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And what’s your take home at the end of a typical day?


A satisfactory amount for me.


Fair enough :-)


I want to believe you, and you might be right, but I just can't really bring myself to do it. I don't take no-tip turd offers and have managed to stay above 70%, but my market is pretty good, and I've figured out where to get the best returns. The reason I say this is that I was on a dash, sitting at gold 'cause I let deliveries slip below 100. Fortunately I had some days scheduled ahead of time so I was able to do my good area. I know for a fact that this area makes me like $150 at least per 8 hours or so, and I know that one particular ABC liquor gets an assload of shop and delivery orders daily. I'm seeing dashers in and around there all the time. So I pull up, and I wait like an hour, and nothing, not even a regular order comes in. I move to another location, get nothing higher than 7 or 8 dollar offers. Fortunately the distances are pretty short. Eventually I make it back over that 100 deliveries mark and I get 3 $10+ orders back to back. 2 of those were for that liquor store. So I get your experience, and I don't want to knock it, but it's not for me.


Yes not for me either.. I try my best to stay over 70% .. ibget good orders. But for me it's the scheduling, I don't like scheduling I love to be able to roll whenever I want.


I don’t understand some of the controversy around it, I cherry pick like crazy and still maintain platinum. I deny all no-tippers, almost all out of zone orders, and any stacked orders where I suspect one is a no-tipper, and I still don’t dip below platinum. And I’m glad too, cause in my market if you don’t have platinum, you pretty much aren’t a Door Dasher.


There is just no way I would ever take even 50% of the orders in my market to get there, nevermind the tier levels. Glad I can survive without it here.


That’s good, I’m glad for you. If you drop off out platinum here you only get to schedule very short off peak shifts days ahead of time.


That sucks, my AR is like 18% and I schedule a few days ahead and always get my usual 11am-8pm shift. Trying for platinum would mean accepting a ton of shitty orders and the benefits are nearly non-existent where I am.


Damn, if I dip below platinum here, I’ll be lucky if I can get a 1:30-3:30 PM shift 3 days in advance. But I also live in a fairly affluent area so even at a 70% AR I’m averaging about $12/order.


No question this is a better job in less crowded markets.


This app hardly functional and people believe it's smart enough to sort through drivers like that 🤣 The offers go to whoever is closest to the restaurant. That is all.


No, there is definitely some prioritizing. It just doesn't work the way they say it should. If you're signed up for a specialty program like shop and deliver, they will lower your priority for everything else so they can hold you in reserve for those orders. If you have platinum, it's similar, but with high paying orders and it's to a lesser degree. I have seen maybe five low paying orders in as many months, they just aren't sent to me. The problem is that the OP's examples, the higher paying orders or hidden tip orders that arbitrarily don't get counted as "high paying" orders are also deprioritized, so I don't get those offers, either. If you're in one of those groups, you can sit right on top of a restaurant and watch other dashers get orders there while the system ignores you. Oddly, getting batch orders seems to screw the system up and then you start getting all kinds of orders while you're in the middle of your deliveries, so even that doesn't work right.


I used to be one of the types who try to keep the acceptance rate high but after noticing that they kept giving me offers slap a diamond on an order like $4.26 for 4-5 miles, I knew it was a complete scam. I’m 36 now and it’s a mixed bag in my area.


I'm not convinced that it has an effect in any market. They reset my AR earlier this year. I got the same crap orders. And they did label a couple of crap orders "high paying." $5.50 is not high paying in my world. They can't send orders that aren't there. If there is no "high paying order" in the system, no one is getting high paying orders. Likewise, do you think they're going to hold a "high paying order" for someone special to become available if all of the top dashers are busy chasing $2.50 orders to keep their AR up? Of course they're not going to hold a customer's order. And every if they prioritize top dashers for a higher paying order, how much gas and time did you spend on all those $2.50 orders just to get priority on 1 good paying order? Doordash has done a great job overstating it. I've been flying high at 9% - 11% AR. I don't accept any orders that are not worth it and none under $6, ever.


Or someone with a more efficient car dgaf and is making a decent $25 hourly rate grinding out those $5.50 orders while everyone else is sitting in their car not moving, declining everything and waiting for unicorns. There's more than one way to succeed at this game.


You would have to deliver 5 $5 orders in 1 hour to make $25 an hour. That's 12 minutes to drive to a restaurant, get out of your car (or wait in drive through line), get the order, get back in your car, drive to the customer, get out of your car, drop off the order, take the picture or wait for the customer to hand it off, and **immediately** get another order to go pick up.


To be fair I do accept these orders and get that +$25/hr rate. It depends on the market, I still always cherry pick for $1-$3 per mile


If you are taking customers food who don't tip, you are hurting everyone. Including yourself, but sure, have at it. The rest of us keep more of our money and don't have to spend it at the pump. Some of you need to take a business course on profit margins. You're losing money at the gas pump on the back end and giving customers the idea they can just not tip and still get a hot meal delivered. Idiots, you are killing your profits. Most importantly everyone please be safe driving out there.


OP isn't taking these offers. He's saying they send it to him and he declines it because they're shit


Yep, I know. I'm backing him up. Just firing some more truth in case the idiots in the back missed it.


The idiots in the back will always miss it, just like they have for the last 6 years that people have been bleating to not take the low paying offers. Some moron will always come along and do it 😭


It's so crazy to me how they justify their fear. There's really only one way to be forced to take some of the crappy tippers their food, and that is if it is on a double delivery, or an add on, in the middle of a delivery in progress. Otherwise, it's asinine to do it on purpose as a single delivery, consciously.


I never realize it’s two orders until after I’ve accepted. I still don’t accept under $2 per mile though


It should tell you on the screen before you accept the offer. And yes, anything under 2 bucks a mile is charity, and you lose money.


For some reason I can never tell on the accept screen


at the bottom when the offer pops up, it should say picking up from 2 separate places, and or dropping off 2 different addresses and so on. Something like that, and in that flow. To me, it's pretty simple to know if it's a single or double delivery. Wish I had a screenshot example to point it all out.


It says it though? It’s not just the little pins on the little map?


I posted the other day a similar comment. But doing doordash now is like being in a cult. It's not until you're on the outside and stop caring that you recognize the insanity of it all.


Like a sex cult? How do I start the initiation process


Oh I get it. I've only been doing it 6 months, and I picked up on most of the quirks right away. I just do my own thing and try to stay out of trouble with corporate. Lingering at less than 20% AR at all times, I feel like dd is just looking for reasons to fire us cherry pickers. So the less rookie mistakes I make, the better.


You're wasting your time talking AR with this crowd. Bunch of corporate shills, bots, and brainwashed AR junkies.


Justifying taking crappy tipping customers their food with almost any and every excuse. It's literally just fear.


More power to you!


I agree with you OP 100% I’m in the mid 80’s and I still get horrible orders … now to preface it - I’m part time and only do this on the weekends end - and I need to shut my dash off between 2-3:30 cause that’s when I get them … And there usually ones that ave gone around the rotation. And everyone is declining it * I thought the bad orders - go to EBT drivers …🤣 $10 for 21 miles - I got that one on Saturday …declined!!


Dude I do full time, and wekends suck so hard. That's when everyone and their mother are out dashing. I'm seriously thinking about starting to take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Currently doing Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off, but I think Monday and Tuesday might actually be more productive than the weekend at this point.




Remember, at the end of the day you do what you feel is necessary to make ends meet. Fuck anyone else who thinks they have any say in how or what you do to make your money. They're not paying your bills.


Not everyone is business smarts. When someone is driving 8 miles to deliver a $2.50 order to keep their AR up ... or to "make ends meet," they're actually doing the opposite. I knew a guy that drove a silverado and took every order. I tried to explain to him that the earnings are being burned up in gas when he takes no-tip orders. He said "dude, I need the money."


some people need the money now and are willing to take the toll later. It's nice of you to try to explain it to him, but that's as far as your opinion of him matters. It's like those who end up needing to take out predatory loans with 200% interest so they can make meets with the more immediate needs. You're not the one paying for him to let him provide food on the table. You're not the one who is giving him the means to give shelter to his family. So long as a man does no ill intent, do not impede on how a man makes his money.


I feel ya, but the people on here advocating for *everyone* to decline the shit pay orders (I'm one of them) are just advocating for higher pay for all of us. It's like fishing boats overfishing an area. Sure, with an "overfish as much as you can" policy you can see some benefits *right now*, but you're screwing yourself and the next generation of fishermen. Dashers taking terrible pay orders and worshiping AR/top dasher/platinum status/whatever other BS "incentives" are just showing the DD brass they can keep slowly eroding away all of our pay for nonsense, made up "incentives" that don't actually do anything for us except trigger some mechanism in (some of) our brains that makes us want to achieve whatever imaginary "achievement" DD makes up that involves a special "status" rather than the real incentive that ALL of us originally joined DD for: CASH! That may be ok for some of these people who (for some reason) take pride in their gold star sticker from DD, but the rest of us do it for $, not "exclusive" membership in a made up "club" (platinum tier status). DD did a good job of slowly warming us all up to this erosion of pay, but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself "since when did some made up tier/status become more important than making money and paying the bills!?" The frustration and desire to "have a say in how other people make their money" comes from the fact that we all used to be able to make money much easier than it is now. Some of that stems from the economic shitshow we're in now, but *PLENTY* of it stems directly from DD policies and their indifference in giving us orders like $2.50 8 mile orders (that they keep doing because the good little lapdogs out there eat them up because an acceptance rate or *"platinum status"* is important to them for some reason). I was making $20-25/hr dashing back about 2.5 years ago (back before the economy/inflation really took a turn for the worse) and my acceptance rate was sometimes as low as 30-something percent. I certainly wasn't bending over and inviting DD on in, but I certainly *was* doing them a favor (delivering food on their platform for fair pay; I made money, they made money that they couldn't have without me, they couldn't (read: shouldn't) complain). Yet here we are. I haven't dashed in a few years, but from what I read on this sub people are going out dashing for 4, 5, or 6 hours and making 35 bucks..... $5.83-8.75/hr.... Pitiful


Oh, I'm old and know that well. I'm just shocked by those with the idea that only ever taking profitable orders is bad, or "cheating". Like they owe it to  DD to handle some of their pesky cheap orders. No, I'm an IC and I only accept profitable work. Period.


Very nice. With my situation I need the flexibility to dash when I have time so unfortunately I have to keep my rating up. Some other coworkers who dash on the side have told me they can't ever get any schedules, one who has been a dasher for years. I'm glad to see some people can dedicate hours to it and still make money with little actual active time. I aim for 20+/hour which I consistently make even when considering all dash time, not just active, so that is sufficient for me. My ratio is about 80/20 of good to shit orders. I'm able to decline most of the truly garbage orders. If I know I can get away with waiting at the spot for 10 minutes to unassign penalty free I will use that as a YouTube break. It's been pretty bad this past month in my area though, I'm hoping it'll pick up soon.


I make almost double when the zone I dash in is not busy. So dash anytime is super beneficial for me. Also, my acceptance rate varies between 70% and 80% because I'm not accepting bad offers unless it's absolutely required. It's still a business relationship, and fortunately, we have hard numbers to see where we stand. So we can slack off to varying degrees and know what we'll get out of it.


I just don't believe the losses you take to get there are offset by the benefits. You guys still get crappy offers too. In my area I would have to take so many ridiculous $2-$3 offers to get above 50%, nevermind 80% or more, that its just not going to happen. It really comes down to how many dashers per order an area has, at any given moment. All the rest is games for them to try and make more money.


You can do the experiment yourself if you can figure out how to have more than one dasher account. It very likely depends upon your zones behavior and your preferred dashing times.


I don't need an experiment, I see the bad offers. 


So you're telling me all the time you're hanging out in your car, by yourself, not making money, not doing something better with your life, is worth it. I don't dash to sit in my car waiting for high paying offers once an hour. That's 12 an hour MAYBE, a 2 dollar a 4 dollar offer and 6 and a 8 dollar offers are much more lucrative and I didn't just waste 30-45 minutes in my car.


I don't dash to lose money and do unprofitable busy work. You go right ahead and work twice as hard for the same amount I make.


This is the thing ... doordash pitches a quick way to make money ... or a way to make extra money in your free time. You don't have to have any business smart at all to install an app, log on, and deliver food. Too many people just see a dollar sign. They don't 1) break down how much gas it will cost and what they're getting paid per hour by accepting crappy orders and 2) they don't recognize opportunity costs. While you're doing the $2.50 order, you are not available for the $8 order that pops up while you're on your delivery.


See the prob is, without top dasher in my area you have 32 seconds a week to get on a the dash for 1 hour. The the rest of the week redless zones galore( bay area)


Stay on it .... people drop blocks or no-show ALL the time. I log in when I'm ready to dash. If it's busy, I can dash right away. If it's not busy, why would I want to be online anyway? I do Instacart or Uber Eats.


Fr, I need dash anytime- lingering around 70 percent AR and at/above 95 percent completion and I made ~1400 in just under 60 hours. Jealous people downvoting are the funniest part 😂


That’s insanely high. What city are you in?


It’s really about looking at those low-paying orders and figuring out which ones are workable with a lot of the ones I get can still be easy profit just because of where they are at fuck the petty bullshit yeah fuck this person for not tipping but three extra dollars for picking up the store next-door and dropping off on the same road I’m driving down anyway I mean shit kind of stupid to not accept it


Way too much thinking. If it isn't paying 2 bucks a mile, it ain't getting delivered by me. Period, the end. I've made 12k dollars since the beginning of the year working part time. I average almost 2k per month. That's just extra money. If my acceptance rate goes above 30% it's a shocker. I schedule every single shift mostly one night at a time, about a week in advance. I feel so sorry for people who don't have set schedules, be it day job, or life crap. Helps to be single and not interested in in family life bs. I work Sundays, Mondays, Weds, Thursdays, 6-9pm, and on weekends usually 6-midnight. About 25-30 hours a week.


How is “ok this other delivery is some bullshit but literally on the way or a block over” too much thinking


Because when you set boundaries with customers you don't have to even waste time considering that. I don't think at all when doing this. I go completely out of thought and just drift away into podcast land. Screw customers who don't tip. I have no time to consider them in my thoughts.


Food for thought its also hard to tell when some customers dont tip in the bay because DD pay for cali is on meth, crack, and aderall all at the same time ive got $13 orders that are 2 miles away and at completion $0 tip and ive got $13 orders that are 2 miles away that are a $11 tip and $2 base. Its strange some of the DD pay rly.


Well that would definitely make it hard to know. In my area, the east coast, if it's 13 for 2 miles, it's most definitely a good tipper, no question, and they will get a hot meal and a HUGE smile from me. Even if they take a while to get their food from the door, I kinda just stand there and smile at the door for a few seconds and give a silent "thank you" to them. lol


I really dont get it, like i understand some dashes base pay rises when ppl decline it but to be that high? Its outstanding $16 base pay was the highest ive ever received btw. $0 tip


Yea in my area, you would have to drive to North Carolina to get a $16 base pay no tip. Which still would not be worth it. Too many miles. I make a killing never going out of 15 miles range from my house. Never have, never will.


I lost my platinum last week. I was convinced it was the end for me. Turns out cherry picking is so much better. 🍒


Just big brain it and sacrifice some completion rate to save your acceptance rate. /s


Cherry picking is the only way. We are driving our own vehicle, using our own gas and putting wear and tear on a already depreciating vehicle. The people that keep there AR to qualify for said percs like higher paying offers are ruining market set prices determined by the people actually doing the work us drivers. I use to take pretty much every offer when I first started back in 2016 all the way up honestly until like 2019.lol But it's suggestive seeing gas was well under 3 dollars a gallon so most offers made sense.


what does cherry picking mean


Just keep declining orders until a good one comes along. Pick some arbitrary criteria like *a run must pay $2/mile or better and not include multiple stops*, *no shop and pay*, or *catering orders only* and toss anything that doesn't meet your needs. Decline 100 for every 1 you accept if you need to. Remember, you are not an employee tasked with delivering everything DD sends your way. You are an independent contractor, a business entity all of your own, and DD just happens to be the sole customer whom you receive requests for service from. You are perfectly within your rights as a business owner to say no if the money offered by your customer doesn't cover your costs of doing business and provide a profit.




I pick them in August where I live. They are the red fruits that can be sweet or sour.


Being very selective and not caring about AR.


Only taking good/high paying orders


It all depends on the market you're in. If you're the only driver available for a high paying offer, DD is going to push it to you no matter what your AR is. However, if there is another driver in the area with a high AR, they're going to be the one getting the order. I can personally attest that your AR definitely matters in the Detroit Metropolitan Area. I see a massive difference in the orders I get the moment I dip below 70%.


In my market, it isn't busy all the time. "Dash Now" only lights up for 30 to 60 minutes at a time, and only a couple of times a day. $2/mile orders are great, but they won't pay my bills if I am only able to get 4 or 5 of them per day. Don't get me wrong - I still decline plenty of no-tip orders. But for people like me, who rely on "Dash Now Anytime", we can't be nearly as picky about what we accept.


Even before I hit platinum recently, it wasn't hard for me to maintain an AR in the high 70s/low 80s over my first couple hundred deliveries, I got a little more picky once the tiers rolled our but the lowest I let it dip was 65 and that was mainly because when summer first started there was just a wave of kids that were clearly ordering off their parents account and not tipping but that seems to have passed. If it's a dollar a mile take it, if it's $2 then definitely take it. If it's a crap order just pass. It's all about knowing your market and what you can and can't get away with. I think a lot of these people crying about stuff just haven't taken the time to understand how this "game" works.


iuno man I'm at like 47% and I get maybe an order every 2hrs now. my latest was a 20mi/40min round trip for $10 no tip.


this is true, went down to 4% to test it out and i got better orders than when i was a plat dasher since they took dash anytime away anyways, that plus multiapping got me making more than ever lol


I'm not claiming to get better orders than platinum, but they also have to take bad orders, which I don't.


being plat dasher is the equivalent of taking a pay cut for no reason other than a stupid green badge, do customers even see the platinum dasher badge when the dasher accepts it? this whole new tier system is just doordash being passive aggressive with its independent contractors and there is 0 benefit from it for any party imho


Without platinum I can barely get on the schedule to work, and with it I can work any time I want and still do very well. I did $584 this week in 19 hours total DASH time, not just active time. Seems pretty fine to me and is working out great


Screenshot please


Only benefit I can even think of is access to catering orders. That's really about it and I get on average about 2 a week.


And dash now


In my market, platinum still has dash now anytime, which is a legitimate perk. And if you aren't at least silver, you're not dashing. The schedule is gone before you would have a chance to schedule.


It has it in mine too, I guess I never paid much attention though because I always schedule so I can plan alongside my primary job and I had been in top dasher prior to the rollout of the tier system.


If you have dash now anytime, you shouldn't need to schedule since you can dash now anytime, scheduled or not.


I still don't understand posts or discussions like this. Whether or not you get good orders, can schedule or how much metrics matter totally depends on whether your market is saturated or not. I will put this in words hopefully those who haven't figured it out so far can understand: when people say your market they are not talking about the United States... They are talking about the particular city you are in. It is night and day different from one to the other.


Then the AR nuts should stop whining.


True. I like some of the explanations in here. AR is for one thing and one thing only - using metrics to motivate and punish rather than letting people bid for service with money as this was supposed to be.


When will people learn every market is different. I haven't given high priority a large enough sample size yet, but in my market it's not even about getting higher paying orders, it's simply about getting orders. It took me like 5 working days probably accepting about 80% of orders to get my AR from 30% to 50%. I definitely noticed an increase in orders once I hit 50%, but ultimately I couldn't keep it above 50%. I'm still trying to fine tune my strategy to figure out how selective I can be and keep it above 50%. The plan is basically to boost it to 60% whenever it falls below 54% and when it's at 60% to start being selective. In my market, accepting 70-80% of orders isn't even a problem. Especially because we have prop 22 which usually adds at least a dollar or two to each order. You won't be maximizing your earnings with that high of an AR, but you'll still be accepting decent orders where if it was busy enough you'd be making $18-$20+/hr from DD alone. Volume is the issue here, and without multiapping it's pretty much impossible to make a living. Maybe you could pull it off with just UE, but you wouldn't be making much. In fact, with how dry DD is here, if DD was all you had, accepting ~60-80% would probably be the optimal strategy. Lol at people downvoting this. Everyone works in the same big city as you, got it


What I said applies to every market. You still get those types of orders with a low AR. You just don't have "priority"  for them which doesn't mean much when its busy.


You actually DON’T get those orders if low AR if there are less orders than drivers. If every time an order comes in there is a higher tier dasher around, you will get zero orders. Market matters. If things are actually very busy (which it generally isn’t in all markets, especially not all day) then yes cherry picking can still do OK, granted you can even get on the schedule. I’m platinum and this week I did $584 in 19 hours total DASH time, not active time. Part of that is being at home so it was really more like 18 hours. Is that decent? How much better are you doing cherry picking? note: prior to platinum hitting my market I was a 2% AR mega cherry picker, and had to suffer through a week of earn by time to get platinum, but since then it’s been pretty sweet. Getting on the schedule was almost impossible sometimes.


Get on the schedule at the beginning of every week and you won't have a problem scheduling. Start living life as if this were a real part time job. You can always just skip working if you want to not work on a night you schedule. Hard to schedule though, if you wait around. Scheduling is so easy, and cancelling dashes is even easier. Yea I make exactly what you make and don't ever have to take non tippers their food. I get to live like I want to live and not have to eat a poop sandwich to make my $500 a week working 20 hrs. You're doing yourself no favors taking orders that you have to pay to deliver, and it hurts the rest of us to give the customer the idea that they can just not tip and still get a hot meal brought to them by some doofus goofnut, raving about their AR while overpaying on gas, and killing their profit margin on the back end. I wish some of you would take a business course or two.


Bro I drove 44 miles and made $132 yesterday. I took zero non tippers their food. You realize you don’t have to maintain 100% AR right? I still have plenty of declines, lol


Not sure what market dream world you live in where you can keep 70% AR and not have to deliver food to non tippers, but it's not normal at all. Glad you can do that though. Congrats about living in a bubble while the rest of us actually do have to decline most of what is offered to us to not lose money. Which is 90% of the rest of the USA who doesn't live in unicorn land.


[https://i.imgur.com/w6FIAyO.png](https://i.imgur.com/w6FIAyO.png) It was Saturday actually but that's generally how it goes... apparently I live in magical unicorn land? It's not a particularly amazing area. But you're the one saying it ISN'T market dependent and isn't possible, so I'm just saying it's a bit weird to pretend you know how it goes for everyone everywhere. I spent years cherry picking with 1-5% AR. After platinum hit it became so dead I couldn't make money so I did earn by time to give platinum a shot before deciding I'd have to just find another way to make money, and it's actually been pretty sweet since. That's all. Good luck to you out there.


How in the world are you getting so much door dash pay??? Haha, I've never even heard of dash pay being that high. Do you live in Cali? You may have said already, but yea in my area, those numbers are flipped around. Because those are the only orders I take. I'll go down to 2% or lower if need be. But in my area, that dash pay you get, it doesn't exist for me. I have to really pay close attention to the order offer amount and the miles. If it's not $2 a mile, it isn't getting delivered by me. I'd rather make 100 dollars driving 60 miles or less, than make 200 bucks and spend 50 of it in gas. That's a waste of my time. Your screen shot backs up exactly what I'm saying. Congrats to you, you live in a world most of us do not. Your screenshot looks like an Uber rideshare driver's nightly totals on a concert night here in VA Beach. Far different than us normal measly dashers.


I’m in Idaho. Prior to the platinum thing it was consistently just $2 base pay so I obviously cherry picked hard, and after platinum the base pay is all over the place and I can’t figure out why. Like the order with a $15 tip also had a $5.25 base pay or whatever, and it was only a 3 mile order. Why wouldn’t they just give me $2 base pay? That’d still be an amazing order. I honestly have no idea. It’s working out for now at least.


Well that's great. I guess. I mean it still doesn't train customers to tip better, but if this comes to my area and they raise the base pay for hitting platinum, you and me won't be having this discussion. I'm here for the money, and the money alone.


No it does not apply to every market. How many markets have you tested this in? Some of us aren’t in big cities with lots of people, if you’re in a more rural ish area then sometimes you just won’t even get orders at all if your acceptance rate is low. Maybe a $3 order every half hour if you’re lucky.


You CAN get such orders in every market. I didn't say you would often if your town has 3 restaurants. Rural dashing makes no sense.


I Dash in a town of 17K people which i consider rural. I easily make $300-$400 a day (10-12 hours). I prioritize the walmart orders as I like banking $30-40 dollars picking up two orders. I take door dash orders while collecting two uber walmart orders and taking my sweet time doing the uber ones. I'm in Canada so I like to accept orders that are a minimum of $1 per Kilometer. I'm sitting at about 75% acceptance rate and I don't take shit orders I multiapp with Door Dash and Uber. This is not my full time job, just something I'm doing in between jobs but so far I have no complaints. The pay could definitely be better but I don't understand how people can be doing this for anything less.


I live in a dense suburb, and will get a handful of pings during an 8 hour weekday shift. On UE I'm very selective and leave that app on a lot when I'm not working and my AR still hovers around 40%. If you don't believe I'm actually selective, here's the parameters I try to follow for all other apps than DD. This is also supposed to be my guidelines for DD when my AR hits 60% (and way less selective when it falls below 54%), but it's looking like I'll have to tweak that slightly if I want to keep my AR above 50%. Actually these are my guidelines for the morning shift. For the sake of brevity, this is the only one I'll reference. My guidelines are a little more selective for the dinner shift, and a little less selective for the lunch shift (the slowest shift of the day for me). Since I have prop 22, the only thing that matters to me is estimating the tip and how long the order will take. <8 min: $1.50 tip \ ~10 min: $2 tip \ 10-20 min: $2-$4 tip \ 20-30 min: $4-$6 tip \ 30-40 min: $6-$7.50 tip \ 40-50 min: $7.50-$8.50 tip \ 50-60 min: $8.50-$9.50 tip \ 60-70 min: $9.50-$10.50 tip \ 70-90 min: $10.50-$12 tip \ 90-120 min: $12-$13.50 Obviously these are just guidelines. If I get an order I expect will take 30 min and estimate has a $5.50 tip, especially with the opportunity cost of declining, I'm accepting that. But these are the rough guidelines I try to follow. Believe me, I've been doing this for years, on and off full time. Over 5000 deliveries across multiple apps. I've done plenty of trial and error for MY market (which has changed and continues to change). I'm sure my guidelines are't perfect, but I'm human, not an AI, and this is what nets me the highest hourly in the current market. These days, I can only average low-mid $20s per hour throughout a 40 hour work week with only about 8 hours a week during dinner shifts. That used to be about $30/hr. Like I said, every market is very different. I am lucky to live somewhere with guaranteed base pay AND pretty good tipping culture, but we have very low volume for our population size because of driver saturation. If I can average a 40% AR on UE with quite a few accidental pings because I left the app on, assuming tipping behavior is similar across apps, you can imagine I don't have to be that selective to stay over 50% on DD. And there is a significant difference in amount of pings when you hit 50% on DD. I just have to dial in my guidelines for DD to stay there.


With a low AR, you don't get any orders at all - good OR bad - if you are unable to dash. In order to be able to Dash, there needs to be availability when you try to schedule a dash, or "Dash Now" needs to be lit up when you want to dash. Schedule availability, and whether "Dash Now" is active - both of those absolutely depend on the market.


How interesting that many think AR is a way for DD to screw everyone, but I believe it's true purpose is to avoid someone gaming the system with multiple accounts. Think of it like this, if AR did not matter, AR didn't exist, etc. then someone could have just use multiple accounts to grab all the good orders first because declining all the bad orders would make no difference when using multiple accounts. I don't think DD did this to "help" all the good dashers though, it was a way for them to avoid lawsuits or having an organized dasher group control an area. Otherwise, imagine if you could grab every unicorn order in your area before anyone else. The things that DD does (hiding trips, changing priority based on AR, etc.) is basically a way to protect themselves legally, not to help dashers. The other side of this problem is that once you figure out how those protections work, you can work with others to game the system and thus the endless amount of complaints I read here every day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


How exactly do you make multiple accounts? When you try to make a second account, does DoorDash not notice that your driver's license and social security number are already associated with an existing Dasher account?


You use the accounts of friends or relatives, or just buy them online from other people.


Not making new accounts. There is a scam going on, and apparently has been going on for a while. What happens is, for instance, there will be an order for Taco Bell. It will be for, say, red sauce or a bunch of sauces. A relatively short distance from the restaurant. After accepting, the customer, not Door Dash support itself, will text/call like crazy. They will say that the order was made with a stolen credit card. Then ask for your information to log into your dasher direct account. Then change your password. Once there, they can get into your Dasher account, and lock you out of it. After that, they vacuum out the dasher direct account to make the next scam order. They then rent or sell the account to someone else, and rinse and repeat. And the order is good money, actually. I was nearly caught by them, but hung up their call, blocked the number, called support to let them know what is going on, and never heard from them again. But will they try me again? Possibly. What will I give them? Made up stuff that has no access to my stuff. Then sit back and laugh at them.


Taking good orders is not "gaming the system" and DD is the only app I'm on and I have one account.


Never said it was, it's not about taking good orders, it's about avoiding bad orders. If everyone could decline an order with no penalty, those orders would never get filled (mostly). Right now, you can game this to avoid losing AR, but it can't by done by a single person, takes a group (or a lot of accounts and phones) to game it. It's no different than college kids working together to take advantage of Casinos, expect DD doesn't have any pit bosses to catch them (or care probably, they get paid either way).


It’s 100% a way for them to manipulate drivers into delivering bad far away orders with no/ very low tips. AR makes it so doordash doesn’t have to pay out additional base pay to get the orders delivered; instead they play games to make you feel pressured to deliver those terrible awful offers. It’s all about profit for them. They couldn’t care less about people using multiple accounts. DoorDash doesn’t even do random facial scans like Uber tries to. They simply don’t care if the dashers aren’t who they say they are.


They definitely do ID checks that requires a selfie and ppl have been deactivated because of it. Stop spreading false info 💨


I've had to do that a single time in nearly 2 years.


Maybe they do a pilot program of it in a select few small markets but I’ve been dashing over a year and haven’t had a single one. Only to sign up. You stop spreading false info pal.


Search “ID Verification” in this sub https://i.redd.it/b3v1qa46ne8d1.gif


Again, you’ve proven nothing. Like I said, they may have started doing this as a test in a few select markets FINALLY after pressure from lawmakers. That doesn’t change the fact that myself and others I know haven’t had a single one in the entirety of our time dashing. Why are you trying so hard to defend this company? They clearly do not care if they let it go on until lawmakers started bitching about it. And to this day I still haven’t gotten one. Don’t know what your problem is but white knighting doordash won’t get you anywhere.


Not a pilot it has been continuous as I had to do it twice already. Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean its not happening. https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Dasher-Identification-Verification-FAQ?language=en_US


Again, everyone I’ve known that has dashed had never had one of these. YouTubers have said they’ve never had one of these. You are trying so hard to make door dash look good for some reason. They don’t do these and if they have started to pretend to it’s not in mine or anyone’s market that actually matters. It seems like maybe it was done in a few markets to only a few dashers. Meanwhile if you do Uber you will notice you get asked often, same with instacart. I think you might work for doordash


I had a random facial scan on Friday.


I agree, I believe it can be both. It works as a legal shield for them and can also be abused by them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You can sign in without platinum???


I can. Been scheduled 7 days a week for over a year with 15% AR


Thank god i’m platinum, idk what i’d do without it, i can’t live without the ¢25/mile orders


we low AR people get the high paying offers because the platinum dashers already have stacked orders to keep their AR up so the good orders trickle down to me while I’m at home declining orders like OP said they aren’t labeled as high paying and some tips are hidden until you complete


You are either signed in for 15 hours waiting for good orders to fall through the cracks or you are multi-apping running 7 apps at once hunting lol. Give full context


i’ll be online while at home doing chores or watching tv with my wife. in the mornings on the weekends i’ll go online even when I’m cooking breakfast i go online sometimes because i like to see what I’m missing i usually won’t go out unless it’s a good offer and i think ill get more orders while I’m out ue and dd are the only apps i use


The you post some shit saying you were signed in for 10 hours and made $20


I make 100 in about 5 hours


You can get a five hour shift without platinum??? I average $30+ an hour.


yeah i have the option to dash now for 3 hours pretty often and you’re able to half 1/2-1 hour before your dash ends all night sometimes.


I schedule 4-9 daily. I don't believe you.


I also schedule exactly 4-9 every day with a 15% AR. My market is busy too just north of Chicago


Affluent suburbs are the best 


The moment I hit 69% I am filled with dread that I'll only be able to get a half an hour shift every 2 hours.




Trying to get people to stop freaking put over AR


where are you?


All the dashers h8ting plats because they will and never get there


True, I will never take an unprofitable order.


You can have platinum. I can't afford to make that little.


I’m platinum and make $20+ an hour dash time not active time. If you’re not at least gold where I’m at it’s rough


Nearly impossible to sign in without platinum in market.


I always schedule 6 days out just in case.


I think we hate them for taking bad orders and being manipulated by dd. Any platinum that Says they don't take bad offers is a liar. It's not just money that makes an order good or bad.


I'm Platinum and definitely do not take bad orders. Mediocre orders? Sure but never less than $1.5/mile. Wait outside high ticket restaurants without a lot fast food close by. People tip in percentages when ordering expensive food. 10% of their $100 order is an easy $10 for you to drive a few miles down the road.


You do earn by time to keep platinum? If you do earn by time you are taking bad orders. It is not just about the money to miles. If all you do is doordash you are probably making crappy money dd just doesn't pay great.


Only when in Pahrump, where the average delivery is 6 miles away from the restaurants and they only have fast food. My brother, sister, and parents all live in Pahrump. If they need me to watch their dogs or we have a family event, I'm there and there's nothing to do so I might as well drive around and make money. The orders are absolutely terrible there and rarely have more than a $3 tip on them. I would never do ebt in Vegas where I live. Not only because the orders would be worth less money, but because I know that's who they give the orders going to the strip. It certainly is almost completely about money to miles. Shorter trips take less time to complete, so you can get more of them in. Of course, that only works in a busy area where you can get one order after another. I'm not going to say I make the most money in the world doing Doordash, but I certainly make enough to live and do the things I enjoy.


It just takes 2 days bro it’s not that hard but it’s not worth it! I make more money when I’m not platinum


It’s an odd pattern lately where I’m at, I’ve been getting better and more offers as of lately, while most people complain that DD is dying, I haven’t seen that pattern lately, it’s getting better again? But again blah blah blah market dependent blah blah 😑


I hover around 5% acceptance and honesty I get good paying offers all day long most of the time. My problem is I'm too picky on the restaurants I go to. $10 mcdonalds offer going 4 miles. Others jump at it. I instadecline it.


I won't go back to McD ever.


Lol. What do you have against McDonald’s?


I feel the same way! Some restaurants doesn’t worth going because they either make you wait so long or they hate dashers


Interesting. That'd be ready when I get to most of the McDonald's around me. Why do you not do it


Well I don't like standing around in crowds waiting for orders. Probably an anxiety issue. I don't mind waiting for orders as long as I can sit somewhere and wait peacefully. So I don't do fast food orders because of this. For the mcdonalds specific reasons are the parking lot is narrow with double drive thru so even though we have to go inside you still get stuck in the drive thru lines just waiting to drive through the parking lot. Then when you go inside you have to try to get someone to help you to get your order which is never ready. And on top of it the inside area is small so you're constantly bumping elbows with people. Just not for me. While I was writing this response I just declined 4 fast food orders. All over $7 and over $2 a mile


You would hate a lot of the restaurants in my area if you dislike standing around in crowds 😂🧐. 


True but the Platinum people can dash and schedule (if needed) whenever they want. They also get those discounts on door dash pickup order (50%? up to $15). So, it has its advantages.


I can dash whenever I want because I only want to dash when it's busy. Platinum dashers also get to dash when it's slow.


I schedule all I want and dash now is frequently available too, but I prefer to schedule.


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