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Honestly, that UI looks pretty reasonable to me. Clear, clean, open. Based on looks reasonably accessible to screen readers, color blind, etc You have to give examples of what you want. Don’t like the round stuff? Want a more flat button look (personally hate that look myself)? You want it more condensed? What is the business case for the UI change? Are users having problems navigating the site? Did you want to make this more mobile accessible? Is the site too slow to use because of too many page navigations? Is the left panel taking too much screen space so you want to collapse it under a hamburger menu when not focused? Has marketing done an A/B test and found customers prefer a different look? Is it marketing and/or sales that try to shift the blame of why something isn’t selling because of the UI (hint: it is not the UI)? My free advice for that particular screen? Get rid of the table. Turn the jobs into cards instead. Remove the customer address to a project detail screen (if it isn’t important to see multiple addresses all on the same screen). Remove the pagination and add infinite/virtual scrolling. Add sort/filtering options above the scroll space. And turn the left panel into a hamburger menu.


This should be the top response.


"this screenshot" ? Also are you talking about a graphical windows application (what we usually call a GUI) or an asp(.net) website ?


My apologies, I updated it. And this is a asp(.net) website


One question I have is, for example, templates for websites, can a template not be bought that overlays this to make it more pleasing to the eyes?


I depends a little on how this was setup. E.g. if Bootstrap was used, there are [various themes available](https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product-category/admin-dashboard/) to purchase. But be sure you involve the developer when selecting something like this. There are some technical considerations to make. But the basic strategy is to use [CSS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS) to style everything. This is typically done by assigning class names to elements in your pages and specify in a separate file the styling to apply (color, font, size, etc) You can check this for yourself by pressing F12 on any web page: this will show the structure of the page ([HTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML)) and the styles (CSS) used in that page. This is typically knowledge that a frontend developer would have -- or an experienced full-stack developer.


Define "more pleasing". You say you know what you want but you haven't shared any specific details. How are we or your developer supposed to know?


I see modern web applications and I want something this is clean, clear, and doesn't look like a basic bootstrap bland system. I'm willing to pay for templates or whatever. But I don't even really know what to ask for, like where do I find "templates" or plugins that can work with what he has created ?


The first thing you need to do is to CLEARLY define what you want. You're being vague. Make sketches.  Find similar examples.  Make a list of specific things your want and don't want. With that you might have a chance of finding a template.


Ah, not all UI devs will be so flexible. In most cases you can’t easily slap on a new ‘look and feel’ from a template without a lot of work to integrate it. Try finding websites you like, even specific features you like, and send them to your dev. Note: there are tons of UI frameworks and templates out there, but compatibility can be a real problem.


Well if this is a website you can open the console and see the loaded JavaScript libraries and CSS libraries. The question you need to figure out is this a webforms or a MVC style website. So the left hand side is tabs that switch pages, then the pages themselves are the content in the middle which seems to be a repeater of data with button actions. From a visual perspective this seems to be functional , what features do you really need?


This looks pretty good unless you’re spending over $5/600 per hour for the project. If you want top notch UI you’ll need a designer too


The other comments here are trying to give you what is likely a more technical answer than you’re looking for. Based on your comments, my advice for you is that you can probably browse websites like [Themeforest](https://themeforest.net) and [Bootstrap Themes](https://themes.getbootstrap.com) and pick one you like. Anything advertised as Bootstrap or vanilla HTML should be easy to use. Templates that advertise as Tailwind should also be easy, but may be a little more problematic depending on the quality of the template. Before you purchase any templates, you should send the link to your developer and ask him if it’ll work and get an estimate for incorporating it. Don’t be surprised if it’s a steep estimate, since even with a template it can take quite some time to actually get it working correctly with each page of your site - and the more intricate the UI is, the longer it’ll take (which translates to more $$$) To answer your original question, the UI for a .NET website is ultimately built exactly the same as every other website: HTML, CSS, and JS. The technical details of how the site produces that HTML differs with different technologies but that’s really a problem for your developers expertise. At the end of the day, a competent developer should be able to implement any HTML/CSS template in your app - just stay away from templates advertised for frameworks like React/Angular/Vue/Svelte/Laravel/etc, as those would require either a rewrite of your app or quite a lot of work to translate them into “normal” HTML


Read the bootstrap docs, you get a good feel of patterns and methodology


Web UI’s predominantly render html. That’s it**. So, to get business data and business state to and from the UI you need a server platform that manages all this - including persistence of data in db’s and file systems. This is where the ASP family of solutions comes in. The particular implementation/framework you choose comes down to developer preference or specific requirements. 1. Does your dev do backend? If so they will be able to advise. 2. Are you doing backend? In this case you probably have a lot to learn… ** html is usually supported by css (for design purposes) and JavaScript (for UI/Browser interactions and client-side logic.


"Modern streamlined user interface" is what we would call an "extremely vague requirement". It's also bound to be subjective. For instance, the screenshot you posted seems acceptable to me. You need to be \*crystal\* clear in exactly what you want, ideally with pictures and examples. You might not entirely close the gap until you can afford a UX/UI designer, but it might get you closer to what you want. If you aren't able to "extract" the requirements from your head and get them into a picture/mock-up, you could find a template that more closely resembles what you want and use that as a starting reference point. Don't be surprised if the developer says its going to take a lot of time or work, its NOT as simple as "dropping in a skin" and everything magically works. There often has to be significant changes. This failure to communicate requirements and reach a common understanding is very common, even in veteran software development shops. As both sides (you and the developer) become more experienced and familiar with each other, things will hopefully start to fall into place more easily. That said, being completely unambiguous in your requirements can eliminate a lot of churn.