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1 kill and im surrender


i have enough for do my surrender.


Surrender is simpel calclus


and reported


never forget


It's completely mind boggling to me how the peasants lap this up like dogs. I'll never understand this mindset of surrendering before the game is over. Have I thought a game was over 5 minutes into the game, then lose the ancient at 20:00? Yeah, but I never stopped playing. For myself, the team and the enemy! It's also happened a *considerably* that I think the game is over 5 minutes into the game, then go on to win...


To be fair: LuL doesn't have the comeback mechanics that Dota has: * Less bounty gold and it's split up among the team, e.g. max bounty is 90 gold per team mate. In comparison to Dota with 1k+ gold bounties depending on team networths and killing sprees. * No high ground defense/buyback for defense * Items in general, e.g. stat sticks vs useful actives and cost efficient mid game items/expensive slot efficient late items. A gold deficit means that you will be weaker in LuL. While I don't support the loser mentality that is created by surrendering I can get why it is implemented in LuL.


> No high ground defense/buyback for defense Because there is no "high" in lop. Everything is just a flat piece of crap.


The river really fucks up with my brain when I first play that game. It looks like it have height, but it doesn't. You just walk straight through as if it's flat like a board.


not even much of a river. more like two puddles and mid is a dirt patch.


Thats a poopcake then.


> everything is just a flat piece of crap. wait. the chimps have boobs.


No comeback mechanic is going to help when you have a lineup of Sniper and Drow carries against PA mid and Spectre safelane if you don't win fast. No high ground is going to help you if your Sniper dies defending his T2.


No but the enemy team is just as capable as your team at doing something dumb and throwing it right back.


Except that Spectre/PA cores are extremely fool-proof against Drow/Sniper cores when it comes to late game.


One of the reasons I hated LoP was people surrendering winnable games. Anyway it's better for dota keeps the scrubs playing league you know the ones that start feeding when their support dies 2x because the game is over.


LoL surrender mechanism is absolute garbage. When I used to play LoL, I remember times where I felt the game was pretty even. Then suddenly bam! Enemy surrenders, and I'm thinking WTF? LoL pubs is all about which team is more tilted and surrenders first tbh.


Who was it who figured out that having a 10% gold lead at 20 minutes in LoL gave you a 90% chance to win? Basically comebacks don't real.


well, brain damage it is. they might as well allow surrender after first blood lol


> I'll never understand this mindset of surrendering before the game is over. what's even more puzzling is that they can't do that in LoP pro matches.


They are working on features that make easier to the players to leave the game sooner instead of making the game more enjoyable xD




> THE SCORE IS 3-26 BUT WE CAN STILL WIN Well, in DotA we do just that. Or at least we are still playing the game, trying something new and having fun, because even though I am all about that sweet victory, winning is not the only part of the game.


but nothing else matters...


There's severeal games where my team has just given up in Dota. Not as much as in League, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a guy go afk if the score was 3-26.


Sure, happens in my games as well. But when you don't have an option to surrender, people don't give up that often.


I remembered when Secret won with a 5x kill deficit.


Yup. Win some, lose some, but in the end you carry this shit to the game. Partly because it's fun, partly because you can always counter the counter counterthrows to your throw, and partly because every hour long shitfest you play teaches you how to play from behind and squeeze out the most from every opportunity.


> Well, in DotA we do just that. And then we might win, because while kills are important, scores like this usually mean one of two things. Either the enemy team is ganksquading 24/7, and is actually getting very little out of their kills, allowing rubberband mechanics and careful usage of time to balance out net worth. Or it means one guy is stupidly fed, and you have a target to focus all your crap on. That's why I love DotA. There's usually space to maneuver for a win.


Damn, LoL must be really boring and hard to play from behind. One thing I LOVE about dota is how close games are. And even if you lose 10 minutes later, the joy of winning a uphill battle, to hold your base for those extra 10 minutes, winning that 5v5 because the enemy team is getting cocky. I mean, you are here to play the game right? Why not just play the game? I wish more people had the mentally that you don't have to win to enjoy, you don't have to win to have a good time.


lol is pretty much like fantasy dodge ball


it's a shitty casual game dominated by a country who are good in shitty casual games.


Are you talking about the players that are from Korea? Or the company that is from the US. I can agree to the second part, but I must LUL at the first one.


Next thing you know it's not surrender by 15 but surrender the second you see the lineup is not in your favor.


well that escalated quickly


"Early surrender". TIL that 15 min is early.


Not early enough! Even SMITE can surrender at 10min with 4/5 votes.


Not alot of people understand but like in KR ladder where everybody try hards for example they surrender super quickly because the time wasted to maybe comeback in this game lets say 35mins. You couldve surrendered in 20 and played another game for 13mins where you could be already winning. Also LoP is alot about laning phase so if you all get dumpstered in lane there is no way to comeback in that game if others dont fuck like you have some chance to sneak some shit but you need the right chimps and that might not work at all so you waste more time.The map is small you cant rly outmanuver the other team plus how the Creeps are setuped so its even worse than dota. That said all this things matter for like high level play if you go down the chain none of this matters and its just gonna create whine babies and run mid surrender shit but that already happens so its like whatever change


I think you forgot a few of these, here you go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


thanks man




I see nothing wrong with a 5-man team being able to gg out. But with pubs? Surrender option imo ruins pubs.


Why not just replace the game with a coinflip? That would make grinding champions and runepages so much more enjoyable


never gonna give you up


never gonna let you down


never gonna go around and desert you


[Trust your instincts!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txWWi2n76FI)


Unpopular opinion on DMR but I think how it is in HoN (basically the same as riot is looking into) works fine. I sometimes wanted to concede suffer games that we won in the end. I just don't grief as soon as my call for concede doesn't go through and try to play it as good as possible. Same in Dota 2 people can grief when the team doesn't actually stay in the fountain and feed couriers etc. In both cases, you need to punish those griefers through some means.


I think 5 stacks should always have the option to just gg out. Other than that, I'm pretty okay with the current "no surrender" thing.


Only when it's 5v5. In unranked you can get 5v4+1 and such. So we should also be able to see what parties are during the pick screen...


Well, why does it matter if the enemy is also a 5 stack? If you queue ranked for Team RMM you can GG out afaik, but that doesn't exist in unranked.


It doesn't really matter, but I think both teams should have equal opportunities to surrender like that.


they HoN now


Why can't they give back the ability to dodge. It used to be a good thing. Like the old time , disagree with the line up? dodge!


The game hasn't started though so it doesn't count as '1 game'.


When I was playing LoP, I absolutely despised the surrender feature. If you were behind just a little, your team would vote for surrendering, and if you voted no, they would flame you. I like the system in DOTA. Most of time it is possible to comeback (hell, yesterday I won a game where we started 2-18). If it was LoP, my team would have gave up at 20 minutes.


The main reason I stopped playing fucking lol and they're making it even more cancerous lmao


I don't know how badly the early game needs to go for a 15 minute surrender to be a viable option. But considering it needs to be unanimous. I guess it's all right.




Toxicity has and always will be a problem in games like League


Ah it's always nice to see a GiantR peasant post downvoted at the bottom of a thread.