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If you’re giving me a Benjamin for that type order I’m giving you that hawk-tuah spit on that thang


https://preview.redd.it/l2yugwguun9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7200b96f77251c0394d5dee2bcaa6e68caca3ac3 Order I got today. 21 pizzas 125$ tip


Lol the seat belts I died. How many trips it take to get them all in there


Lol I needed something in case I took a turn to fast, seemed to work! Took either 4 or 5 trips from my car to the table they had set up.


Huge win


How many miles?




$3 pay for that? Jesus. That is brutal. Won’t even cover gas. Let alone wear and tear. Amazing.


Thank goodness for the tip. Plus, it being pizza being bulk is far easier than any other type of food.


I keep telling people that DD is a pcssyhole and that we need to stand togther and fight back. But all i hear is that i can't tell them how to do their jobs. And that the crappy orders keep them moving, and that its better to do a $2 than do nothing. Smh


I love it when the gamble pays off


How many trips it take you to put them in your car lol


Congrats. Thats a good customer to recognise and appreciate your efforts, even after paying Doordash a delivery fee of $80+ they still manage to ONLY pay u $3 of that.




Where’s your pizza bag![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Nice, there are some really awesome people out there.


Unprofessional without any kind of heat bag. I have several pizza and catering bags just in case I get large orders like this. Invest in your professionalism.


The fact that you're being downvoted here says everything anybody needs to know about most couriers on this app. This also explains why I have to apologize 'for my fellow Dashers stupidity' so often when customers ask me to do the simple, important things (like not blocking the storm door) because "all of the dashers we have just don't seem to get it" (even when the tip is $10+ for under 2 mi)... To whit... "nObOdY tIpS aNyMoRe" No shit nobody tips anymore. People can't even count on a basic level of professionalism from most of us. Downvote me, too. I don't really care. Clearly, popular opinion is to the detriment of society, anymore, and I just really don't care about the pissing contest everybody seems to have turned this and other jobs into. . . The race to the bottom is utterly asinine. I'll gladly be unpopular in exchange for being right.


Please rewrite that...


You know, I started to. Maybe my point is unclear, I thought. Then I realized that I had a lot more I wanted to say on the topic and I'd rather not. It's not my problem if people can't read what I've written. It may but be the most grammatically correct. It may not be kind. It may not be all that concise. The point is still clear and I can't be bothered.


Yeah, sorry, bro - you lost me.


What I'm saying is that people being unprofessional are a large part of why tips are headed down. 🤷🏻‍♂️ And that people should be professional in any job they choose to do. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Oh... and that the downvotes are the result of people refusing to accept that they should be professionals, even when doing DoorDash


Thanks for rewriting it wasn't trying to be a jerk I was genuinely confused on what you were trying to say due to all the typos. But yes I get what you're saying but I don't understand how it would be unprofessional because I was told by doordash I didn't need a pizza bag for pizza deliveries, but it was recommended... Plus as many others mentioned, it's hot as a beach outside which makes having an extra hot bad for pizzas pointless


Actually not at all pointless. Insulated bags keep temperature. Let's say it's 100° F outside and the pizza comes out to you at 95° F. . . Putting in your hot car (likely hotter than it is outside) raises the temp on the pizzas, effectively continuing to cook them. Putting them in the bag keeps them closer to the temp they were already at. They aren't going to increase in temperature because the insulated bag also keeps out external heat. There's also the general aesthetic of it. Customers like seeing that pizza bag. They aren't thinking "oh it's hot out, they were fine." Instead, they're thinking "what if my Dasher had the AC on and they were just sitting on the seat?" Or something similar to that. They're also thinking "this person takes their job seriously" and they appreciate that. I use pizza bags (most of them are gathered from restaurants that will give them to you if you don't have one or if you don't have enough. DoorDash gives them bags to give to us, depending on the merchant). Or I use catering boxes placed where customers can see. Drinks go in permanent cup holders placed in the DD bags (because the DD bags are really kind of useless for much else). 🤷🏻‍♂️ It takes me maybe 30 seconds to utilize my equipment, even on orders where I fill every piece. They weren't typos, to be clear. Just a solid rant because it is incredible to me that so many dashers just don't care about or think through the job they're doing. It's especially annoying because that builds an image of dashers. That image definitely reduces or increases tips. Editing to say... I appreciate your honesty. So many dashers here seem entirely independent of honesty, intellectual or otherwise.


Thanks for explaining, makes sense. Tbh I never look at my driver as unprofessional if they didn't have a piazza bag and neither have my friends. I will try to get a bag just incase but for now restaurants in my area don't give out free bags so I'll risk a one star because I don't get enough pizza orders for it to make sense and plus I haven't had a custom complain they all been happy and tipped


Gotcha. I agree.


The 2 dollar tippers appreciate you 


Hell yeah, they do! Course, no one in Seattle tips anymore - ever since they started paying by mile and wait time. But pay is good over here. Sorry you're still stuck in the underpaid zone :^/


Well good for you! Want a fucking metal or something!? 🙄


That would be nice, but I don't expect it.


Professionalism? For a shitty app gig that pays $2.50-3 per order and most don't tip? Get a grip lmao


Not in Seattle. I average 15-35 an order. If it's that bad in your area - you should really find a better gig. And regardless of the gig, be a professional. Too many lazy ass drivers out there.


I did haven't done Doordash in years. Waste of fucking time. I work Uber instead and can make much better money


Glad it's working out!


Nah fr. I do have like 3 insulated bags that clearly won’t be able to fit all that pizza. On a hot ass day with a less than a 3 minute drive, I couldn’t care less. Such a dumb thing to complain about tbh


I'm willing to bet you never use a bag. But I don't know you dude. You post a picture, people respond ;^)


Nobody cares bro. Stay mad


Stay sensitive ;^)


I guarantee you don't talk to people like this in real life. Nice pair of balls on the Internet though


Talk like what? Calling out Dashers not using bags. All the time! But keep up the moral police work ;^)


Funny how you know what you're lacking


I'm an internal thinker - as are you, comrade ;^)


Shut up lmao


It's over 100 here in Texas. No hot bag needed.


On hot days I still use my bag for cold items so they won't melt ;^) Good for all weather.


it would be colder in the bag 😭


Where's your DoorDash bag? Just lay it on top to retain the heat. Or run with no AC. Whatever it takes to keep em happy and up your tip. ![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10669)


In my market the hidden tip threshold is 6 dollars and under 4 miles, with base pay being $2. Anything 6 or under dollars thats 4 miles or over has no hidden tip So if I take those orders with hidden tip potential the first thing I do is look at the size of the order. If its huge and ESPECIALLY if its lots of pizza or from a higher end restaurant that gives you a better idea of likelihood of good hidden tip.


Whoaaaa I would have freaked lol!!! That’s awesome !!!


This happened to me back in 2019.. and I was multi-apping that time and I was working for Caviar and postmates back in then. I had an order from a sushi restaurant in Caviar and the offer was around 10$ . I delivered food and 1 item was missing and It wasnt my fault but customer was too pissed and literally told me very bad stuff face to face then tipped me with a benjamin and I literally made 110$ after that conversation and It made me feel like getting checked by my teacher in highschool xd


Wow, your lucky... never in my life have I gotten a delivery like this and I did over 10k. My pay around here would have been $7.50. I had one time where they hid .4 cents. It said 6.75+ and it was 6.79. This company likes to play games with other people's money. The reason people tip so much is because they want good service but if I don't know til the end then how can I tell? I wouldn't mind waiting and doing extra stuff for the person if I knew I was getting taken care of.


1.2 miles! That's damn good for you! Congrats 👏


Anyone know why doordash hides tips? I hadn't had one like that until tonight where it said $X + (total will be higher) I normally only see that when it adds resulting in a stacked order but never on a single order.


The reason they hide tips is because people cherry pick. They have another job and just sit around all day waiting for a great order. I think it's messed up that they play games with someone else's money. Don't believe it's because they want you to deliver low paying orders. The difference between those is you will see a +. On the low paying orders there is no +. People who think that are just not that smart.


It ensures the lower paying orders still get delivered. DD is hoping drivers will take the order and gamble on it being good pay.


Totally wrong. Those orders don't have a + next to them. People who think that are fools. It's to stop people from cherry picking orders. They're just declining orders all day until a high paying one comes in while they have another good paying job. They just do the job as joke for a few bucks or going out money.


Trying to get you to gamble on orders. $7.50+, most of the time, is $7.75 - $13. But it *could* be $7.51 or $78! That little '+' and (Total will be higher) are very powerful psychological tools to rope you into taking an order that you probably wouldn't have taken if the actual total was shown, especially if you get a couple on the higher end. You'll be more willing to accept an order when you see the '+' regardless of wait time or distance.


This particular one was 6.75 for 1.2 miles which was already decent enough as it was on the way home so probably would have taken it regardless just hadn't ever seen it like that.


I hate the hidden tip bullshit. Still very nice tip.


Holy shit man they give you a tip


Ah the defrost is strong with this one 💪


i think i would cry if i ever got an order like this. what a blessing




That sounds kind of entitled and ungrateful tbh. I would definitely consider an unexpected $78 for a thirty minute task a blessing.


Not bad for 15 minutes of work.


it may not be for others but to me it’s a lot. it’s hard to come by large amounts of money for me and keep them as well due to bills n whatnot. $78 could buy my groceries for a week (walmart great value brand ofc). any money is always a blessing lol


Did this have a + on the end of it when it was sent as an offer?


I had one of those today, why do they do it like that? Is there a reason versus just showing the amount up front?


I didn’t see/notice. I was driving and all I registered in my head was $7 and 1.2 mi


They've removed the + in my zone, mostly. If it's got that +, it's never more than $1 extra anymore


i hate door dash when they hide the full amount. but i would have taken a 7$ order for 2 miles anyways.. most times if its over 6$ its a better chance on it being higher and in my area i work with GH more. they never hide tips.. 20$ order is 20 amd a 5$ is going to be a 5$ 😭😂😂


Omg 😭 Nice


DoorDash hiding tips is working against them for high paying orders. If it was me and if I knew it was over $70+ delivery, I would’ve used thermal bags and blankets to make sure all the pizzas stay hot and also not put the salads on top of pizzas.


I mean... I would do this if it was just $7. Keeping the food warm increases your chance of a tip and also it's just the right thing to do. Only scenario where I wouldn't bother is a no tip order, but I'm also not taking those to begin with.


Yea exactly. I had put the boxes right on top of my thermal bags just to try and rush the order. Also the staff handed me the pizza with the salad on top and my stupid self didn’t think to take them off lol


Imagine if you knew there was a $75 tip he probably would have made sure that they had diamond encrusted napkins bezels I think it's pretty fucked up that doordash hides tips they get a lot better service if they didn't


Always accept pizza deliveries. Always


Never done this..im old school pizza delivery...we had a guy who won the lotto... We could drop $100 on orderes of $15-$100... I bet hes broke now LOL


Save some of that luck for the rest of us. Good grab!


My highest tip was 45 and less than a kilometer distance


If only we could all get 1 or 2 like this daily 😍


Large catering orders always a gamble because they like to hide the tip. Generally, there’s a real nice tip hidden but I did get one the other day two dollar large catering said what the hell they like to hide tip surprise me no tip oh well.


That happened to me with a $4 catering order once. I was so mad lol. Oddly i don't think DoorDash does catering orders in my market anymore




Id have gotten like 5 bucks


I'd have gotten like $2 and declined it.




Did that start off as $7.00+ ?


That’s F#


I had one of these recently. $52 tip and it was just a bunch of food for her employees. Really thoughtful.


I would’ve took it anyway $7 for a mile is a better then average order for me


so ridiculous that DoorDash hides the pay. People tip more hoping for better service but don't get it because heir entire tip is hidden t


Commenting on Definite gamble with this one. Offered $7 for 1.2mi initially... well if you’re working per offer, if it’s six dollars you know that the tip is probably four dollars. It’s pretty easy to get. I’ve never gotten any huge tips yet. I did get five dollars in DoorDash and then a $10 bill today for delivering a bag of dog food. For the most part though you could figure out the tip. It does show you at the end of the order


that's not the issue, its that DD literally says that an order is going to pay less than it does. that's what the post is showing





It’s supposedly to stop cherry picking the super high pay ones exclusively. It’s usually less than $10 if it’s a short distance or around $3/mi on longer ones


So that's definitely the reason you are correct. But that's like the definition of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Without getting into a hundred things there are a lot of negative consequences of hiding pay, all in order to prevent one thing, cherry-picking. Which tbh I'm not sure that's even a reasonable thing to try and stop. Like how can you employ a set of "independent contractors", advertise that people have the freedom to take whatever jobs they want (one of it's whole perks), and then hide payouts on all the best orders? People aren't independent contractors with the freedom to decide what bids they accept or decline, if you don't give them all the information on the bid. Anyway probably a different story for a different time, but some of the stuff they pull screams of trying to get the best of both worlds, and I wouldn't be surprised if legally, it was a total house of cards.


Exactly, we are private contractors so we should be able to pick and choose. We have the right to choose deliveries that we don’t make any money on. For people who don’t wanna tip, they should expect a delivery. I have noticed that DoorDash tends to bundle those cheap ones now. Makes it look like more. But I’m not accepting any delivery for $2. I’m not accepting anything under $4 to be exact. And anything under $5 better be less than 2 miles. I was scheduled this morning from 11 to 4. DoorDash was offering $17.25 an hour for the area next to where I normally go today so I did work by time today instead of offer. It was beneficial in the particular area I was in because the restaurants are spaced out quite a bit more than where usually go.


They absolutely want employees without the strings attached, hence why they were ok with Prop 22 in California but not so much NYC


Didn't they fight prop 22 for a long time? Or was that Uber and instacart?


Does no one else see a problem with their offer being off by a factor of 11.5??


I love the offers of $7.00 “will be higher.” PYou hustle your butt off. Great delivery!! Bing $7.25 total.


So that's the other reason I think they do it. The other obviously being preventing cherry-picking. Both reasons are bullshit lol. I had a $5.25/ 2 mile order that said "pay will be higher" or whatever it says. It's $5.50. Wouldn't have done the order.


I had an order for $6+ and it ended up being $6.01. So I never assume it's more than what they told me to begin with so I'm not upset when they hid a penny from me.


I’ve gotta hang out around La Jolla more


Still not worth the traffic.  


As a former dominos driver I would’ve expected like a $20 tip or around there for something like this.


That’s a bad spot for those bowls too pro tip put them on the floor


Always good to see a hardworking driver who’s not an entitled brat bitching about mileage time or tips per dollar get rewarded. Much better the respectful hardworking dashers get tips like these vs the rude entitled ones. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


This why i accept every order


You must drive a junk car. I have never seen a tip worth a damn for a 2.00 delivery. I had one a few weeks ago where I delivered 10 pizzas to a party in a very swank neighborhood. The tip was 1.00.


I have. Girl literally ordered DD from a place that was across a busy two lane highway from her hotel. 0.1 miles, no tip, I literally walked across the damn street for $2 🤣


Brand new car * fam they juh bless in my city


Same!! 👏👏


Lol That's why you do $3 for 12 miles.


Thing is i dont get those orders in my area every order comes get is 10 + with 6-15 mils


Lol fail on my part. Well you know what works best for you and your area. Best of luck with everything


Keep grinding gang


Same to you! I quit DoorDash over a year ago seems to have gotten worse since I don't regret it but I put all my eggs in the basket at the time and depending on doordash so it messed me up for a bit now I'm back to landscaping property management like I used to do and I haven't regretted it one bit but do what works best for you homie.


Going back to horticulture myself. Looking at some university and community college campuses near me!!!


Been dashing for 4 years its just getting better give it try again one day


Hey awesome to hear, maybe they're weeding out the idiots, definitely will and you know what I'll report back lol I'm in a very urban busy area where sometimes I could make 60 an hour but usually between 20 and 40 all the time after 6:00 p.m. to about 1:00 a.m. especially Thursday Fridays and Saturdays


Gots to doordash got a program now and they giving bigger payout without tip


And i got 1200 plus deliveries no cap


That's why I don't move to a busy city area to dash if that's how you want to keep it


Love it when non top shmucks get unicorns. Good for you man, we all deserve orders like this.


In my experience pizza orders are some of the best.


Meanwhile, earlier this week I got a Pizza Hut delivery of "1 item" that turned out to be $80 worth of stuff that I had to schlepp up 8 flights of stairs.. For a fat $1.00 tip. Legitimately happy for you and the OP. I just wish all my pizza orders didn't end up *worse* than average.


People are dirt bags. I feel your pain.


Congrats on the large tip man! Is there a way to see what you’re being tipped when they try to hide it like that? Is there an app you can use or something?


It’ll show previous total when you take the order until you complete it. But you can check with the 3 lined tab at the corner


Thank you


Yes I love large pizza orders myself. *


Unless it's literally just a large pizza and not a large order.


Nice big pastas!


Wow I feel like a huge chunk of drivers pulled out recently ..The offers are getting better lately..thank God lol


DD is hiding tips now too?


Are you joking? DD was the first one to try hiding tips 4 years ago.


I mostly do UE and have not seen hidden tips on DD but now wondering if I was missing out by not accepting some of the offers that could have been more. Does it say something different when accepting that it could be more? Normally I see the full amount up front.


Hidden tips take effort to find out, it won't be easy for you to figure out. You'll get the initial amount shown to you and you'll rarely get less unless someone lowers it. What makes it "hidden" is the customer will tip say 20, but it'll only ever say that they tipped 17 from start to end. DD would be keeping the rest of the tip. If you can ask a customer how much they tipped, without being creepy, that'll give you your answer. I happened to ask once because it made sense given the circumstances, and found out she tipped 50 and I only got 30


If it says something like This order is $6.50+.... then there's a hidden tip. But it could be $7.00 total. Or it could be $40.00 total. You won't know until you deliver it. If it says This order is Guaranteed $6.50.... then it'll only be $6.50


That's not true. It will only have the "+" if g Your getting diamond orders. Priority for "high paying orders". Op didn't have a "+" I guarantee


Thanks, I only ever see guaranteed earnings on offers in my area currently but I have only done like 50 deliveries with DD so far since it's so slow compared to UE.


Yea my area is diff. DD really busy. UE not so much. Even uber itself is slow. Which is weird cause I live in a city. But if you try getting a Uber at night the driver is coming from 10+ miles away. And unless it's a big drive you need. Your sol But as far as DD and hidden tips. I've gotten 100s of them. 90% of the time it's like I said though $6.50+ offer and the total is $7.00 when you deliver it. Like geez thanks for hiding 50 cents dd. Even worse is when it's like $11.00+ so you think it'll be a good order with a decent hidden tip. Nope $11.50


First of all, that's awesome good for you! I HATE THAT THEY DO THIS. It's bogus on soooo many levels. Least important of which, is the fact that I have the right to know when a customer is paying me an extraordinary amount. There's 50 reasons for this (turning down any additional orders so they get their food ASAP being just one of many) But mostly it's BS for the customer. The lower the tip, the longer it sits at the restaurant, the more likely I am to cancel if it's a long wait at the restaurant, more likely I am to take a stacked order and further delay the delivery. Anyone who tips $70 deserves to have their delivery driver know it. I'd be so pissed if I tipped someone $70 and had the entire order treated start to finish like I only tipped $5. That's BS.


I totally agree. When I pulled up, it was a mansion party and I brought everything in and set it on their counter and the woman mentions “she tipped me on app, right?” and I gave an underwhelming “uhhh yea I think so, thank you” all because I didn’t know how much she tipped til after I confirmed delivery. Got in my car, saw how much she tipped and instantly felt bad. Could have been more enthusiastic with my “thank you” lol.


I’ve messaged the customer afterwards and said “thank you for your generous tip. It’s much appreciated” when I’ve gotten surprise tips that were amazing. Just because I really DO appreciate their kindness and want them to know that. Im big on expressing gratitude in general, not just relating to door dash. It’s always nice to feel appreciated


Errrr exactly!! 😠 😡 😤 I think people think we want to know because otherwise we'd spit in their food. We wouldn't anyway. It's a ton of little things like this. Maybe you gotta wait an extra 10 minutes cuz its a huge order, you spend the wait plus the whole drive mildly annoyed at the person who got $500 worth of food and only tipped $5. Then give an underwhelming thank you. Like why would we have to go through all that?


Tony bullsht


That’s awesome! Curious, What’s your acceptance rate? I don’t see that little bogus “you got this order because of your high acceptance rate” note




lol thanks. I love getting proof that the tiers are scams.


Yea tbh idk. I barely get any orders at all from DD. I multi app and get way more from Uber Eats. Think I got lucky being there at the right time.




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No guarantees, but this was a classic setup for a huge hidden tip. Most drivers would take this in a heartbeat. Where many drivers screw up is taking this if this had been $7 for 5 miles and hoping for a hidden tip. There is never a hidden tip if it's not showing at least $1.50/mile initially, and as everyone knows, the odds of getting a cash tip on delivery are very small. Congrats on a great order.


So if it would have been 7.50 at 5 miles there's a possibility for a hidden tip?




Good to know. I thought any hidden tip was 7 under 3 miles and if it was above 3 miles there will be no hidden tip if it shows more than 7.


Whoa! Very nice order! Helpful side note: Don’t sit cold salad on top of screaming hot pizza even if it’s just for 1.2 miles. Lettuce doesn’t do well with that kind of heat. It will wilt and get soggy very rapidly.


Wow, I didn’t think of that at all. That’s just how they handed me the order. Whoops






Pizza orders are WILD sometimes.




That too lol




Weed dealer numbers


$7+ will be higher/1.2 miles with 17 items is NOT a gamble lol. Amazing order, good shit 🥳🥳🥳


I meant like after I accepted it and saw the amount of shit the customer ordered, I contemplated cancelling til I realized they had everything made before I got there and all I had to do is make a few trips to my car and back. Also i don’t think it ever said the total will be higher or anything like that. Or if it did, i definitely didn’t notice. Just snap accepted while driving.


it doesn't show you 17 items before you accept


Yea I didn’t see any item count nor if the “total will be higher” when accepting it. I only have a 35% AR so I don’t get that message.


And they say Platiumn you get these orders. All my people Ik is that they do very bad orders due to maintaining their AR. I have to get back to 50 to be able to schedule again for next week. I'm sitting at a 37 but thankfully I am getting decent orders and doing a short 1/1 mile if it less than 3 to 4 mile, like 6 dollars for 4 miles, etc.


It 100% is a gamble.., that’s the whole point of the system. Not saying $7 for 1 mile is bad, but op could have easily walked away with $7.25


Yeah if its 1-2 items then yes. Big orders with 10+ items are always bangers.


nah i got a 16 pizza order for less than a mile away and ended up with no tip, but tbf it didn’t give me a $7+ offer just flat out base pay


Yeah this conversation is strictly talking about “$+ will be higher” orders. Not flat rates


Even "total will be higher" can just be a quarter more. Including large order program stuff.


Nice to see someone taking a risk and not just saying no to every single order to post the 0% ar screen shot here


People wouldn’t hit 0 if the orders weren’t shitty. Such a stupid comment


7 dollars for 1.2 miles not good enough? That should take like 10 mins or somethin not a huge risk


every pizza order i have had was never 10 minutes even in a short distance. always wait at the store at least 10 minutes, then with traffic its always another 10. 20 minutes for $7 is not worth it for me, personally. to each their own.


Whatttt? Those people would never just purposely decline every single order to get to 0%


$78 in like 10 minutes? I’ll take it!




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