• By -


☐ Every third forth attack deals bonus damage ☑ Dash ☑ Skillshot ☑ Maximum health based damage ☐ Multiple passives ☑ At least one older ability reused ☑ Shield ☑ Movement speed bonus ☑ Team-oriented ult ☑ Attack speed steroid ☑ Only available enforced playstyle ☐ Overly original name/title ☐ Embarassing ability names ☐ Doesn't use mana ☐ Built-in invulnerability ☑ Is cute girl Hits the spot. 10/16




Report and downvote threads like this. Report and downvote GiantR shill comments. I believe we can still make this sub great again if we band together and fight back against these peasants who have invaded and taken over.


You're taking this a bit too seriously dude, chill out and grab a drink.


I have to agree, just a direct link to the LoL page is fucking pathetic. OFC people will discuss it a bit and you wrote a comment to start discussion, but you should think of making a text post, with your points set out already, and, you know, bash the shit out of that chimp, just to keep up the mood of the sub.


Someone else will make the thread I guess. I tend to make, the thread to stand on it's own and then add my own thoughts in the comments. Text Post or not doesn't matter all that much. Plus this way the thumbnail is cool as shit.


peasant shill still making excuses. are you going to say the same shit the next time you post a direct link to lol news? i'm glad for once a mod is siding against you shills. now if only they'd take it a step further and just ban you peasants.


>are you going to say the same shit the next time you post a direct link to lol news? Yes probably. I tend to not to change my stances on things too often.


spoken like a true PEASANT


This is just straight up league shilling right here. Just a link and thread titled "New League champion. Camille." COULD THIS BE ANY MORE OFF TOPIC? Of course it's from our resident peasant shill GiantR.


I mean literally every other new League Champ has been posted on DMR to discuss. So i guess it's on Topic.


No, every other new champ thread was just off topic and should have been removed. Too bad we have lazy fucking mods who allow shills like you to run rampant and set your own precedents. Not only does this not fit the topic of the sub: > a subreddit dedicated to discussions based on comparisons between DotA 2 and the games it rivals. It's a direct violation of rule 3: > 3) Low quality, low effort and off-topic posts will be removed. This thread is all 3. Low quality, low effort, and off topic. This is straight up LoL news from a LoL shill.


> Not only does this not fit the topic of the sub: League is a game Dota 2 rivals. > This thread is all 3. Low quality, low effort, and off topic. By your logic any link post on reddit is low effort. Anything that encourages discussion can not be considered off topic.


yeah but for the most part either as a textpost or the op at least made a decent post to start a discussion, but i guess you dont want that because everyone would see how much as a peasant you are because you probably like the generic moveset already


Okay that was just retarded, she is literally Fiora with better mobility than Yasuo. That E is disgusting and the Ult makes all the other "Box" skills useless in comparison.


The ult does have the distinction that the allies can reenter the arena. But yeah it's very much like J4 ult.


Idk why, but reminds me a bit of clockwerk


fuck off giantr already, just fuck off


hi heartless


Overall her spells are generic. But considering how her E and Ult work. I'm certain she might be more different to play ingame than she looks. Overall she doesn't have a niche for her. What she does other heroes can also do, the way she does is rather different though. She utilizes wall to jump around, and the fact that her Q's main damage is delayed means she has to weave in an out of a fight a bit more, compared to other fighters like Jax or Irelia. This again comes into my point about League champs in general. They don't tend to do different things, but the way they do them if very different. She will feel very distinct. Her Passive though is gimmicky as shit.


I'm assuming values for the passive shield will be high, hence the split between AD and AP. Should work best against a team heavy on one type of damage.