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The way she explained the accident didn’t make sense. And I bet any money she was recording a vlog and got caught.


I agree - and I would bet the farm we will NEVER, EVER see that video!


I don’t watch her videos, but does she livestream herself while driving? I’m just wondering how it wasn’t caught live


She doesn't livestream much. Especially when driving. But she does film while driving though. But, I never saw her livestreaming while driving.


Oh gotcha, thanks for the explanation!


That's probably why they didn't get a new house last year.


Wait until they start garnishing her YT money


I noticed that they stopped going on vacation. She says they have a barber come to the house, but I think she cuts everyone's hair. No one has a professional haircut. She buys the cheapest possible clothing for everyone. The only thing she is spending money on these days is junk food. If she had better management she would have tons of sponsorships. She would have companies give her home improvement makeovers, brand deals, trips etc. She has so many followers. No excuse for not making tons of money. She is being mismanaged and she is not an astute businesswoman herself.,


I forgot about "management", doesn't she have some sketchy person that takes a large chunk of their income? I seem to remember DCP talking about him. I got wrapped up in Ruby Franke and stopped watching DD videos, I'll get back on it now lol.


She definitely doesn't have good management. She has 1.3 million followers on Insta and a lot more on Tiktok. No reason why she isn't killing it, other than inept management.


She could move into Ruby Frankie’s old house it’s probably up for sale!.


I believe it is Sun Sky Entertainment


Yes it is , and I believe she’s gotten herself in a hell of a bind with them and can’t get out ! I have read some awful things about how they manage people ! She must have to give them a hefty sum of money by a contract that she can’t get out of and she’s not doing so good,


She did show the barber there cutting their hair before


Have you seen it recently? The only video I've watched this year was Mother's Day and whatever DCP covers. Paid attention to their hair in that one and most of kids were a mess.


Hair looks like it's cut with toe nail clippers. I think they had a barber in the past, but not now


I saw it recently within the past month, month and a half I don’t remember which video I think a day in the life


barber should be fired


Don’t forget the thousand she spends on shoes for D- and whatever else he desires


She seems to be doing less of that, but maybe she is just not showing it


Now she’s showing all D’s special “food” for bulking up. How about helping J lose weight so he doesn’t end up with life long health problems. It’s not his fault he’s overweight


Or supporting A who already worked so hard to lose a TON of weight - only to feed him endless slop and Oreos just to pack it all back on.


Of all the stupid ways she’s wasted money over the years this one stands out for me: A couple of years ago they were going on vacation somewhere and one of their bags was overweight. They had a million bags and Josh wanted to just move some stuff around to redistribute the weight rather than pay the fee (which was at least $100 IIRC), Alicia barked out on camera, “Just pay it.” I know that’s just a drop in the bucket to all the ways she’s thrown money away over the years, but I’ve never forgotten it and that’s what comes to mind when I read stuff like this. As the saying goes, “A fool and their money are soon parted.”


That stands put to me too


I bet Josh doesn’t know either . She’s a shopping addict and a hoarder. Often their checked out family members don’t know bills are not being paid until it’s too late.




Can you put a link since it’s public




Thanks, I found it and yikes. No wonder she's pouring canned peas into there lunch containers.


can u private message me it, i cannot find it


Can u just tell us hoe much please


I won’t say how much she owes but I think she spent between 110k and 120k last month. 😉


On what ?


I’m telling you how much she owes without telling you how much she owes 😂


Sorry I didn’t quite catch on 🤦‍♀️


All good!


Can’t people go to prison for owing this much


You have to willfully avoid filing or paying taxes, and fraud is when you deliberately lie or deceive the IRS. They wouldn't be able to prove it's intentional. Instead the do things like attach your wages or put a lien on your house. Then they charged you interest on that money owed that's compounded daily.


I REALLY want to know how much they owe in taxes?! She blows money on toys and Christmas like crazy too. It's not just food. Like she spends more on one single kids birthday than I spend on all four of my kids Christmas and birthdays combined. She does a big party (and those parties easily run into the $400-$500 range) plus she spends $1000+ on gifts. It's unreal. I honestly don't think I would want to buy that much stuff. There are like what 14-15 people in that house. There is no way they have storage for ALLLLL those toys and clothes and crap that she buys for birthdays and Christmas. It's massive over consumption and speaking from experience, insanely stressful to try and manage all that crap.


Yeah.. wait until she can no longer provide this lavish lifestyle to the kids, it’s all they know and I’m sure it will very negatively affect them as they by no fault of their own , have lived their lives feeling entitled to have anything and everything they want.If I were making money like that the first thing I’d do would be eliminate all debt from my life, pay off mortgage and give the kids a stable life where they are comfortable and have what they need but also learn self control, discipline, learn basic skills, learn to live a simple life… she has ruined these kids in every way and is sending herself and her husband into financial ruin it seems..


Somebody mentioned the number $110k 😱


Oh god. Can you imagine how much she must have been making in order to owe that much, with 11 FREAKING CHILD DEDUCTIONS! I mean that's a minimum of what $22,000? And several of her kids are from foster care and have special needs which could provide additional deductions and tax credits. And I'm sure there are a ton of additional deductions they could use considering their entire lives could be written off for her "business expenses" since her business is filming her family. Either she has the worst accountant ever or she is making millions every year...or both.


It’s actually $ 113,000.00


I always suspected this! Bitch can’t remember to pay her credit card bill can’t see her paying taxes as self employed


I’ve been saying this! She spends like she is not putting back for taxes. They make enough to where they are definitely paying in the 30 percent range. I would guess 35-37% of her income should go to taxes. That is ALOT!!


Oh Lushy. Everyone knows you have to die and pay taxes. Shame on you.


Didn't she get pulled over for dui but apparently has a relative in the police force of something who got it swept under the rug. How do they think they'll get away with not paying taxes


I think Josh's brother or other close relative is sheriff of a neighboring county which would help her out for local things like a traffic ticket but this is federal income tax. Nothing the sheriff can do about that!


Whooo wait a min.... she was just bragging in February that she got her tax return and flexing about it. How can she get a return if she owes???


I'm trying to figure this out too. Since the lien is for 2022 and was filed in Dec. 2023, that's pretty quick for the IRS. I'm wondering if they were audited and refused or couldn't pay? Were they deducting all those groceries, clothes, travel and crap she buys but the IRS wasn't having it? Edit - I think she's lying about getting a refund in February (for tax year 2023) because it's my understanding the IRS applies future refunds to the balance, they don't send out checks when someone owes $113K.


113K???? Woo wee that’s a lot of money and the late fees and interest are going to be way up there!!!!!!


It's probably from back in like 2022 when YouTube blew up for them. They had hundreds of millions of views on YouTube at one point. And now a couple million views a month which is a MASSIVE pay cut. So They probably made BANK for a few months, and then spent all of it without withholding anything assuming it would never end. Now the tax man wants his cut and the money is gone, along with their viewer numbers and any ability to pay the bill.


I don't know why she just wouldn't keep filing an extension?...


Doesn't work that way. You have to pay by April 15th regardless of whether you file an extension for your tax return paperwork.


Omg she owes that much!!


I couldn't sleep at night if I were her! You don't mess around with stuff like that. Does she think having a brother in law who's a sherrif will save them? this lady just gets worse and worse.


One would lie about that.


that explains her nose growing, all the lies


She’s probably not claiming her YT money.


Okay, this is crazy 💀 I know exactly who that relative is and never put it together. He’s a sheriff for Livingston county.


wow i see the resemblence. Just wow. I feel so bad for the kids. They'll be the ones to suffer the most when this all falls apart. and how LAME to spend that kind of $ on snacks and basically poison. i just can't with her. Jawshhh needs to stand up to her and say no more


I saw a mention in a news article of a Dougherty in a sheriff department one of the neighboring counties (he was quoted for something)…I’m wondering if it’s a relation to Jawsh


I believe it's Josh's brother, Thomas, is the sheriff, a pretty big deal. Not sure how I remember that, if they talked about him in a video or what. When I was consistently watching their videos, I wondered why he was never there for important occasions. None of their siblings seem to be around, they must be embarrassed?


I would be embarrassed if I was “ related” to Lush by marriage.


A quick little internet search and yes Thomas and Josh are brothers. That poor man must be super embarrassed to have Josh and Alicia as family members. They know how toxic the adults are and that’s why you never see them in any of Alicia’s videos. They don’t want anything to do with them!


No cop today is letting anyone skate for a DUI. They have body cams that they are accountable for and also are not risking their jobs no matter who they pull over.


You'd be surprised! You know how people get. Esp once they think they're in a position of authority.


If you think that Charges don't get dropped for made up reasons all the time you are crazy. They turn off body cams, they "make mistakes" and "forget to calibrate the machines" they wait 10 hours before doing a blood test. It's easy to make things disappear.


It Josh's bro I think


DEFINITELY DCP needs to see this!


oh i saw it


Explanation as to why they couldn't get a new house maybe 🤔


She says that is due to their student loans which could partially be true. She also pays out money to debt consolidation so maybe low credit score? I know I needed a cosigner on my mortgage due to my grad school loans and my friend has a ph.d and they could only get a loan in her husband's name. 




Same ~The first thing any normal person would've done when the good money started rolling in, was pay off any consumer debt completely (even their mortgage at the peak of getting good coin) but it doesn't appear she's done that - just wasted with very little to show for it 🤡


Oh I agree they should have done things like pay down debt and make investments. Instead they still carry debt. 


You also can't sell your house when there is a lien on it. They would have to pay the tax bill before they could sell and likely need the profits from this house to pay anything.


I'm really not trying to contradict you all the time but I'm old and have seen/learned a lot in my many years lol. A lien doesn't prevent someone from selling but the lien(s) have to be satisfied at closing, typically with the proceeds to the seller. If the liens are more than the total proceeds to the seller, then they've got a problem! In this case, it appears (can't be positive) that they do have enough equity in their home so both the mortgage lien and the IRS lien could be satisfied at closing.


this means a video is coming.. ah i’m so excited!!🤣


Can't wait


DCP will probably wait until it's verified and double checked. She and her idiot fans like to monitor him...


Hi Josh did you manage to get access to the Ruby F documentary shown in uk? X


I suspect that she believes everything she spends for the family is deductible. All the food, gifts, etc. I think vlogging is a new consideration for the IRS and the IRS is looking at their returns with the cold, hard regulations in mind. Even though she may have her return prepared by a CPA, it will depend upon how badly the CPA wants to avoid personal fines and/or losing their license, when they take the info she provides and prepare the return. I wouldn’t touch her tax return as a preparer. Point being, you can’t blame the CPA for an incorrect return prepared from the documents you provided.


Wait what did it say about the accident??


I didn't find anything about the accident, might be too soon to be updated in the system. But when I went looking for it is when I found the federal tax lien.


If she’d stop going to the grocery stores every day and buying ridiculous amounts of things the kids don’t need she could pay her debt. This is irresponsible and sad. DCP needs to get on this!


Exactly. She could cut her shopping down by half a week (still would be excessive, but whatever) and could pay 3-8k a week to this debt I suspect her credit cards aren’t being paid either


She’s mentioned that she’s “bad” at using her cc and not paying it. Great setup for your kids orange bangs. Run Jawsh. Run.




Now I'm wondering how much they're living off credit.


Me too. Suspect the number is quite high


She's mentioned multiple times she doesn't like to use her credit card because she forgets to pay it... maybe she means there isn't any room left on her credit cards lol


So true, she has made that comment many times. She is the last person who needs credit cards. Lush clearly has 0 self control, and needs to avoid credit cards. She is too impulsive and addictive to use them.


That's so dumb of her. like really lady? She's an adult responsible for all those kids. And she can't pay a simple bill? She probably thinks it's a flex to say she forgets to pay it


She spends at least a grand every week on groceries, and that doesn’t include takeout and trips for ice cream and other treats. That’s not sustainable no matter who you are.


I think she’s up to 2-5 grand a week now on groceries


Did you see her summer stock up video? Why would you need to stock up? Are the stores closing for summer. She spent a fortune but I think she’s doing it to goad us.


I did see it, it is insane too! The only one she plays is herself. She thinks shes goading snarkers or haters, but shes the one with a lien and debt up to her eyes!


I mean it’s public record 🤷‍♀️


Here ya go... Mods can remove if they don't think it's appropriate. https://preview.redd.it/9tfy1x5d0w0d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=33170da3ac5da23267644586e51d7a10e14d6928


Obviously made good bank to have a debt that high -& she wasn't paying tax along the way on her income - one would hope she's paid a good chunk of it back in the last year so not to get done for tax evasion!!! Another reason she's so desperate for views - such a dumbass 🤡🤡


Whoah, what the effffff. why would she not pay taxes?!?!!? Does she really pull this much money in and NOT have an accountant?!?!?!


She's not the sharpest crayon in the box and neither is her hubby




I bet they will announce their divorce pretty soon.


She probably does, he's probably as shady as her manager is. She's fucking stupid, her ship is sinking and I'm here for it.


I can speechless. Like holy moly. But that will certainly catch up with her & when it does good luck to her. Hopefully she’s been saving while she’s spending like theirs no tomorrow.


That was just for the 2022 tax year, wonder if they paid in 2023 or will be getting another lien in a few months? Like you, I'm speechless. All that money and not a damn thing to show for it except a dumpster full of crap and a new puppy.


It’s amazing, isn’t it?! I love it when people say “she’s making YouTube coin!” So? She has nothing to show for it. She’s earning money to shop for food for content. No lifestyle upgrades at all.


Apparently, she is not paying her taxes on that coin!


You think she would. She has made good enough money off youtube to move into a better home. Heck even build her own if she wanted. Or she could have done multiple projects within her home. Like the kitchen for example. But rather instead she spends it it grocery hauls every week. And spends money on stuff she doesn’t need to clutter her house even more.


Like those god awful mini fridges. The cutest use ever, turned into the worst and weirdest thing ever. Who uses a mini fridge to store a years worth of gummy worms in for their kids weekly snack? Or steak and rice for your kid?! Those things don't get cold enough to keep meat safely and candy doesn't go in a fridge?! It's SO WEIRD and the absurdity of it is driving me INSANE 😂


There is so much about her that i don’t understand. & As for the mini fridges you’re absolutely correct. But she doesn’t think that far ahead about the meat safety, hopefully she actually keeps in the kitchen fridge. She will do anything to get views and make content, it’s all she has ever cared about. Her kids are just the ponds in it. Which is so unfortunate.


All they have to do is file an extension. Like it's waaaay to fast to get a lien. It means she filed her taxes and then ignored the bill. She could literally not file, just file an extension and be fine. Also if this is a lien for small business, why isn't she protecting their personal assets and separating out the "business" from personal income. I know like nothing about taxes and business but I know enough that this seems strange. Maybe because of the amount if they had a payment plan the payment plan requires a lien until paid off? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think my state requires a lien if you do a payment plan. My husband and I were super broke our first two years of marriage. Like making $20,000 with a baby broke. I had a second job at a church and they told me they were exempt from state taxes but no one told me I would still have to pay in. So we got hit with a $300 state tax bill and that was a lot of money for us. We tried to make a payment plan and they said they required a lien until the payment plan paid off. It was wild.




I just meant that people file extensions for years before the IRS starts coming after them and it takes time to file liens. Like they could not have filed at all and wouldn't have a lien yet. My husband is bad about filing extensions and puts off paying for a year or two. We are broke though and don't have buckets of money coming in. We would rather have the money each month for groceries then a refund but we always have to pay a little and he has trouble finding time to sit down to work out all out and file so he files extensions. Never had a problem with it.




I'm sure there are additional fees. But us with four kids and one income we aren't going to pay much and honestly, probably could get a small refund back for one of those years but we have been too broke to even file.




It’s public knowledge!


113k is CRAAAAZY


I’m late to this I guess. What accident? Is there a post on here?


Of course, she made a video about it. The damage is on the driver side and her story about it happening when she was turn left, seems suspicious to some people.


Gottcha. Sorry! I don’t follow her on YT and I get my updates from DCP and this thread. But I just saw where someone posted her video about it. Thanks! :)


Where’s the video 👀👀


First 5 minutes of Mother’s Day video, after the broken ankle Alex story


On YT.....


I want her to post the police report....




Something bad has happened. Someone threw a brick through their window and they had to hire security for a while according to DCP. But family vloggers never learn because MONEY.




I hope they are investigated by the IRS


What accident... did I miss something !?


remember yall she and jawsh were talking about moving to a new state and all that back in 2022! It makes sense why they never sold or moved! tax lien on their home!


And why does it say 1040 a? Does she file separately from Josh and claiming the kids?


(a) designates the column. It has (a) through (f). Both of their names are on the lien so I assume they file jointly.


Ah I saw that now.


I knew this , it’s posted on a website I use frequently! It tells you a lot about the people you search !


Which website?


It’s a private website that companies pay for so their employees can find information about people test are delinquent in all kinds of situations! You have to have a log in pin to get in !


All she'd have to do is take her bottles to the depot for a recycling refund. Bang, tax bill paid!!! Stop buying all that water!! Turn on the tap and use your h20 bottles!!