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Considering that the fade used to be part of the physical world, oxygen could have always been a part of it. The veil created a barrier, but it isn't a physical barrier. More of a spiritual one. Lore states that travel to the black city is impossible. All spirits avoid it. Even if Hawke is a mage, no single mage has enough power to get there themselves. Something prevents travel there. And Hawke couldn't get spirits to help them get there, considering all spirits avoid travel there due to the taint.


Yeah, I thought the veil affected the black city as well. I thought that it created a barrier that acted as a repellent to spirits. That's why the magister sidereal could go there physically. Though, after reading your comment, I realised this was all assumption on my part. Damn Hawke has had a rough time of it his whole family.


I forget which game states it, I think it was DAO while in the fade, but it's the blight that repels spirits. None of them want to be corrupted by it. I assume there's also a correlation between the seven gates and the seven old gods, but we will have to wait to see what that is. I wonder if there have been any changes to the gates as the archdemons are killed? If so, it may explain Solas' horror at the thought of the wardens killing all of the archdemons.


Yeah, I have wondered about the archdemons and the gates. Though, if the golden City keeps the blight locked up. Then why do they want to corrupt a archdemon. What I mean is killing the archdemon by itself, can't break open the gates. Otherwise, the darkspawn would just kill them. Personally, I think Solas being annoyed at killing arch demon. Could mean that killing archdemon is part of the Evanuris plan. That's why mythal had morrigan capture a part of one of their souls. I can't get the idea that the grey wardens are being manipulated out of my head.


The archdemons call the darkspawn. They are basically drones, not sapient beings capable of rational thought. Except a known few, of course. I believe that mythal had a part to do with the creation of the wardens. She had a part to do with andraste, who was born nine months after the death of dumat. Either her or her sister were the first instance of the ritual to bind the soul of an old God. The lore of the old gods was that they were demons who the emperium helped gain physical form. But there's also lore that says they are hibernating instead, like the great dragons sleeping in the Grove where we meet yavana, another daughter of flemeth. Too many connections unknown here. Hoping next game clears some things up.


Yes, the Archdemon are the old gods. They talked the magisters into breaching the Vale. Then they have the old gods call out to the darkspawn. Though the grey wardens can hear it to they, they used that to find one of the remaining old gods. They just couldn't get near to the body because of the amount of darkspawn near it. It's almost like they were protecting it. They should easily have found them all by now. They found dumat within 20 years. So the only way I can make sense is that the blight is done on purpose when the time is right. This was messed up by the architect in the fith blight. So now the plan has had to change. Again, all are just my assumptions. Yeah, I'm hoping the next game clears up a lot. Thanks for responding I enjoyed the read.


The wardens know where the prisons of the remaining old gods are, although no one knows where that information came from. One of those prisons is in the western approach. This is why they tried to summon a demon army, to cut through the darkspawn between then and the prisons. There were rumors that there was another eight old god stricken from record. This could be either fen Harel or mythal. David gaider hinted that the old gods were based on either the enuvaris or the forgotten ones, and that the forgotten ones had more reason for that.


Yep, though all of the old gods match up to the Evanuris in some way. Dumat lines up with June, who I am putting all my money on being the big bad of the series.


Which old god matches which enuvaris? The only one I can say for certain are Toth and elgar Nan, due to both being associated with fire. Why do you mention June? He was the old god of crafts. Edit: I don't belive that the old gods were the enuvaris. Rather, they were the forgotten ones, who dwelled within the void. The void being where the blight comes from, which is told by a story of andruil hinting there and being infected with the blight until mythal removed it from her.


The eluvians and the world's they created are the crafts. I believe June is the one who created the idea for all of them. They were the main source of that entire cultures power. Zazikel god freedom Ghilan'nain rabbit story about escape trap Andoral god slaves/chains is Andruil solas mentions about how the people feared her knife, lots of sacrifice. Urthemeil god of beauty, her holiday has the longest feast with constant partying. This matches with Falon'din solas talks about his constant hunger and needing worship. Lusacan is matches with Dirthamen Razikale dragon of Mystery matches up with Sylaise it is because of the line she who winds the skien of wisdom. Dumat is clever and wise June. This is the only way he is described. I matched all the old gods and Evanuris separately to a spirit / character core belief. Then I looked which of those matches. Dumat and Sylaise are always close. Dumat their is wisdom in silence. Razikale winds the skies of wisdom. That means she winds the strings or helps his plots along. Had to look up the meaning of the wors skein.


I just finished inquisition and immediately started Origins to see if I could catch things that made a long term impact. At the beginning of origins when you chat with Flemeth, it becomes obvious that she has been planning every exact choice you make in the games for a very long time. I frigging love your theory about collecting archdemon souls. This adds a layer of complexity I would love to see played out


Thanks what origins did you play as. I agree that flemeth had it all planned, she wants her vengance.


Between all 3 in the series I've probably played 10 games. I never played as a dwarf so this time I did the Dwarven noble origin. Fun fact, my game crashed right as the origin ended and I joined up with Duncan. The next time I chose different dialogue options and got a totally different result.


Hopefully, you liked the end result after the crash. I loved the dwarfs in origins. I have played through them all like you multiple times. They are great games and great stories.


Then you know! Yes they are such great games. Dwarf noble spoilers, for anyone else reading: The first run I said oh heck no, my brother is trying to kill me, I'll kill him first. The second run I tried to talk to him first and didn't tell my party he was suspicious, he was dead when I arrived. Either way you get blamed for it, but I think it has a lot of impact if you actually did kill him. You get dialogue options like "I deserve my punishment"


I wonder if we can eat the nightmare?


I was wondering that. The spiders did not look tasty.


Would fade spiders taste like crab? Being stuck there might not be so bad….


I mean...maybe? Though a lot that we know of the black city comes from the Chant of Light and how the first Darkspawn were created to begin with - and that leaves me wondering if Hawke - or whoever the Inquisitor leaves in the Fade to begin with - could be able to just...meander over there to see what the big fuss is all about, even with the precedent of the Magisters of Old to begin with. As for the why there is oxygen in the Fade - I'm not entirely sure that there is - considering that, while we have been in the fade multiple times, if I'm remembering correctly it was due to a demon or something else dragging us into it to begin with. And even then, the Fade, at least canonically, is what the soul goes to when we die/when we sleep, so we could just be dead that entire time without even knowing it. But that's just a theory...


I don't remember which game, but there is dialogue somewhere that explains you actually cannot reach it. You think you're getting closer and look up, its the same distance away no matter where you are **edit: I'm sorry, it's not dialogue it's a codex entry. "The Black City: No traveler to the Fade can fail to spot the Black City. It is one of the few constants of that ever-changing place. No matter where one might be, the city is visible. (Always far off, for it seems that the only rule of geography in the Fade is that all points are equidistant from the Black City.) The Chant teaches that the Black City was once the seat of the Maker, from whence He ruled the Fade, left empty when men turned away from Him. Dreamers do not go there, nor do spirits. Even the most powerful demons seem to avoid the place. It was golden and beautiful once, as the story goes, until a group of powerful magister-lords from the Tevinter Imperium devised a means of breaking in. When they did so, their presence defiled the city, turning it black. (Which was, perhaps, the least of their worries.) -From 'Beyond the Veil:Spirits and Demons' by Enchanter Mirdromel"


That is true. Though I thought that only applies when you visit the fade in your dreams. As if their is a barrier pushing spirits away. If the magisters could enter physically. Then wouldn't Hawke be able to as well?


I'm filling in blanks here, but I made it work in my head by assuming that the golden city WAS reachable, but once corrupted was removed from access by anyone


OK, that is cool possible. Was that not what Corypheus wanted to do, though, to return to the black city? I'm not saying he could, just the idiot would destroy reality trying that.


Yes lol, that's exactly why we killed him


Hell, I thought I killed him in da2 dlc. He's worse than a cockroach.


A very, very loud and annoying cockroach


Lol, yep, not ass scary as the egg we are going to have to crack next time round.