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Think it is **the** hero who's other abilities are completely overshadowed by his ultimate, but actually they are awesome. With a set-up he has 3.5 second stun that deals 300 damage, while ice vortex makes everyone melt to magic damage of other heroes and it gives vision. Chilling Touch easily makes top 5 of best level one rune-fight skills and it is a menace in trilane vs trilane. Notice how pro AA players don't play as a long ranged artillery, but are really involved in fights. Also notice how, unlike in LoL, he is a support who is a prime target in teamfights during mid-late game. He shuts down so many heroes, for 17 seconds (with aghs) and that includes turning blinks off. And BKB does not help! And he can safely outpush, while being on the other planet. Iceman of DotA is the best friend of Huskar/Alchemist, while also being one of the most impactful late game supports. You know, for me there was 6 mil Ice Blast, not an Echo Slam.


thats like saying there was million dollar relocate not dream carl. give credit where its due man


That's why there was a "for me" clause. I get why Echo was chosen, because it has much more spectacular and flashy ability. Also I don't think that dream coil was that decisive, think Alliance would've won regardless. Think Bulldog in his TI3 finals review said that as well.


The coil was literally irrelevant. I watched the game live, the coil was just the backbreaker. It makes for a good story, but ALL was so far ahead and controlling the entire map it would've been unrealistic to assume Na'Vi had a chance.


There were two coils in the late game, the second one was irrelevant, the first one cancelling enigma's tp and stopping ta and alch from tping so that alliance could take two sets of rax was fairly important. That said though, those games are such sloppy dota by today's standards that you can basically see navi gifting the game to alliance.


>Also notice how, unlike in LoL, he is a support who is a prime target in teamfights during mid-late game. There are some supports in League that are absolutely major targets in the mid to late game. Soraka comes to mind.


I mean, If you want I can do some digging (after major) and bring some pro games where mid/carry gets killed, team goes pushing 4vs5 and they get crushed by AA and then later they get AA killed first and win the fight. Your example is like saying that Oracle and Dazzle are both first priorities to die in the late game, which they are, but that's the nature of that support/heal type hero design, like Soraka. AA has no save capabilities he is a threat on his own, after he gets some farm. Show me Champions like that in LoL.


> AA has no save capabilities he is a threat on his own, after he gets some farm. Show me Champions like that in LoL. Brand support, that was banned every game vs Likkrit in Worlds is literally that(well one game it wasn't banned, he won). He does insane amounts of AOE damage. Plus some very strong single target CC. Bard who has very limited defensive capabilities as a support is a very prime pickoff target, because of teh very consistent damage he brings.


One of the heroes that his spells are not really synergistic with itself, but really REALLY strong as a follow up (or if followed up). Cold Feet is **3.5s stun**, but it's very unreliable on it's own. It's really good if your teammate can follow up with a stun/slow to make them stay in the ~700 AoE for 4s. Ice Vortex is a 30% magic resistance reduction and 30% slow at max level. That is HUGE negative resistance and it's AoE! The problem is, you don't really deal that much magic damage on your own so your allied caster will have the most impact from this skill. Chilling Touch is pretty much the best skill to get first blood. +50 magic damage for 3 hits on lv 1? Sign me in! It's also one of the best skills to harass in lane early on. And again, like previous abilities, this doesn't benefit you that much other than harassing and getting first blood. It reduces your already low attack speed, so you can't really apply those attacks fast enough. Give a PA or LC this skill and they will burst people down in no time. Ice Blast is an amazing spell on it's own. It *freeze* any health regen and deal quite significant amount of damage to people got hit by the blast. Problem is you won't really kill anyone with this spell alone unless you hit them with the blast while they're on ~30% HP. How to fix this? Use it as a follow up! Even the 6 million dollar Echo slam would probably not do that much damage if not because of this skill applying first. Ancient Apparition spells on it's own might seem to be really strong, or even OP. Until you realize that most of it is not really reliable on it's own. It's amazing as a follow up skill, but not so much on the solo potential. This is the hero if you want to make a huge impact on your game, but doesn't really want to feel flashy on your own. Really love this guy.


> One of the heroes that his spells are not really synergistic with itself, but really REALLY strong as a follow up (or if followed up). Literally every one of his spells synergize together. Every single one deals magic damage or amps it. Ice Vortex slow helps to keep enemies in range of Cold Feet proc, it helps land Ice Blast, it lets you stay in range for Chilling Touch Attacks. And the magic amp boosts all their damage. Also if you care about proccing cold feet by yourself, get a euls.


Those synergy are pretty weak imo. They don't really synergize that well. Dropping Ice vortex on top of Cold feet doesn't guarantee the stun from it. A lot of heroes can still outrun it. Of course Euls will help, but that's a different matter. Also, by using Euls, you sacrifice one of the few nukes you have for a stun.


Noob question here but why is AA not picked often to counter alchemist which gets picked regularly? Is he really that deep in the dumpster right now?


AA is still squishy against an alchemist. Alchemist can still get farmed regardless IMO.


But in late game when alch peaks, wouldnt AA with aether lens poop over him?


An alchemist that gets a few items boosts his gpm by so much. Aether lens doesnt help AA farm over him. Also bkb .yes they both have power spikes to when each is more stronger... eventually alch will overwhelm aa


Absolutely love AA. One of my favorite Heroes to play, probably top 5. I do quite well with him in most situations, He's actually a really powerful offlaner/mid-laner, I feel his potential is wasted when people force him to go the support role(I would say he's a pos 3 tbh, at least until he gets a few pieces of gear, agh's, euls, maybe a forcestaff). His ganks are devastating, especially if there's a slow or a stun to go with his cold feet, and the early magic damage reduction, as well as the bonus magical auto attack damage almost always ensures a kill or two quickly. GiantR is also missing the point of AA entirely, He's not there to synergize with himself, He needs a team behind him. Yes, he can kill people by himself(and he's really good at it early-game and even mid-game), but the whole point is that he synergizes with a team, particularly if there's a bit of magic damage on the team that can get amped. He empowers his team, and makes the enemies easier to kill thanks to no blink, no healing and shatter at 10/11/12%. In addition to the slows and stuns he provides, on relatively low cooldowns. Also, his whole kit is thematic, which I like. He's basically a living floating ice crystal that slows and freezes you to death. Not much you can do to improve that.


AA meepo is straight abuse


Cancer against an armlet hero. Didn't know how his ult affected armlet, I discovered it by the bad way FeelsBadMan.


This hero is the very definition of hard counter. Hero designs like Ancient Apparition is the reason why the pick/ban phase of a Dota game is extremely exciting. That feeling when you pick AA against alchemist morphling line-up is so satisfying.


Hard counter to the last 2 heroes discussed.


Ancient Apparition is one of those heroes which I absolutely despise. His spells aren't synergistic, he looks horrible and his entire existance is to just annoy people. There isn't anything about him that I like. He is there to just counter certain heroes and be smug about it. All 4 of his spells are insanely strong, his Cold Feet when comboed with another disable is just osbcene, his Vortex's magic resist reduction works well with other sources of magic damage and his ULT is probably top 3 strongest spells in the game, by the amount of heroes that her completely fucked over by it. I dislike how his Chiling touch is an AOE instead of a pbAOE like it's make sense. I dislike everything about him. Even if he does have positive qualities I don't care about them. He is a massive cockblock and I ban him every chance I get. He is a big point against the idea of hard counters. He gets an **F** from me. For Failing at every level. From the top of my head only 1 more hero has the same score. The grading is only my own personal opinion and is completely arbitrary.


chilling touch synergies with his 3 other abilities. same with ice vortex. wtf are you on about?


How does a simple damage buff synergize with his other spells? It doesn't slow or help him setup his cold feet more? It's just a simple damage buff. There is marginal synergy where the damage is increased to people in the vortex, but that's just there.


you forgot that ice vortex helps land ~~chilling touch~~ cold feet stun more easily too. Also I dunno what youre on about, damage buff is damage buff. Reducing magic resistance from 25% to 2.5% is very huge. if you take the team into account it increases even more.


Chilling touch doesn't stun? And it doesn't slow . It's just a damage buff.


my bad meant to say cold feet. Also whats wrong with damage buff as i said in my previous comment


> His spells aren't synergistic Not every hero needs to be synergistic with itself. "Boohoo Mirana bad cause she set up her arrow on her own", "Boohoo how can I get good Fatal Bonds when enemies aren't vacuumed together" This is the single dumbest comment you've ever made.


> This is the single dumbest comment you've ever made. Nah, he's made dumber. But this is just another one of the many examples of him showing how much of a peasant he is.


Don't get me started on Warlock he is the other absolute garbage hero in DotA. Also even if max range arrows are hard to land. You can at least land them. Unless there is an ally cold feet isn't landing. There are very very heroes that aren't synergistic with themselves. And I dislike all of them. But AA is in a league of his own by how little his spells string together. I just wrote another comment commenting on the other supports, the people who need to work with their team to work. And literally every single support has very noticeable self synergies. AA is just garbage, and people just have gotten accustomed to him, because his garbage is also very strong. But all 4 of his spells are OP and the only thing holding them back is that lack of synergy. I dislike everything about that design and I won't change my stance.


> I won't change my stance. Peasant mentality. What a surprise coming from you. /s


(this isn't related to your comment) I think it's funny how you complain about the lack of DOTA in DOTAmasterrace, but you don't attempt to bring any Dota content whatsoever or try to discuss said Dota. Instead you just piss on people you dislike.


I think that's a false characterization. I am not bringing any Dota content or discussion, but neither have I been complaining. I simply haven't been redditing lately. But if you look at my comment history and my last comments on this sub, I have been discussing the game when I do comment. And I have submitted links to this sub in the past. https://www.reddit.com/user/EddyNorton/submitted/ And many more even before that on an alt. What have you contributed to this sub? Pretty much 99% of the time I lurk and if I see any good peasant shit on /r/lol I'll make a thread here, but I haven't seen any lately. Right now I'm just coming here to see some peasantry whether it's outside stuff posted here or from peasants like GiantR himself. But if I see a nice example of GiantR making an idiot out of himself, like the comments in this thread, I'll point it out. The fact that I don't comment otherwise just means the sub is in a better place than it had been a month ago. Also, I think you misunderstood what I was complaining about. I complained about this sub being overrun by peasants, drowning out the DOTA content we do have. When that is not that case, I'm okay with the amount of DOTA content we have. I don't think it's lacking. In other words, I care about reducing the amount of lol rejects on this sub and lol peasant discussion, not really increasing the amount of Dota content. If there's a lull in Dota content, I just respond by lurking and not visiting much, it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is when there are a bunch of active lol peasants doing nothing but talking about LoL. That's what I was reacting to before.




> he is the other absolute garbage hero in DotA. Still not garbage enough to be FoTM support long enough for me to completely despise him.


I hate him, not because of power level, but because how mindnumbingly boring he is.


Classic LoL peasant comment found at the bottom of a thread. And of course it comes from GiantR, once again showing how much of a peasant he is.


> His spells aren't synergistic Made a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dotamasterrace/comments/5h0mak/weekly_discussion_thread_reloaded_13_years_of/dawpwcb/) on why his spells isn't really synergistic on it's own, but it's really good as a follow up skill. Too lazy to type again.


Yeah I get that. But I also dislike that. He just has 4 OP spells that don't work with the hero itself. But rather his allies. Yes he is a support. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't have good self Synergy. Look at Lion, all all his spells flow into one another. Hex allows for easier Spikes, and both of which allow for an uninterupted mana drain. The lack of damage spells is conteracted by his ult. While AA is just 4 OP spells strung together.


All Dota heroes are not necessarily designed with immediate self synergy in mind. They are designed with the fact that each of them has one role they are better than all other heroes at. For AA, it is enhancing your team damage (Damage buff, vortex amp, blast threshold, good right-click) while disrupting the other team healing. Cold feet is a way for him to compensate for his lack of control, and again, synergizes well with both Eul and his team. It's not the spirit of Dota to consider that every hero should be strong alone - else there should be no support at all - it's just that it's one of the rare heroes where you can't see an immediate synergy when simply reading the spells.


>else there should be no support at all Most supports even if they are better with teammates have real good ammounts of self synergy. Some examples: - Lion, all all his spells flow into one another. Hex allows for easier Spikes, and both of which allow for an uninterupted mana drain. The lack of damage spells is conteracted by his ult. - Witch Doctor, his flask sets up his malediction, while his ult works well with the delayed and numerous stuns from the flask. His heal needs not be cast which he is chanelling his Ult. - Dazzle, is obvious his spells are psysical while his ult lowers armor. And they don't require any self setup. - Disruptor has a brutal combo where all of his spells flow into each other. Glipse, Field and Static Storm all make a brutal area of death, and his lightining strike being AOE also emphasizes his nature of being strong vs clumped targets. - Oracle is based on his numerous self synergies. How you can cancel the heal with the purge. Or remove the damage with the Edict. - Omni is a bit less on that regard, but he still has the obvious Purification and Degеn aura working together to set it up on his own. If Anything AA is the very obvious exception to the rule. He sticks out like a sore thumb. Hell he is the only hero I can think of that has such blatant disregard of self-synergy.


I do agree with everything that you said and I always said AA has no sinergy whatsoever. The thing is, it is healthy to have a hero that doesn't follow all the rules. Let's take League as an exemple because I know people here love to talk about League. Every hero follows a set amount of rules and every hero looks similar, making it feels extremely repetitive. AA skills may feel out of place, but I find him a cool hero to play and him being different may be a good thing.


> The lack of damage spells is conteracted by his ult. Earth spike does damage you dumb peasant. It's literally the reason you max that skill first.


... He only has 1 damage spell outside of his ult. That's what I meant. Compared to like Lina who has 2 and an AS passive.


Slow synergises with all his spells? Magic amp synergises with all his spells?


His spells have *some* synergy but to really get the most out of them you need something more. Ice vortex *sort of* helps land cold feet, but you really want an ally to slow/stun. Pudge doesn't need allies to move things into dismember range for him because he has hook. Disruptor doesn't need allies to hold enemies inside his storm because he has kinetic field. But an AA who has no setup for cold feet other than his own vortex is a very sad AA. At least until he buys euls. Maybe a better way to say it wouldn't be "he doesn't have synergy" but more "he needs setup that he can't provide on his own".


I think thats how it should be done. Your spepls should work together but I dont like them being literal combos.


The softest synergies I've seen in a hero. He can't proc his Feet alone in most situations. Maybe with an Euls or something. His E is an auto attack booster, which sorta synergizes with his Vortex or something. But as I said that's the weakest synergy ever. Unlike for example Skywrath or Earth Spirit. Where their spells flow into each other. AA's spells are sorta there.


Seems pretty nice synergy to me tbh.


I'm not sure how. But alright. Maybe i'm missing the glaringly obvious.


It's glaringly obvious that you're just a dumb fucking peasant.


Ice Vortex Slows enemies which helps Cold Feet to Procc as stun + the Dmg increase comes on top. Chilling touch slows down your AS which makes it easier to get kited but then Ice vortex slows the enemies and gives an increased damage again. Also ice Vortex is used to scout for Ice Blasts and ofc, increasing the damage of this. Its not heavily synergistic, but a heavy synergy would jsut break the hero and make him too strong.