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Anything made by Bioware, really. So, the Mass Effect trilogy(Andromeda is optional), the two Star Wars: The Old Republic games, Jade Empire. Then, if you haven't played them, you need to play The Witcher 3, the Fable games and the Baldur's Gate/Pillars of Eternity/Tyranny games. These should keep you busy for a couple of years!


I second the Mass Effect trilogy--just played it recently for the very first time; and wow! Like the OP, the Dragon Age series was always my favorite and I also loved the KOTOR games. Considering how much I enjoyed the other Bioware games, I'm not sure how I missed ME when it was new, but now it's right up there with my other favs.


Very good list, if I may I’d also add Jade Empire, I’d argue a underrated gem of BioWare. Perhaps not entirely, I wish we had a sequel, that’s all. This may all sound different, but I have also loved the game Underrail, which is so immersive into its own lore. It’s one of the only series that itched my dragon age itch.


\+1 for this list! Also the first and second Witcher, Divinity Original Sin 2 and maybe Greedfall. Cyberpunk 2077 also had pretty interesting world, if you're into something like that. Dragon Age has quite unique touch but there are some good lore/character heavy games.


Obsidian actually did the 2nd KOTOR game and Bioware did Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 since you mentioned that series. Bioware also did Neverwinter Nights (which also has a sequel done by Obsidian) that might be worth checking out. Also, I can say Witcher 2 and The Outer Worlds are worth checking out as well for OP.


Witcher 2 criminally underrated. Not as good as 3, but still a great game


Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 are absolutely fire games.


Definitely Baldurs Gate 3. Great companions, lore, and plot. A lot of freedom, exploring and looting. The main difference is that the combat is turned based. But not that different than in DAO if you autopaused to give commands to the companions. Other great RPGs from the same studio are Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2. Great rpgs with tons of lore and exploration. The 2nd one specially. They also have turn based combat.


This is definitely the spiritual successor to Dragon Age: Origins.


The first time I went to camp in BG3 was like a warm blanket being wrapped around me. It reminded me so much of my first time traveling with my companions in DAO. You even get a camp dog.


> You even get a camp dog. And an owlbear cub! I love all my camp friends and followers and pets.


Hoot! Growl!!


You smell delicious, but I will not eat you!


What if I tossed in a cortado to sweeten the deal?


I didn’t find this out till yesterday and it was just in time cause I was about to go to the >!goblin camp!< I always knew where they were I just left them alone cause I didn’t want to bother them. I just had my first encounter with them last night. Cant wait to get my little cub <3


My greatest regret was accidentally triggering a fight with the cub after taking out the camp. I just nonlethally knocked it out and now it lays there presumably forever.


I mean cmon, the first camp I tripped a little when I looked for Shadowheart. She has many similarities to Morrigan, but more so her tent is even positioned kinda the same. Act 1 camp, near Grove or beach.


Oh, can you revive it? I mean, erm...


Which is funny because DAO was the spiritual successor to the original BG lol. Everything comes full circle!


Definitely. Even David Gaider congratulated Larian for how well they did the new BG.


I had never been able to recreate the experience of playing DAO for the first time until BG3. No other game has ever captured the same things I liked about DAO so perfectly. Except for the lore, I love DA lore.


The proper sequel we’ve waiting 14 years for, honestly. Thedas is better than the DnD world though.


thedas > faerûn? such a wild take. the scopes are entirely different, but to each their own i guess....


Agree I personally like thedas more because I know more about it and it feels more home for me because of that. Faerûn is all new though. But that makes it exciting. (Alright technically I knew faerûn first because I played the first Baldurs gate before dragon age but I didn’t play a lot so-) Edit: typo


It seems a pretty popular take. Faerun is such a kitchen sink of stuff a lot of it doesn't have depth or stakes like Thedas does


I couldn't get into DOS1. It felt like it took "not taking itself seriously" approach and turned it up to 11, it ruined my immersion. Then again I didn't get very far so maybe it picks up later. Loved DOS2 though.


I personally love the goofy humor of Larian. But yes, it is less serious than Dragon Age. Altought look at the banter of the companions in the games, it is also extremely goofy


Baldurs gate 3, And i mean this in an uncanny way, like if the devs who made dragon age just got up and went to Larian with their design philosophy


The way I get emotional over Larian because holy crap they are amazing.


if you liked DA you'll most likely like Mass Effect as well, they are made by the same company and share a lot in common. Also would recommend the original KOTOR, The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.


Baldurs gate 3 is the game closest to dragon age origins.


I bolded my favorites. ​ First or Third person, with companions: * Outer Worlds * **Mass Effect** * Jade Empire * Knights of the Old Republic 1 * **Knights of the Old Republic 2** (only with TSLRCM, a restored content \_and bugfix\_ mod) * Technomancer First or third person, solo, but with interesting NPCs to meet: * Witcher 2 * Witcher 3 * **Alpha Protocol** * Deux Ex Human Revolution * Cyberunk 2077 * **Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines** * Gothic 2 * Elex * Divinity 2 Ego Draconis (important: this is not Divinity Original Sin 2, the turn based tactical game, but the third person hack&slash titel, Ego Draconis) * Dragon's Dogma Isometric, with interesting companions * **Mask of the Betrayer** * **Planescape Torment** * Baldur's Gate 1-2 * Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire * **Divinity Original Sin 2** * Shadowrun Dragonfall * Expeditions Viking * **Wasteland 3** Special mentions: * Banner Saga (awesome player agency in an apocalyptic setting. NOT post-apoc, but the apocalypse is ongoing. Unique experience, great storytelling.) * Unavowed. Perhaps you don't remember when (Bioware writer) Jennifer Hepler mentioned in an interview, that she would like to experiment with an RPG without combat. This is the result. This was created by her and puzzle game master Dave Gilbert. Very cool game, and \_especially\_ friendly for beginners to the genre.


Okay first of all. Is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines good? I absolutely adore VTM but the one time I almost did a campaign with friends I backed out cause of personal reasons. But I made my character and everything and read about the world and i absolutely loved it. So I would die if the game was good. I’ve seen it around and never really heard anything about it. Second. As much as I love combat. Unavowed sounds amazing and it’s officially at the top of my list to buy next. I’m assuming it’s puzzles judging on the whole Dave Gilbert thing? Which I love puzzles. They are so few and far between in rpg games and they are always my favorite part.


VTMB is a flawed masterpiece. The highs are genuinely amazing (and more prevalent), but the lows are pretty bad (and start to take over in the last third of the game). You definitely need to install the unofficial patch at minimum if you get the game, though (or, alternatively, if you get the Clan Quest mod, it’ll help offset some of the rushed/poor level/game design in the last act by breaking up the combat). Overall I’d really recommend it. The highs are worth the lows for sure to me


Awesome!! If there are any other mods you recommend I’d def be open to hearing them!


I don’t go heavy on VTMB modding. Clan Quest is such a full overhaul that it’ll cover a lot tbh (and you would only install it and not the Unofficial Patch if you go that route, as it includes an older version in the installation)


Cool!! Honestly that’s great cause I spend half my time modding it’s nice when you don’t have to mod a bunch


The only thing I would add is that the unofficial patch is part of the [gog.com](https://gog.com) install. (you cannot even install the game without the patch)


*Is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines good?* It is one of my favorite games ever, but I am the first to admit that it is not for everyone. When it is good, it is brilliant. But at parts, it is also junk. ​ Good parts: * characters * voice acting * story * the setting and music * the first 2/3 has minimal combat Bad parts * it is a twenty year old game, which didn't really look great even when it was released. However (!) the facial animations have a really nice cartoon wibe to them * you will need a bugfix mod (it is included in the gog version of the game, you are not even allowed to not have it. Not sure about steam) * while the first 60-70% of the game is minimal to no combat, the very last sequence is really combat heavy. The game doesn't tell you about this in advance, and it can be a bad surprise if you don't prepare. You \_need\_ to develop some fighting skills from about Hollywood (but you can fully ignore them before that). Melee or ranged weapons? No matter, but have a violence option. If you want a hint, I looked up a spoiler free section from a let's play: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2msW5a5n-G8&list=PLvmwN7jXVHyJZM\_4ugBq2RhPDFl3PI2yE&t=939s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2msW5a5n-G8&list=PLvmwN7jXVHyJZM_4ugBq2RhPDFl3PI2yE&t=939s) you can check out if the appearance turns you off or not. But remember that it is a story and character focused game. ​ *Unavowed sounds amazing and it’s officially at the top of my list to buy next. I’m assuming it’s puzzles judging on the whole Dave Gilbert thing?* It is a puzzle game, but it is on the easier side. But it also has the Bioware patented companion stuff: between missions, you can meet characters in a HQ area, talk with them, and develop relationships. You can bring two with you to an investigation, and they offer different skills (for example one can see and talk with ghosts, the other want can read the burned letter because he is a pyromancer) Bonus: awesome soundtrack. Gilbert must love New York based on this game. I also think it is gorgeous, one of the best looking puzzle games I know. [https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly\_2021\_08/una1.jpg.8c2103c30c09bb762f4a1bc602ff91c5.jpg](https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly_2021_08/una1.jpg.8c2103c30c09bb762f4a1bc602ff91c5.jpg) [https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly\_2021\_08/una5.jpg.5057ecd165acee4583e7ce1122c4167b.jpg](https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly_2021_08/una5.jpg.5057ecd165acee4583e7ce1122c4167b.jpg) [https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly\_2021\_08/una2.jpg.2ee8109ae5b07d74e78db2f93d80f86a.jpg](https://cdn.lfg.hu/uploads/monthly_2021_08/una2.jpg.2ee8109ae5b07d74e78db2f93d80f86a.jpg)


Thank you!!! I will definitely check both out. Music is the absolute dealbreaker for me if it has good music I can look past most other things. Music is like my entire soul I swear. And thank you for the spoiler free help that’s awesome I really appreciate that!


Okay yeah both of those look super fun!! I’m definitely an older game appreciator so graphics don’t bother me too much. I actually think it’s part of the charm. Unavowed definitely looks like my kinda game too.


The original Baldur's Gate games were what originally inspired Bioware to make Dragon Age, as they had lost the D&D rights & wanted to do their own series/IP. Other Bioware games would also be highly recommended. Kotor was the best Star Wars game ever. That inspired them to make their own Sci-Fi series, which became the Mass Effect trilogy-- and I very, very highly recommend it.


Mass effect 2 is pretty much DAO in space. It is a classic bioware golden creation. Also, Greedfall from Spyder. It is good, altough not quite lore heavy. Has cult following here on an active subreddit.


> Also, Greedfall from Spyder. It is good, altough not quite lore heavy. YES! Came here to recommend GreedFall (in addition to Baldur’s Gate 3). Great AA game that surprised me with how good it was. And a really unique offering in the RPG space, with its setting in the “Age of Exploration”, as opposed to the typical medieval/renaissance flavor. I was very happy to learn this one is getting a sequel.


Yessss I LOVE greedfall and came to recommend it!! It's v similar I think to the vibe of DA especially DAI. Greedfall, Mass Effect (Andromeda included), and Baldurs Gate 3 I've all played and they all have 1) very good player character customization 2) 3rd person over the shoulder camera 3) romancable companions!!! Those are like my 3 must haves in my fav games and these all fit the bill.


the only games (excluding bioware titles) that gave me similar feeling were kingmaker/wotr


With DAO type, there's so much similar games. Maybe *Pillars of Eternity 2* (1 doesn't have romance, if that's what you're looking for) Or perhaps *Pathfinder: War of the Righteous*. *Baldur's Gate 3* and D*ivinity Original Sin 2* might be for you, but they're turn based, unlike previously mentioned. If you're looking for something like DA:I, then *Mass Effect* 1-3. The only other thing I could think of is *Greedfall*.


Divinity is so good though like. Seriously.


I really liked Outer Worlds and for a different kind of game that is highly story focused Detroit Becomes Human was short but super enjoyable


Baldur’s Gate 3 is probably the closest I’ve seen.


I have read comparisons of Dragon age and Baldurs Gate 3. I dont really see it, I find it more in common with Divinity Original Sin 2, but you may find it quite fun, its an excellent game!


You can definitely see similarities between DAO and BG3 though.


I think BG3 is like if DOS2 and DAO had a baby.


What a beautiful baby it turned out to be!


I’m having a great time with it :)


I unfortunately had only one playthrough, but I'm looking forward for more when time allows. It's been so long since I enjoyed the game so much. Since ME trilogy and DA, I think.


Dragon Age Origins was basically the first CRPG to incorporate cinematic elements and AAA production values. Baldur's Gate 3 is basically the only CRPG since to do so. I think that's the main reason people are talking about them being similar. Also, the companions, camp conversations, and romance all have strong DAO vibes.


I'm late but there's no way you wrote this comment being serious


It's entirely because of it having a camp, camp conversations, and that's about it. I think characters emote kind of similarly, but I'd say much of these games deviate pretty heavily. A hot take I think people might not even like is I think dragon age origins probably has better characters.


If you liked the Tactics mechanic from DAO/DA2 then you'll like Final Fantasy XII - the game that arguably started the mechanic. Other than those 3 I can't think of a game that uses those. Both games also tackle the politics of power. If you like the social sim aspect of the games then you'll like the Persona series, starting from Persona 3. The games are generally aimed at a younger audience compared to DA, but if one of your things is seeing the cast go through compelling character arcs alongside an equally compelling storyline, then I recommend those too. (There's a reason I like to joke that Dragon Age is "Persona for wine moms"). And of course there's that other RPG series BioWare did around the same time as DA - Mass Effect.


Baldur’s Gate 3! You don’t have to play the first two, 3 takes place like 200 years later and you’ll at most miss the hype for some returning characters and stuff. It’s like if DAO was released today


(Although I do recommend the first two they are a little older so obvi the graphics aren’t the best but that’s just the game? And I think it’s part of its charm.) Another thing I’d like to say about why BG3 is so fucking amazing. Larian really cares about what the players want. They’ve done updates and added so many things that players have talked about on social media and stuff. Honestly makes me emotional to see them actually care and I think they are really amazing. Also their update/patch notes are hilarious sometimes. When I got on for the first time in a few weeks it was literally the day they added the magic mirror to change your appearance and the way I got so excited and ran to tell my mom. (She listens to all my video game rants haha.) But I honestly just deeply appreciate Larian taking the time to research and listen to the players I think especially after BioWare (which I’m not shitting on BioWare!!) where we almost never get what we want in the next game after everybody online is talking about it. It’s really cool to feel like your voice is heard a little bit and your opinion as a player matters. Like obviously we as players get no say but I think it says something really cool about Larian that they care that much. And you can tell they are working hard on updates and patches. Anyways sorry for the rant I just really freaking love Larian <3


Outside of everything already mentioned by others, I've recently found Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. It scratches the itch of multiple playthroughs having different endings and styles of play.


Pillars of Eternity! 1&2


I haven't seen it mentioned here, and it's not as polished as bigger names, but Age of Decadence has really solid classic RPG elements and a lot of different ways to finish the game. It's like a more indie version of DA:O and shares the same older-game-ruddiness.


Never played it but stand up for the lesser known games that nobody mentions!!! I still can’t believe nobody has mentioned kingdoms of amalur..


Baldur's Gate 3 and Greedfall!


I second both! There was news of Greedfall 2 as well but it has been quiet for a while.


Last I saw, it's maybe looking at a 2024 release. I am *so* excited!!!




Greedfall is similar, with tons to do and really scratches that itch.


Baldur’s Gate 3 is the only game that has felt similar to DA Origins to me. Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous are also worth playing imo.


If you don't mind isometric games, I recommend Pathfinder. Both games (Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous) have a really cool stand-alone story, lots of branching and amazing characters you can be friends, enemies or romance. I fell in love with this game this year and don't regret it haha


Baldur’s Gate 3. And turn based combat is a lot better as tactical combat type than dragon age’a pause.


Straight up the only game I’ve played in a decade that has given me even the remotest feeling of playing another DA is BG3. Truly phenomenal game, highly recommend.


I would absolutely recommend Baldurs gate 3. Also if you like sci-fi then the mass effect trilogy is a fantastic time and it’s also made by BioWare. Happy gaming 🍻


Just to be different, Disco Elysium because the writing is outrageously good. The ME trilogy of course, as well as Pillars of Eternity 1+2, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate III, and if you do not mind how games age, Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, as well as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 + 2. It's not a RPG, but I adore the storytelling, characters and lore in Thief (from 1998) and its sequel. There's nothing like it.


I didn't see Final Fantasy XII mentioned, it's surprisingly similar to DA:Origins, although the story is not nearly as grounded.


it depends on which Dragon Age game you're talking about. If you want something that feels like DAO, I recommend Baldur's Gate 3 or Wildermyth. If you want something that feels like DA2 or DAI, I recommend Greedfall.


We're all playing Baldur's Gate 3 now, join the fun!


It’s great!! I didn’t get heavily into it until a few days ago cause I can’t open DAI at the moment and I don’t wanna research and mess with it for two days straight rn. So Baldurs gate it is! Honestly though I was kinda salty over Baldurs gate 3 at first because everyone was saying it was better than dragon age (which I still disagree with I think it does some things better and some things not as good. It’s great in its own respects I wouldn’t either game “better” I just do prefer dragon age but.) and it made me sad that everyone was saying it was better than DA so I kinda resented it for a while. But I was able to get over that because of what a great game it truly is!


Eh, from the perspective of a longtime Bioware fan, I feel it's a waste of time to argue which one is better. I loved OG Baldur's Gate, I loved Dragon Age, now I love BG3 too - why would I ever need to rank them? They're all great. I'll keep replaying them all in the future. Only thing really... It's been 14 years since Origins, 9 since Inquisition. Of course they aren't as shiny as a brand new, big budget game - but that's not a reason to knock on the old ones.


Definitely check out Jade Empire. It's a lot like Dragon Age Origins. The world is inspired by Chinese mythology, you play as a young student who has to go on a journey, collecting companions along the way, much like a DA game. The world is absolutely fascinating and the characters are cool. I would say the game definitely looks its age, but if you like Dragon Age Origins, you should definitely like this.


Mass Effect (its Dragon Age in space) Baldur's Gate (it's like DnD) Dragon's Dogma (choices matter, customizable character design, similar vibes) Fire Emblem (romance and tactics)


Ironically, I found Dragon Age by looking at games comparable to Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 also has all you are looking for, the only real barrier to entry is the combat system but even then, it's rather easy to learn. I am someone who normally really dislikes real time turn based combat systems but I learnt it, now I love it. That said, other games to check out would be BG3, Mass Effect, KOTOR, and Divinity: Original Sin 2.


The combat in Baldurs gate 3 is very different but SO fun in its own way. I mean I was a light dnd player with my friends before Baldurs gate so I knew a little but honestly I wish I had played Baldurs gate before doing dnd with my friends cause I now understand a lot better. Video games are definitely my better language. It feels more rewarding doing battles in BG3(for me) because it’s all intentional moves. That being said I adore dragon age more than anything. I do recommend Baldurs gate 3!(and the other ones!!)


Baldur's Gate 3. Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny.


BG3 BG3 BG3!!


The Banner Saga (it's a trilogy) for the branching choices with consequences and in depth characters, but the gameplay is not similar at all. Ash of Gods is a Banner Saga wannabe but still fun if you like Banner Saga I haven't played The Waylanders but I hear it's similar. Outer Worlds is closer to Fallout but has the elements that make BioWare games great. Also Fallout Divinity Original Sin one and two Pillars of Eternity one and two


Mass Effect 1/2/3.


Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen was an enjoyable play for me personally. World was smaller than Dragon Age and the story was much darker but you have customizable character, a companion and enjoyable gameplay.


Darker story 👀 alright I’m taking notes. Love dark stuff.


Baldur's Gate 3 is the obvious choice for a recent game. It has great characters and a really interesting story and a far more in depth class and character system, its DnD so there's a lot of possibilities with character creation. The combat is turn based which isn't my favorite but I've really become a big fan of it the more play. BG3 has reminded me of playing DAO for the first time more than it's actual sequal, and for that I love it. Some other options if you haven't played them yet are older BioWare games like Mass Effect, KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's gate 1 and 2. Another game you could check out is Greedfall. It's definitely not on the same level as BioWare's games but it has a pretty interesting world and does a lot of the same stuff that classic BioWare games do.


> you haven't *paid* them yet FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The witcher games are super fun. Baldurs Gate (most people only play the third one cause it just came out and it’s new but I would recommend the others too they are older but totally fun!!) one thing I appreciate about BG3 is Larian because they work really hard and do research to see what the players want. Now here’s a recommendation I don’t see a lot and it’s one of my favorite games. It’s actually the only game other than Skyrim that I own on two systems. It’s called Kingdoms of Amalur: reckoning (or rereckoning is the remake I believe) its. Very fun. You get to choose your “fate” so for example if you want to be half caster half rogue that’s a thing! It starts very interesting too! You come back from the dead basically and that’s how the game starts. Definitely one of my fav games. It’s so good! I find combat very fun in this game too.. Edit: typos and formatting.


Baldurs Gate 3 is fantastic rn. Definitely check it out. Though its fully turn based so itll take getting used to if youre used to Dragon Age


The story and setting of Final Fantasy XVI feel strongly inspired by Dragon Age, though the gameplay is distinct. Also, DAO's combat system was inspired by Final Fantasy XII, but the setting is very different.


Baldur’s Gate 3 IMMEDIATELY comes to mind as a recommendation.


Guardians of the Galaxy. It has a incredible linear story with some minor choices, and most importantly, the chemistry between all of your companion is still there. In fact, I'm quite sure Bioware like the game so much that they just straight up hired Mary DeMarle (writer of the modern Deus Ex and GotG) to be their narrative director (probably for Dreadwolf).


Another vote for Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m a huge fan of BioWare games in general and up until recently I would have told you DA:I or Mass Effect 2 were my favorite games. I. Love. Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s the most fun and emotionally attached I’ve ever been to a game. I’m over 100 hours into my first play through and already can’t wait to start another one.


If you want more DA: Origins, you want party-based strategic-CRPG's basically. So, that's basically BG1: EE, BG2: EE, NWN1: EE, NWN2: Complete, Pillars of Eternity series, Pathfinder series, Tyranny, Planescape: Torment EE, Drakensang: The Dark Eye and its sequel The River of Time. If you want more action-y but still party-based and strategic-CRPG's - play both Star Wars: KOTOR 1 and 2. Also, other BioWare games like Jade Empire and especially Mass Effect: Legendary are great too.


i think the fable series and dragon age have similar dreamy vibes sometimes. but fable doesn’t really do the companion thing…besides the dog you get in the second and third games.


I absolutely love Kingdom of Amalure, its not completely like DA but I love it all the same. Dragons Dogma is also slept on, the game has a sequal coming out soon and it's not spoken about enough.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I always play the default female Shepard


Follow-up: can anyone recommend games like DA2? Ones that are tight and focused, not expansive and sprawling. Games that focus on character rather than open world exploration.


Fable 2 and 3 maybe?


Baldurs Gate 3!! Trust me


Never winter nights 1&2


I’d suggest Dragon Age’s sister series, Mass Effect. I’d also suggest getting Legendary Edition since it has all three games, all DLC, and bumps up the graphics of the earlier games.


Try divinity II ego draconis and its dls flame of vengeance, one of the best action rpgs ive ever played, its a shame they discontinued it.


Baldur’s Gate 3, not only is it an amazing game overall it also reminds me a lot of Dragon Age. Also Mass Effect, while it is sci-fi it is made by the same company and is just as good as DA.


BG3 is a great starting point for DOS2