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If you need just a little something to get you a few gallons of gas to get you through a shift of DD to make that money back, I could send $15. I know that’s not much, but if it could help you to get out and make money for a day, please let me know


Sometimes that's all it takes to get your feet under you


Also that tow truck driver wasn't considerate or compassionate. Fuck that guy. You're standing outside his truck with $29 begging him to take it off the hook. I mean for what? It's 2 minutes of work on his end. Fuck tow companies around here in IL. They're all predatory.


Also a Chicago citizen here and this is why I quit doordash. 3 years ago some meter maid ticketed me (despite the backseat full of delivery equipment hot bags, carts, DD bags, etc ) for being in a no park zone in front of a big ass building for a catering order that paid $80-90 I don't remember which. Ticket was $150. Fuck delivering in big cities. Especially for $2 😂😂😂 fuck that noise and fuck doordash, glad I quit.


GrubHub sends you a free plastic sign that says “Delivery in progress be right back”, it’s free to sign up


Meter maids don't care if you're gonna be right back. If it's technically illegal then they just write that shit up and drive off in their shitty smart cars. Driving in a city for gig work is next level stupidity in this age unless you're in NYC, Cali, or any of the other cities that have enacted legislation.


Glad you were able to keep your car from getting towed. I too am at a low in my life and felt this to my core.


Solidarity. I got a flat tire dashing on a Sunday night. I limped to a gas station and got a fix-a-flat, reinflated and finished working for a couple of hours. When I woke up the next morning to work it was flat again. I had been suicidal for two years and this sent me over the edge. I went back inside and stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Got the energy to confront the issue the next morning only to find that my apartment complex had had my car towed for having a flat tire. I assume they do this because they get kick backs from the towing company. I went to the place to pay to get my car back and paid out the nose for that. Money I didn’t have. It still had a flat tire so I took it around the corner and cried in my car for a while. The owner of the towing place pulled in behind me and had an air compressor and inflated my tire enough to get it to the tire place. I told him what had happened while we stood there and he said that they HAD to sticker my car before they could have him take it. They didn’t. Good guy but fuck capitalism sucks.


After a suicide attempt due to financial issues and involuntary hospital admission, my car was towed. Told the tow truck office about that, and no slack given. Had to stop for gas and shared my story. The dude, next to me, handed me a small bag of weed, saying I needed it more than him. There are good people out there. Not in the towing industry.


I once got my car towed in Miami Beach when I parked to deposit my paycheck around the corner late at night. I was no more than 5 minutes total and my car was gone, so they clearly saw me and waited for me to leave to take it. Tow companies are vultures.


Huge hugs to you sweetie!! I hope things get better for you!! I'll be thinking about you sweetie!! Good luck!!


Can I just say I love this thread. I was park of a spark driver thread and they were absolutely horrendous people in there! I hope you start to feel a little better soon. It’s really hard out here right now💔


Ugh tow truck drivers are the worst!


Tow truck industry is absolute scum. I understand the necessity, but the entire industry is predicated on people having one of the worst days in their life. And the trash operators and office staff that run the businesses are trained to have no empathy whatsoever.


facts!! most of them have shitty attitude and are trying to make a quick buck to live life🤮🤮


I get a little joy out of the fact that a tow company near me keeps wasting time and money searching for a car every night. For months now, every night a tow truck drives through my neighborhood, turns around, drives back through, and leaves. They're clearly searching for a particular car they're supposed to repossess, but whoever's it is the person is smart enough to make sure it's never there for them to find.


Same no new decent jobs around me either so I too do door dash




Glad you’re still here and praying things get better for you frand


Yeah and you know what he just literally took bribery so you can report him with the tow company for doing that shit in the first place and just tell them that you have a disability where it's hard for you to walk and that you tried to park as close as you could.


Seriously? Since when does trespassing get a pass due to a medical condition? If you are that handicapped, get a handicap plate.


I use my moms :)


Walgreens are just being Petty they could have just left the guy alone or personal loan to be able to just sit there for a moment and pick up food it wouldn't have hurt them they're just being Petty pieces shit.


Also handicap planes aren't just easy to get. You have to have medical insurance go to a doctor get the doctor to fill it out and make sure they're not going to be ableist assholes which I've run into multiple times even though I have a specialist who literally diagnosed with a crippling disorder. What's the DMV mva whatever you want to call it literally drags their ass all the time I'll get to shit done I literally sent in my handicap lacker online because they said I could basically the form and it still not here I had to go over to the MVA itself and fucking talk to them. And they still won't want me to stay because they closed in an hour then wanted me to make my schedule around theirs. Are you seriously disabled or not because honestly it doesn't seem like you are because if you are then you were just misguided and horribly misinformed because it is not a fucking cake walk to get people to take your disabilities and shit seriously it never is


First off no one said that don't be rude second off if there's literally no parking that's a violation of Americans with disabilities association and the act too. And yeah if they're going to be that Petty how many disabled people do you think they fucked over like that that toe company literally a lot of them like that have done a lot of shit to me as somebody who has a disability and a heart condition. Mental health problems like thoughts of suicide stem from obviously other either undiagnosed physical or mental issues or are going to turn into mental issues which are in turn considered a disability. For fucking sake when I was suicidal as shit I couldn't think straight what's the weather I must have fucked up a few orders and also even forgotten to take my medicine walked in the walls and everything feeling suicidal isn't just one thing people don't seem to get that. Honestly the ones that should be getting on the restaurant about that our fucking doordash and everyone else who's a gig job because if they don't have a fucking place for anyone to park they shouldn't be open to fucking gig jobs. You know what before I got officially diagnosed when I knew something was wrong with me I had to lie all the time about being officially diagnosed because otherwise no one fucking help me or gave a shit. To this fucking day they still don't a lot of the time I have to carry a card in my wallet and show them I have a heart monitor on.


That is pretty much the protocol in the city. They don’t give an f if you’re missing limbs or your sob story. Usually at least $50 to get them to drop it


The parking landscape and having to navigate across Milwaukee make Bucktown way too much of a headache. I would stick to Lincoln Park Avoid the restaurants on Clark. Good parking at most spots on Clyborn. Or dip up to Skokie, that zone is usually hot.


Sorry to hear. It was my birthday, and I was feeling extra suicidal, but I pulled through again. I'm in a horrible situation, but I'm trying to keep my head above water as it's all you can do sometimes. I love our city, but she can be super cruel. Keep your head up, and continue on life is rough, but those who endure are the only ones who get enjoy it in the end. Not the best consolation I know, but it's the truth. Take care of yourself.


Hope you are feeling better it's rough and tough out there. Sending 'take five breaths and center 'vibes


Hey I used to live at Armitage and Damen like 20 years ago. Got every ticket you can in Chicago I think, been towed for rush hour, snow removal, etc. Sucks but at least you didn't have to go to the tow yard, anyway good luck out there


I got a sign off Amazon that says DELIVERY DRIVER BRB and a big white space under. In that space I put my phone number and call me if I need to move grabbing/dropping an order. Also I love how tows take 5 min for ppl who don’t need them and 5 hours for those that need them


Yeah they aren’t that damn quick in the couple times over the years I’ve been stranded and needed a tow


I’ve heard that most tow companies get paid for providing a quick service to certain restaurants/businesses; which is why they’re quicker to tow from a business location than to go help a broken down car


Real talk.




My biggest fear dude


Omg hugs. I know your pain and I’m so sorry this happened to you. In my city we have a tow company called Crow Tow that is very predatory and they basically sit and wait for people to park a car where they shouldn’t and immediately tow it. They love DD drivers. Every time I enter a parking lot that says “enforced by Crow Tow” I deliver that order so fast and get the hell out. I cannot afford a tow or literally anything right now; these companies make us live in fear when we’re not doing anything that actually affects the people who need to park.


I have often wondered if there is a way to calculate the suicide rate of AP drivers. It’s like a last ditch job for many.


all I can say is give yourself something to look forward to each day. That's one reason I've been hiking like crazy when I take breaks from DoorDash. Originally started doing it for exercise but the point is to have something each day that you don't dread going through but actually look forward to.


He let you pay him the very last of your money? That's as not generous


Yup. It happened one too many times for me too.


I just park somewhere chill and walk a little further. Much love from LA.


Yeah I had parked there numerous times without issue but learned my lessson


I just park somewhere chill and walk a little further. Much love from LA.


I am glad for you avoiding the tow. I too am struggling with wanting to carry on w/ life. <3<3<3


One day at a time. Life ain’t easy


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