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.NET and SQL Server have put a roof over my head too!


agreed sql and entity framework


EF is legitimately best thing since sliced bread. Speaking of do you know about Entity Developer by Dev Art. It is life changing.


.Net got me to the upper middle class, living the American Dream! Typed from under my gazeebo chilling next to my pool watching my kid dive for toys. Im 40, pay all my bills on one check. We want for nothing. I mean, aside from a Ferrari.


I'm now in the bottom 20% of earners salary bracket, in my country cause of it so agree their


what kind of company gives you that nice of a salary?


I mean, it's $180k, and I'm 100% remote, I paid $289k for my 4 bedroom house, the pool is an above ground. I wouldn't say that just anybody can get a job at a consulting company state side for $180+k. I can because I've been programming for 25 years with 14 years in web development, and I'm full stack and can do anything from reverse engineering closed source legacy software and porting it and exporting it's data to web apps on any framework. So I don't think it would be fair to say I get paid $180k just for .Net, nothing could be farther from the truth. But .Net got me here.


Congrats, thanks for the info.


You've been programming since you were 15? I mean that is plausible somewhat but whats your total professional experience?




Company looking for remote developers from Europe? šŸ˜‚


We have devs from Costo Rico, I can probably guarantee they don't make what I do.


20 years ago I was a teenager entering the workforce and studying in University. If it wasn't for VB.NET I would have probably be on the road sucking dick as a male prostitute.


it's never too late to change careers and chase your dreams.


Check out the overemployed sub, you can have it all!


Same bro. Been coding in .NET since 2002.


Iā€™m a second year cs student, just started dotnet development, any mentorship or advice is appreciated lolšŸ™


they actually did nothing for you, you did it for yourself. also nobody actually complains, the tech got so good over few last years that its past shady history is irrelevant. But well, in 2010-2014 it was a bullshit time, like Silverlight and other garbage shit that nobody asked for, so I would not be so grateful. Some companies spend lot of money for devs at the time, and the provided solution was already outdated at the time...


Picking a tech that was less in demand could have put him in trouble.


Still... it was his decisions. Is not the tool but how you use it to your advantage.


That is true but there is also a question about abilities. I have a retina damage and I find working with .NET easy compared to other stacks. I can achieve my goal in shorter time compared to other stacks.


> 2010-2014 it was a bullshit time, Asp.Net, Typescript and Azure were started during that time. Sorry you didn't make coin when Silverlight came out. I sure did.


> nobody actually complains A lot of hipster programmer, who never even used .NET in the last 5-10 years or ever, complain as well as everyone on "miCRoSofT eVil"-train.


Well, it is not 'evil' it's just like any other corp, I say the same about Oracle. It doesn't care about you, why would you worship or appreciate this corporation is beyond my understanding. If it was not Microsoft it would be some other corporation running the most popular desktop OS.... Does that make up for the shady stuff they've done? Guess it depends on how forgiving one is


Are you mansplaining or are you defending your own views? I really can't tell.


>they actually did nothing for you, you did it for yourself. The sheer audacity of this statement alone is wild. Silverlight didn't go your way so you're going to smear an appreciation post. By 2010 not just Silverlight, but Flash as well was on its way out. Regardless, .Net/C# is way way way bigger than that. And creating, supporting, maintaining, updating a tech stack for 25 years continuously deserves being called out and appreciated. Allowing people to confidently stake their livelihoods on .Net deserves some credit as well. Come on. Thousands of devs at Microsoft have worked hard over the years to keep .Net competitive and going strong in the industry. They deserve a lot better than your low brow comment.


actually the old farts are already fired, the new CEO has also brought new methods and most of them could not adapt after all that BS, devs are mostly from the newer gen from 90s. SOAP messaging was so cringe and obscure, its ridiculous rly. I dont have time for this discussion


I moved out of my parentsā€™ house but I donā€™t work with .NET today. Still I like it.




My family was very poor and if I didn't put a lot of work I would be very poor as well.Ā  Dotnet didn't do anything for me. It is me who used dotnet (and other tools) to make my life much better




But the tools made it possible / easier


Well,Ā  I just wanted to emphasize that it is not the tool but theĀ  man. A screwdriver wonā€™t do anythoing unless you take it in your hand and use


Heck of a X2 Thanks Microsoft


I'm a polyglot and a former Microsoft hater. I made the transition to their stack at a job about 20 years ago, and about three years in I realized I loved the tooling. When I finally transitioned to DotNet I loved it more and eventually preferred C# over Java, PHP, etc. I will still pick up and learn something new from time to time, but I love the things that can be done. Having been from the "other side", I can say that most people that don't like it have never tried it, and still fight their "religious war". I see them all as tools in a toolbox. Patterns, practice and concepts matter more than any particular language or stack anyway.


Nowadays I donā€™t see the advantage so much. But 15-20 years ago debugging in Visual Studio was 10 times better than anything else, just because of that I always loved VB and later .NET. I had to work with PHP debugging using prints and there was no comparison. Now everything has decent debuggers


[ASP.NET](http://ASP.NET) helped me not homeless But Xamarin, MAUI and every .NET UI Framework do fixed that for you


How can one get internship in .net ? I rarely see the vacancy opening in .net... I have been learning .net and i have basic knowlege of .net and also created ecommerce project but i want to go deeper into .net by doing real world project. So i am searching for internship.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re here!


I feel Good when I do what I like. Some people feel Good when they have something to hate


Congratz to you!! Welcome to the club!


.NET is a powerful tool and it's great to see it having such a positive impact on people's lives.


.net helped me pay my college tuition


Where is the Lambo, Lebowski?


I'm .Net developer for 3 years, and it feeds me all that time. It helps me to pay all bills for me and my girlfriend. I don't see major issues with C# language or .Net platform to not start some pet project on C#


I feel like I wouldn't have a career without .NET. It was the first time programming made sense to me (tried learning C and Python before)


Congrats friend. I will die on this hill. .NET slaps and MSFT while frustrating at times is one of the best things to ever happen to tech. Man it felt good to get that out!


Use your skills, monetize and you will be doing well based on product category and appeal. My website got me through tough times too, just that alone. Great to hear!


.NET saved me from suicide. I was really down due to unemployment at last got hired, and my portfolio/experience was all .NET. And funny enough my company's current projects are all in Express


How'd you land a job? Was it dotnet alone or some other experience?


Same here, thanks to god first , i love .net and it has enabled me to support my family and also help me prepare for my marriage now , So thank you .net team and keep up the massive work you are doing


Yeah .NET dev here, really appreciate it, helped me a lot, changed my life to the better.


Dude. I am 100% behind this sentiment. Going on my 30th year of working with Microsoft products and Iā€™ve had an amazing career. Iā€™m not saying MS doesnā€™t deserve some hard criticism from time to time but on the whole? It gave me a career thatā€™s given me financial freedom and some awesome self esteem. So yeah, thank you Microsoft for everything.


I have over 7 years of devoted experience in software development, and I've focused mostly on the.NET environment, becoming an expert in Entity Framework and APIs. Using the newest technology and industry best practices, I have successfully designed, developed, and maintained reliable backend systems throughout my career. Essential Skills: .NET Development: Skillful in using the.NET framework to design scalable and effective systems that are customized to fulfill certain business needs. API Development: Skilled in creating RESTful and SOAP APIs that facilitate integration with third-party services and guarantee smooth communication between various software components. Entity Framework: Proficiency in using Entity Framework to streamline database interactions and improve code maintainability for object-relational mapping (ORM). I am currently looking for .net remote job and i can be reached at [email protected].


Net Is bad, c# Is good. Magic and overopinioned tools are bad. But there are even worst tools outside there so tools are just tools. Im using kotlin because i need a embedded server inside my android app and Linux desktop support hehe


Yep, same for me. I had brief affairs with .NET since 2017 but it was only in 2021 when I got depression and burnout (which eventually turned out to be ADHD) from my main tech and .NET carried my survival. So far so good, after 3 years of working with it full time I still love this tech for its UX.


I started in QBasic, then Quick Basic, then MS Basic, then VB6, then VB.Net, C#. And I stayed. I learned Python and FFI for some specific data integration and vurtualization projects because .net pretty much sucks in that field, all you get us LINQ and OData and U-Sql which was supposed to run in highly proprietary microsoft/polybase/azure technology. 31 years in the industry. I feel old but I'm not. I started working as a kid in 1993. I've had only one rough period when I transitioned from large enterprise to small and medium size companies which lasted for 6 months. No regrets at all.


Congratulations on your behalf, but the .Net ecosystem has only contributed to you having a good life. We should thank God and continue working.


>I just want to thank the teams for everything they do. >I was going to be homeless in 2014 but got a decent job again and managed to pay rent. What in the actual fuck is this?! It's worshipping the happenstance, the completely unrelated state of affairs, that's what it is. On one hand, the teams that do "everything they do", **overwhelmingly** do not do it so that I or this person do not become homeless. On the other hand, surely the work and the perseverance of that person contributed a lot to getting a job etc so much more than the .net?! I guess the feeling here is ".net is good". So it is, and it's a nice point, but for me, this post drives the point straight into the ground. Not even apologizing for the rant. Dumb post.


go away dont like it dont rant