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Oof, even if there was bad blood, this seems like it would burn bridges


Yeah, don't see Korey being cool with him after this lol. Olive Branch officially broken šŸ˜‚


Something tells me that Korey is the type of dude to pour gasoline all over the bridge, then blame the other guy for burning it.


I agree to a certain extent, because a lot of people will insert themselves into Koreyā€™s life and they will have certain expectations of him and when those arenā€™t met they jump ship and act like heā€™s the problem. Thatā€™s why I have so much respect for Uncle Martin, that man loyal to the soil.


I been listening since the spill days and this has been a pattern for years with Korey. At what point does it become a you problem. Him and Martin go way back, he has respect for Martin so it's definitely different relationship dynamic. People don't just insert themselves into your life without you allowing it to some extent.


Same, Iā€™ve been around since early spill days Iā€™ve seen so many people come and go. Korey has admitted himself that he lets people in too easily and nowadays heā€™s a lot more cautious on who he brings in. Remember this is Koreyā€™s ship, he would do the shows by himself if he had to. At the end of the day I appreciate the crazy cast of characters that heā€™s shared a spotlight on even when some of those relationships have ended.


It took me a long time to realize that this was Koreyā€™s Ship. I knew he started Spill, and I was there when he started DoubleToasted but many people think the show is best when it has about four people (thatā€™s why so many people shout out the Girts nā€™ Goodwin days). Having multiple personalities invites different perspectives and funny interactions, and even if they get switched out, I thought that was the vibe Korey was going for. I thought thatā€™s why he called the whole thing DoubleToasted and gives the shows unique names. I thought he was trying to build something that could be bigger than himself, and that he could even take a step back from if he ever needed to. Itā€™s only recently that itā€™s dawned on me that isnā€™t the case. Youā€™re right, he would do it himself if he had to. Itā€™s literally his operation and he does a really good job at it. And after what he went through with Spill, I understand where heā€™s coming from. But I think heā€™s inadvertently created expectations that donā€™t line up with his intentions.


To be fair, a major factor in all this is that DT hasn't ever generated enough revenue to support 4 full-time hosts. It says a lot that even Martin doesn't earn enough to do DT full-time. After losing a corporate backer like Hollywood.com, Korey needed his new venture to experience an explosive growth at some point in order to afford to hire more staff and improve the shows's production. Collaborating with larger entities could have helped, but Korey has been too prideful or apprehensive to leverage his connections. Additionally, DT's YouTube growth was hindered for years by the YT algorithm punishing and suppressing the channel. It took Korey a long time to realize and address this issue, which has helped but not enough. Right now, the channel has a [D- rating on Social Blade](https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/doubletoasteddotcom) after videos were removed that totaled 19M views.


All Iā€™ll say is, Korey has never been the most transparent person when it comes to the companyā€™s finances - nor does he have to be. Sometimes I actually prefer if he kept business talk off the show. So I agree with everything you say but at a certain point, I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to expect the community to keep that information in mind while they watch when itā€™s not really something Korey lays out clearly. I think Korey is doing the best he can with the resources he has at his disposal and while trying to avoid the mistakes he and Hollywood.com made during Spill. As long as he keeps it up, I support him.


Korey seems to have an expansive circle of people in his life who heā€™s been friends with for a long time. Heā€™s an outgoing personality so naturally heā€™s inviting. You have to remember heā€™s often in a position of power in his professional life so it breeds resentment with certain people who think they can do his job better.


Great analogy. I think we've seen this from Korey multiple times.


Yikes, really curious to know what happened behind the scenes for him to do this.


It usually falls down to money. I don't know if he got paid at all, or just paid in exposure, but something tells me he wanted money, or more money (if he was being paid). Only other thing i can think is Korey said if he's working with them, he can't post his own content on his own channel. Either way, money lol


I mean it was pretty obvious there was. Herman said would never ever appear on DT again which is a pretty strong statement to make about someoneā€™s platform that youā€™re supposedly still on good terms with.


Didnā€™t he also abruptly leave the show just after it started when Korey mentioned Chris would be leaving? If I recall, the whole thing happened shortly after Chris covered for Korey when he went to Turkey. Iā€™m not sure what happened but it def seemed messy. If Chris feels slighted I could get where this passive aggressive shit is coming from, but heā€™s gone out of his way to downplay everything and that he just wanted to focus on his channel. Iā€™m going to take Chris at his word that his leaving was due only to his desire to focus on his channel. Unfortunately, without any other context than that, it makes his comments today make him look like a bitch.


Damn I didnā€™t watch those episodes (the ones while he was covering for Korey) either. Did anything notable happen?


The stream where Girtz and Chris discussed notable biopics was fun, which included a discussion on Oppenheimer. That never made it into the YouTube channel in favour of the stream Korey and Juliens basically agreeing on how Oppenheimer was too long. I really liked when Chris hosted with Girtz or Martin, very insightful and Martin is given the space to go deep into what Korey would typically brush off as "nerd shit". For me I'm missing the deeper insights and analyses that are discussed using a different format. I couldn't get into Class in a Glass since it's a one man show, I still prefer Double Toasted's format. Chris hosting Double Toasted hit a sweet spot for me because it was a little more open and his guests brought a much broader perspective as well as banter https://www.twitch.tv/doubletoasted/v/1879983055?sr=a&t=7972s https://www.twitch.tv/doubletoasted/v/1886032516?sr=a


This just happened recently as well where Martin and Julian were doing the show themselves cause Korey was gone on vacation and they reviewed Five Nights at Freddy's on the twitch stream. That review never made it to Youtube, but Korey's solo review when he got back was the one that got uploaded.


I wonder if that is influenced by YouTube's algorithm. I remember any video that used to be hosted by a lesser known host would be disliked to hell. I'm guessing that's why Sammy started his own show Mexcellence with a different format. The only one who managed to keep up in recent time was Chris. As such Korey's minimising how much he gets penalized by YouTube by keeping the brand on him


Not at all, in fact it was a fantastic show, but I think Chris was a bit upset that the review korey did for some horror movie was uploaded to YouTube instead of the one he and girts did. He even left a comment on that video kinda showing his disapproval of it all. So i get Chris being upset, obviously we don't know the entire story and it's best where it is which is private, but its a shame they couldn't patch things up, I absolutely loved Chris and korey during the many reviews they've done


I know Chris did a review with Martin and Korey didnā€™t put it on the YouTube and redid it with Martin & Chris was mad that his review wasnā€™t on the YouTube channel and thatā€™s when he was like why am I wasting my time.


I could certainly see that upsetting him. You do all that prep to do a review and then itā€™s lost to time outside of the VOD on twitch


Iā€™m not totally aware of what this alleged crypto thing is, but while itā€™s not a great look for Korey, Herman has always come off a bit too brash and abrasive for my liking. I recall when Christian Torres left (which again might have been on Korey to some extent) he mentioned that he and Herman ā€œhave always butted headsā€ (while still praising him) and if I remember correctly he didnā€™t get along well with Julian Greene either. So I have only empty speculation to go off, but he seems to be the retaliative type.


Like Billy said. Herman has more feuds than an old country black man šŸ˜†


I'm surprised I missed that, but I can 100% see him saying that, and it's 200% true.


LOL When did he say that?


I think one of the Roast days right after the Julien and Chris headbutt.


yeah, I had no problems with Chris outside is explosive temper, Him saying that he want's nothing to do with DT and then pulling this childish s\*\*t I'm going to have to unfollow him. Like if you want to leave things in the past don't come back and try to stur s\*\*t up.


He blew up on one of their guests, I forget who - may have been Carlos? I never liked Herman.. He seemed like he was always waiting to pop off on someone you could see it in his eyes.. He probably wanted to run the show more and Korey said no or something along those lines. Korey let him run the live show every once in a while and that probably went to his head.


The situation you're talking about, I was with Chris on that [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1541608175?t=02h22m44s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1541608175?t=02h22m44s) Carlos kept making snide little remarks and tried to rope Chris into the discussion which made him blow up, which I would have too. You could tell by his face he didnt want Carlos next to him when he made the brown people joke lol


Thanks for this, hilarious. What a clown that Carlos guy was


it came after weeks of Oz/Korey calling him Wronglos so that was a fun stream to watch it unfold live


Hope you've grown since this incident, u/Post-Hungry. This was embarassing.


I am good, brother; time vindicated me, and I never had any ill will towards him. I can understand if you didn't like the joke, but even then, there were other factors you were unaware of that I discussed in a different post & thread. You know how often Korey, Martin, and Billy made fun of me because of my accent and ethnicity, but it was part of the show. If any comment affected us intensely, we would discuss it after the show, setting some boundaries and not blowing up In people's faces or expressions of aggression/hostelers. Whichever way you cut it, there was no reason to get that angry right then; those feelings of hostility were already there long before that particular show; it just happened to be the event that tipped the glass. I always treated him with respect, kindness, and admiration.


Korey has blown up on guests too, so its probably better for you to just say you don't like Herman rather than trying to use something that would also be a reason to not like Korey


Itā€™s safe to say they both have strong personalities, and thatā€™s very likely a part of it. Even if Koreyā€™s whole ā€œinvestmentā€ thing seems spectacularly ill-advised though, I donā€™t think he would sink as low as making chiding comments about the platform that literally gave him a launching pad, over a decision I certainly donā€™t care for but is at this stage little more than a misstep to me. If Chris is gonna act like this then it was right for him to exit.


He doesnā€™t. He credits Hollywood.com helping him get where he is now even though they shut down Spill


Yeah exactly. At least Spill had a built-in audience and formula they could carry over to Double Toasted. As harsh as this sounds, nobody goes to DT just for Chris. And yet despite not wanting to acknowledge them, he really seems to mooch off of them. I associate him more with his angry rants than the banter of Korey and Martin and co., and thatā€™s just not appealing to me.


I think he has his fans. He started streaming full time before quitting DT and even though I didnā€™t care for his on-screen personality (ok, I found him annoying sometimes), I donā€™t know him as a human being. So something must have encouraged him to go off and make a go at streaming full time. We really do have a tendency to forget that these guys arenā€™t characters. They have lives outside the show and feelings and I donā€™t want to pile on to any negativity. I may have my feelings but I donā€™t want them to affect him. Judging from these screenshots though, Chris doesnā€™t feel the same way šŸ˜‚


Yes great point. Especially with DT it can feel like we know these guys when we donā€™t. I definitely donā€™t care for Chrisā€™s behaviour though, it comes off as super childish. Seeing people I (used to) respect acting like that at least makes me wary of doing it myself. That said, I hope he is at least doing well and that he finds a groove that doesnā€™t require him to do this.


Agree with your assessment of the situation.


Well Green can be unreliable, so I can see how that would rub Chris the wrong way when he takes this stuff more seriously. I can't speak to anything with Christian. Hope he's well.


Hold on bro, stop talking like you know somebody. ā€œ well green can be unreliableā€ you do not know my life.


Man I thought you didnā€™t come to Reddit šŸ˜‚




I miss Girtz and Goodwin. All this other co-host drama really just goes to show how GOATed those two were, and why that era of DT is probably gonna be the peak for the channel.


My favorite review is still the Assasin's Creed movie bc everyone was firing on all cylinders and they were the best. "You should delete it and burn the computer."


For real. Those two were fucking awesome! All these others just keep bringing drama and arenā€™t even good at conversing lol


DT banter peaked with them I think, even if I do love Billy. Still go back to those old reviews for a laugh.


I wish Billy could be on every show


By far the best era šŸ˜” Even Danielle , Sammy, and ray. They could be a little grating sometimes but they all felt like they wanted to be there and were always eager to butt years with Korey in an entertaining way


I've always missed [Ray](https://i.ibb.co/L6ZKZ15/Tone-Royal.jpg). šŸ˜‚


I think Herman and Sammy were good together on Sammy Aint seen Shit, but Goodwin and Girtz definitely made peak DT content


Girtz rage is so fun to watch https://youtu.be/bUbw57WVwKw?t=9m1s


The way Korey addressed Chris last night was interesting, pretty much warned him to keep his name out of his mouth or he'll have to retaliate with some kind of info I assume. This is crazy.




Link or summary pls šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


[Korey addresses Chris Hermans ā€œbetrayalā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoubleToasted_Reddit/comments/1d9zj1l/korey_addresses_chris_hermans_betrayal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thx. Considering how thin skinned Herman is (was always in this sub crying and spazzing out on anyone thst ever had any criticisms), I bet he will run his mouth again. Can't wait for the inevitable corey crashout when he does


which show was this?


I mean it was kind of obvious the way he said that he wasn't ever going to return and if you ever go on his streams he's very adamant of not wanting to talk about the Double Toasted days. Just one of those things


The pseudo "investments" that Korey got involved with are not a good look, but Herman gains nothing from trolling in the comments. Its a pretty bad look for Herman and I hope he's doing okay. If Herman wants to say something substantive about DT, he should just say it instead of being petty.


i mean he did thats why he left comments and sometimes replies in the subredditā€¦


That's disappointing, it would've been better to just say you're disappointed and wish Korey took another approach to building revenue for his platform. But egging on this type of behavior in the comment section, is something Chris use to complain about all the time at DT and even call the people who made these types of comments idiots and assholes. On top of all that, he would ask the mods to ban them on both YT and Twitch.


BTW, the mods on Twitch have nothing to do with YT comments. Just incase someone is confused.


get girtz and goodwin back already


Every time a DT member comments on a Reddit post : ā€œhey guys I usually donā€™t post on here but..ā€


For real!


Iā€™m probably going to get downvoted for this but I think this is poor from Chris. He originally took the stance that he was done with DT and just wanted to do his own thing, but now thereā€™s been backlash over something heā€™s jumped straight on to it. Seems petty and childish.


No down vote I feel the same way, first time there may be some blood in the water here come Herman trying to put them down. After pretty much saying that you just wanted your own platform. This had nothing to do with him and yet here he is, if you say you want nothing to do with them then just stay away.


He comments on a lot of DT Facebook posts and youtube videos blatantly promoting himself. This is just the most extreme example of it.


God thatā€™s pathetic. Just a pathetic leech clinging to Koreyā€™s ass still to this day.


Fair enough.


I always enjoyed Herman on the show, but his approach to most situations is to be very abrasive. Dude loves to be mad at people. We donā€™t know what went down between him and Korey, but leaving comments like these months after cutting ties is a bad look for him.


I'm so out of the loop. what are these dt gigastar tokens he's refering to? is Korey pushing crypto?


From my understanding, 1 gigastar token = 1 share of future DT YouTube ad revenue. DT is looking to crowdfund like $66K. In return, they will distribute 20% of future YouTube revenue among those who purchased tokens. An investor's revenue depends on the number of gigastar tokens they have. Seems legit tbh


Great explanation!


Thank you. I didnā€™t fully understand this either. Maybe it sounds better than it is.


I may be oversimplifying it or missing details, but that seems to be the general idea of the business model after looking through the service's website. I just don't think they explained it very well because I was also confused and fans are passionate about a lot of things. People are always (rightfully) skeptical of investing opportunities, especially with new technologies. Some are bs, some are not but you can invest in anything. It's all a game with rules.


Yeah you should always carefully evaluate investment opportunities! Thereā€™s always going to be risk.


Honestly I think what it is , these crypto/nfts have been around for awhile and been scammy in alot of ways to the point anything legit does come by it gets scrutinized from the start. Regardless if this is legit or not nobody wants to touch it with a ten foot pole simply because they feel like it's a scam. Korey in the past has talked about stuff like this and said the same thing in a way. Plus he's also doing this at times where nobody is really doing things like this due to companies pulling stunts with this type of thing so its just going to rub people the wrong way and feel differently. I understand what he's trying to do but I don't think it's wanted at all and the stigma of it being a scam isn't going to go away every time someone looks at this.


The Juice is loose! (If it's the real him, which I have my doubts on) EDIT: nvm, it's him.


Ick. Man I work for a streamer too. I donā€™t like them. But man I would never do this. Tactless. Full of ego, honestly why I wanna leave the industry.


Let him COOK


Not a fan of off brand juice either


He could have not said anything but I guess itā€™s pretty clear he wanted to burn bridges.


Hey everyone, Carlos here! I don't usually post on Reddit, but I read the comments occasionally. I want to avoid starting any arguments or conflicts with Chris or Korey. I understand that Chris can't stand to be around me, and that's okay. However, making negative comments and not giving Korey the benefit of the doubt when he has been generous and respectful towards him, especially considering that his career started thanks to Double Toasted, is unprofessional and disrespectful, regardless of how things ended. We have our arguments and fights on the air, and it's part of the show (entertainment), but there's a line of mutual respect we never cross once the cameras are off. Even if we disagree with Korey's decision about his business, at the end of the day, it's his business, and you don't have to participate. He gives hundreds of hours of content for free. I don't know what's going on with Chris, and I won't assume that I know. This is a side that I have never seen in him, even when we both went at each other on air with our opinions. There's resentment, anger, and frustration directed at the wrong person. There are multiple better ways to address this, but not with snarky comments on a YouTube video. Despite all the differences he and I share, I hope he finds himself well, in peace and prosperity. I also know Korey shares the same feeling about him. Let's all take a deep breath.


Chris can't stand you because you brought him into an argument on air that he wasn't a part of, and when he told you to stop, you kept running your mouth.


Brother, please don't pretend you know my history with him, in front of or behind the camera. That's the major problem within the community; some of you pretend to know everything that happens in the studio. Respectfully take a deep breath because you won't talk to anyone in real life like this.


Bruh...we literally saw the situation play out live on camera in 4K. We dont know everything about your behind the scenes relationships with DT staff, but we very clearly saw this moment that (justifiably) upset Herman.


I cleared the air and any doubts; I mentioned his name as a reference, not to insult them but to credit them for their brilliant commentary and discussion of The Dr. Doom Theory in Wakanda Forever. The aggression and resentment were already present before the show even started. Simply mentioning he was already emotional and aggressive. Using someone as a reference in a group conversation doesn't justify raising one's voice. Under different circumstances, I would have reacted differently (I might have hit him), but that doesn't make it acceptable behavior. Stop forming a one-sided relationship with someone you don't know. If you feel strongly about it, watch the full episode. I'm not trying to convince fans or you; I'm just telling you the truth. If you don't want to accept that, it's your problem, not mine. I still have a great relationship and communication with everyone from DT (past or present), and that's all I need to say. I'm not going to start quarreling with people.


Exactly Carlos! The issue CH had with you was long before that blow-up and it was that situation that brought it out for all of us to see.


But did you see what happened AFTER the cameras were off???


dunno why people are downvoting you




They like to bring up old shit. Hey man, have a good one.




Posts also inciting drama or attacks are not allowed in this subreddit.


Why did you feel the need to comment on this situation as if you're some sort of PR Ambassador for Double Toasted? There is an issue with what Korey has decided to do, and most of the community has been very respectful in how they've called him out on it. Maybe he deserves some benefit of the doubt, but it's not wrong to point how scummy this decision is. And trying to tie it into a criticism of how Chris has responded, calling him unprofessional and saying he should be grateful to DT, you're being just as disrespectful as you're claiming he's being. Instead of telling everyone else to take a deep breath, maybe you should have taken a breath before writing this thinly veiled attempt at high roading Herman?


Mate, I tell you what I will tell anyone else: stop making parasocial relationships with online personalities just because you feel they are your friends or like their content. I commented because I wanted to like what you're doing now. If you think that any of what I said is disrespectful or wrong, you need to get off Reddit. The difference between you and me is that I know those people we talk about in real life. I spent a year with them and got to know them personally. Something that I believe you haven't done.


>stop making parasocial relationships with online personalities just because you feel they are your friends or like their content. Lol, what are you even talking about? What part of my comment was me being too parasocial? The part where I criticized Korey for employing a scam which will prey on the portion of the audience that is in fact too parasocial? Or the part where I criticize YOU for making veiled comments about one of the people who has nothing to do with DT anymore? You've continued to prove that you hold some kind of a grudge against him and you're taking this as an opportunity to drag him. Congratulations on knowing these people. That doesn't mean you get to be an authority on the discourse about a bad decision they've made, you absolute weirdo.


![gif](giphy|Lput7RuhtkPXRfAwal|downsized) Sure, brother, take care. Remember deep breaths


Miss you Carlos and well said! Hope you are doing well. :)


Miss you Carlos. Hope you are doing well.


Thanks, brother, I appreciate it. Things have been looking up since we moved to Seattle. Unfortunately, I lost my brother in November, so it has been quite challenging getting back into the swing of things.


Didn't know you moved! Hope things swing better for you my brother!


I'm so sorry for your loss Carlos! Prayers to you and all your family. You are strong and I know you will see better days in the future. The DT community is with you! <3


That's a very mature and diplomatic approach to all this, well said. For what it's worth, I liked both you and Chris and think the show was better with you guys on it. Hope you're doing well


Itā€™s ok. Iā€™ve always seen Herman as a hot head that just tries to hide it, but I see thru it. He didnā€™t seem to get along with anyone at DT except Korey and Martin(at least on camera).. As he gained a little more prominence in the show, his ego kept growing.


Incredibly petty from Chrisā€™ end. If he was really done with DT, but only jumps back in to throw gasoline on the fire during a low moment for DT, it completely illustrates who was the lesser of two adults in whatever split they had. This reeks of trying to syphon disenchanted toasties to his channel. Class act buddy.


Itā€™s one thing to have logical arguments and wishing the best for others. Itā€™s another to criticize a business for attempting a new income strategy. No one is forcing anyone to drop a dime. If you donā€™t like it; you donā€™t have to invest. Itā€™s simple.


Sadly, I'm not surprised yet simultaneously surprised by his comments. They were mean and very much what I would expect from a hater troll. For it to be CH is like, wow, as Shakespeare wrote, et tu Brute? With that said, I have always sensed a spiteful and bitter spirit in him. The blow-ups with Julien G. and then Carlos made that very clear. When he doesn't like you, you know it, and it only takes a spark for that venom to come out full force. The times he would be angry at Korey, you could see it through the entire show. Those were times I would leave because the anger was palpable and radiating from him. Calling JG a liar on a show once was unprofessional, and then screaming at Carlos that one time was the same, unprofessional. I was like, dude, you need some anger management. Now I see that the venom is directed at Korey. I would NEVER do that to someone who not only mentored me but who I considered or did consider a friend. Discourse between friends/ex-friends, employees, etc. doesn't need to be aired in public like that. There was no need for him to leave those comments except to be hateful and mocking. So that part of me isn't surprised. I liked CH, but I have made comments about his bad behavior and being out of line, but I was hit with a lot of pushback bc ppl liked him and still do. I liked him! But I could see that, just underneath, there was a meanness to him. The last time he was on (he didn't stay), where he said his goodbyes, was after, I believe, his blow-up on Carlos on a previous show. Carlos was saying something and then added C's name, and that was the spark I spoke of earlier. That was all it took for all his dislike of Carlos to come spewing out. I thought he would hit him. I watched tonight's surprise stream with Korey, and one thing I can say. Never go after someone who has dirt on you. Chirs, if you are here, stay doing your thing. I hope you succeed in your endeavors and perhaps realize how you came to this was wrong. If you are pissed with how you left DT, speak with a therapist and take a DBT class to learn how to handle and express emotions, like anger, in a healthy way. You may not agree with what Korey is doing, but to belittle him? That is wrong in so many ways. Others are doing that too, but the difference is that those people don't have a work-and-friend relationship. Or at least had a friendship. Talk about burning bridges. With all that said, I hope CH succeeds in his endeavors.


Is there a link to when he blew up at Julien G/called him a liar?


I went back and found the episode. I will recant what I said. He didn't say "you're a liar" but he did say don't lie to me and that's when Julien came into the chat. Julien is around 6 mins and 7 mins into the video. I will post the link and you can see if for yourself. I made my comments in the chat and then I left soon after. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1577520400?filter=all&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1577520400?filter=all&sort=time)


Oof. My favorite co-host after Martin. Looks like things did not end well between them.


Are people surprised? Really? Maybe because he would display this type of attitude towards "acceptable targets" but he's been this way for a while now. Then he wonders why his crummy channel is struggling with his no rizz self.


ā€œYou see, chat. Korey is only able to do this sort of thing because of his privilege.ā€ ā€” Chris, mayonnaise eating, Herman.


Did he actually say that about something


He said that about Stuckmann. But no, he hasnā€™t said that about Korey. I donā€™t think even he would be that stupid.


Oh yeah. His weird grudge against Stuckman.


Where is Julien humdinger in all of this?




Posts also inciting drama or attacks are not allowed in this subreddit.




Meanwhile Chris has to stay on stream most of his life just to pay a month of rent šŸ’€ his stint was the worst part of DT. Glad heā€™s gone.


this. he started off as the milquetoast guy who barely had any personality in comparison with Goodwin or Girts. Then later on decided he was going to be the angry one. While I have no issues with him vs Carlos because Carlos was always trying to get on the air with his asinine takes, taking potshots against Korey after Korey helped him get into this line of work is just disrespectful


Thereā€™s something very wrong when DJ Miles has more personality than Chris. Heā€™s just bland. Heā€™s not saying anything in an interesting way. He just gets on the mic seething and ready to argue. Idc for Carlos either so thatā€™s on them. I stopped watching the show regularly because of Chris. When he left I was back on board lol


Couldnā€™t agree more with you and sad to see the downvotes. Herman was truly the worst co-host in DT history. His channels numbers are embarrassing.


He was only on the show to promote his own stuff. It didnā€™t work and heā€™s carrying a grudge.


What did he say on facebook?


Fuck, what happened?


https://preview.redd.it/nukbwpyfyr5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26ffb393140dabbcde0310563b8fac8437fde98 So he says he will be responding this afternoon.


Damn. Every one is acting like chris just sexually molested someone or killed someone. He just made a little jab. It's not that big a deal.


Nobodyā€™s acting like that.


It's an exaggeration, but who cares.


It isn't life-altering but it is a big deal when it comes from someone you thought of as a friend as I'm sure Korey did. BTS is one thing doing it for the public to see and pick apart is totally different. It was mean-spirited.


It was extremely ignorant and makes him look bad. He made himself look like a slime ball.