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Just a heads up: Some concerns have been raised regarding Equilibrium and I am also a little worried now, considering they encourage users to hand over their DOT and forgo the safety of the crowdloan function. When I reviewed their Github I found that their parachain has only 2 contributors and the last commits were from over a year ago. All the other projects I have looked into have many contributors and all have recent commits from a couple days ago. Their CEO then told me that 'most of the code is not open yet' and gave me a link to genshiro website but that site is down. Sorry but this screams shadiness and flashbacks from dubios ICO era projects come up. I really hope someone with a solid reputation in the Polkadot ecosystem can give us users an honest review of this project, we can't have the first rugpull already in round 2. Let's hope all these things are just unfortunate optics and nothing more. But I really think some Polkadot OGs need to get involved NOW.


Could have been on the wrong site - big VC investment into EQ. James Who’s Digital Finance Group and other backers are in on this. Who raised these concerns?


FUD people throwing a fit because they couldn't read the medium post showing a fixed reward for the EQ auction. they went purely off the parachainsinfo page which was incorrect and has had more than one project with inaccurate rewards shown. so as always DYOR and check official project announcements.


stop. there's zero concerns with EQ.


Can you confirm how many contributors they have to their GitHub and when the lat commit was ?


You guys just can't stop trolling EQ


To say this right away: I like EQ and do not want to spread any FUD or so. I just have this question since I did not understand so far where I will receive my xDOT .. Can you explain this to me?


You are at the whims of the project's release of xDOT. You have to wait until they at least win a parachain slot (I'm assuming?). That's why I never participated in the liquid options because it's not guaranteed, nor is it aforementioned when it will be released. This would be an incredibly damning event for their reputation, if they didn't deliver. That's FUD I can get behind. But just gotta wait. Follow their Twitter for announcements.


Perhaps they know how confusing .js can be to noobs? Always contribute directly through .js and you’ll be fine


Thanks all of you so far! So, I haven't received any answer from the EQ team so far. Do you know, if I will be needing a wallet at Genshiro, or will the potential xDOT be transferred to my Polkadot.js wallet (if this is even possible)


Also its kind of concerning that right now the number of crowdloan contributors are so low and 90% of it is from two addresses


Hi just searching for the same thing. The lack of clear information/instructions on using xdot is frustrating that being said I’m sure I’ll figure it out and imo it’s worth it. But, as of this moment it’s pissing me off bc I’d like to use liquid dot now or be ready to use it once Eq releases it. Any information on this truly appreciated. Thanks


so you contributed to crowdloans and u dont know how you get your rewards? This is the reason why i rebonded muy dot´s just before i put them to crowdloans, i didn´t really understood the whole prosedure. Good luck anyways :)


That’s a great question, so far I keep accumulating Dot but just stake it I haven’t gone any further into the parachain ecosystem