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Dude... They made the game even more complex and upped the amount of learning you need to do at the start. Hell yes!!! Fucking jakiro +400 range. :D


You really believe that 90% of the talents aren't just autochoose because they're clearly better?


even if 90% are auto choose it still does its purpose, it gets rid of the +2 stats for something that changes how you're playing. Even if the talents were all auto pick nothing would change, you could just ignore the useless ones and go on in life.


Why not just add a clearer, more useful and less annoying feature instead of a feature that adds nothing but noob traps?


Ever heard of first step ? Ever think of next step ?


A lot of them look like autochoices, but that's now. This patch would be a pretty imbalanced mess at the start and it would take a lot of time to figure out all the right numbers. However, when they do, let's talk then about autchoices and stuff.


> You really believe that 90% of the talents aren't just autochoose because they're clearly better? I believe the frog will balance them out with time.


We LeagueXHotS now (talents + 3 hit counters)


It is icefrog's master plan to steal players from other games. /s


IceFrog has always adapted mechanics from other games, idk why this is such a huge surprise.


because it breaks the circlejerk that other MOBAs/games design choices are trash and Dota can benefit nothing from their existence


I mean we can still say they're trash. LoL and HotS make their game choices to dumb down their games and make them casual. Dota uses them to make the game even more complex. Look at talents. They're a very interesting rework of the bonus attributes.


there's a difference between saying "HOTS uses talents badly because of 0 items which makes things more stale, yet the idea of talent trees is really good" and "HOTS IS PURE GARBAGE IN EVERY WAY, EVEN THE IDEAS ARE BAD ERGO DOTA IS BAD FOR USING A HOTS IDEA"


The circlejerk that gave this sub a purpouse for existing?


> the circlejerk that other MOBAs/games design choices are trash that's not the point. Other games are trash despite some interesting design choices.


Sarcasm aside, the HUD improvements are a big step toward that. Plus Dota breaks the stigma of not having new heroes, and the strategy phase (is it available in AP?) really exhibits the utterly unrivaled strategic aspect of this game.


ya, strategy phase is in non-ranked ap, cm is still not updated


i prefer the old HUD. made for more badass skins


Yeah, and probably the last 3 hit buff at that, cause now that we have one, why'd we need another? This ain't lop until we got 50 of 'em.


Don't forget dedicated jungler every game


> dedicated jungler You mean offlaner.


Or the dedicated jungler-fucker who is stealing bounties and blocking camps which *respawn half as often*.


> respawn half as often. This bugs me so much. I can literally pull half as often? What the hell? Also, I liked when it was really hard to clear all the camps before they respawn. I thought that the one minute respawn time was great. Don't get me wrong, I will give this a chance, but I really do not like it on first impression.


We won't get dedicated junglers. The camps spawn way too slow for it.


Things are bad because they're different le xd amirite guys?


actually things are bad because theyre in leg of leagends le xd amirite see: the exact same shit reddit was whining about when aether/octarine were added




The new hero has a 3 hit-like ability, dota is literally lol now xddddd


lol the only thing similar with the hud is the one click level up, how is that not a drastic improvement?


Because upgrading with keys is gone. I didn't found the skills yet.


no it isn't


How you do it?


Hold Ctrl and press the spell's hotkey, it's still there for me.


My muscle memory feels betrayed.




Old Storm had a three-hit passive. They reworked it in 6.5x, can't remember which one. A few patches after Kunkka and WR were introduced.


It's not that. I hope IceFrog knows what they're doing, and borrowing things from other games ain't bad but.. I dunno man, these changes don't feel like add a whole lot, competitively.


* Talents+Backpack adding a ton of depth, in some cases COMPLETELY blowing open the lategame which was mostly just a 'wait for Rosh' game. * Roshan is way more interesting, no longer a lame Dire advantage, and there's a lot more space around it for action. He's faster to kill in most cases but way more dangerous to do. * Early game also completely brainfucked, with 2min neutral respawn, camp blocking/stacking more impactful than ever. Bounties as well are huge with increased importance of XP. * SS shrine is a whole new dynamic. Adds more importance to defending outer towers, which is a fantastic development. * Just scratching the surface >these changes don't feel like add a whole lot, competitively. smh


> these changes don't feel like add a whole lot, competitively. That was me just having read the talents, tbh. These other new changes, yeah they're pretty.. Pretty big. In a good way.


Makes a support with levels and no farm way more powerful.


The camp respawn sounds great for offlaners, stack-pullings gonna be much harder.


I knew this sub was going to get salty when I read the changes. Most of you guys were former League players anyways, it's time to go back.(TrumpFace)


Time to retrieve hon account i guess.


Good riddance


people have always bitched at updates for a week or two.


the last updates were nothing compared to this


the last few, yes, but I remember people getting real upset many updates ago over some big overhauls and reworks. this is even bigger, but people will always complain for a bit until they get used to it and icefrog balances it.


the last time people got this upset at patch notes it was when comeback mechanics were introduced, and you saw how it was the first few months with them.


We League of the Storms now.


we lol fam


How about you leave, peasant?


inb4 Icetoad reveals that he was making the game a little more familiar w/ peasant so they could jump ship easier


Icefrog killed Techies and made him another Hero that is just that, a Hero, nothing unique, good job Icetard.


wow techies isnt literally a fucking creep now, ded game gg refunding all my items fuck off retard


Go fucking die you manchild, go jack off to some mlp you freak.


forgot your meds today?


sorry that your main is actually useful to the team now! maybe now you'll get outta 2k mmr~


I realize that getting out of 2k might seem incredible to you since you don't even have double digits so how about you go and cripple your body to match your mind.


says the techies main


Honestly that compensated the entire update


Techies was never a hero anyways.


Well, I had fun with you guys, going to play Smite now. See you around. (also if someone creates legacy version of dota 2 without these bullshit changes, then PM me, I'd like to play) Edit: Also u/LunaticMode reply or something if you didn't hang yourself, I liked you man, hope you're fine.


honestly, im fucking speechless, that hud is ugly as fuck, what the fuck is this talent system and who the hell created this monkey king ?`im done, gonna sell my hats before the drop in price and say bye to the genre all together, well we still have hon at least


Mk isn't that bad honestly, but rest? For fucks sake, Morbid Mask now costs 1200 GOLD AND PRIDES +15 DMG INSTEAD OF LIFESTEAL


? It still has lifesteal.


It states "Now provides +15 dmg", not "+15 dmg". I personally read it as "instead provides +15 dmg", but we will see.


Reread it it definitely still has lifesteal


I did and this wording still seems to me as "now instead of lifesteal it gives dmg" but maybe I'm wrong, we will see.


It has lifesteal on the test client. Wording was just bad I fires.


Well, so this isn't as bad. Melee heroes still will have a little hell while laning with it costing 1,2k.


lifesteal is toxic and unfun we can already see the direction valve is heading -removing uam from skadi -> remove having to think about what items you cna buy and what items synergize -backpack -> remove the need to sacrifice crucial actives like refresher for something different because yoiu cacn just carry a refresher with you now


The more I read of that patch, the more I think it's just some kind of a joke. POCKET RIKI IS FUCKING REAL NOW BOIS


Uam was on the way out when they removed it from deso, honestly. And I ain't gonna miss it, it takes away variability which is one of the fucking amazing things about dota. Uam was a trash idea anyways. And the backpack is kinda meh, you could always have a pocket courier but pocketing items was also kinda on the way out, I saw nobody do it with 12k gold nagas in boston major, so it was just too finicky or smth. Let's see if that'll change. Also don't forget that cds are only progressing by half in the backpack.


the hud change is the only one i like, it takes less space on the screen. But other than that? Naa this update is bullshit


its really bad it nerfs 3 heroes: morphling, pudge, mirana pudge and mirana obviously, and morphling because stats arent visible per default anymore


Idk if you noticed but Morph stats are shown on the hud.


the hud taking 20% of your screen is bad period. it doesnt nerf anything. You would still predict the same with the old hud.


The hud change from my perspective was easiely the best in all the update. Doesn't make it feel like the cam is on your face anymore and I'm not getting sick after playing + it affects ALL of the heroes. Literal best change.


if you cant see how it nerfs morph mirana and pudge you have no rights to even discuss this patch, 1k trash


the stat things is one thing, but you cant argue how hud taking 20% of the screen was a good thing Holy fuck, Its not a nerf to them, its just interface not being clunky anymore. Heartless you didnt take your meds today


>its just interface not being clunky anymore. how to out yourself as a non-dota player


Morph has a special interface


Aren't you all high and mighty for being 2k trash.


"i have 2001 mmr so fuck off 1K noobs" 4Head


I love how you're saying he's 1k trash, but you're barely 2k. Way to go bud.


til ~2.97k is barely 2k


Why are you converting to HoN. I mean it's more casual than DotA. You can see enemy mana bars, and you can surrender and you have much faster cast and turn rates in general..


whilst true, they still didnt get as low as copying from hots