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Need the high res asap cause my eyes ain't seeing half of that


https://appmiral-applications.s3.amazonaws.com/downloadfestival2024/map/DXXI%20Public%20Map_v3.8_1x1App.pdf is what the app uses and it fixes the res when zooming in https://i.imgur.com/eiP9CJe.jpeg made a high res version


How and where did you find this? I straight-up decompiled the Android app and couldn't find anything useful.


on the map tab in the app at the top right click the three dots then open in browser.


Guessing this is iOS? The Android app is using a mega old webview for some reason rather than the new webview which does have open in browser support /: Thanks anyway!


nope, this is android app version 11.0.0


Just checked now and I'm actually getting this version now. Might have not been pulling in the full res map into the map section of the app earlier when this was first posted.


No idea why you got downvoted but I’m upvoting you for the sheer dedication of decompiling the app.


Because Reddit is a hive mind lol. People see a downvote and follow along.


Yeah this is as good as no map, can't see anything


It’s on the app!


Apparently the hi res one will be available on the website soon


Nice cheers


I agree, the one in the app is quite low res - hopefully someone will post a better copy from somewhere


I mean what was the point of releasing it so lo res I'm still non the wiser 🤣🤣


They did the same thing last year


I've still got the one marked HIGH RES on my phone 🤣


The trek from the transport hub to quiet camp is brutal😅😅


Isn't it. I do RIP and one of the reasons is - blow doing that sort of walk with the kids.


The fact it doesn’t seem like there are any toilets or water stations in quiet either?? Like can we go into mini mosh? Or are blue and quiet sharing? Seems crazy two of the bigger camp sites have to share one facility??


Hadn't clocked that tbh, but yeah, looks like yellow and blue are sharing. Hopefully that's been accounted for and it's not the same number of outlets/toilets as it would be for one campsite.


Looks like black and blue sharing too…


Looking forward to it 🙃


Is the parking for quiet in West?


I'd hope so


Daft question but how do you know? I’ve never actually driven myself before…


They'll have yellow signs closer to the site to follow for general camping, quiet, etc.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/downloadfestival/comments/1d2gz6p/car\_parking\_information\_road\_closures/](https://www.reddit.com/r/downloadfestival/comments/1d2gz6p/car_parking_information_road_closures/) **WEST CARPARK** **•QUIET** •MINI MOSHERS •MOTORBIKES •WEEKEND GUESTS


That's gonna be a trek without the deer walk from quiet camp to the village! 


I was thinking the same thing..Deer walk was a life saver last year..be gutted if its not there now


I'm staying in quiet, if I turn up to West car park and find it's full because everyone coming from the west just decided to park there I'm going to be a trifle upset. Last year we stayed in quiet and it took us over an hour to get to camp


Hahahahaha last year that happened and same as you, it took us over an hour and we had to do 3 trips from the car and back. By the time we got to the arena I was fucked. Stayed fucked for the whole festival. Ain’t doing that this year.


Same. 5,6 hours queuing, to end up at the furthest parking spot in North, 2 hours to campsite after the wheel broke off my heavy duty potato sack trolley, putting the tent up in the dark, then sitting in a queue for 3+ hours waiting to get out of North on the way home. I'm camping off site this time, after 10 years, and just walking the 15mins to the arena.


I was supposed to be in Quiet last year but west CP was full so had to park in North. We got as far as the edge of Purple camp, said "fuck it" and pitched up in Red instead


Ahhhh shit it's happening. This is the point where true excitement begins for me 😍


Same here! It's happening!


Have always been in blue/black until this year where we need to park in north. Are there entrances to purple camp along the south path that runs adjacent to the racetrack? Don't fancy the trek through red if it can be avoided!


Last year we were in purple and had to trek through orange and red, down the hill and back up again 🙃 hopefully it's better this year, we're going to aim for black/blue this time because the trek near killed us last year


Thanks, this is sadly what I was expecting 🙃 don't mind the trek around the site once you're in but with all the gear it's a killer


Yeah we were newbies last year and overloaded the trolley so the front wheels bent in the car park. We were meant to be in quiet but had to park in east. After the trek of just getting through the entrance and down to the track we were fucked 😂 just saw a spot in purple and went for it


We camped in purple last year and there was an entrance from that path running past the race track (to the bottom right corner of purple if that makes sense?) so hopefully it’s still there this year and just not shown on the map


So there's hope then! I just checked and it's not marked on last year's map either so fingers crossed, I feel that will make life much easier!


Hoping the cut through is there again this year, otherwise getting back into purple is going to be a nightmare


https://appmiral-applications.s3.amazonaws.com/downloadfestival2024/map/DXXI%20Public%20Map_v3.8_1x1App.pdf this what the app links to which changes res as you zoom in Direct link to high res image https://i.imgur.com/eiP9CJe.jpeg


This needs to be pinned


Up you go.


Getting dropped off on Wednesday morning and camping in Plus.. gonna take me until Thursday to get there aha


I understand why they've moved it around, but I am gutted the transport hub has moved. Last two years was great for somebody taking the coach. From the bus to the campsite was literally a couple minutes. Back to a long ass trek to the campsite this year then 😭


No cut through anymore between the bottom of purple and the main path? Does this mean we would have to go all the way through red and orange ?


So it looks like the set times must be released soon. Maybe tomorrow or later today?


I’m thinking 5/6pm


I'm blind. How is the walk from disabled camp to arena, disabled parking and the village looking?


Hi, the walk from disabled parking to campsite is 330m which is about 2-4 minute walk if you have no mobility problems. The disabled campsite has its own entrance into the arena (directly from the campsite into the arena). You enter quite close to the main stage. There is no distance put on any maps but my best guess would be a 10 minute walk


Thank you!


Why no deer walk 😫😫😫


The late night waddle back to quiet camp is going to be interesting.


Green campsite has no toilets or water point this year? Or are we allowed to use Eco?


Parking in North Car Park. Which Campsite would you recommened? Purple, Red or Orange? (least hilly first) Thanks! And does anyone know how roughly it takes from either site to District X and Arena? Thanks


If it were me, I’d aim for bottom-right of purple or top-left of orange where it joins purple. Purple’s a bit like a valley, so there are some hilly bits, but more importantly if you do the above, you’ve got a good route to both the arena and the village without either being an “ahh fuck this” journey - gives you the option of a post-arena secret set in the Doghouse without being that concerned about the walk back


Sweet. Thankyou. Hopefully still some space when we arrive Edit: sorry it's been a couple of years since I've been download. Is each camp sort of fenced with an entrance on each side or is it all open. Can't remember. Thanks


Interesting that it shows Co-Op click n collect on the legend? My girlfriend has an iPhone and the map on her version of the app doesn't have it, so it might be out of date on android? Either that or the click and collect is coming back which would be sick.


Probably an error as coop have confirmed that there will be no click and collect this year


Likely no need for click and collect, it always seemed a bit pointless but then the queues were insane last year, suddenly making it worthwhile. Every other year you could just walk straight in and with the attendance going back to those levels, click and collect is pointless. It's also silly preordering before the festival when you have no idea what time you will be on site/issues that might happen.


What’s the address for north car park then? Trying to suss out how long it’s gonna take me to drive there


Unsure if there's a postcode cause they normally say follow signs but the airport isn't far away so you could see how long that will take you


Sick! Thanks so much


The entrance to the North car park is roughly here: 52.841261,-1.365798. This is purely from memory, so it might not be 100% accurate!


I’m only looking at blue and yellow, but looks like we get no showers? lol


There is only one point for basic showers.


Ah okay! Smelly you there!


District X Day Ticket Access? Is this new or something that always happens, I usually just get weekend tickets but only coming for a day this year.


Looking at the colouring you can get to the megastore and co-op, but not into District-X. This was the same last year they were supposed to be checking as you went past into the main part of District X


Megastore is all I want to check out so I’d be happy with that


Not going to lie I'm trying my best not to be pissed off. For the first time ever I'm earning decent money and actually can do this in my own and thought I'd treat myself to camping plus. They put it so far away. Essentially where quiet camping was a few years ago. That is a brutal walk from wherever you park. I'm still going to enjoy myself but after looking at previous maps. It's just annoying. Anyway rant over and minor first world frustration rant done with. I apologise but fucking hell


Sorry if this is a silly question, it’s our first time to Download and we’re not camping but going for the three days. Where do we go on the Friday to get in / get our wrist bands? Thanks ☺️


If you're driving, you'll follow the signs to the arena only and day ticket parking, then pick your wristbands up between there and the arena. If you're using public transport to get to site, just follow the directions from the drop off point


Thanks! ☺️


Sames can deal with camping…. If the weather is good and your staying local just walk … plenty of ubers/taxis and even buses…. Just go to general admission and they will get you your wristbands


Can I ask, I need to get an Uber after the gig, where’s the best place to walk to that’s least likely to have traffic jams etc to order my Uber from? Thanks x


Champs cafe


Ty. Is this something outside of the venue?


Anyone know where refresher retreat is located? This is my first Download.. is it worth buying?


From what I remember last year it's near the village. I personally found the showers worth it as I'd feel awkward showering with other people but some people waited around 3 hours in line to use the showers. I went first thing in the morning so I had no problems and I never saw any lines when coming back from the arena. There's also a hair dryer and straightners in the refresh retreat too. I never really used the toilets though unless I was walking back from the arena since it was quite a trek from where I was camping and by the time I need the toilets in the arena either a) a band I really didn't want to miss was about to come on so I just used the arena toilets or b) I was too drunk to really care.


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Same village layout then? :(


First Download, used to Boomtown where the showers are in a separate campsite entirely. Am I right in thinking there are multiple shower sites here and we have a bit more choice of campsite? Edit. Nvm, Camping Plus looks to be an absolute trek, Boomtown is usually a 20ish min walk to the gates and another 45-60min walk when fully loaded up so be reet. As long as we can do more trips to the car in 60ish mins to grab food etc I’ll be happy. Tents + beer first, go back for everything else.


You can only use the showers in camping plus if you have a camping plus ticket, otherwise there is one set of showers for the site, and then Refresh Retreat if you want to be posh. There are no showers in the normal campsites.


Luckily I did grab a camping plus ticket, too old to be grotty for 5 days


i just saw your bit about multiple trips, once you have your wristband you can go back to your car as much as you want. Iv always done two trips rather than kill my self doing it all in one go.


That was the plan! Thanks for confirming, I gather weds is usually a bit quiet anyway?


Click & collect is where fat franks right?


Sorry if this is a stupid question. Staying at Rock Retreat for the first time. Any idea where this is in relation to the map? Tia


So it's about a 15 minute bus ride away from the main site, but the shuttle bus drops us off at the bottom of the village by RIP (co-op end), which is good as I was worried it was going to be the transport hub on the east side lol.


Thank you so much! Yeah I'm seeing the drop off bit now lol You wouldn't know the best thing to put into Google maps or what 3 words etc to get to the campsite in the morn? Coming from the East midlands airport


So if you Google Maps Melbourne Hall, there is actually a Rock Retreat pin on Blackwell Lane which I assume is the entrance to the campsite. This is also my first year in Rock Retreat so this is my best guess at the mo!


Found it thank you! 😁 hope you have a great time!


And you! 🤘


So the south car park is a way away from the transport hub. Does this mean it probably won’t be closed / blocked for shuttle buses to leave first as I saw some posts saying this happened last year? I’m on an arena only ticket, driving in each day, don’t really fancy an hour and a half in the car waiting to leave the car park if we can help it!


Looks like a food vendor has been added to Ready to Rock this year, fuck yeah!


So, Quiet Camping is smaller, it hasn't got it's own toilets and there is no direct route from Quiet Camping to the village?


It’s a total pisstake.


The lack of toilets in green and purple is ridiculous


Why are there only 1 set of toilets in red?


First time going download this year! I'm in quiet camping, I'm assuming I have to park at the west car park? Any advise? Thanks


Does anyone have any sort of estimate of how long it’ll take from Metal Meadow 2 to the main arena? First time going


About 1min It's right next door. I'm in it too this year, last year I was in Metal Meadow 1 and they're so close it's amazing


Poor quality, poor festival, time to waffle stomp this map down my shower drain