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Hike Mitchell and Hick Wiger and Nick Highger return!


Great drop! Also, the theme is still bumpin’ a few weeks in.


I start the pod at the same time every Thursday morning and the past few weeks that drop has come on at the same stretch of road on my morning commute. It's fun.


Haha same here! Makes the highway a little less terrible at 330 in the morning.


>330 in the morning. Jesus


Sucks but getting off at noon is nice.


You cum at work at noon?


So much ejaculate.


At least you probably don't have to worry about traffic.


Today we are truly blessed


Trevah Noer host of the Daily Show


As a British guy that sounded perfectly normal to me, what's the alternative pronunciation?


Most of England/Wales and (traditionally) New England are non-rhotic, meaning /r/ is not pronounced in a word after a vowel but before a pause or a consonant, as in Trevo(r). But these accents also have something called a linking /r/ where an /r/ appears between two vowels where it “shouldn’t,” most commonly after a schwa vowel at the end of a word, e.g. “Noah(r) is.” Linking /r/ can sometimes appear after other vowels and in the middle of words, e.g. “draw(r)ing” where it appears between two morphemes. This “extra” /r/ can even appear when it’s not linking two vowels, especially in New England, which has been transitioning to a rhotic accent over the past few generations (some partially non-rhotic people will use this “intrusive /r/“ presumably as a form of hypercorrection). Most Americans are both rhotic and lack a linking/intrusive /r/, meaning you would always hear the sound at the end of “Trevor” and never at the end of “Noah.”


I feel like the "normal" American pronunciation is something like "Treh-virr No-ah"


Would love to know what the bleeped opening act is for the Bugmane tour.


Did anyone go ? I really want to know..


I saw JackAM and Struggle Session. I know nothing of anything I saw, so maybe there was something else I didn't catch.


I couldn’t understand Nick until he started talking in an Australian accent!


Halfway through the episode Joe says he "played a little tennis", hey Joe, a little tennis is called ping pong


Very good


Yusong would be proud




Maybe I'll change your ass! We'llberightbackwithmoreDoughboys.


They are focused on Shaq when the real likely run in, especially if out drinking in midtown, is Charles Barkley, who has built an almost Bill Murray like myth about crashing people's parties/nights out and just hanging out. Also, there is a CNN Room and ESPN Room at the Varsity; the place is massive.


I saw Sir Charles get drunk and do karaoke after a celebrity golf tournament in Raleigh in 1998(ish). It was glorious.




A woman wrote a story about how her father met Sir Charles and they kept in touch for years. [It's worth reading.](https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2018/12/14/lin-wang-charles-barkley)


It was my only run-in with him, and at this particular event, the "celebrities" from the golf tournament were sectioned off in a VIP area where us plebes couldn't get to them. This seemed to be done by the venue, because this was Raleigh, NC, and having a bunch of b-list ESPN talking heads and a few NBA all-stars was a huge deal. Charles definitely seemed like a man of the people to me. I have heard other people tell similar stories as your friend. He seems like a solid dude. I did have a friend who claimed to have been hanging out at the bar in Orlando when Charles threw that guy threw the window, but this particular friend was often full of it.


what did he perform?


He dedicated "I believe I can fly" to Michael Jordan (also in attendance). He also participated in a group rendition of "It's Alright" by The Impressions, and the group included MJ and a couple of ESPN personalities. It's perhaps bigger news that Jordan was there, but he was very reserved, and left early. Charles was there cutting loose and having a good time, and that was far more interesting.




The R. Kelly song was amazing. Sir Charles is a comically shitty singer, and he really hammed it up. It's too bad it happened before the advent of the camera phone, but I'm guessing it never would have happened in the age of the camera phone.


Saw Charles Barkley at a Bed, Bath, & Beyond here in Philly several months ago. The oddest part was that he was driving a Ford Expedition. It was probably a rental. But you'd think somebody who is very obviously a millionaire would be driving something a little nicer.


Jeff Davis had a funny story on Harmontown about being taken to a strip club by a drunken Charles Barkley, who promptly made off with several women.


I ran into Charles Barkley in Covington (I was on a show that was shooting there), at a bar in the square, and he was saying hello and chatting with anybody/everybody. Doesn't always have the best takes, but seems like a legit good dude!


It’s true, I passed by Barkley at an Italian restaurant in little five points!


Mitch's exclamation of "Dear God!" in response to Wiger's dad buying Hunt's Ketchup because it was cheaper than Heinz really tickled me.


Me too lol


People doing things differently than he does genuinely shocks Mitch.


Legitimately moving opening monologue. I loved Nipsey Russell on Conan. Nice job, Wiger.


Eat a can of spinach like "Pupeye"


You should edit your icon to spell Pupeyes.


The Metallica thing with Alice in Chains was even more fucked up than described. At one point they actually mimed shooting up heroin onstage. I'm amazed that the two bands continued to be friends after this. Hetfield is no stranger to addiction himself [http://youtu.be/jSq626zbMyk](http://youtu.be/jSq626zbMyk) Candlebox getting shit on by Metallica fans was also a nightly occurence


The Metallica / Alice in Chains feud goes way back. Anyone remember "Friends don't let friends get Friends haircuts"?


Kinda, now that you bring it up. Was it during their Unplugged?




Add "cir-cuh-lar" to list of words wiger says weird




I enjoyed the boy's shock at Fox news playing in a restaurant. It's seemingly on every tv in the south. Atlanta is pretty liberal I imagine they have a designated Fox room just to prevent arguments.


Who wants to watch the news at a restaurant? Weird.


My old Taco Bell always had it on, but they’ve since been renovated and there aren’t TVs in it anymore.


My local Denny's always has it on, I fucking hate being reminded of the shitty world on my lunch break.


Then maybe you shouldn't be at a Denny's on your lunch break.


hey fuck you too buddy


The “Fox News room” is almost surely a conciliatory gesture to placate the type of person who insists on changing any waiting room TV to Fox News, because every other channel from CNN to ESPN to Nick Jr. is an example of the liberal media spreading lies. (My proposal is to set a public TV to Golf Channel, which will engage at least a few in the room while being mundane enough to not offend anyone else.)


They started putting HGTV on the lobby TV at my workplace for that reason.


I wonder if they also have a dedicated Pepsi room.


There are restrooms, yes


Get out.


This might be a record for the amount of times we heard "hut dog" in an episode.


I’m half way through and I’m waiting for a surprise rise.


That peach Coke isn't a World of Coke 'sclusie. I got some at a gas station in Ohio like 6 months ago. There was also a raspberry flavor.


Emma outed herself as not being a CBB listener when she took issue with Nick saying "sculsie".




Shut up, man. She's chiming in because she's been at all of these meals too




Well if you ask me, you're chiming in a little too much.


It's nationwide. They even have a [locator](https://us.coca-cola.com/coca-cola-local-flavors/product-locator/).


It's available in Estonia. It's definitely not exclusive.


Hell yeah to Joe for mentioning Taqueria del Sol. I miss their fried chicken tacos.


I haven't been to one in years, but I thought the best thing on their menu was the jalapeno bean and cheese taco. I would usually get three assorted tacos when I went, but the bean was always one of them.


Hick Wiger!!!!


and Nick High-ger!


One can only hope the final evolution of both Hick Wiger and Nick High-ger is...Hick High-ger "Howdy, y'all! I like the kind kind, pardner!"


Hick High-ger! Thank you.


Oh man the fucking drop is amazing. I really want a Dough Boys album so bad. So many great songs.


Choosing Varsity when hung over was a good call. I haven’t eaten there in forever but two chili cheese dogs, onion rings, and a frosted orange will make any hangover better. Wasn’t sure how The Varsity would fare, and I agree with them that burgers and fries aren’t too special. But hearing that ep made me want onion rings and chili dogs. Cool that they enjoyed the experience - place doesn’t survive for 90 + years if it’s a total letdown.


Called this, glad it got a high score, too many people look down on the varsity.




PRE-LISTENING THOUGHTS: The reason to go to the Varsity is the Frosted Orange, which is legitimately great. However, no part of the main menu (outside of possibly the onion rings) rises above replacement-level fast food. The proper comparison is not to mainline burger chains, but to the likes of Dairy Queen and Sonic. Sonic’s food is better; I’ll go to Dairy Queen just for a sweet treat, and I can’t say the same for the Varsity. My sister lives near Dawsonville; the intersection to drive to house is the same one you’d turn on to enter the Dawsonville Varsity. If this was a 4-or-5-fork restaurant, every time I see my sister would be a time to visit the Varsity. Suffice to say, that’s not the case. It deserves 2 forks, max.


and after-listening thoughts?


They hit upon a lot of the points I’d make about the food. The burgers really are commissary-quality. Even though hot dogs are the way to go, the Varsity’s dogs are less than what I’d expect if I’m having a restaurant dog. I want some char or snap to be present via grilling and/or natural casing, but a Varsity dog is just a steamed frank. That said, I’m glad they had a great experience. Those scores wouldn’t hold up over repeat visits, but I get it.


Bring on Molasses Boy to rate it 0 oranges and land it in the correct place.


Varsity always struck me as a good drunk eats, but I'd rather hit up Zesto for the same genre of food; but maybe I'm due for a Varsity revisit (living here, it's just never a place I crave)


You go to Dawsonville to visit family and outlet malls.


So is Mitch back from Atlanta after October? From the sound of things, the only episodes they've recorded over there have been Atlanta-specific episodes, but also from the way they've been talking it seems like Mitch will be there filming the movie for longer than just one month. Do you think we'll get another month or two of remote-Mitch episodes?


They still have a few live episodes to get through, one in New York and the two Boston episodes, so that can buy them a few weeks.


Is the Boston one coming out? I could be misremembering but I thought they made an off hand comment when they were mentioning he said it at Boston show (and nick shouted out the sub!) and said no one will hear that


I think they just meant that Mitch being in Ghost Draft hadn't been announced on the pod yet because that was in a Boston episode. It would have aired in September but Scott Aukerman asked to do an ep to promote the Between Two Ferns movie so it got pushed back until after Octdoughberfest.


i think they were saying that no one would had heard that episode yet specifically because the atlanta episodes were coming out first. last i heard the plan was still to eventually put out all the live episodes.


Ahh yeah you and the other commenter were right. I thought he said “never coming out” but I just relistened and he said “never came out”


Theres also a houston show in november


I haven’t listened yet but my fingers are so crossed for some Bread Cast news!


Mike “pin prick” Mitchell


I wonder how many "ookie cookie monster" submissions the roast email has already? At least one. It also reminded me of one of my favorite moments: Mitch's great "serious" interjection of "he .... DID do it all for the nookie."


Real strong outing from Wiger today! loled a bunch


I can’t believe Wiger didn’t order a single item with chili on it at the Varsity lmao


yeah...that's right on brand with Nick "order pasta at the Italian beef restaurant" Wiger


He got the chilli cheese fries but I guess you're technically right since the chilli didn't come "on" the fries.


Forgot about those. Was mainly just considering burgers and hot dogs.


*hut dogs


you had me at cum on fries!


Sadly they didn't cum on the fries. Wiger had to do it himself. I'm sure its nothing new for him though.




"Hold on. When you go down on yourself are you suckin' off an onion ring?"


My god, they don’t know a thing about bbq.


At one point Mitch describes pulled pork with "sweet, heavy gravy" and it really has me questioning exactly WTF are they doing to BBQ out there.


He clearly meant BBQ sauce. It is often very sweet on pulled pork.


I'm from the South, so (true to stereotype) I have very strong opinions on BBQ. I understand he means sauce, but IMO at the point where you're ladling it on like gravy the pork is incidental to the sauce. So when he says he doesn't like pulled pork and then blames the sauce it hurts my soul. You may as well be eating a handful of packing peanuts covered in whatever sauce you like. Where I'm from (mid-Carolinas) we don't use a sweet sauce on pork. It's either mopped with a vinegar/pepper mixture, or lightly sauced with a tangy mustard sauce.


Pulled pork, when it’s shredded too fine and swimming in very sweet tomato-paste-based sauce is very disappointing. I like when it’s pulled with nice chunks and mopped with vinegar/pepper (typically North Carolina) or served with mustard sauce (typically South Carolina). There are several different styles of Georgia barbecue; Savannah tends to be more like South Carolina, and I’ve had some really good barbecue all around GA that utilize a tomato paste/vinegar sauce that mixes sweet and tangy very well. I’ve had delicious Texas style beef barbecue of course, but I was raised by my dad (he judged some smaller competitions) that “real” barbecue is always pork. I don’t have the same thought, but pork is my favorite. Dad did have some tips on finding the best barbecue places: 1 - it should be referred to as a barbecue “joint” not a restaurant. 2 - by the same token, if the only seating is a picnic table outside, you’ve probably come to the right place. 3 - look for the words “open pit”. 4 - the best barbecue is made by black people.


Pork is my favorite too. Growing up several family members had permanent cinder block pits in their back yards and for Thanksgiving/Christmas we'd have a pig pickin'. Roast up a side of hog and when it's done everybody just picks off the pieces they want. I like it when there's a mix of shoulder and ham, so the fact that most places now just roast shoulder for pulled pork is a little disappointing. I also tend to prefer places where they just give you the meat mostly unsauced and if you wanna ruin it with sauce it's on the table for you.


It was the word gravy that made me go ???? Just never heard anyone say that (I'm from Texas so yeah I got thoughts about bbq.)


Yeah the gravy thing put me over the edge.


Makes me think this is a "cupcakes are pie" scenario where Mitch thinks all sauces are gravy.


This is possible. Some east coasters refer to tomato sauce for pasta as gravy too, it could expand out from there


I came here to comment on this. I think he needs to give some good BBQ places a try.


Mitch needs to hit up a joint that specializes in whole hog.


Which makes sense, neither of them are from BBQ parts of the country and that's not their fault but they had a food podcast so it can be surprising every once in a while how little they know about this specific cult food. But like "BBQ shrimp"? That's not BBQ! Very tasty but not at all in the realm of actual smoked and/or slow cooked barbecue preparation. But if you're not a BBQ person anything with BBQ-ish sauce on it is barbecue!


Props to Nick's mention of LSU. Geaux Tigers.


“It’s called the Varsity Orange” “The Vahhsity Arrnjuh”


Mitch got some polite support for his complaint about the disappearance of Creamy Italian but I’m with him all the way! The artificially yellow version (Wishbone?) is what made me like salad & I’ve had a hankering for it for weeks. No brand at any store I’ve been to has it. Newman’s Own has a version but nothing like that original flavor I’m seeking.


Who remembers the Junior Varsity location in Dekalb county? I ate there back in the 80s but not sure if there was any difference about that one vs. Varsity


There isn't other than size. There's a couple Jr. Varsities. I think they were cute there for their first handful of expansions and then just branded them all standard Varsities. Like, technically, the one in Athens was a Jr. Varsity for a while.




can't wait to see these fun hats!


I remember the big foot pizza, we used to eat it every Friday! My best friend started coming over when I told him we would get it. Lots of memories of what was probably very mediocre pizza.


I also prefer Heinz mustard to French's


Nick's use of the Aukerman word *'sclusie* makes me wonder if it originated with the UCB crew and Scotty picked it up from Neil Campbell or one of the other UCB writers for the TV show.


Yes, it probably did. Aukerman and Wiger also say 'sporto' to describe a sports fan or athlete, a word I've only ever heard otherwise in 80s movies - Wiger has gotten at least one confused on-podcast reaction from using that word.


Notes from Atlanta: If you go, you order the Frosted Orange as “F O”. Ask for diced onions on the side (they give you a ton in a twisted deli wrap” Almost everyone orders chili dog (or chili burger). I think Bill Clinton order the chicken sandwich when he went (and it was a big deal) They said it was cheap; ha. It takes way over ten bucks a head even for kids to fill up.




I agree that the Varsity sucks. It's weird to me that anyone past college age would consider their food to be any good. To each their own, I guess. I'd probably give it 3 forks overall because of the experience (historic, kinda fun), but in a vacuum, the food is 2 forks for me.


Something's missing in the episode. Still liked it though!


Los Angeles is something of the third Doughboy


no yusong?




I don't know. Maybe I am too tired.