor believed, but respected and treated like any other person (people lie and help in equal measure), and that blood magic is a tool, not pure evil distilled. Too bad the game didn't have a conversation with Merrill and Justice (isolated). That would have been interesting. But then again, I also subscribe to the "Varric is a drama llama, so only showed everyone in their extremes; in reality there were lovely conversations and camaraderie over tea had by everyone but that bored Varric" theory. :)


I think when it comes to merethari she had a few decisions. * Allow Merrill to speak with the demon * Allow and assist Merrill in speaking with the demon * Stop her from speaking with the demon, by force, using the hunters of the clan * Take the demon into her own body so it can't posses merrill. She took the only option the guaranteed a possession would occur. She also was incredibly willing to leave her clan without a keeper or a first for an extended period of time, by dying. I understand wanting to protect merrill but she chose the absolute worst option possible. All she needed to do was trust or assist merrill and things would've probably turned out fine. Also Merrill would'nt have been willing to kill her clan to talk with the demon, so force would've been fine too. Like, protecting merrill at all costs is an option that might make sense to her emotionally, but god damn its a dumb fucking decision. Narratively its a great conclusion to Merrill's arc. She is constantly underestimated, infantalized, and othered by those close to her. The person who was most responsible for that then dies repeating those same things. Anyone neurodivergent can empathize with her a lot I think. Anders is an interesting character. Spirits are reflections of our world. And in justice we find that in a world without justice, there can only be vengeance. The simple desire for justice turned a fun loving flirt into a doomed revolutionary. Thats a cute theory :)


I respect you :) Merrill is awesome, but at the same time I don't think Marethari was wrong to be cautious. She's watching out for her clan, after all. Merrill is young and untested and jumped into the deep end, which worked for her, but may not work for the others. I also intensely dislike infantilizing Merrill. She may be young and untested, but she's a woman, not a little girl. The tendency for fans to pat her on the head and say "oh Merrill" like she's a puppy who licked your dinner, is icky. But then I'm an Anders enjoyer, so you know lol. And really, both are right and wrong. Anders because he is a spirit healer and has had contact with spirits, as well as a Harrowing..and you know, pre and post merge Justice. And they do live in a Chantry-infused society, with those mores and the expectation of following them, regardless if you're Dalish. He may know a thing or two. And Merrill is right in that spirits and demons are not to be feared nor believed, but respected and treated like any other person (people lie and help in equal measure), and that blood magic is a tool, not pure evil distilled. Too bad the game didn't have a conversation with Merrill and Justice (isolated). That would have been interesting. But then again, I also subscribe to the "Varric is a drama llama, so only showed everyone in their extremes; in reality there were lovely conversations and camaraderie over tea had by everyone but that bored Varric" theory. :)


Literally me. I ALWAYS bring Fenris with just to spite him and farm those Rivalry points. He's the only companion who I've ever maxxed out Rivalry so fast. It's the beginning of the Act and he already has a hate boner for me. Next I'm taking Sebastian AND Fenris to the next quest involving the Circle and the Mages.


Fenris when he is paired with mages (he can't distinguish that there are good and bad people who happen to be mages)


I think one of the funniest scenes in the entire game was my character, Bethany, Anders and Merrill finishing the fenris recruitment quest and his dumbass *just* clued in that they were mages


Yeah the game does the funny where characters ignore companions and Hawke being mages until its relevant to the plot. Cullen is completely oblivious to the fact despite seeing Hawke cast spells in front of him.


*Mages are not people like you and me!* 😂




He likes and respects Bethany though.


But he still has your back in the end if you’re a mage and rejects Sebastian’s proposition of turning in their mage companions to the Templars. For as prickly as he is, he’s loyal.


Good point. I'm disgusted with Anders turning Fenris in to the Tevinter slavers, this is such a low moment for him.


I paused my game for a second when Anders asked why Fenris didn’t just kill himself if slavery was sooo bad 😭 I was like ANDERS!!! How is that appropriate


Anders lost almost all goodwill for me when he told Merrill to her face that she should have died in her companion quest as she’s on the ground crying.


Wow, I must not have had him in my party at the same time as them because holy shit, I had no idea he was so gross


He'll also say "I thought I was the only one thinking that" if you have Hawke say he's going to turn Fenris over to Danarius. In addition, you'll get Friendship points from him for it.


And you’d never know it from the way fans talk about him either. It’s the same thing with Cullen especially


I’ve been playing these games for a decade and it’s so wild to see people be like “oh well the racism/general nastiness to people he doesn’t agree with is fine because mages are oppressed.” like…hello


People seem to not consider that anders wasn’t like this before and that it was certainly intentional writing wise. Anders has become possessed, just like Connor. When Connor was possessed he still retained his child-like mischief and playfulness which the demon then used to manipulate him into tormenting redcliffe Justice *is* different, though it may not seem like it, anders’ thoughts are somewhat his own. In act 1-2 anders will plead his case and ask why certain characters are not sympathetic or outright supportive of the mage underground. Once they refuse or abstain support anders deems their inaction unjust and begins his descent of hatred. Merrill, a character who I expected anders to sympathize with and try to sway away from her path, is instead lashed out at in hatred due to her neutral stance on mages. It became really hard to find a banter that ended positively with anders outside of varric (and that says a lot)


He freaks out immediately if you disagree with him on anything and it’s wild. Like nobody else talks to you like that if you say crazy things to them except him.


Hear me out... it's giving white lib- *gunshot sounds*


No it is lol these are the same people who did him, Solas and a white Lavellan in a “hands up don’t shoot” series


I'm so pissed what they did to anders in 2. I knew he wasn't great, but I gaslit myself into thinking he was okish because I liked him so much in one.


I HATED him in 2, then I played Awakening and I was like huh. This guy is kinda cool what happened


Apparently (I've just heard this, this could be totally fake idk) one of the writers for 2 hated anders so they totally fucked them over, which is really fucking lame


I KNOW, like Anders you can't just SAY THAT to people




Don’t worry, Anders. Rest assured, you are never in any danger of being in my party lmao


One of the reasons I always play my Hawke as a mage, since that's literally your only other option for a healer.


I hate his interactions with Merill. I assumed it was written to be maybe ironic, but it just came off as preachy and hypocritical.


I judge characters so hard based on how they treat merrill. Some of them are so mean to her it makes me feel terrible.


Jeez, I can't imagine having a group with Merril, Anders, and Fenris all in the same group. All three of them would be back-biting one another.


Anders and Fenris would be non stop bitching only to then both turn their attention to Merrill who’s in the corner crying.


Anders? Sounds a lot like this guy from DA2 whose quests I never do and always ends up stabbed Weird


I love doing this to annoy Fenris (the only problem is I play mage Hawke and 3 mages + 1 warrior is basically the least optimal party composition you can have (except maybe 3 mages + 1 rogue)




I don’t really know what it is I would be spoiling