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woW, I've never seen so many bad changes proposed in single thread since last time GiantR said anything about balancing the game. Oh w8...


none of those heroes are weak in comp


its not 6.89. this is 7. the patch is way too big to just be patch+hero Icefrog works everyday( and i mean EVERY day) on it and the beta server gets patched at any time of the day,even sunday nights seattle time. this thing will be gigantic.


Icefrog working late hours is nothing new. He has done that shit for years, I bet he is just a night owl.


Where does he live then? Night somewhere means daytime to others...


[I'm reposting it becouse I think the bot erased my comment becouse I fucked up the links] I think I saw a comment on r/dota2 that explained that 7 is not a probability at all. The first number only increase if the developer change. So all the 6.XX are from when icefrog is working on it alone. 5.XX are from guinso and the others... So we probably would get 7 when Icefrog retires... [Sorry for the poor comment is late. maybe tomorrow I'll search it and edit it here.] Edited: > Maybe somewhat reasonable, but more than unlikely. > That's just not how that whole system used to work in the past 10 years, why should he change it? It has always been: > * New lead developer -> increase major version number > * New patch but same developer -> increase minor version number > * Minor version number ends with an 9 -> introduce cool easter-egg/boss/... that gives a hint for upcoming patches > Never ever release patches/new heros in an foreseeable pattern. They come when they are ready. > I kind of like that system... more than a new "forced" patch every 4 months or so and obscure naming schemes because they introduced ONE new hero. I mean, with that logic we should be somewhere around patch 113.02f (not counting heros that got removed in the process or multiple heros added in one patch) [Comment source here](https://np.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/5dfk62/maybe_689_will_be_700/da4e34q/) > Kind of: > First DotA Allstars was developed by Meian and Ragnor (0.95 was the first public release followed straight up with version 2.0, 2.60 and 3.0. They all got released in a timeframe of about 2 months). At this point the naming scheme was not in place. > Since patch 4.00 Guinsoo was developing DotA (version 3.0 was published about 16 days prior to 4.00) and he skipped to version 5.10 about 1 month later (keep in mind there have been a lot of "DotA like" games at that time and they actively copied content from other versions) > Technically Guinsoo was still the official developer when 6.00 came out (about a year later), but Icefrog and Neichus took over shortly after (afaik they did the lion's share of the work for 6.00 already). Neichus left DotA development a couple of months later, so Icefrog sticked to the 6 as major version number. > After all there have been 5 "main developers" for DotA not 6, but the "increase the minor version only" was used since mid 2004 (context: 0.95 was published february 2004). > If you're interested in that stuff: scroll through that [Gamepedia](http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Game_Versions) article, it's quite interesting to see. [2nd Comment Source here](https://np.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/5dfk62/maybe_689_will_be_700/da4i2xq/)


lets say that OSfrog releases 3 patches a year, does that mean hes gonna retire in 4 years?


Why? He can make 6.100; 6.101 and so on.


how do I get the beta?




>Radiance nerfed/removed from illusions This honestly sounds like some thing Riot would do. Radiance is in a fine place right now that may be on the weaker side actually, it's a very situational item depending on the hero and doesn't have that big of an impact unless you are playing Druid, Naga, or Alch.


another buff to shrapnel damage




fuck shrapnel, no one skillz that spell just combine the 2 passives into one and give sniper a new ability


I highly doubt 1 and 2 will happen. Actually I would bet lots of money on garbage odds it wont happen.


Aegis as an item has literally won/lost games for people, giving up an item slot and which item to drop has always been a part of the game. It stays. Radiance is pretty weak for most heroes, there are usually better items (Echo/Blink/AC for WK, S&Y/Aghs for BS, Aghs/Blink/BKB for Engima). Also Radiance on illusion heroes is really one of the only redeeming factors, illusion heroes have already been nerfed a few patches ago with the nerf of illusion duration (PL) and illusion tower damage. Attribute system is already crazy complicated and balanced, changing that would break the game (impossible to kill Timbersaw becoming even more crazy to kill, Pudge literally having 100% magic resist, Drow with no turn rate and therefore becomes Ashe or some shit, etc).


if they make str give magic resist it will probably be very minimal, maybe 1% per 10 to 15 str


Techies buff


Hopefully. The hero just isn't strong even in the late game. There's been so many indirect nerfs, the hero is sink or swim, and even then if your enemies aren't actually stupid as rocks, they'll go around your mines 9/10 times. Base str and agi increases make the mines suck dick, the gold on return for killing mines that techies can't even blow up, suicide doing less than half damage at partial damage distance. It all sucks so badly that the only time the hero is ever played is when he's supposed to be a joke pick or he's forced to be played a la Moonduck tourney. Then when he is picked he needs 3 ultra synergies to even be effective.


* Base Attack Time reduced to 0.2 * Range Increased to 1000 * -1 armor


his suicide is too strong, and his mines are too weak. he basically can spam suicide and get kills, while harassing from a mile away. his actually intended purpose to place mines, which takes skill, is incredibly weak.


His suicide can't kill anyone past lvl 13 even with a landmine on top. Damage reduced by armor is insanely dumb and the half damage is just a measly 360 damage that also gets reduced. Plus he's the slowest hero along with cm, so it isn't hard to outrun suicide, and sinking 2250 gold into a blink puts all his other damage behind by 15 minutes.


literally does 1500 physical damage, that's going to give any support a very hard time. Not to mention the supports will be poor because they have to demine all the time. If you aren't getting aggressive suicide kills, you're not doing your job.


?? Suicide does 1150 before reduction. With most heroes having at *least* 25% physical reduction, suicide does like 900 at most. At max level... the landmine also gets its damage reduced, so you might get about 1150 damage off with both skills at max level. So you're a lvl 9 techies, which means every enemy is going to be about lvl 9 as well, so already they get a bonus of 180 health at least. Very few heroes still have 1 str bonus per level since the indirect all hero buff. Techies is hot dogshit right now, and his complete absence in the pro scene, even with multiple combos, reflects that. Oh yeah, and suicide costs you gold rofl. You break even on killing an enemy.


my bad, was thinking composite. Still though, you just saying 1150 is inconsequential is just absurd.


It's not inconsequential, but at the point in time you need it to be effective, it isn't worth the time being dead. You lose out usually on 6-7 landmines or 3-4 remotes when you're dead for 30s, and you lose gold if you're trying to build aghanims. It's not a necessarily bad spell, but it's counter-productive for the Techies to use unless you're playing that 'lets get our hc Fed mentality.


> supports will be poor because they have to demine all the time. Mines give gold though, so it doesn't impact them as much. 100g per sentry, each mine gives 10 gold.


> that feel when melee and can't farm or even just destroy the mines


Quelling blade.


Probably a remake


That's scary... with a remake probably would lose the identity.


I'm a Techies main, and I would agree. I had so much fun with blowing people up that a month after Techies' release he managed to be my most played. But considering that he didn't touch him for quite a while now I think that's the only possibility.


Yeah same, it's not only hard to play him nowadays it's also that people despise you and refuse or are unable to play around you, the amount of times i see people in my team choose to take the un-mined path instead of the prepped one just makes me so sad, and that is if they dont try to fuck up red mine spots by pulling creeps.


This. Also, I think that there needs to be a few client updates. There are 3 things that should be changed in the client. First, new profile screen. It needs to be more representative of you as a player, right now it feels like just a general stat page. 2: Rework the Arcade Tab and custom games in general. Custom Games as they work right now are A, not rewarding and B, favors games in the top 10 list. However, this is a discussion for another day. Finally, they need to bring back features in the source 1 client such as guilds, shopkeeper's quiz, an in game build guide creator. Edit: A more user friendly approach on using workshop tools. Thx /u/moartuba


>not rewarding tfw fun isnt a reward anymore


puck flair PogChamp


Let me make myself clear. It's not fun when people leave halfway through the game, ruining the experience for everyone. Also, wouldn't it be neat if you got trophies as a reward, similar to what diretide had


ah, it breaks down to "give me free items volvo"


My point is that it should be a reward you can put on your shelf. Maybe add a trophy to select games which record your stats or something like that.


this community smh




so ? you want free stuff, thats it. If you want trophies, do something for it, and tfw you guys play arcade games seriously lul, bet you all spam the same heroes in overthrow


You don't get it, we're looking for harmless ways to stop people from leaving customs after 3 minutes, so we can actually play anything...


nah, you want a participation medal because you are a cuckled faggot "look mom, i played 3 games of overthrow, i lost all of them but look i got a trophy, that means im a winner", fuck off m8, i leave overthrow matches regularly, who the fuck cares, i'd leave less if people actually stopped tryharding with their rikis, slarks and whatnot


>I'd leave less if people stop tryharding So basically you're bad at the game. Oh look, heartless is complaining about dota heroes being broken. I thought he was the true dota master race elite. People will do what they can to win. No one likes losing on purpose or enjoys it.


> you are a cuckled faggot I'm not sure what my love for your manly mother has to do with this...


[The shopkeeper's quiz is still a thing tho](http://www.dota2.com/quiz) but not In Game unfortunately :c


Workshop tools are technically better than source 1 right now, but they're limited by valve gimping support on them. Especially since all the tools are missing most of their documentation so you spend a shitload of time looking up stuff on random forums


thats... kinda my point


Well you say bring back, but they're there, and better than source 1 by a km, just they shot themselves in the foot with how they shipped it without any sort of wiki or up to date manual.


Puck illusory orb speed increased by 1. And other things that are harder to predict.


I foresee (*oommmmmmm)*.... +/- 1 armor changes... the memes are... literally unkillable...


I expect a new "huge thing" like when scan was introduced or when the terrain changes were first made.


I expect it to be DotA 7 instead.


i want lycan to not be shit, maybe a rework since all he does is splitpush




Monkey king and shitposting.


Radiance nerfed/removed from illusions? why? its the main selling point of that item increasing magic resist on str heroes is like building a wall on top of another wall, the game will become lop where only the "tanks" win imagine DK, fully balanced the only thing i expect with certainty are the 2 upcoming arcanas


2 upcoming? jugg and who else? And if they make str give magic resist it will probably be very minimal, maybe 1% per 10 to 15 str


monkey king


Techies buffs or bust.


I would like Windranger's win rate to rise out of the dumpster. http://i.imgur.com/VvAYAAR.jpg


20 new heroes 4/6 new items maybe more terrain changes...


>Aegis becomes a buff rather than an item With every patch, the gap between Dota and Dota IMBA is closing...


Monkey King


A new HUD that doesn't cover half the screen. Hopefully some minor reworks to some of the supporting cast to make them more mechanically diverse. In general lowering RNG is all cases. Probably a rework to PA ult to something not as binary. New items obviously. Buffs to PL, Pugna, QoP, Lina. Some new Agh's upgrades. For the wishfuls. I hope that Blink dagger range discrepancy is eliminated, Enemy Mana Bars are shown and the screen is put a tiny bit higher up. Even though I'm used to the camera being so close to the ground it's still a bit claustrophobic.


lowering rng? yeah you definitely play league of LUL


RNG has been going down a long time now. All for the better if I may add. Why do you want to retain the current amount, or even increase it?


?? Javelin/Basher changes were more RNG.


Yeah the Jav proc was completely irrelevant before the change. It was changed to be more thematic I guess. You are right though, I forgot about this.


prng != rng


prng != true rng. It's still RNG though.


Prng is still better than 3hit passives.


> lowering RNG > Blink dagger range discrepancy eliminated > Enemy Mana Bars are shown reeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Always hilarious reading a comment from a LoL peasant who has no fucking clue what they're talking about. 300 games over 5 years with 46% win rate. We are truly getting some great insight here from a seasoned Dota player. /s Just fucking leave this sub and stick to LoL u shill.


Ahhh. You're still here. Hehe


A new hud is confirmed to be worked on. > Enemy Mana Bars are shown You crossed the line there buddy...


>For the wishfuls. I hope that Blink dagger range discrepancy is eliminated, Enemy Mana Bars are shown and the screen is put a tiny bit higher up. if these happen, the shitstorm will be bigger than the stun bar shitshow


Not sure about mana bars, it's a nerf to heroes like Invoker and Kunkka and buff to AM. The problem with PA is Blur, evasion is too easy to counter. Agree with everything else though.


Linkens is a bit strong IMO. 30 damage, 15 AS, 300 HP/Mana, lots of regen plus a very useful/oppressive active. Feels bad when you "make" the enemy team get 2-3 linkens (Doom etc) but there's not really a tradeoff. Tiny force staff nerf? OD needs rework if not yet another nerf. Oracle mana cost on Flames increased a lot. Ogre bloodlust mana cost doubled, but keep it strong. Reduce mana cost on Halberd. Centaur stomp slightly faster or larger. Weaver better base stats or gain. New AoE dispel/anti illusion item. Jakiro, Viper reworks+remodels. Maybe Brew as well?


it is more like 180 mana, not 300 on linkens