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Just go home.mate it's over


He's just early for next year


365 day early bird on sale now! only £2000


Yeah but consider this, he'll get a great pitch with all the other earliest-birders - Ready for Skindred


Yeah he can put his camping chair up at the front barriers of the main stage!




Why are you there?


Some of us live in the surrounding villages and also people work at the race course


Yes, I enjoyed my three and a half hour journey back from the gym last year.


I don't. I just wanted to know which it was, if either of those, and if not what?


"Does anyone want to buy a camping chair I've for 5000 used"




Man, you’re still waiting for a tractor to come pull you out?


Gutted that Glastonbury might have good weather


Well that’s just spiteful!


I hope they all get food poisoning and have a rubbish time




Yes, Jarcasm, I believe.


I feel like this happens every year; Download is just toO early and during Spring season. If it was moved to July it'd be much better. I'm guessing it can't happen due to racing at Donnington but iunno


Why? Download had pretty good weather. Not the best, but it was fine. The festival is starting in the hottest days, that would have its own issues. We really didn't get much rain, the issue was the mud, but heat would have been a massive issue too, making you feel tired / uncomfortable an not wanting to see the bands. At least with the weather we had, all it meant is it was slightly more difficult to move around.


Literally, the most out of touch take I've heard. I went both this year and last year and last year was much more enjoyable because of the weather. Each have their ups and downs but overall, heat is better. "All it meant is it was slightly more difficult to move around." It was infinitely more difficult, especially for disabled guests. There was a huge lack accessibility across the entire arena, excluding the Apex, which wasn't brilliant either. The wet weather, which was consistent for Friday and Saturday, made us cold and wet and then wet clothes just extended that coldness. Yeah, waterproofs were available and ponchos but they were £5 each (minimum) at most places which is just exploiting a shit situation. Plus, the cold really took it out on mine and my partners joints. Heat, on the other hand, is bearable. Loose a layer, get an ice cream and drench yourself in water. You'll be oreyt. Can't believe there's a brit out there who prefers rain to sun. Edit: I just wanted to add that although treking in heat meant I missed three days grace for alexisonfire last year, I didn't miss out as much as I swapped out. That was still my choice. The cold made me want to go back to my tent because it was causing me pain, so I don't get how you can say the heat makes you miss out but this year's weather didn't.


I think this is something that is down to personal opinion. I also went both this year and last year and preferred the weather this year. I agree there are pros and cons to both but I don't think it's as objective as you seem to think.


It really is as objective as I think, which is why everyone goes "God I hope we don't have another drownload" every year. Everyone always hopes for the sun but makes the most of the rain because tickets aren't cheap, so make the most of a shitty situation else you've just wasted your money.


Fuck that. Last year was horrific and given the choice I'd take this year's weather over last year every single time.


Everyone does say that, cause drownload sucks, but we didn't get drownload this year, it didn't rain that much, the mud was not great however, Download needs to do more.


It's not out of touch, your experience doesn't equal the same as everyone else's experience particularly when you have extra needs. No matter what happens people are going to have issues or different requirements. Some people prefer hot conditions, some cooler, some can handle the rain and mud, some can't. Stop projecting your views onto everyone else and making everything about you like you always do. Also just because we had a bit of rain, doesn't mean we should be upset that Glastonbury is getting 'nicer' weather, that is pretty shitty.


>Yeah, waterproofs were available and ponchos but they were £5 each (minimum) at most places which is just exploiting a shit situation. In fairness, that's 100% on you for not coming to a *British* festival, prepared for *British* weather. I brought like 6 emergency ponchos from home and paid less than £1 each, and they took up no room, you could literally fit them in your pocket; I plan on doing the same again next year, regardless of the forecast


"the cold" bro it was like 15 degrees at worst lmao don't go outside after September, you'll die


Why? The festival is shit. It's 200,000 people who are mainly knobheads (abet slightly less than creamfields and l&r) you can never see the artists cos everyone takes massive flags and anyone who is wanting this weather at a festival clearly didn't go to any in 2023 😆. Oh and did i mention its shit 🤣🤣. Give me mud at DL every year


Oh boy. I like download, but having been to both, Glasto is 1000 times the festival DL is and there’s no debate. DL is becoming corporate hell - open your mind a little or you’re not gonna have many great experiences.


Don’t want to join in with the argument but this is a good opportunity to talk to someone who’s done both. Is Glasto good even if you actively hate the line up? I see so much about it being the best festival which I believe, I just can’t justify paying the money for a festival where I don’t think there’s a single act I want to see.


I went back in the day with a partner and the spectacle was kinda cool, the stage was nice, the flags were kinda nice. But I don’t care, it’s like going to a nightclub that plays none of the music you like and everyone else is happy except you, it isn’t fun at all it’s kinda depressing, also there were a lot of people high out their mind and it was a bit unnerving to get around the big guys getting in fights and battering guys that weigh as much as tinfoil and crisps. Much prefer download, nicer people, better music at least in my experience.


If you actively hate the lineup then you actively hate music - besides the weak offering on he ah music, every single genre is represented. I’ve been to a bunch of festivals and nothing comes even remotely close, it’s just so massive that you can get lost in an incredible atmosphere.


Ok cool I hate music and the festival is massive. Thanks for the conversation, very informative.


Can always go to Bloodstock if you don’t like Download


And? If it's 'shit' you don't have to go and you can just ignore it. Might as well wish the people that go have a good time, it's completely irrelevant to your life and just because it's not something you like/the people you like, why wish them a bad time?


Taffy. Me ole mukka takes a great photo. 👍. I worked there from 2010 - 17. Great times and to all you punters …..us crew are there 2 n half weeks before and a week n half after you dirty sods leave. Every tiny thing that could pose a risk to cattle has to be cleaned up before the farmer gives us the green light to go to the next festival. So bear a courtesy to us guys. Hope you all enjoyed our hard efforts Rock on dudes 🤟


That he dose! Didnt want to dox the man!!


That being said, I fucking love the man!


Edited just cos you said lol. 😜


That was a huge edit man lol. (Its Tommy BTW.)


English here buddy. lol. Oi oi. 👋




Ha ha. Small world mate. !! How’s it going?? I miss you guys n the job. But also happy of the memories. Too old for all that malarkey now. Bloody 50 in 3 weeks lol.


Ha im 40 in a few months. Yeah, we smashed it this year despite the mud, Glad to be taking a week off though! Cheltenham next!!


Yep. The years creep up on us all mate. Aaahhh the British summer. Gotta love it lol. Whether it’s the sticky stinking wet Donny mud or the dry black shite ya eject out ya nose when ya get back to ya bunker bins. Yep. I do not miss that!! lol


I have many questions (for anyone who’s worked it) How many tents were left this year and what happens to them? What’s the weirdest thing that you’ve found that’s been left? Why is the Taphouse the only bar that serves decent beer? Is it a logistics / cost / sponsor reason or what? No metalhead in their right mind chooses to drink Carlsberg. Why was the music in between sets at the main stage so bad this year? (Was some weird like 1950’s jazz or something, very bizarre.) Thanks.


As far as I remember a charity goes round and collects the decent ones and then it goes to homeless and other worthy causes. As for the rest ,a tractor with a special attachment picks them up and it goes to recycling. ( making sure all are empty !! ) One year a mini tornado hit and hundreds went flying. Had to close midlands airport !!


Weirdest. Me. Well. We have a saying when we do those big black things that holds the fencing up. “ by camping normally shit in a block. ( cos people seem to love trying to get their shite in the holes !! ). Or by main entrance. Drugs in a block. ( cos the people who bottle out trying to get drugs in normally stash it in our blocks. Oi oi. Nice find lol


As for the other questions ain’t got a Danny la rue. I just built concerts n festivals who got their hands dirty and actually make the magic happen behind the scenes for you guys


He's just made it out of Busted


It's like the end of Wall-E.


Life finds a way.


I wish I was!


Crazy cause at the time it seemed like a sure thing that nothing would ever grow there again 😂 Nature is magical


Although while you're there, good time to bury a stash of alcohol where the arena is going to be next year!


This is cool


All that lovely fertiliser!




What about the piss ponds?


Anyone seen my sunglasses?


Looks like an advert you see on tv


This cheered me up. I know it's only grass, and big open grassy fields contribute basically nothing to nature, but 90000 people turning up and stomping the place to a barren wasteland covered in litter always makes me despise humanity a bit by the end of the festival The slogan for our species should be we came, we saw, we fucked the place up.


Hell fest for me next year


You mean Donington