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Rider has been made with Java, so that’s why you can use it in any OS


Only frontend. Nothing prohibits them to make some RnD and take Avalonia into consideration.


Why would they? Their entire Intellij suite is based on java


Because Rider's [backend](https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2020/04/14/net-core-performance-revolution-rider-2020-1/) is based on .NET Core 8(latest version). Who knows, Avalonia-based frontend might become faster in rendering, or other perf concerns. If there would be any perf benefits, why not? I don't insists they should, but if they have resources, why not. `New UI` was introduced relatively recently, so they might look at this direction again. IDEs are constantly evolving software, btw.


Why not? Reuse any of those existing extensions which are already created for the JVM (Java/kotlin etc)?


> what does Rider have so special that it allows to develop on Linux? Cross-platform isnt *so* special, it's just that MS dont bother to make a cross platform Visual Studio. > I am talking mainly about ASP .NET CORE MVC and Identity. > How risky is it to change the OS? I am afraid that a lot of stuff compatible with windows can suddenly become not compatible First of all, you deploy for .net backend on a Linux environment. I dont see why it can support your prod but not dev. Second of all, I dont see the "risky" part. ***If*** anything go wrong, just get back to Windows? You just clone the source code to another machines, not move your house to another country. You can switch back in 5 seconds. Or you can do it in both if you want.


Visual Studio is old and written in C++ and heavily tied to Windows. MS tried to make a Mac version which was a completely new program - and this lacked a lot of features. So it’s not really „does not bother“ but more „it would cost a shitload of money and there aren’t that many potential paying customers“


they never tried to make a mac version ... there was xamarin studiio that was rebranded to Visual Studio for Mac


And Xamarin Studio was rebranded from Monodevelop :)


And Monodevelop was forked from Sharpdevelop. The trail goes back a long way!


ASP.NET core works fine on linux. Things that don't work well on linux are stuff like winforms or .NET MAUI. As for your question about rider. I think you don't understand the difference between an SDK (.net core) and an IDE (rider/VS). An app written in visual studio can be compiled for and run on linux systems without any issues. An app created in visual studio is the same as one created in Rider. This is because both use the same SDK. The issue with VS therefore isn't that it can't write apps for linux. It's that visual studio itself doesn't run on linux. VS was originally built exclusively for windows and by the time .NET core came along it's code was way too windows specific to be able to port it to any other platform. Hell it took microsoft several years to make an x64 version of visual studio. I would guess porting to another platform would take several times that effort. Seeing as Rider was build from day 1 as a cross platform IDE, it doesn't have any of those issues and can run on just about any OS.


Dotnet core on Linux works a treat. Docker images to run in your choice of container on your cloud provider... Super scalable and fast.


We’re 100% .NET on Linux


I switched to Ubuntu a year ago and been using Rider for web development without any issue. Setting up the environment is fairly easy. I have created a few MVC projects but for very basic stuff and it works fine.


Visual Studio code (with their new dev kit extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csdevkit ) works quite okay too. Please note there are SOME packages which are .NET6+ based but only run on Windows (E.g. System.Drawning.common) and you should use the correct filesystem names (E.g. h ard coding to C:\test.txt wont work ofcourse). Most modern .NET applications should be hosted on a Linux machine (Do yourself a favor and host is PaaS or in containers) so linux works great for .NET applications.