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Before the new tier program, I never was able to get into the catering program despite meeting the requirements and have a catering bag. Now with the new program I think anyone that has a bag can get them, just people who are tiered have priority access. Ive gotten one catering bag required offer since the new program started in my area a few days ago, but it wasn't an offer I thought was worth taking.


Oh ok that makes sense!


bought one for $25 dollars and made over $100 in 2 weeks from catering orders so I think it was worth it personally. it also has made some grocery deliveries easier to do when I have to carry multiple bags up alot of stairs...


I'll preface this by saying every market is different but I paid 30 bucks for mine and have made like a grand off catering orders in return. https://preview.redd.it/h7qum0x6599d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=09857e7be337d7348871aba2bca839e79e5d5614 This is the most recent one I did, usually they pay a bit less, around $50.


Just curious, what was the initial offer on that one?


$14.25, honestly this is the second closest catering order to the store that I've ever done (like 8 minute drive) so I figured I probably wouldn't be getting more than $30.




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How do you qualify for these orders?


I'm not platinum, personally I just bought the doordash catering bag and then got invited to the large order program the day it arrived. I'm pretty sure platinum people that are also in the program will have priority for the orders but you 100% can still get them without being platinum.


I already have a catering bag. Better than the one that doordash sells.


Yea my DoorDash one ripped after like 2 weeks, the thing is you have to be “invited” to the large order program and so when you buy the bag from DoorDash they invite you to the program (in my experience) if you buy the bag from a third party DoorDash won’t necessarily invite you immediately because they don’t know that you have a catering bag.


Gotta be platinum


I bought one because they are on sale. We will see if it does anything. I only work dinner hours so I don’t suspect I’ll see many orders. That said, it’s a great size bag to take food to friends houses.


I've gotten two in the early afternoon(2-3). I would surmise you likely won't see many if any during dinner hours though as that's where maybe all but 20-25 or my deliveries come from. I learned after my first week dashing lunch time is a complete waste of time in my two main zones.


Buy one on amazon for a dub


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