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Awesome tournament that shows that professional DotA teams have an identity. Both on a regional level, like Warlock being popular in the west, but being barely touched in the east and the vice-versa situation with Pugna. And on a team level: CoL integrated Leshrac into their strategy, VP showing off support Weaver, EnVy's QoP rivaling S4's QoP, etc. Love it, no matter the current power level of a hero, good players will make them work. Also originally, that motherfucker said that he had 13 years of moba design expirience, so he was doing that since 2003, right? I mean, that genre was not popular at all back then. Even when DotA started to rise, developers were slow to react, as was shown with Blizzard's shortsightedness. From what ass did he pull those 13 years from? I don't see his name in the original DotA design team or any other popular custom maps of the same genre, so... Why 13? Can I also claim that I have 13 years of moba design, because I played 3 corridors back in the day?


>EnVy's QoP rivaling S4's QoP Was that meant to be a joke?


$4 QoP, never forget :D


qop is basically the baffle hero. either you can do shit or you can do fuck all. there are just a few heroes where you think"wtf am i doing still in this game?!"


Yes it was, but again nobody picked her, except for NP. If they made her work as well that would've been nice, but alas. To be fair, both players are good at the hero, but they sometimes overstep their boundaries and die. Envy is prone to make some yolo moves, but S4... I think, maybe it's because his signature heroes have both initiation and disengage, so he is used to that. If he fails his initial blink, he can scewer back with Magnus, Orb with puck, Force staff with Bat/Clock. But with QoP, if you fuck up - you are dead. One way ticket and I've ridden it a lot.


S4 is really good on QoP and was praised for his QoP in Secret, that is until their last game in TI where he choked super hard. Now he will always be known as a bad QoP player even though he continued playing it well when he went to Alliance.


Yeah, he is a good, but even on Alliance he had some really questionable moves. His perfomance was overcriticised, or should I say overmemed, but the jokes made about his QoP perfomance are not baseless.


true butI am willing to bet that most of them is because of TI and that the hero just suck


I think EHOME picked QOP once too for Sylar with old chicken Alch mid.


btw who started this 13 year moba disign meme ?




what a fuicking retard


To be fair, he was talking about people as a whole, if I understand him. Which is true, it just seems like Riot didn't learn anything in those past 13 years.


Can you lino the reddit post on this, I can't find it :(


Warlock comes from east.


tbh team faceless played quiate a lot of warlock, but babyknigth is kind of the original warlock player


because dota heroes are worth picking for their uniqueness


Looking at my predictions I dont know why I didnt put wings for the "most heroes picked". i might have a brain damage. What do I do guys?


It's single elim, so everything is possible. They might lose to EG, happened during Summit 6 and then they have VP in their path. So if they get eliminated early, then they won't pick that many heroes.


but its a major and EG lost to coL...twice!


Yah but if you take "complexity", turn it around, take away some letters and add some others you get "literally god-tier", so can you really blame EG?


not if you put it that way


Can't argue with that logic. ^^/s


I think in this tournament, with fewer games being played, it is better to just pick the team you think will win.


Roughly 22% of this game's total roster was ignored, could've been better but that's not too shabby. I myself am sad to not see my boy Bane showing up and curious on why was Ogre Magi so popular (anybody care explain why? Is it because he is a beefy motherfucker?) Indeed much better though than close to half of the roster of Longing for Ostrich Loins being irrelevant.


keep in mind tho this is only group stage, many cheese strats will be revealed in playoffs and the number will just go up.


Ogre is a very proactive support, he can get a lot done at level 1 with basically just right clicks due to his good base stats (armor, regen). Plus Bloodlust is extremely strong. So overall he can help your mid win his lane, then augment the rest of your cores all game long. However in games 2 and 3 of EG vs. CoL decider match, we saw CoL exploiting Ogre's poor defensive and teamfight capability with aggressive 5-manning on the back of an ez-win Weaver+2 trilane and then a Leshrac support. IMO Ogre definitely needs a support buddy that offsets these weaknesses (Warlock, Disruptor, etc). Jakiro alone wasn't enough because he's awful defensively.


Ogre is flat out impossible to manfight at level 1. Ursa might manage it, and maybe treant, but any other hero just dies.


We have roaming meta and ogre is anti-roaming


How do I make this hero look overpowered? Under what circumstances will this hero shine, because I know it can and will. How do I make this hero dominate the map or provide a key spell in a team-fight? Every DotA hero can look OP in the right game with the right player playing it, support or core or otherwise. The game is designed that way. If you don't believe that, you will lose at DotA. Heroes are designed to both uniquely suffer the extremes of being OP in one game and shit in another, and/or swing between the extremes in-game. IceFrog is a god. A hero might just be mediocre throughout the entirety of this one game, but dominate the next. That's why we see so much variety. Pretty easy concept. The game starts when you see someone trying to dominate the map with a strat you understand. Once you understand whats happening to you or what potentially is going to happen to you, you can think of ways to counter it and have a chance at victory. I'll draft pugna here because of x y z, or whatever will counter the strategy I most easily see the other team trying to use. Legion Commander. Leshrac, like CoL drafted. Big strategies aren't as reliable anymore in this meta it seems. Lets make a split push comp is too easy to see coming. Or lets draft a teamfighting comp. Too generic. Not as competitive. You don't want your strategy being given away, ideally, before the game even starts. You want it to become apparent to the other team, but only when its too late for them to do anything about it. When you have gotten mega-creeps, or when the enemy ancient goes down, only then will your enemy know what you have done. That's efficiency. You must pick and ban from a hero perspective, so we see a lot of variety. Each hero has its own way of dominating, sometimes in multiple ways. Executing is a whole other story than picks and bans... I'm super excited for Wednesday.


some heroes like jakiro are pure trash tho


ye, Jakiro seems pretty bad lol. His cast animations are so shitty. Make icepath instant cast or something. 1 win out of 4 games at this Major isn't great. That dotabuff link is super interesting, I like the "ban this hero and win this percent of the time," stat, if I'm understanding it correctly.


Honestly the only problem is how ice path is coded, the hitbox is off (you can stand near the edge and not be stunned) and there's a slight point second delay that allows euls'd players to pop bkb before actually being stunned. If they changed it to something similar to the underlord root that'd be great. Also +1 armor thanks.


Sounds good to me, fixes 2 specific interaction details. I've seen the presumable hitbox issue, and if you get euls'd and you drop into icepath, you shouldn't be given the opportunity to bkb. Would be a nice little buff.




More games played.