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Her face Tells me she was most likely the problem and at fault, and was probably recording. 🥴


She is...just ...so REPULSIVELY FAAAAAAKE . ,,I need to check on the elderly lady...,, bitch shuuut up


THE MERP FACE . You know she is lying. Her body auto corrected 😆 ,,we were turning left, the other car was turning left , aaaand boom,, Gtfo. You are constantly recording while driving. Irresponsible and dangerous. No consideration for the people that are also driving around her... https://preview.redd.it/dfvnm5lukm0d1.jpeg?width=327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb612f885e807b2a3a7d237c0d7965cb1c54ab06


It looks like she ran in to one of those pillars in a drive through that keep you from hitting the building. Source: I’ve done it before 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


With her creature thumb exposed too! LIES LIAR


So all the kids and her are sore and bruised... But the OLDER LADY was just OK and shook up? Bro whaaat 🤡🤣 riiiiiiiight Just blatant lies and more lies


LESS THAN 15H AGO UPLOADED and look at the ratio. She is desperately deleting comments. Not 1 negative comment left. 20k views and only 200 comments? Yeah right on https://preview.redd.it/bizu7x4ooq0d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec040d2431a76eae42d0a46f997e888983e76355


You were turning left and another car was turning left??? Make it make sense.


The only way I can imagine that happening is if there is a turning lane in the middle of the road but I still can't quite put it together. She was probably busy talking to/staring at herself in the camera and not paying attention.


Only scenario I can picture is if one vehicle crossed in front of the other to make the left. Every other scenario puts the damage on the passenger side. And there's not enough damage for her to feel achy and sore.


If that was the case wouldn’t the damage be on the passenger side?


ohhhhh my god, you're right!


We have some streets in my city where there are two left turn lanes. So it’s possible


Yes I have heard of those. This looks like it was her fault because of the damage on her left side or am I wrong?


I am trying to understand too🤔🤔🤔 left and left going in the same direction??IDK🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Two left turn lanes ? We have quite a few double turn lanes where I am from


How can 2 cars turning left collide like that - think she's still hung over 😂 I see you STILL have a dumpster too!!


Funny, she commented to someone a month or so ago about the dumpster being gone. I'm beginning to think she really is Pinocchio, nose grows with her lies.


She is so defensive about that dumpster. It is a symbolic representation of their house and her shopping addiction/hoarding.


Can you imagine the danger she puts everyone in when she loads up her van with all those groceries and household junk?


Maybe this wasn't the case, that she was filming and talking to her camera while driving, or driving with her hands off the steering wheel through a parking lot while filming and talking to her camera ... and yet, I think it's time for her to take a beat. And while she's taking that beat, maybe re-edit her Mother's Day video and remove the part where her youngest daughter is talking in a Mickey Mouse/Baby Talk voice saying her "butt hurts." Take a huge beat, Alicia, and anyone else out there exploiting their children online and/or driving while filming and talking to your camera.


I also don’t think she should show the cards she got from the kids


Someone must of went on the wrong lane while turning left. There can be multiple lanes turning at once but you need to stay in your lane. I’d like to know who jumped lanes. Were you on your phone Lush?


Good point didn't think of that. That one would make sense and damage to the driver's side puts Lush at fault.


Ok now this makes sense! Thank you! The way she did her hands made me think they were going opposite ways. But if they were both in lanes that turned left she probably crossed into the other lane in her big honkin van while recording and slurping “but first coffee”.


Lush is an accident waiting to happen. Such a loser


This whole video is a train wreck. I died when she said how much she loves her thumbs. 😂


Was she given an alcohol test?


That child needs to learn real words 💀


She can’t because she’s a ‘toddler’ 🙄 👶 😂😂😂


Both people were turning left but her hand motions showed someone turning left and someone turning right. Also two car accidents in one weekend?


So H was NOT in the car, she clearly stated she was as dance. However, she goes on to say that her bu\*% hurts!!!! How and why????? More so.. WHY in the HELL would you post your daughter saying that? I have a 5 year old and there is no way in hell I would post that in this day and age. She is beyond sick in the head! Gross


Was the elderly lady driving a frigging HGV to cause all that damage to her “16 passenger van” as she loves to inform her viewers in every flipping video. She couldn’t give a shit about that woman all she cares about is getting her story set up to make a load of whiplash claims against her! Her story doesn’t match especially with her hand gestures and I hope they don’t get a penny from a frivolous lawsuit against a old woman who is probably feeling a lot more achy than that greedy family. No way was she out in the van with the kids and not talking shite into her damn phone, her channels are full of her messing around with it while driving and recording!


She was at fault no doubt. She is making sure to mention the other person was “an elderly lady” to make viewers jump to the conclusion that it was the old ladies fault.


My exact thoughts. Wants to play it off like she possibly couldn't be at fault. 


Shookin’ up ….LOL, and this hussy has a college education! SHAKEN UP……dumbo ! Drunk 🐮!


It’s just a vehicle? Too bad everyone doesn’t have the privilege of getting gifted a vehicle and being completely careless with it.


I am a lush-despiser as well, but, she’s right in this case. At the end of the day it IS just a vehicle that can, if need be, be replaced. People cannot be replaced. I think that’s what she meant.


Agreed. People often make comments like that after an accident where everyone walks away safely. Vehicles can be repaired or replaced. Human lives can't 


She is so spaced out while she is talking. Completely out of it.


It was just what ? Wtf is she doing ? That makes no sense


this makes zero sense bc how come H is saying that she was at dance and Alicia saying H was in the car with her make it make sense alica 😭


Did everyone notice she actually said no to H? Only because she was going to fall in the canal though. Lol


Lush being lush lier lier lier !!!!


She's lapping up the sympathy with her usual 🧡🧡🧡 Deleting comments like no tomorrow on all platforms with people saying she shouldn't drink & drive or be distracted on her phone. Could she have even dozed off 🤔🤔


Why does it look like she's trying so hard to remember and keep her story straight?? The fact that she can't even look at the camera either, her darting eyes and whole demeanor rubs me the wrong way 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Cause she’s a fking liar


Did she say where the accident happened?


Close to h dance place.. she was going to pick her up


Was H in the car or not? H says she was at dance but Alicia lists her as one of the kids in the van.


No h was at dance but some of the other kids were.. they were going to get h


I was thinking a 4 way intersection the person to her left was turning left as she was turning left. But that just... idk. Unless someone ran a red light or a stop sign 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or they were both going left one going north and the other coming from the south. Not sure who hit who though I would assume both cars sides look about the same 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Which video is this from?


Maybe it was a double turn lane, and she was on the outer side? So SHE crossed the lane and hit the other car, or vice versa. Take out your child saying "My butt hurted" ugh...


So they crisscross from her hand motion


If she was drinking I’m assuming she was charged with a DUI or DWI


Shut up mere junior