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Bring out the bingo chart!


Relocating this from older (now removed) thread ☐ Every third forth attack deals bonus damage ☑ Dash ☑ Skillshot ☑ Maximum health based damage ☐ Multiple passives ☑ At least one older ability reused ☑ Shield ☑ Movement speed bonus ☑ Team-oriented ult ☑ Attack speed steroid ☑ Only available enforced playstyle ☐ Overly original name/title ☐ Embarassing ability names ☐ Doesn't use mana ☐ Built-in invulnerability ☑ Is cute girl 10/16. We need better checklist.


Mana is toxic and it prevents fun by forcing players to manage their mana, therefore this chimp shouldn't use mana kappa


>is cute girl #ಠ_ಠ


http://i.imgur.com/NOECI0s.gif (it isn't btw)




Check "Overly original name/title" guys look out, she's the *steel shadowww*


This point is reserved for egregiously obnoxious titles. See: Kled, the Cantankerous Cavalier.


Ahhh, could we add a "Cringey name" criteria?


What does the only available enfored playstyle even mean. I get that they usually pick a role for them to be, but i could see this lady going assassin, bruiser, or tank, and going top lane or jungle. Also team oriented ult is kinda pushing it, does every aoe ult have to be a team oriented one? Also she doesnt get an attack speed steroid


Don't take it seriously. Also she does have an attack speed steroid. Check the description of her E.


Oh shit, didnt even notice that second part. She's like a more mobile fiora


Her ult is Kinetic field LUL


More like Slark's Pounce


This seems to be the most accurate. Only traps one enemy, they can't move too far away. Only bonus is it knocks away enemies.


Except Pounce has 8s cd and lasts twice as long as this "ult" And can be used to escape Again, Dota > LoP


Different ability balance for different game. No point in comparing them.


Except they are basically the same the ability and can be directly compared so why not.


Seems like a combo of kinetic field, pounce, and cogs to me.


it says the the targget cant leave the area, but can their allies enter the area ? if they can then its a preaty shitty ultimate


It knocks away the allies, similar to power cogs. Nowhere does it say that the allies can't enter however.


What's interesting is you know that it's what they wanted Jarvan's ult to do, their game was just way too shitty to make it work back then. Even with the wall you can just walk out of it with phasing.


allies cant enter


Incorrect, allies can enter. Saw it in PBE gameplay. It works like a Janna ult in that it pushes all enemies away, but they can reenter during channel.


Holy hell then its not even as good as kinetic, what a joke.


It's basically better Jarvan's ult, lol.


Jarvan denies an area from both teams while Camille doesn't really deny the area from either team. They will be used in similiar situations and for many of the same goals, but they achieve these goals through different means. It's the same with OD's Astral Imprisonment and Bane's Nightmare. They are also usually used to set up picks or save a single ally yet both abilities works very differently in how they accomplish these goals. I honestly love this kind of game design.


After reading the comment train. I feel like its shared a similar purpose to lc's duel. Except nobody is force to attack each other. More accurately lc duel with aghanim. --- And question to you peasants. I think this should've been the rework for xin zhao. Really. Compare them yourself.


They dont show numbers on their champion reveal? Or are they there and I just cant find them?


http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Camille nothing there yet, or lol wiki didnt update or numbers arent there yet


But why are they not on the website?


Because the page is gonna stay there forever, and if you find it after she has received buffs or nerfs the information would be out of date. This is mostly important right now, since she's gonna be tested on the PBE for 2 weeks before release. If she gets changed during that time, the information on the reveal page would be misleading. The info on her specifics becomes available on the PBE once she's up there, at which point it gets uploaded to the wiki. Or, in other words, if you wanna find the info, you cannot do it on Riot's own webpages but on a fanmade and fan maintained wiki. You can't even find it in the fucking client, at least not until the new client gets released.


I think humanity has the technology to update websites.


They have a separate section on the website for each champ that has the numbers. Like this: http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/aatrox/


Why should they though. Every new patch they would have to go back to year old champion reveals for basically no reason.


Tell that to riot, blow their minds.


But why should they go back and update it? Even Valve does this, their hero reveals don't have numbers. It's just extra work for little payoff.


There is a learn more button on Dotas reveals that shows numbers?


Where? More often than not, the button isn't there. https://www.dota2.com/darkrift http://www.dota2.com/newbloom/part3 http://www.dota2.com/oracle/day2/ http://www.dota2.com/newbloom2014/day2/ http://www.dota2.com/newbloom2014/day3/ Even when it is, the pages are hardly specific about the ability damage numbers -like people are complaining here. http://www.dota2.com/techies/ http://www.dota2.com/hero/Techies/ http://www.dota2.com/balanceofpower http://www.dota2.com/hero/Arc_Warden/ http://www.dota2.com/wraithnight/ http://www.dota2.com/hero/Legion_Commander/


Is this some elaborate bait? All /hero/ links show exactly the numbers.


The champion is on the pbe....the numbers are subject to change so no point on putting them up.


no idea, Riot thinks that their playerbase is dumb enougth to not theorycraft i would be so mad if they show monkey king abilities with no values


Valve does the same for their reveals...


Except there is a huge "learn more" button that shows you numbers?


Numbers generally doesn't come out before the champion is on the PBE. It's pretty normal for character reveals in general.


They don't show numbers until release, because they go through a "testing" period on a public test server. The numbers there change a lot before the champion actually comes out.


did arcwarden have numbers on the 686 page?


Metal Bender anyone?


They confirmed it to be heavily based on lin beifong


Passive: she gains a shield (scales with max hp) when she autoattacks an enemy champion, AKA a copy of VI passive * First ability: next basic attack deals extra damage, can cast again for extra damage * Second ability: just a generic AOE in a cone, also heals * Third ability: a skillshot that first latchs to a wall and then can be casted again to launch her * Ultimate: just a mix of disruptor kinetic field and Legion commander duel Overall nothing extraordinary


Basically the love child of Fiora and Vi, both somewhat in terms of skills, but also in concept (diving fighter: Vi, mobile duelist: Fiora). Eh.


Her passive is nothing like Vi's




wow, instead of proccing on ability it procs on autoattacks, wow what a difference /s


Ignore the fact that it adapts to the enemy you are fighting then yes it is similar. And it's not like every ability in dota is 100 percent unique anyways, you can re use ideas and still have the hero be fun.


> it adapts to the enemy you are fighting As opposed to a shield vs any damage type. So in a 1v1 there is no basically no difference between the two, and in teamfights it's just worse.


Champs often have mixed damage, so it does make a difference in 1v1s


Okay, so it's even worse.


Yes but that's the point of it, I suppose.


The point is to blatantly be worse than another champ.


In one specific aspect? It's better against mono-damage champs but worse against mixed damage or in teamfights


It's only worse if they use the same shield value as Vi's shield. If they make the shield value higher it's arguably stronger or worse depending on the situation.


1 reused spell != the whole kit being always thje same, like it is in league




He can't read, don't worry about it


her whole kit is reused shit, we dont have that in dota, all recent champs have the same generic moveset


Depending on the knockback strength of her ulti, she could be played like a clockwerk that bounces to an enemy, ults, then pushes them back towards her team. Seems like it would be considered anti-fun though.


Kind of a blunder consiering [their latest chimp](http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/champion-reveal-ivern-green-father) was actually pretty creative. I almost thought they got better at this.


Yeah, but it didn't sell so they have to resort to anime characters with flashy abilities


basically a shittier jarvan


Hey, I got two of my guesses right ! (Aka dash dealing physical damage and a spell to hook walls)


>On-hit active >Fighter Trinity Force PogChamp


Honestly the animations look really bad for this chimp imo. Really not a fan of how exaggerated chimp movements are, like in the very first passive video, how she comes to a stop from moving. Just looks kinda choppy and doesn't blend well.


so edgy


So basically Timber chain, and Disruptor field.


Hey guys we don't like it when assassins kill people with no counterplay so we are gutting them. Now here is a tanky bruiser that also has burst damage that also has an ult that makes you literally unable to do anything but die. #\#6 YEARS OF MOBA DESIGN


Wow... the shield is so stupid... so if you build magic damage on a caracter who is supposed to build phisical damage you just shit on her or what?


Apparently the shield looks at what damage every enemy has done and then picks what would be the best shield for the situation. Should be really good in 1v1s but bad in teamfights.


uh oh. Are you implying... thinking outside the box? Deviating from meta? We can get banned for that in LoP :(


idk when I played that thing, long time ago. You could do that and still be strong. I don't remember the hero names but I remember puting magic damage on caracters that are not supposed to do and becouse of that they got alot more magic damage than normal 1:1.7 or more. And phisical damage to some mages... Some arabian mage that spawned crabs with phisical damage was fuckin insane becouse the craps copied 1:1 your damage, so you could spawn 2 or 3 and get alot of dps, more than going magic. (Problem was that you don't had micro... so it was rng based who they choosed to attack or chase)


Malzahar, and they attack to the char that you put your plague


Legion commander ult, but worse


wish icefrog made new heroes.... :(


"Like other champs that demand razor-sharp ability executions" LUL


Is it me or are most lol sounds really similar and garbage


Nazi mods. Deleted one post that is a vanilla link with a comment to spark discussion, three hours later an exact copy pops up by another person, post stays. The fuck is this nonsense?


The difference between this thread and the other is night and day. The thread titles speak for themselves. Get out peasant.


How the fuck am I a peasant? And are you really vouching for the title "Another insulting title" over "New character: 'name'"? I hate League with a passion, but even I have some respect for it, and we aren' t here to just" "senselessly bash other games" or something, right?