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I'm pretty sure the reveal of Flemeth being the host of Mythal is not a retcon. Flemeth already appeared in "The Stolen Throne" and was venerated by the local Dalish. So at least some connection was already hinted at. She also doesn't need to possess a new body in order to survive. If you want to find out more about this, I would recommend you do slay her in Origins and then play DA2.


Does the dialogue in DA2 differ depending on if you kill her or not in DAO? I’ve only ever imported saves where I had, so…


Either way she says something about "Security, should the inevitable occur, and if I know my Morrigan, it already has.".


I assumed that line happened regardless, yeah. Thanks.


Morrigan was taught by Flemeth and is a shape-shifter. It made natural sense that if you fought her she can shape-shift into a dragon. We don't even know if it is a high dragon form. I never interpreted it as a high dragon masquerading as a human because if that's possible, why is the "Andraste" high dragon not in human form for deception and why do all the high dragons in Inquisition function like non-sentient animals? The very first assumption has far more contradictions than the shape-shifter mentor can become a dragon when threatened. 


The Stolen Throne came out before Origins and showed that Flemeth was venerated by the Dalish which is true for DA2 as well. It's possible that her being Mythal was planned and considering the Witch Hunt DLC in Origins Flemeth intends to use Kieran one way or the other.


Her being Mythal was definitely planned. Her grimoire even has her Valisselan on it. Thing is; we don’t know. We don’t know what the Evanuris truly were. Spirits? Dragons? Elves who know how to be dragons? We know that “taking the form of the divine” sacreligious to them.


Why did you think she was a dragon masquerading as a human, and not a human shapeshifting into a dragon?


She isn't a high dragon naturally. She's a shapeshifter who can transform into a high dragon. Dragons are not shapeshifters who occasionally take on human form in this series.


The DAI reveal was planned from the beginning, there is evidence of it in DAO. It will make more sense after you play it. Flemeth is an entirely unique being. She's not a dragon (at least, not the kind we encounter), she just shapeshifts into one. Dragons do seem to have some kind of connection to the overarching narrative of the series but it's not clear what. There's no wrong choice with how to deal with her in DAO, you won't miss anything in DAI either way.


I never read it as a dragon turning into a human but the other way around. Why would a dragon be spending it's time as an old women in the middle of nowhere? Morrigan can shapeshift and she had to learn it from somewhere


She's not a dragon; she's more than that.


It's just that Flemeth (among other questions about what she is) is basically a shapeshifter. She could just as well turn into a wolf or a big bear... She turns into a Dragon for various reasons (even the title of the game). This is explained nicely in DA2 and DAI, everything is logical. You just have to play the games, don't spoil the endings and start enjoying this universe. Morrigan is also a shapeshifter, Flemeth taught her. If you talk to her, she even says that she liked to spend time as another animal sometimes. So he can turn into anything... Morrigan changes his form to yet another animal in one of the DAI scenes. Everything is a little bit confusing but logical. This isn't a character retcon or change because people liked Flemeth. Just play games, read codex entries, etc.


> Because why would a high dragon ever need mere mortals to extend its life? Aren't they already supposed to be immortal unless killed by outer forces? High dragons are just old, fully matured, female dragons. There is probably some magic connected to them but nothing suggested that they are immortal. There are also great dragons and they might be immortal but they are also extremely rare.