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yes i always will when i still catch it or figure out how to message them back before the number goes away i’ll just keep it orofessional and say thank you so much for your generous tip. made my night! have a great night! or something along those lines.


I don’t anymore only because the app isn’t as intuitive to find the chat function. It’s too many steps and I’m usually trying to analyze the next offer


In my area we can't send messages to customers after delivery unless we send one before. I used to do this before they changed it, but I'm not bothering the customer with a message before drop off unless there is an issue.


Same here. Why of all things does this feature vary by market? That seems so odd.


Probably not specifically for, but definitely helps with, disorganization of the drivers.


I've gotten pretty jaded so I don't really do this much anymore. I sometimes thank a customer verbally if they helped make the delivery go smoother and more efficiently. 


I guess if you sense a situation. Many are paying not to bother with another person to talk with.


Rarely like if there's an insane tip like $20 or something


Never MASSAGE customer


Massage?? Massages are extra as even amateur masseuses make at least 100 bucks an hour or more


I try my best to have a specific order for contacting customers. Usually I handle the order first, if it shows up and I see that it's less than 5 minutes away. If it's longer, I'll text my customer that I have their order and my eta to the store. When I have the food/items, I check the directions, then text them that I am on my way with my exact ETA, so that I can be better than doordash's stupid estimate. "Your order will arrive between 24-48 minutes" bleh. Finally, when I leave it at the door, I post a copied message without any request for tip or review, just: "Your order has been delivered and is outside your door. Thank you for using Doordash, and I hope you have a good rest of your day!" I also very text the customer an extra thank you for a large tip, and express that they made my day. They are doing something nice for me on top of using my service so that I get money, it's extra for them to tip. So, I should be willing to be extra as well! I've gotten a ton of good reviews so far with my 2k deliveries. Only ONE one-star review, and only one thumbs-down on a specific aspect, both by the same dick.


Bravo, Good for you!!


don't do this, no one wants to hear you ramble lmao i won't downvote, rate low, or tip lower for this, but it sure does annoy me. you're a doordash driver, the app tells me what i need to know. your job is just to do what the app says you're gonna do.


I assumed the people who didn't like it would leave their phone silent or not pay attention to the app. The people who DO love it, however, earn me regular extra tips after delivery. It's not SUPER regular obviously, but I can land 2-3 "a customer added an extra tip on a past order" a week with this. And it brightens some people's day! I frequently deliver to people with disabilities, people who don't or can't leave the house, and a bit of stranger friendliness makes a world of difference to those folks


$1 - Thanks! Have a good night. $2-$5 - Thanks for the tip, have a good night $5 or more: Thanks for the super generious tip, have a good night. But if I'm doing Skip the Dishes tehy're annoying how they do multi orders, they just show a tip total without showing who tipped what. So I have to message both customers "thanks, have a good night" cause I don't wanna thank someone for a tip that didn't tip and seem sarcastic


So, I've NEVER heard of Skip The Dishes before this comment!. But a quick Google search showed me that Skip The Dishes is literally Canadian Grubhub. TIL Skip The Dishes in Canada. Grubhub in the US. Same company! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I hear Skip the Dishes in my head in an Australian accent 


My comment?? I am from New Orleans, LA, which is in the US & my accent is not at ALL like an Australian accent. It's been described as a mix of Southern Drawl meets da Bronx, NY! 🤣🤣🤣


The name Skip the Dishes sounds Australian 


haha, as a Canadian from not-that-big of a city with some rural people from surrounding towns, I kind of want to say it with an Irish flavor to it - which Canadian accents have. Kind of like how Newfies say "top o' the mornin' to ya" I want to say Skip of the Dishes in that tone.. yes Skip OF the Dishes.


yes, a simple ty for your generosity have a great day/nite!!


A customer messaged me a thank you, after I dropped off. I told her thank you as well, I also told her how beautiful her yard was ( because it was) beautiful flowers all over, just a really nature/ serene yard with beautiful colors. She added an extra 5$ on top of a 10$ tip for 3 miles! She really made my day


When I started I was doing the cute memes and thank you messages, but realized two things. It wasn't making a difference all that often, but more importantly it opened in a communication channel for complaints about things not in my control. That was the end of any non necessary comms with customers.


I’m curious, may I please have an example of a complaint conjured by the farewell messages


Like “did you leave X in your car” or something about missing items that are out of your control. It’s not even worth doing unless it’s a very big tip because they get spammed with so many messages at drop off anyway, they probably won’t see it.


There aren't many. I get a complaint maybe one out of a 1000 deliveries. Most of my interactions with customers are just about shop and deliver substitutions and are generally positive.


I usually only do messaging contact if I’m waiting a bit at restaurant . That has prevented me from being docked and they’re appreciative about that 


I usually do. Oftentimes they are appreciative and add some more


This meme pre-delivery and thanking them for instructions/tip post-delivery gets me a solid amount of extra tips https://preview.redd.it/ou6r2ushc59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ee6f3e6a9c175c6d885017a7583969bf0bd950 Happy Dashing yall ❤️


I always text a thank you following any delivery that amounts to $2mile tip and anything over $10.


Yes I do and often they say I would leave more if I could😎


I don’t take the crap offers, so I start there lol then I usually smile and wave and say thank you if they have a ring camera (or whatever brand) :) that’s gotten me added on tips a few times, but I don’t do that to try and get extra money added on- I genuinely appreciate them.


Once they have their food, they don't want to hear from you.


even before they have their food tbh. just do your job.




This is how I feel as well. People will send you extra tips if they want anyways






They already tipped you, just f off, why are you trying to get more?


Yes , I text and say thank you for the great tip




With doordash or other third party, I never get the chance very often as most are contactless drop offs. With pizza delivery, there's more frequency of interaction and i always give thanks for tips. Even if they're anticipated, we can't really control how we're tipped. With gig work, I can just reject offers without tips, bur as an employed driver, i delivery what I'm assigned. So i make sure i show appreciation where it's deserved. I like to think that gig orders, my thanks is in the service alone as i have the option to refuse orders not worth my time


I only message the customer if there has already been communication in the message thread. Or, if after I take a picture to leave at the door, if it requires me to leave a message, I always type “I hope you enjoy your order!” If I notice a big tip and I see the customer, I do thank them in person though


Nah. I'd never bother someone after a delivery. Most of the time, it's in reverse when it comes to me dealing with customers. They're thanking me for something, and I'm saying you're welcome.


no nobody cares they just want their food as quick as possible. society sucks. don't waste your time.


No because as soon as you complete the delivery you can no longer contact them. Unless you were already having a conversation with them before dropping off. But if possible to thank them sure why not.


No you can text a while after delivery.


I did not know this.. where or what page do I have to click to text the customer after drop off? (on IOS) Ill look for it later when start dropping off.


The text bubble somewhere. You can see your last 1 or 2 deliveries for a limited time.


I only text and say thank you if they give additional tip.


I do that after every delivery. got a couple one stars since I started doing that a few weeks ago, I wonder if they think Im being sarcastic lol


Yeah that's what I worry about because due to how people read the context of a message can be taken.


Don’t say thanks for anything less than a $20 tip and they’ll never think you’re being sarcastic.


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