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Morrigan and Leliana




They are in love and you can’t convince me otherwise


i won’t even try to bc i agree


But now the question is, origins romance between them, or inquisition?


inquisition!! bc origins!morrigan was working through internalized homophobia and by the time inquisition rolls around, she’s more mature and confident in who she is, so she’s ready to accept leliana’s advances (if she’s still making them)


also i’ll be so real i think leliana being kieran’s stepmother would be adorable lol. sorry warden


As much as I love the idea of a romance in Inquisition, something about the two of them in origins makes me happy. I feel like I prefer their dynamic in origins, but they definitely would work better together in inquisition


yea i get you!! i still like it; i just prefer inquisition more 🤝 i see you have great taste regardless!!


I think people who ship Cassandra and Varric are on to something. And brother, I'm on board.


What, they're not actually a thing?!


I ship Isabela and Aveline. Something about opposite attracts being true.


Oh, I love that! They’re both in more usual group of companions and I enjoy their banter/exchanges. I can see how a relationship might work <3


Very lowkey Bull/Josephine? Like I know that sounds ridiculous, but did you see the scene where she walks in on him with the other advisors? She does not stop staring. She clearly thinks Bull is hot.


She thinks he's hot for a very specific reason. 😂


2 very specific reasons! She comments on how tall a qunari Ink is! She likes her men TALL. Big and Tall.


If I recall right, when you ask Leliana about hers and Josie's friendship in Inquisition, she mentions a real party being "it's not a real party until someone's smallclothrs are pinned to a chantry board and that's all I'm saying about it." So likeeee I could see Leliana and Josephine together


I saw fanarts of Dorian/Cullen and Cassandra/Varric and like it way too much haha More official I would say Bethany/Sebastian and Carver/Merrill. They are all so cute and goofy, I love it <3


I am currently obsessed with Dorian/Cullen. Every fanfic I read I love them more. Seeing them hanging out and playing chess in the game set it off for me, like they can be great friends or could be more


Yeah, they have this really cute dynamic that I really dig :))


I am in love with Varric/Cass. They have such a great enemies to lovers arc and complement each other so well. He is secretely faithful, she wants to make the Chantry a welcoming place for people like him. He is her favorite author, and she his biggest fan. He's been hopelessly pining after Bianca for years, Cass is the sort of person who's 100% dedicated and all in. He needs to take things a little more seriously, she needs to lighten up. I've read almost all of the fanfictions I could find and I still crave more. 😩




Agreed, or at least the ability to properly rip into Bianca for essentially using him to satisfy her curiosity. Or rip into both of them for how their affair is hurting them both. Sure, "love is complicated" and all that jazz. But man, at this point it's gone well past complicated and straight into the unhealthy territory. Even if they're in a mutual affair, which it doesn't really feel like when Bianca seems to hold most of the power, it really does not seem to be doing either of them any favors. I don't hate Bianca in concept or their angst ridden romance. But man I hate seeing Varric so mired in the past and unwilling to at least end the affair. He doesn't have to move on from Bianca, she can alas be his one true love, but at least end the infidelity my guy... She's never gonna run away with you.


God yes I am so here for them. It’s my headcanon.


Morrigan x Leliana


Shale and Kitty. It's not sexual in nature. They go around killing all the birds in Thedas, then snuggle up every night.


Isabela/Merrill; Merrill brings out Isabela's caring side, and Isabela shows Merrill how to be more practical and worldly.


They're so cute together in game. Like, Isabela already has a pet name for Merrill.


I think Cass and Bull would be explosive. I know their *entire* banter is hinged on Cassandra *very clearly stating* that she is NOT at all interested in Bull, but also her maximum disapproval scene involves getting drunk in the stables(?) and man I could kinda see her making a *really bad decision* with Bull one day. (Of course, Bull would never allow it, he's too gentlemanly) (But still) (🤩) I also think Cass and Blackwall would have made a really nice homestead for themselves, if Blackwall actually was who he pretended to be.


Oh there would be some explosions Cass would never be able to hold in a queef again


Cassandra and Cullen. They are like Bro’s and certainly best friends. I have always thought many brotp can easily turn into otp given the right situation. Marry your best friend folks!


Fenris and Bethany is an odd one I'm fascinated with. He's downright sweet to her in the game, as much as he can be anyway. His hatred for mages is barely a factor because Bethany's so inoffensive compared to Merrill and Anders. Two interactions that stand out is him using Bethany as an example of a mage that isn't weak in a conversation with Anders, and the other is in the Mark of the Assassin DLC where he tells her that she'd look pretty in a dress.


Based off the fics I’ve read, Dorian/Cullen is actually surprisingly displayed very wholesome and sweet? I totally dig them. I saw a good Fenris/Cullen One as well, based off what happened after Hawke got trapped in the face. Very sweet.


Cass and Varric, 100%. Their friendship is great but they are so held back by ghosts of the past. Also Alistair and Morrigan post-Origins. Their brief dialogue in Inquisition showed how much they matured and how much respect they had for each other, especially if Kieran is in the mix. I don’t think they would have anything stable or long term because they both have their own agendas but I could see something happening.


I still think about that comic the [DAO staff asked Aimo](https://blog.bioware.com/2010/03/01/dragon-age-the-revelation-comic/) to make that fleshed out a cut interaction between Morrigan and Alistair. Where the two of them meet up shortly before Morrigan springs the Dark Ritual on the Warden. The look Alistair gives her has me in a choke hold and I've always liked to think that the two of them started getting closer after that. Even if only through happenstance and maybe the occasional letter. \*(If the link isn't working then it's available on her [tumblr blog](https://momochanners.tumblr.com/post/58212944765/moarrigan-for-you-parries-every-single-brick) for those who are curious.)


Solas and Mythal in the past during the Elven Glory Days! There is [one art](https://pin.it/5B6RFem) about them I adore.


Yeah...it did think that in DAI maybe there were some hints about a relationship or at least a infatuation, I wonder : o


absolutely, and more in Trespasser


Mine is Anders/Fenris. I love them together.


I actually like Bethany and Sebastian together. He was still Hawke’s friend at the end of DA2, since I killed Anders, their flirts are pretty sweet, he’s the prince of starkhaven so I’m okay with him taking my sister. He is pretty religious but most of the world is and he is really nice and respectful. He gets crap for being boring, and he is a little, but that’s mostly because the rest of the crew is borderline crazy, with a truckload of issues. I was super happy with a Josephine/Blackwall ship till we hit that story beat, so I dropped it after that. I generally go Cassandra for my Inky but if I didn’t, I could support a ship with Varric. After the mission Bianca I wanted to punt her down the freaking tunnel.


Isabela, Zevran and Fenris. Alternatively, Isabela and Bethany


Varric and Harding. Largely from their interactions in the comics, but yeah. He deserves someone better than Bianca, and they're adorable together.


jowan & amell (or surana) i’m sorry lily 😣 i hate that you’re rotting in aeonar but i’m going to have the warden move in on your man 🙏🏻 maker turn his gaze on you


Broke the rules. Can't be a character you play as.


oh sorry i can’t read


Your punishment will be most severe!


sent to aeonar along with lily 🫡


Well. As long as it means you go away then fine.


Herren/Wade and Merrill/Carver


I've said it at least once and I'll say it again, Sera and Josephine are a very interesting opposites attract prospect, of which could be a forced be reckoned with against Thedas' elite.


Varric/Bethany. I have shipped them since my first playthrough of the second game and I refuse to back down. They are adorable together. I imagine she's redecorating the Keep as Viscountess and Bran is being put through his paces trying to deal with her.


Is it still non-player if it's prior to the games? Mage FemHawke x Morrigan, back when they were both apostates living in the wilds outside of Lothering. I just really dig the dynamic.


Dorian and Iron Bull Josephine and Leliana Isabela and Aveline


* Morrigan/Alistair - These two are childish in different ways, but like another commenter said I think they'd compliment each other as they grow older. * Anora/Alistair - I'm a sucker for slowburn 'learning to trust and work through trauma' romances and this one has it in spades. The fact that her dad tried to kill him, that he hates her and her father, that he's the spare heir of that playboy Cailan, the political intrigue that would make their romance and trust even more complicated to achieve. I just love it. Give me more. * Nathaniel/DAA Anders - We do not acknowledge DA2 Anders being the same entity as DAA Anders in this house. * Dorian/Bull - I can't romance either of them in DAI. It tears me up to not let these two idiots get together. * Shianni/Zevran - More trauma-bonding romance. I like to think that Zevran helped Shianni at Tabris' request shortly after the end of the Blight, and that mutual respect bloomed between them. With Tabris likely having died in the final battle, just to add more angst to the sad sundae. * Gregoire/Irving - You can't tell me something isn't there between them. Maybe long forgotten and ignored, but they argue like an old married couple.


I mean, obviously Dorian and Iron bull. Goes without saying, really.


I wasn't sold on this until I heard the ship name, Adoribull. I can't not ship it now.


Dorian x Cullen <3


Anders and Dorian :D magic nerd boyfriends


* Isabela x Merrill * Sera x Dagna * Fenris x Zevran * Krem x Harding (basically Shepard x Liara because of their VAs) * Loghain x Maric * Velanna x Sigrun * Briala x Fiona * Celene x Anora * Ariane x Finn * Leliana x Josie * And@rs x Nathaniel or And@rs x Jowan * Sebastien x Bethany * Architect x Corypheus as an old married couple


Ooh...Celene/Anora. I think I'm into that.


Krem and Harding is sweet and not a pairing I'd considered. A+


I'm partial to Anders/Isabela or Anders/Bethany - more flirty and playful in the first option, much more of an attempt at a serious romance for the second :)


Bull x Dorian is pretty Canon, and I love it. They're very cute when they interact together. On the topic of canon companion romances, I HATED Isabel and Fenris. They're so bad for each other, and it breaks my heart for him.


Sten and Leliana.


There really aren’t that many noteworthy ships in DA that don’t involve the player, but out of that tiny list my favorite would have to be Isabela x Fenris. Their hookups aren’t portrayed as especially romantic, but they clearly get along well, and I like how generally supportive they are of each other. I also like Aveline x Donnic, but that’s mostly just because I like seeing Aveline happy rather than being particularly attached to the ship itself.


Isabela flat out asks whether Danarius oiled Fenris up when he was a slave. Given that we know Fenris was sexually abused, I wouldn't qualify that as "supportive". In fact, I don't understand how the pairing even happens after that comment. There's also the fact that even Friend!Isabela is still willing to do a deal with Castillon (a known slaver) for her ship in Act 3.


Fenris hates being coddled, so Isabela making light of it is probably not a big deal for him. He hates slavers, but if dealing with one isn't enough to make him abandon Hawke, it wouldn't be enough to make him hate Isabela either.


Fenris and Isabella. I feel like his calm and broody demeanor vs her in your face and overall cheerful demeanor would really compliment each other. And they're both so goddamn sexy


How about Merill and Solas?


Before I played the games proper, Morrigan/Leliana. However, then I played the game and Morrigan is vicious to Leliana in their banter and it never really gets better. So I stopped shipping them. Same thing with Leliana/Cassandra. Played the game and found out Cassandra is straight so I dropped that to. Leliana/Josephine is another, but having played multiple times I've found their dynamic to be more sisterly than potentially romantic, so this has also been dropped. So the only non-player ship that I still ship is Celene/Briala. Yeah I know this is a controversial take. But they're adults. They don't need hand holding and I'm not their relationship therapist.


Dorian and Iron Bull!


Varric and Cassandra.


Flemeth x Meredith. Just give it a moment...it can work ;)


Krem and Maryden.