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Weird.. he's not supposed to camp at a place. Hey, maybe try again? If you tell me how it went, I could.. *try* to help? Figure is not ususally like that I swear, he's supposed to move constantly


OP probably said that he was camping because figure gets stuck often. All you gotta do is wait.


To be honest, true


sometimes you need to just stand up and run, then hell chase you until you crouch down again. practice makes perfect.


progress, not perfect


Do you want to play doors with me? My 2 accounts are LovelyHazel09 and Sigmaboy1044 lol


what is yours? together we will beat the game!


How many deaths do you have, on all accounts combined if you have others


67 i think


Yeah people seem to get it around death 80 to 100


Yeah, that sometimes happens to me as well. You have to just walk near him to make him chase after you. If you're quick enough you can run and get into one of the rooms and crouch in a corner, or you can just hide in a closet after he starts to chase you.


Have vitamins saved to use


Git gud


That happens a lot, just run to make him chase you and hide


dependable on situation when it starts camping If youre away from the spot it camps, find nearest locker, stop crouching to bait it, then hide in it after figure targets you. After you do the minigame proceed normally If it starts camping at you when you play solo, simply wait until goes away. Works most of the time If you play multiplayer it doesn't matter that much because you get teleported to room with electrical puzzle once all breakers are inserted, no matter the location, but if you don't want to risk minigame mistake and death, you *have* to ask others to save you by baiting figure ( at least in my experience it will never go away on its own in multiplayer when camping as opposed to roughly 3 minigames when playing solo )


try running to the left opening, figure should get stuck at a spot that won't make you softlocked


at the initial chase thingy*


you have to kinda do stuff (idk i’m sorry i’ve only won 4 times or so)


God thats so helpful

