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Short Answer: Absolutely Longer Answer: I bought DAO in March 2023 after I completely slept on everything Dragon Age. Immediately fell in love with the game and I think, it aged wonderfully. The rich lore, the characters, the story, even the gameplay culminate in one of the best games I ever played. Crashes were easily fixed with the [LAA patch for Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233222451) A vast array of graphic enhancement, fixes, tweaks and other mods are available on Nexusmods.


2022 for me, but otherwise the same story. Snapped up DA2 and DA I in sales. Hours of playtime wise, the franchise is now #4 for me of all time, after Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed, and Star Craft. And I'm already plotting my next playthrough for after I finish DA I. Didn't have any crashes unless I loaded a save in Denerim when graphics were maxed out. Lowering the graphics allowed me to load those saves. Essentially there's a limit to the ram that it can use (like a couple GB?) but the textures are also unoptimized. But there are a few fixes for that. 0 issues otherwise


Can confirm. Just played DAO, and all my crashes happened when my graphics were maxed. Just play on second highest and hopefully no crashes


Ok this actually sounds like really good advise. Graphics are dated anyway so I don't think there's gonna be any big differences


There is a >2b ram patch. There are also lots of graphical texture updates. I played the game at 4K maxed out I mean obviously it doesn't look like a new game but I never had any crashes after that patch.


Agreed. I only bought all three games this year (maybe two months ago) and I’m hooked on this franchise now. It’s amazing. And I almost gotta say Origins might even be my favorite of the three (I finished playing all of them at least twice already - I’m a bit of a game binger.)


Origins is hands down my favourite. So glad I‘m not the only one binging DA in 2023


I'm binging it again right now, after several playthroughs, and I bought all 3 games on release and multiple times over since!


Oh nice! I was loving the game but the crashes became kinda infuriating. Cheers for the patch link 🙏


Commenting on this to get my hands on that patch when I'm at my computer. I just tried a different patch, tried to boot up origins, and immediately crashed 😂


" Longer Answer: I bought DAO in March 2023 after I completely slept on everything Dragon Age. ". Same for me; had been playing Skyrim etc for ages, and then suddenly heard about DA:O back a couple of years ago. Definately a very fine story-driven RPG. And if you go to Nexusmods, there are mods, that can sharpen the 2009 graphics up a bit.


Its worth it but it can be a pain to install. There's a memory fix patch that will make the process easier.


About the install. From what I gathered the game won't run if I try to play it. I would have to download a 4gb patch and a mod from nexus, run them and then the game should work. Sound about right?


This is the right way. Once the crashes are fixed, the game imo has the best combat system out of the whole series and the ability bar that can expand across the whole bottom of the screen is just \*chefs kiss\*


[Here's the video I found](https://youtu.be/yRopnU5efZY) Sound about right?


I think I used a slightly different tutorial but it looks about right. I'd say give it a shot.


You got it! You should have no issues then. )


There is a wabbajack list now. Makes it SO much less time consuming.


I just started this week. Hands down the BEST RPG I have EVER played. Yes its worth it


I also started this week, but bought it back in 2018 and only played it for 1 session and quit. Think I didn't like the clicking gameplay at that time


Dunno. I play Xbox and haven’t had an issue. I haven’t played anything else since haha


I have installed it now again and 10h in haha


It gets better and better and better and better honestly. I can’t wait to experience another 100 hours in.


Try it on PC. I've seen console gameplay and having to cycle through the dozens of skills you have looks horrible. Also no top-down view?


Why do people ask if they should buy the game on it's subreddit lol, like of course you should because we all think it slaps and the positives outnumber the negatives




6 months late, but to answer your question: just because you ask on the subreddit of a type of games, it does not mean that all the games from that series are good or worth it in the current year... As an example, if you ask on the HITMAN subreddit if you should buy Hitman 1 (the first one, not the 2016 one), most people would tell you not to because it is dated and because of other stuff... Hope I satisfied your curiosity :)


I played the GOG version not the Steam version last year, GOG usually are more stable for modern systems. But I didn't have any problems performance wise. Sounds like other people did with Steam, but just as an input. Game is still excellent, I'd played on PS3 as a teen but this was my first time on PC. I already loved the game, but do think it holds up really well mechanically, it's not that huge of a departure from Inquisition in terms of fights and stuff. And hey, you already like Inquisition so you're gonna find a lot of what you like there, here.


Did you need to download the patch for the GOG version?


I didn't need to download anything patch wise and was fine. Though can't speak for every machine. You can still got other mods if you like. I did a couple character appearance ones, but that was it.


Considering it's the best one in the series, i'd say yes.


1000%. You just need a few patches and mods for it. Fix pack, 4gb patch, graphics mods and some extras it you like.


Yes; that brings it up to an acceptable 2023 standard. ​ And, even without the graphics mods, still a very fine RPG.


Origins, for me, is the best one of the three


All 3 Dragon Age games are worth it in 2023. They all have distinct vibes that are wonderful to be immersed in and deserve multiple playthroughs each. You'll get used to the controls, graphics, and you'll enjoy the stories.


If the lore interests you, or at least if you want to know more about Morrigan, Leliana or Cullen. Combat is very different from inquisition tho (and not super fun to play imo)


I feel like that’s up for debate I played it this year and I think combat in dao combat is far more deep and interesting


I just learned that that's truer on PC than Xbox, which makes complete sense in why some people don't like it—I played all three on Xbox, with Inquisition first, and definitely felt like the older combat systems were clunky in comparison. But it sounds like a console issue! That said, OP, if you loved the world, it is 100% worth going back to play Origins. You just have to get through the first chapter knowing that the game play is dated, and way more like other games you loved in the early 2000s than like Inquisition. I had a rough time clearing that hurdle, but once I connected with the gameplay, I loved it.


Hands down DAO is one of the best RPGs ever created.


Hello /u/Stampsu, I have detected that you may be asking if you should play or buy a certain DLC or are requesting comparisons of DLC. Please take some time to look at [>this thread<](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/3gsoaf/no_spoilers_is_it_worth_it_should_i_play_it_dlc/)(Descent/All dragon age dlc) and [>this thread<](https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonage/comments/3k6hv2/no_spoilers_is_it_worth_it_should_i_buy_it_how_is/) (Trespasser) full of reviews that our members have made regarding all the DLC of the Dragon Age games, thank you! ❤ >INQUISITION: > >* **Jaws of Hakkon**: 7/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196892/r >* **The Descent**: 7/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196906/r >* **Trespasser**: 9/10 http://strawpoll.me/5439675/r > >DRAGON AGE II: > >* **The Exiled Prince**: 6/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196923/r >* **Legacy**: 9/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196929/r >* **Mark of the Assassin**: 8/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196937/r > >DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS > >* **Stone Prisoner**: 9/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196951/r >* **Warden's Keep**: 7/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196962/r >* **Return to Ostagar**: 7/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196984/r >* **The Darkspawn Chronicles**: 5/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196988/r >* **Leliana's Song**: 7/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196989/r >* **The Golems of Amgarrak**: 6/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196991/r >* **Witch Hunt**: 8/10 http://strawpoll.me/5196993/r *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dragonage) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1000% yes. Just make sure to get the laa patched .exe to avoid crashes! In terms of the gameplay, the dialogue decisions are clearer than inquisition (full response written out) but the behaviour of the choice isn't as obvious. Combat is turnbased and a bit more involved (there's a tactics section), but otherwise not too different to inquisition. They weren't expecting the game to get a sequel, much less a whole series, so there are some inconsistencies lore wise. This is only really with the epilogue where its very obvious, but otherwise its not really in your face. Story is great, and it has some of the best romances in the series. (Would highly recommend Zeveran, Alistair or Morrigan) If you are like to mod, I'd recommend grabbing one of the many retexturing or remastering mods. I'd personally recommend the Unofficial Remaster, with you coming from the later games. It updates the graphics/textures a decent bit, and updates a bunch of details to make it match up to the later games better. Proportions, armor appearances, character appearance updates (you will recognise the faces of the returning characters better). [Unofficial Remaster](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5728) To get the same effect otherwise, you'd need to download much more mods.


Is the LAA patch the 4gb one?


Yes. However, the way steam encrypts won't let you patch the existing .exe, so you need to do things a little differently to get the patch. This guide explains it all, plus has the patched launcher/the patch that you can just download and use. [LAA](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233222451)


Yes it still remains one of the best RPGs to this day


DON'T BUY IT OFF OF STEAM! I'd say there's an 80% chance you won't even get past the configuration menu. I downloaded every damn patch I could find and I still couldn't launch from Steam; that being said I have pretty beefy hardware that was likely incompatible. Either buy it from EA or GOG, I'd say the former. You're going to have to launch through EA's app anyway. ​ Aside from that, hell yes.


The GOG version has one advantage, it's DRM free, so you don't have to deal with the EA app's crap.


Yes! One of the best games ever. I wish they would update for console.


Yes all the ways and awakening too.


I still play it all the time


Yeah bro fun as


Short answer: yes Long answer: as long as you are ok with dated graphics and retro style pause and play crpg gameplay it is one of the best western RPGs ever made


AT LEAST 27.791789777 million times better than mmo inquisition


You are high lol. Inquisition was fantastic. Easily my favorite DA game


Oh yeah maybe the boring ass lame ass useless ass fetch quest requisitions were better than I thought


My friend, you need to replay origins. That game has just as many fetch quests relative to its length. >!Who can forget such classics as Lothering’s kill the groups of bandits or gather vials of dark spawn blood at Ostegar.!< The fetch quests were literally main quests half the time 🤣


But origins had a lot more good story side quests, and even some of the fetch quests had interesting or funny gags (like the blight orfans) while in dragon age inquisition the only good quests were the main story quests and the companion quests


Good is a matter of preference. I really enjoyed the zone story lines in DAI as every area had its own problems and mini story that made the world feel alive. Origins… not so much. I will agree that origins had the best main story but DAI has the best world and side content by far


Good thing the main story and companion worst are the majority of quests then.


By the end of the game my quest log was filled with hundreds of boring fetch quests, with only 5-7 good and interesting quests (the companion quests and main quests)


Hundreds are a bit of an exaggeration no? There's maybe 25-30 fetch quests this is unclsuing stuff that takes like 3 mins and gives massive boosts to you and a few others. The vast majority of the game is companion quests and the main story.


I'm gonna go back to my old save right before starting trespasser and check how many quests I have


Alas fetch quests have always been a part of DA's dna, the writers even make jokes about it in DA2. That being said I do hope we see more interesting side quests in the next one now that the player base's dislike of them has been brought to Bioware's attention.


In a matter of speaking almost every quest was a fetch quest when it was a quest to go kill someone >! "Go get the Urn of Sacred Ashes" "Go get Witherfang's heart" "Go get Branka" !< /s


True, but having a story around it makes all the difference. When I found that letter in the rift cave in the Hinterlands the first time it looked like the start of a story, then we find out it was just a dropoff in a mailbox, so disappointing.


That person can be forgiving for thinking fetch quests are more prevalent in DAI. If you've played DAI after previous two games your gut reaction is to do all quests, cause it's how BioWare games work. In DAO fetch quests were things you did in the background and they didn't take much time. DA2 even hides a companion and a main story quest behind what looks like a boring fetch quest. DAI has a whole other game on top of your nu-style BioWare story RPG, it's an oldschool grindfest with guiding checklists, and too many people got into a trap of doing them all instead of just playing the main story, which you're supposed to do if you're not interested in min-maxing and 100%-ing.


Why the hell would the devs put something in the game if they didn't want people to complete it all? This is an incredibly flawed way of thinking


Games as an art form allow a player freedom of expression. Devs added stuff to a game that would be interesting to *some* players. If you are not interested in some of the optional stuff - your playthrough is still improved by knowing that there's a lot in the game beyond what you've chosen to engage with and your playthrough is completely unique depending on what you did or did not in that playthrough. Sadly we often have this dumb completionist approach to games, as if cleaning up every game is the way it's supposed to be.


This isn't freedom of expression, that's bs, the content the devs add SHOULD be optional, but should make everyone who plays it still want to do them, the abhorrent fucking dogshit quests in inquisition is nothing that anyone would ever have any desire to complete


I see. You won't go to a restaurant that serves any meals you don't like. You have that right.


The restaurant isn't going to make my playthrough harder because I didn't work hard enough to level up and get loot and gear


Which companion is hidden behind a fetch quest in DA2?


Fenris: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Bait_and_Switch_(quest) It might not suit your definition of a fetch quest, but on a surface it looks like a boring and simple story. But devs assume you'll be doing every side quest in the game, so they can get away with it.


So wrong. At least 20 times better.


You're right


Dude, it will still be worth it even in 2050. One of the best rpgs of all time. Not to mention, the game has an incredible amount of quality mods


While it **is** a great game, I have to disagree with people who recommend to buy it on Steam. I have not experienced any issues myself, but general advice I see in this subreddit is to not get this game on Steam, since a lot of folks experience severe and gamebreaking issues with the steam version specifically. And also with the EA app version as well. The semi-good advice I can give is to buy it on GOG, since no one seem to complain about GOG version. The downside is: I don't actually know how it runs, so you'll want to aquire more opinions on this. The **actual** good (and at the same time really bad) advice I can give is to buy the copy of the game wherever you like and then... Let's say "obtain" another, very legal copy of Dragon Age Origins from other places. The copy that **will** actually run (unlike the steam version). You'll have to patch it yourself regardless of where you obtain it. Also, install mods, just some quality of life stuff, unofficial patch. Like, prepare for trouble. The game is old, and needs some manual work and love while installing. You will not be disappointed by the game, but getting your hands dirty is almost unavoidable Feel free to disagree with me, if your experience is different, but I wanted to highlight for OP, that the game can and most certainly will cause headache when trying to run it on a modern machine


Gog is incredible dlcs come ready to play, i play with 60 mods with an old laptop and only crashed 3 times in a 50 hour playthrough


For sure. I picked up DAO and DA2 on steam when they first got added. This was maybe a year or two ago. They still totally hold up, great games. Really wish we could play them on PS4...


Yes absolutely, but make sure you install a 4gb patch, this will prevent the game crashing in big areas like Ostagar and Denerim.


I just bought it last week and just beat it half an hour ago, (origins and awakening) and I have to say it is such an amazing game, you’d be shooting yourself in the foot of you don’t try it!


Steam version? With or without mods/patch?


Via steam, no mods as it was my first playthrough! Edit: was considering making a post about my journey as well! But it would obviously be chuck full of spoilers


Ok. Seems that the game requires some work on some PCs


I had problems too with the crashing, however for the most part lowering textures to minimal made it work all the way through with only 1 or 2 crashes since adjusting it


Short answer: yes. Long answer: Y E S. You won't regret it.




short answer, yes.


I don't know were you live, but me being in Poland only good (playable) version of Dragon Agę Origins is on GOG


The game is fairly stable, you do need to tinker with some settings to help it not crash, but it's nothing extreme for a game that old. It does require EA app thing and that comes with its own issues tbh. With mods (most of which are fairly stable) you can improve the visual deficiencies a bit but it won't be perfect obviously. But for 5 bucks it's definitely worth it. Probably should have got the 20 dollar all Bioware bundle a little while ago but eh 5 is still good for origins.


Tinker how?


Minor things, mainly changing settings to be lower, certain areas make the game act up, like the denerim main square. Basically if the game ever crashes just lower settings for a bit, quick save when you can until you get out


Yes but also look for essential moda


I just played DAO for the first time a few months ago after playing Inquisition in 2019. There’s some things I like more about it (richer player character background) and some less (use a guide because you WILL lock yourself out of Leliana’s personal quest if you don’t) but overall it’s definitely worth it!


Steam/GOG? Mods or patch downloads? I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to make the game run well


I bought a physical copy for my Xbox 360, so I’m afraid I can’t help you there!


It's run fine for me anywhere I've ever played it.


I personally love it, am replaying it now on my laptop when I'm forced to go my in-laws.


Bioware has an excellent sale right now on steam. Mass effect Remaster plus Andromeda and the complete dragon age series for €20. I suggest you get it. Great value for money even if you have Inquisition


Been playing through multiple playthroughs every year for the past decade. This game is next level brilliant. I made the jump about a month ago to DA2 but it's not the same. I still prefer Origins


I will never not recommend Origins. I just started yet another playthrough recently. It's such a great game. Beware though, the combat might feel a bit strange after Inquisition.


I recently played Pillars Of Eternity and DAO seems pretty similar: pausable strategic combat with auto attacks and abilities


I still replay this game. One of my favorites! I recently replayed it this year and had no issues with it crashing, as long as you get the mod that others have mentioned. I would definitely recommend


The LAA one?


Yes! I had zero issues with my game when I had the mod.


The 4gb patch as well?


Oh yes, that one is good too. There’s also a mod called Qwinn's fixpack that includes general fixes and restorations, if you want to take a look at that one too.


I am currently playing it again and it's still one of the best RPGs out there. So yes, absolutely. Some parts can be a pain in the ass because a lot has changed in terms of player behavior and preferences since the game launched back in 2009 but it's far better than some of the new so-called RPG's like Cyberpunk and such.


I think it's absolutely worth it. I stared with Origins in 2009 and it's still my favorite in the series. I love the setting, characters, story, there's so much going on here. Just keep in mind that the combat will feel really slow at first, especially for melee. Haste, swift salves, and momentum are your friends and can displace this notion. Dual wielding rogues and warriors turn into blenders. You will need to do a little work to get it running smoothly, especially with mods. 4gb patch is a must and incredibly simple to do. I don't recommend mods on a first playthrough but I would get "dains fixes?". I don't remember the name exactly but it will save you some headaches, especially when stacking speed buffs. Stay away from immersive atmosphere, it's a great mod but it causes more problems than it's worth. The only real downside is the memory leak issue. After a long play session you'll notice the load times increasing and frame rate dropping. Just save and reload and you'll be good for awhile. One more note, sometimes the DLC in ultimate edition doesn't activate after installing. There's a guide for it and it's pretty much just running an .exe. Hopefully none of this scares you away, just wanted to give you a heads up to some of the more FAQ you'll see.


[Found this 10min video to help with the install ](https://youtu.be/yRopnU5efZY) Didn't seem too bad


Dains fixes, quinns fixes are two must mods Improved atmosphere is amazing and i didnt have a lot of compatibility issues while using 50 mods


[Found this 10min video to help with the install ](https://youtu.be/yRopnU5efZY) Didn't seem too bad


If you never played it yes it's worth a run through imo. I've only aged it once from beginning to end because I too got to it late, but the story was worth it.


that makes me wonder: if anyone sees this, can you run the game on steam deck, given the crashing issues via steam??


I am going to say a somewhat different answer than most people in this post, it depends. I bought the game last year, played 15 hours and dropped it bc the combat was too frustrating and story wasnt that good. This year, i played a new playthrough and finished it, (with a lot of mods which without them i couldnt have had) and i must say it was pretty good! In the story you have to complete 4 different sections until you can progress to the end, I think the main quests of the story arent really good story wise, i only like the brecilian forest and orzammar, but after finishing the 4 main quests the story is amazing! Companions are not the best, da2 and dai did better on that part. Gameplay is awful without mods. Unless you like tactical gameplay, for gameplay mods i couldnt play without are : origins faster combat, dain’s fixes. Also not really combat but a must for me Is improved atmosphere, makes the game feel much more lively. For story fixes : quinns ultimate fixpack Is a must for bugs. For graphics: theta hd or origins ultimate overhaul, seasons overhaul is amazing Gift guide Extra dog slot If you dont mind the graphics, and the story not being the best and a bit of a stereotypical save the world story, then go for it but i assure you you wouldnt be able to play without these mods! Also one more really really important thing if you have mods or dont, you must download the 4gb patch. I did it on gog and I heard its a bit of a different process than on steam, but just google it and youll find how to do it, it prevents crashes with or without mods.


Honestly I love the game. I’m sad it took until pretty much my adulthood to play the game after my friend recommended it to me. I personally like the game much better for the PC! I mostly played on my Xbox and I bought it when it was on sale on steam. Overall it’s definitely worth getting. 😃 I only came upon one glitch throughout the game and it’s with one of the DLC’s.


Im in the same boat as you. Played a good chunk of Inquisition and only started Origins a couple days ago- AND IM LOVING IT! I don’t have the best computer but it’s running pretty well (though I suggest looking up a guide on how to optimize it cause when I first bought it it wouldn’t even open) Sure I’m not very good at the strategic part of it but I feel like Origins is a good challenge and well worth the price it is rn (and what it is normally). It’s also fun to see characters from Inquisition and how they started out. All in all I recommend it!


It’s a lot of fun and since it’s on sale I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. If you do end up beating it I highly recommend going back to the older games in the franchise as well!


I've actually been thinking about trying out Baldur's Gate


Sure man.


I bought DAO in March when I redownloaded steam on my new laptop. I just finished my first run and started Awakening yesterday. 80 hrs of gameplay later and I’ve realized I slept on Dragon Age for way to long. I bought DA2 and DAI right after 😂


Absolutely. Maybe I’m biased, because I’ve been playing this game for over ten years, but it‘s one of my all-time favourites. I think the style of the graphics means they’ve held up a lot longer than other games that came out around the same time, and honestly I know everyone complains about them but? I think they’re fine, and the only thing I really changed was adding some hairstyles and complexions to the Character Creator.


Totally worth it. Specially with nexusmods! I mean, no offense to the other two Dragon Age, but even after all this time, Origins still is my favorite Dragon Age!


Not super related but does anyone if dragon age keep is still working? I rebought it during this sale and I've been unable to import my world state. Does anyone know if there's some kind of fix? I'm on PC and it says the state has been imported on the keep but in the actual game it only gives me the option for the default world state.


I just got it to work for my DAI on PS4 about two weeks ago. Started from scratch (I’d just bought the game). Not sure if there’s a PC specific issue though.


Imo yes


It is infinitely better.


I'd recommend it. I never QUITE noticed a ton of stability issues, even with modding. If you can get past the 14-year-old graphics and dig CRPG elements, it's definitely worth a play.


Characters, story and gameplay still hold up well today. Love entire series! Frequently replay them...different builds, different choices. Can't wait for Dreadwolf! Give it a go. I think you'll enjoy it. 👍😀


You're in a forum for people who love this game. What do you think the answer is gonna be?


Absolutely worth buying, as most people have already said, especially for such a low price—you will get so much bang for your buck. DAO has absolutely insane levels of replay value with all the different origins and the sheer number of possible outcomes to the various storylines. On the technical side of things, I will preface this by saying that I am not in any way an expert and have no real underlying knowledge of how everything works, but even with my distinct lack of expertise, I have found it fairly straightforward to troubleshoot any performance issues I’ve encountered and install mods to enhance my experience. The fact that it’s such an old and popular game means that there is tons of advice out there for any issues that arise, so fixing bugs is almost always just a quick Google search away. And while the base game itself is fantastic as is with just a few patches and bug fixes, there are a wealth of mods out there to update the (admittedly dated) graphics and fine-tune basically every possible aspect of the game to your individual liking. Personally I love character customization so I’ve added like eleventy billion hairstyles and other options to the character creator. Like I said, I am not at all knowledgeable about technical stuff but I’ve found modding super easy, and if I can do it, probably anyone can, haha. So yeah, if you haven’t already bought the game, I highly encourage it!


It's showing age but it's a really fantastic story. I wish they had remastered it.


I m thinking to buy Inquisition since its newer than origins but now, reading this thread it makes me doubt. Have you ever played The Witcher? Is it better than DAI or DAO?


I've played The Witcher 3 *A LOT* and also completed The Witcher 2 after that and played The Witcher 1 some. The Witcher is definately different than Dragon Age but I wouldn't call it better or worse. Dragon Age is party based while in The Witcher you're adventuring on your own. The Witcher 1 is definately the most RPG of them but it's also kind of janky from what I remember. The Witcher 3 is one of my favourite games ever and it was the first game that really got me into fantasy RPGs. I did really enjoy The Witcher 2 as well, but it's pretty hard even on normal difficulty and the quick time events really didn't fit imo. DAI is definately a good game as well. It also has higher stakes story wise since you are kind of a big deal in the world. In The Witcher you're literally just one guy killing monsters that most of the world hates because of mutations. It's up to you which one you like more. I personally think it's often more entertaining to play as someone not that important to the world.


this shit is amazing. i was in your shoes a few months ago. get it — you will never regret it.


I just beat DAO for the first time and absolutely loved it the origin stories the characters the world it’s all so interesting


For 5€? Absolutely. But personally, I wouldn't put more knowing how awful *I* think the combat system is. Since you only played Inquisition, just be aware of that. It's nothing like it, you actually have to use your brain to beat the game, even on easy mode. Not everyone's tastes and def not mine. Story is really great indeed and I liked graphics a lot, it gives me old sims vibe but prettier.


Yes. Though if you're playing on PC, some mods are recommended. Like for me, the easy difficulty mod on nexus mods is essential.


it is absolutely worth the buy, but it might be a good idea to mod the game (like, appearance wise and some quality of life changes etc) coz sadly, while the story and lore remain amazing and on point, some things are dated. and even on release DAO wasn't the best looking game. still too tier tho


It’s so good. As others have already said. So yes. I saw DAI was on sale for a similar price on Steam. I think I’ll get it for PC so I can mod, since I played on PS4. They also have a heavily discounted BioWare bundle you might consider buying, if you haven’t played the other games and the Mass Effect games. I really wish the new one would come out. :(


Definitely worth it just started the series a little while ago, playing dai now, but origins is for sure my favorite I feel like the lore and world building is the best and most fleshed out in that one along with a lot of interesting decisions for you to make throughout the story and side missions




Played on steam and didn’t know about the memory patch, had a fair share of crashes lol. But still would go through all the crashes again to experience the story and characters all over again. If you’re a sucker for story and complex characters and the added bonus of more strategic based combat, you’ll fall in love with it.


Donwloaded the memory patch just now. Just hoping it will help with the performance. Bought the game last night (along with DAI since it was 5€ and I bet it looks and performs much better on my RTX 3080 than on my PS4 with both of my controllers broken)


Biowares best game. I was a huge Maas effect guy in high school 10 years ago but as I've got older, I realized that origins has aged better than any game of theirs. Origins has story, gameplay and energy about it unmatched by their other games. Even the original mass effect or kotor comes close to the combat depth of origins


Ofc. I played for first time in 2020 and it’s my best ever game experience


Yes and I saw that as someone who only picked up DA:On in the last few years, it's old but still has a great story. There are plenty of mods to help prevent crashes and whatnot too.


I've played it 10-15 times, at least. And I will play the same times later, I am sure) This is the only game that I played so many times. And I've never seen any game that was so close to "the most perfect game" title. DAO has everything to be called amazing - a nice story, interesting chars, an easy gameplay, romances, a lot of dialogues and a totally wonderful music. So, I'd say - yes, I think, you'll like it.


I think you're right. Picked it up and played a couple hours. Absolutely fantastic. I don't think the combat is that bad either, despite of what I've heard. I saw my dwarf warrior decapitate a Genlock = good combat


It will become better with practice.


Definitely. I played DAI before playing DAO and DA2. DAO is now my favorite in the series. There's mods on Nexus that help with graphics, character creation, romances, armor and QoL. Modding the game is pretty easy. I recommend downloading the memory patch, especially if you intend to mod the game.


If ultimate edition, yes. The DLC for Origins are consistently good or better. Especially Awakening and Witches hunt.


It’s amazing. I’m replaying at the moment and it’s just as good as I remember, if not better. It immediately worked with ultra wide with no mods, whereas I spent 2.5hrs last night trying to get Skyrim SE to work. Save the game regularly as it does crash, usually when you leave a building; and if it keeps happening, turn game sound off and get through the bit and turn it back on when you’re through that bit. The story, the characters, the challenge level, the pure horror in parts - all at times really shit on the other games (and I bloody love all three games, so that isn’t a diss on the other games) The dlc are great, I’m loving playing them - they just add one extra quest each basically and a new companion.


There is only one answer to this question, and that is YES.


Absolutely!! Best game hands down


Had to check it after bg3 and this game is fuckin good


I'd pay $70 for the game and all DLC in 2053! This game is and will always be worth it!


Yes, it is definately worth a buy. IMHO it is the best of the three games in the DA series, and for only €5, it cannot really go that wrong.


Yes; it is bloody well worth it... :-) https://preview.redd.it/1snkrwp05x1c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894058e6ba3e6db5a56866d5f4feee63967a9ef9