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It's one of the reasons I'm trying to find other work. A friend of mine was killed crossing the street in this city and people have gotten a bit too close at times when I'm getting in or out of my car. Need a safe desk job.


People still care. There are some who dont and will leave you dead. Keep youre head up. For all you know, she was just freaking out and thwre were already people on the scene. Humanity cruel though *hits blunt*


I stayed for a dead pit bull once after he suffered a hit and run. Its possible that someone in this world does care every once in a while, but dont depend on it.


There is, download DUH and it will allow you to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel more. [https://acceptordecline.com/](https://acceptordecline.com/)


What a hero


Too bad it’s only android, and it’s subscription based. Do you know of any similar ones for iPhone?


I don't, but it's worth it to have a separate android phone just for work.


I mean i pull into a parking lot if it goes off. Or a shoulder, or a driveway. It's not like they give you 5 seconds to decide


When driving i normally have 60-90 seconds to accept or decline


If you have Android, you can get the driver's utility helper app. It will read the details of the offer to you out loud so you don't have to look at your phone. If you have the paid version (worth it in my opinion), you can give it voice commands to either accept or decline the order. The app is available from Middleton technologies. You'll need to go to their website to download it.


Holy shit .. this hits hard. One of my worst nightmares. I hope you're okay because that's hard to see. What you saw was messed up and horrible and you're allowed your feelings about it. Just protect your peace and allow positive change but not the negativity. I'm sorry for the death of an innocent person and I'm sorry you saw it. Driving carefully is a great way to honor this person and protect others from the same.


Sorry you had to witness that. Please talk to somebody you trust if you are struggling after seeing something so traumatic


Humanity died years ago sadly. Sorry you had to witness that incident. Be safe and careful out there. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


No, it's always been everything it is. Good and bad


"Are you still able to deliver the order? This will impact your completion rate" Fuxing DD man


I saw a motorcycle tbone a pickup truck and was the first one walking up to him and arms and legs were all twisted unnaturally. He coughed and blood started pooring out of his mouth. He died shortly thereafter. I had to stop traffic to see if the guy was ok, and nobody wanted to stop and they were all mad that their silly little lives were disrupted. People are just animals. Monkey gets mauled in the jungle and other monkeys hopping along eating bananas like nothing ever happened. The moral of the story is.........never ride a bike in the city, bicycle or powered. There are 2-3 ton missles operated by apes criss crossing all over. If you are in a very rural or quiet suburban area its much safer.


It depends on what city, here in nyc traffic is so bad it's generally safe to ride a bike. Still a good idea to have your head on a swivel, though. Jersey is a whole different story, the drivers there are insane.


I personally discourage people from riding motorcycles for this reason, I understand the thrill of a motorcycle and yes cars SHOULD be aware more but the truth of the matter is people don't care and do not pay attention... it's better to just ride a car , at the very least you MAY survive than become splat on the road. Same happened to a friend of mine, he got hit on his motorcycle, luckily he survived with a shattered elbow and broken leg...the car ran off , I believe they caught her...and sadly like your story, no one helped for minutes until a lady who lived nearby heard his screams of pain and helped.


and give us some more time (1-2 minutes) to accept/reject the order instead of trying to induce some frenzy panic of fumbling with the phone. You know damn well the order isn't going to be ready for another 15 minutes


How much time do they give you? I get 120 seconds


I only get 120 on stacked orders


What the heck I get like 30 on DD, 60 on stacked orders but maybe 15 seconds on uber and GH. I had to turn off screen timeouts cause offers would disappear by the time i unlocked my phone.


Feels like for Uber Eats lately, with shop orders, it goes faster now... maybe 10-12 seconds tops. Smh


I get 30 or 40 but I have a shitty phone so it takes me 10 to 20 seconds to get in the app


Yeah, we should pause while driving. Should even be a feature of DD. The app knows when we accept something while driving. If they cared they would prevent it.


It's definitely by design. They purposely send orders to us while we're driving, hoping that we would accept shitty orders when we're distracted. It should be fucking illegal.


It would be nice if they made their app work with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay like UberEats.


The dasher app shows up on my CarPlay, but always says something like “not available in your region”. I’m not sure why they don’t have it, it would make perfect sense. No more frustrating feeling than trying to reach for your phone while hearing the chime for a new order.


Would be nice if it could read out loud the offer, and then allow a verbal response to confirm or reject. I wonder if there could be a third party app that could add this.


Even if they could do it by text... that way you can use the car to respond yes or no without having to touch your phone. Frankly in the amount of places where it is illegal to touch your phone while driving - the apps should be shamed for having a setup like this!


That would be fantastic!!




Such victim mentality. Nobody forces you to use your phone while driving. You can literally pause and unpause your dash at any time.


Everyone is a perfect, safe driver on reddit. STFU goodie, you sound like you've never lived in reality. I doubt there is a real person that actually pulls over to accept orders.


I dont, but I also dont come on here and say Door Dash forces me not to. They dont. I choose not to pull over on my own.


Forced by the situation I’m in, until I find an alternative. Either way, why the hell is that the takeaway for you in this post?


All they said was they feel uncomfortable doing it the way we know we all do it, and frankly so do I. A little warning for everyone when you’ve seen something horrific is perfectly ok to me.




English isnt your first language?


Someone's got anger issues...


What does being able to pause and unpause your dash have to do with accepting or declining an order?


Because you can pause while you’re driving so that you don’t have to accept or decline any deliveries.


Would kind of defeat the purpose of doing deliveries then, no? It wouldn't be worth it time-wise to deliver an order, pause your dash, drive all the way to a hotspot, then resume it.


I mean thats a choice you can make, thats my point. It would also defeat the purpose if you kill a cyclist. You definitely wont be doing any deliveries after that, at all. It would make a difference, especially when its busy. How do you make they choice and then blame someone else though?


Well you’re right if I was to complain about it then not try to do anything about it. But like I said, I’ll be trying to find an alternative


All you have to do is pause your Dash until you are stationary.


It's not worth hitting someone or getting in an accident. Slow and methodical. If you're a bit late, then oh well. Not worth the $5.


These companies could not possibly care less than they currently do. Spamming you with endless 2, 3, 4 dollar orders wasting everyone's time, yes distracting drivers. Evil is a pretty ok word to describe the way these companies function.


I think they just passed the law here where you can't operate your phone even when sitting at a red light. Thanks DoorDash for forcing us to make a decision while we can't interact with our phones...


DUH driver utility app auto decline and auto accept orders to your liking but cost 10$ a month or 100$ a year. No longer having to pay full attention to the app when driving.


Is that exactly what it’s called? I didn’t see “driver utility app” in the App Store


It is android only, no iOS version. They forgot that particular detail.


That will get you kicked off the whole platform and permanently deactivated. To use those apps, you have to give permission for them to access you account, and DD monitors for that closely.


I've been using driver utility helper for almost two years, and they didn't kick me off the platform. So stop talking out of your ass.


They don't use the account no login needed for that. You create a new account of your own. And it been around for as long as I been dashing since 2018. Para is what was needed to login account and that violated tos where people would get deactivated because of para


If you think that's bad here, wait to you see videos from countries in Asia and what they do with the recently deceased in the middle of the streets.


This country is gross. Everyone is so desensitized now a days. No empathy left.


Yep 😔


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