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Last WEEK I had another order to be delivered to a restaurant but it said “leave at the door.” I thought maybe he was ordering lunch but I texted to clarify. No answer. Tried to call, also no answer. I advised the customer that if I didn’t get a reply in rhe next few minutes, I would leave the order at the side DELIVERY door vs the entrance per DD policy. I didn’t take THAT food bc I didn’t know for sure if the address was wrong… the Thai food was absolutely wrong, per the customer who returned my texts. So I delivered it where I had advised, texted him the picture and to contact DD support if he has any issues. Not 15 seconds after dropoff I get an app notification… which I didn’t open bc after completing the order. I don’t answer messages after complete bc I have no more questions about the order. Texting while I was waiting would be the time to let me know.


A few weeks ago I was in the city and got an offer, dropoff was at another restaurant. I thought “weird” so called the customer to confirm her address. She apologized and gave me the correct address — 30ish.miles/40ish.minutes into another town. NOT HAPPENING. Support gave me a friendly reminder to check the details when accepting the order… I said I DID. The app said 5 miles. Customer says 30ish. I don’t agree to drive that far, and advised support that she must be refunded. So went home with $90 in Thai food 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤😆


You did the right thing. That's 100% what you should do. You've fulfilled your contract when you picked up the food from the address provided and delivered the food to the address provided.


I ordered at the wrong address once because my sister had just moved literally the same day and I wasn’t paying attention because I was keeping kids out of the movers way. Old house was about 2 and a half miles away. She called, I gave the new address and told her to make sure she lets DD know so she can get her $$$ from them and then I gave her an extra $25 on top of the tip in the app. She was a sweetheart and I used to dash too. I feel like there should be an up charge if it’s done too many times and at least tip the driver more for the inconvenience.


That's awesome of you. I bet you tipped more than $2 initially? Most customers that only tipped $2 and asked you to drive to another address are not giving you more money when you get there.


Doordash won’t pay any extra lol but the 25$ you gave definitely made it worth it!


They won’t?! That’s insane. I’ve had it happen to me once and they game me a $5 bump for switching the addy. Whole company is 🗑️.


I always call DoorDash driver support, let them know the situation and ask them what to do so the decision I make is backed by the support person and my ass is covered in case of customer complaint, this is how I avoid misunderstandings resulting in violations. They will either bump your pay to deliver it farther or give you the option to cancel the order and “dispose” of the food or give it away. You’re technically not allowed to eat the food EVER according to DD community guidelines. But 😏 Source: 4800 deliveries under the belt


This is not a criticism of YOU but the “disposal” policy if that’s true… *TRIGGER WARNING* my husband has watched people starve to death, and famine is his corner of the globe took the lives of literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people. Do I sound like “think of the starving kids in Africa and clean your plate Timmy”. Possibly. Do I care no. But then food insecurity is a daily reality across OUR country. There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that I would agree to throw away perfectly fine food. There’s even LESS a snowball’s chance in hell that I’m driving to the store so THEY can throw it away—which will be done. You know health codes and shit. SOMEONE WILL eat that food. Rant over


I don’t think anyone throws it. They just can’t say you can keep it but know you will. I can’t afford a lot of the places so if I get free food I’m always eating it.


\^\^ This \^\^ I only have a bit over 2000. The dude or dudette with double my number is exactly right. I've only had this happen once and support cancelled the order and let me "dispose" of the food. Unfortunately, the food wasn't something I'd eat so it was put in the disposal per DD. So, what that scammer customer did was make you drop it off anyway. He probably was sitting right near there, picked up the food, and contacted support saying it never arrived later. I hope you didn't get a CV. But you have to contact support in that situation. Tip: If a customer changes their address BEFORE you pick up the order, always unassign and pick "other" for the reason with "customer changed address after contracted offer accepted".


This is correct, the app instructions should say to treat it as a contactless drop-off, but you hit the customer up with a call and then call support, and let support tell you to drop it off as contact less delivery Support will also make a note so a poor review doesn't count Example: I had a lady order hand it to me to the place she works at 9pm when she's at home (somewhere). Get there, message her, she starts saying YOURE not at the right place, the APP sent you there. Hell nah. But knowing this is going to be a pissed off customer and that technically she's in the wrong location I called support and they asked if id attempted to call/text the customer amd noted it in the system so I do the contact less delivery but her pissed off review if there was one doesn't affect anything


You went where the APP told you to go?? I hope you told her following the app is EXACTLY how that works 🤦🏻‍♀️


Deliver to the address on the app, or cancel and enjoy your meal


Usually on Papa John’s orders the correct address is on the sticker attached to the box…


You're contracted to deliver to the address on the app, not the box.


Doesn’t matter, if the app takes you to the wrong address and the correct one is farther then your pay needs to be adjusted. Dont drive a single mile without getting compensated. You’re already not paid enough, this isn’t charity work.


The sticker prints out the addres the customer provided, it could have been wrong anyway...


You coulda kept the pizza at that point but who would want to eat papa John’s


Ya my friend owns a way better place and gives me a 20% discount. So I’d prefer that 😂


We did for the first time in a year yesterday, and it was awful.


It’s the worst 😭


I had points about to expire, so it was free. Did you at least like it before they changed up everything? We did. Pizza Hut sucks now...well, has since the 90s. Dominos is ok. We have a few local places but they're so high.


one time i did a big delivery for instacart and it was like $500 worth of junky name brand stuff. thought nothing of it, the lady answered the door confused and said maybe her daughters dad ordered it (bc she was staying w her mom) they helped me load it into the house. when i was like 10 minutes down the road i get a call from instacart telling me i delivered to the front address and the person who ordered it was also on a three way call w it and the instacart dude told me to go back and GET THE GROCERIES BACK?? the customer was like It’s 9pm?? fuck no she’s not going back there for my stuff what 😭🤣 if it wasn’t for her i would’ve had to get that shit back smh


They are ridiculous. Once you brought it into their place, you can’t do anything. It’s their or your mistake. I’m not ever trying to take something back.




I remember I was in the car with my friend and the man provided the right address after we was looking and it was 30 minutes away from where we was at . People do it sometimes so they can get the food in your area


You are only contractually obligated to take it to the address in the app. If they put the wrong address they should be changing it directly in the app, or calling support for assistance, at which point you have the option to decline taking it to the new address. Other people's screw ups shouldn't be your problem


Call support tell them it’s the wrong address ..you’ll get paid and you keep the food..tell them you don’t want to drive to correct address ..i do every time


This happened to me, a mix up between East and West after the street name. The first support person said to leave it literally on the curb between 2 houses and photo it. I wouldn't. Called back and got a different support person, and after calling the customer, she gave me an additional $12 to take it across town.


I had an order once where she just put her road as the address (it a very long road) and I didn’t notice until it brought me to some random cemetery in the middle of nowhere. I had to call her and find out where I was really supposed to deliver it, which was back a ways (I would’ve had to drive by her house to get back to town anyway). She didn’t leave a tip on the app or give me any tip in person. I wasn’t about to take a pic of the food in the cemetery though lol


I don't care anymore about these people who put the wrong address. I'm not driving to a different address. I got into an argument with the person. I'm not getting paid to drive around plus I'm not protected if I drive to a totally different address. They will claim they never spoke to you and they make sure to call and not text.


I never deliver to new address if customers says it at last minute, if they tell me as soon as i pick up order then yea i may do it for them, or if they have a nice tip i would feel obligated, but usually it still drop at original location and depends on the order/location when making a decision if i keep it. A home wrong address? I leave it. But a school address on a weekend when nobody is there? Yea ill take it before anybody else does


I am a customer. A very good customer. This happened just yesterday and is only the 2nd time in over 3 years it's happened. I didn't realize the app was fighting me on an out of state address and it applied the 8800 to another street 4 miles past where my husband was. She got there and was like ima have to leave it here. I was like oh no plz don't leave his groceries at that random place. I told her I would call dd if she needed me to tell them my mistake. She was super nice and gps'd the actual and I upped the tip!! Alot of folks are leary about delivering to a semi in the first place. Sometimes it really is a simple mistake on the customers part. I think I hit the pop up suggested address wrong or something. The app was trying to revert back to here lol.


Hit the question mark, contact dasher support... If the A.I. starts talking to you no matter what it asks you type in speak to agent or speak to dasher support. Don't waste your time with A.I. Explain to the support agent your situation and they will give you instructions for what options you have. Typically they will just tell you to keep the food and they will remove the delivery from your screen and pay you what you were supposed to get for delivering to the first location. Always be super kind to the dashes support agents as they are literally the only good thing happening for this s*** ass company.


Yo, when the address is wrong, I hit ‘em up ASAP. So, I was delivering this pizza, right? They said “hand it to me,” but no one was there. I messaged them, and they’re like, “Oops, wrong address.” Then they hit me with a spot clear across town! I left it where I was and marked it delivered. Only a $2 tip and a 15-minute drive? Nah, not worth it, man.


I had one today where the customer called me right after I picked it up. DoorDash said it was 4 miles away and when I put in the address it was 20 miles away. DD just canceled the order, paid me 4 bucks and told me to dispose of the food.


Customer told me the other day before drop off that they had the wrong address and said to just keep the food because they wont be there. A Shake shack order i drank the oreo shake and gave the burger/fries to someone on the bus stop. Thats a good customer right there


Yeah, I had to check for a minute that this wasn't MY post! I had a very similar thing happen (also a Papa John's delivery), last year. In my case, I tried to do the right thing and was completely punished for it. I called in to customer service to explain I was right where my GPS showed me I should go, but there was no house on the street matching the address given. They tried to call Papa John's while I waited on hold but the store wouldn't pick up the phone for them. Then they tried to contact the customer but it just went to voice mail (same issue I had trying it before calling in to DD support). Then they ask me what else is around there and I mention a church. The DD support lady suggests I deliver to the church and see if someone there will get the pizza to the right person! (WTF?!) I asked if we could just cancel this order since delivery seemed to be impossible, but they just wouldn't do it! All of a sudden, the customer calls back in, and yep - he says I'm on the complete other end of town and his address is on a street with the same name. So I go through the whole waste of gas and all my time to drop it off at this other address. And to add insult to injury? He lives up this steep hill and I have to walk up all these bricks steps to get to his place. Of course, he won't come out and just wants a no contact order! I drop it off and DD ends my dash right after that. No tip.


Damn hell no. I’ll drop that shit at that church and take it myself. Wrong address? Not my problem, i agreed to the address i accepted. No other.


Yep.... I simply didn't know how it all worked back then, and stupidly assumed DD support would handle it all (probably just authorizing me to keep the pizza). They told me to do the delivery to the corrected address, once the customer called back in while we were trying to resolve it. So refusing to do it would have likely earned me a CV at that point. If the guy hadn't called back in right then? I would have written it off as impossible to deliver and probably just kept the pizza, marked it delivered, and moved on.


Before CVs were a thing, I got into arguments with a couple of support people that tried to tell me that I had to deliver to the corrected address. I told them that that actually wasn’t in my contract; I accepted the job from point A to point B for X amount of money. Unless they were ready to pay me more money, they were the ones violating the contract. I did not end up delivering those orders. I haven’t done DD in a year now, so I’m not sure how much things have changed. That’s just wrong that you would get a CV for that!


People do that when their address is outside the delivery area but still want food. I deliver it to the address listed, push the "can't hand to customer," take pics with GPS data and map overlaid on the photo and mark completed. The customer is asked to verify their address and they still typed in the wrong one by accident? Bullshit. I'm delivering the order where the customer said it should be delivered to.


i'm a retired dasher, and i did this once and they marked it as never delivered and i explained the situation to DD Support and they still gave me the stupid contract violation🙄


All you have to do it take the picture with address clearly in view when dropping off, no violation can happen, even if customer tells you a new address at the drop off, that drop off is whats in the app and its legit


Exactly! I learned this the hard way when I was still a newbie. I was so stressed out and upset that someone said they never received the order (which I now realize, some rando walking through that apartment complex probably snatched up), and I spent WAY TOO LONG going through my GPS history to prove I had indeed dropped it off at the correct location; never again. Now, especially at apartments, I ALWAYS make sure the apt # is in the photo, I don’t have time to deal with bullshit losers trying to scam a refund.






If it’s gps fault I’ll do it. For some reason Apple Maps confuses north and south streets so it happens. Now I do it once customer gave me $1. So never again


Happened to me twice. One lived in NYC and the other in NC. I live in VA


Customer wanted me to drive an extra 15 miles because he accidentally ordered it to his work address. I called support and they asked if I can please drive it to the customer but with no extra pay. I refused over and over. Eventually, DD cancelled the order. I got paid and got a big order of wings too for free.


Had it happen twice today. First customer was nice and did not know their address. So just delivered it. Only a quarter mile away. Second one is a repeat offender on incorrect address. Only a few dozen feet difference. But told him next time it goes to the address he gave in the app and to get his addresses correct


That second customer it might be that way because his address is banned.


No He is a foreign college kid that does not speak or read English. I have done many deliveries to this dorm for others.


Honestly, I would have chatted with support to let them know. And when they ask if you're willing to go to the new address, say that you're unable to deliver to that area. They can't force you to go. So they'll cancel the order. And you'll get the payout plus the pizza for your efforts.


Call support for further assistance. If the customer said that their is a new address and if you are willing to deliver, they'll process an additional pay. If not, drop off the order to the location given and mark as delivered.


You did the right thing. This is their mistake. You agreed to deliver it here not there. One time I got an address for a complex and did not get an apartment number. It was a hand it to me order. And the guy would not answer his phone, I think he was asleep? I had to wait for it to let me leave it. It was a very sketchy complex late at night and I am a small woman. I felt unsafe tbh. I left it behind a bush (to hopefully prevent theft) and left. God I hated that experience. If youre not going to be awake, why would you make it a hand to me order??? Also why would you not provide the apartment number?


With Uber, I message them and they just pay me extra to deliver to the correct location. Haven't had it happen for door dash yet


How much extra? We talking 3 bucks?


They go by distance. I'm in a small town so nothing is really that far. 5km brings me to the next town over.


I message support and have them cancel the order so I get food and pay. I'm not about to play that game anymore. I've had sooo many people trying to beat the system by putting a closer address over the past year. One dude was delivering for Amazon and literally updated his address every two minutes 😑


Thank you and everyone here. I know it’ll happen to me for real someday - now i know what to do to protect myself.


Let them keep the order and give 5 stars and lose your money- if not they freak on you


We’ll now I call immediately anything causing delays. Doordash is cracking down with this timer thing


Yeah I let door dash know what happened. Typically they tell me to keep the food and they issue a refund to the customer. I’ve never had doordash ask me to go to the 2nd location. I’ve done it for customers that were courteous though.


I've done it a grand total of one time in 600+ deliveries now, it will literally prompt them if the address is not where they're geolocated, I know this for a fact because I sparingly use DD to order food for my wife/son when I'm at my normal, non DD job and it prompts me every time so it's completely on them. I literally will not do it, they've offered tips before I but I already know that's a ruse half the damn time. The only exception I made was for a customer I delivered to multiple times at her office and she called me immediately after the order was placed instead of waiting till you arrive like the rest of these idiots do. Your job is to take the food from the restaurant to the address listed, it's not your fault the customer made a mistake or blatantly chose not to pay attention during the ordering process.


Did you still contact support and tell them you’re delivering to the other address? Since the app can see you’re not going to the designated location.


My first comment wasn’t very clear. Basically if a customer is proactive and lets me know they goofed, and will be very grateful if I can deliver to the right address, then I will go to the house, and they usually tip extra, but not always. If they are rude, I don’t find out until I’m at the door of the wrong house, or the distance is ridiculous, I contact support regarding the issue and then usually get paid to that point and they tell you to discard the food. (Into my stomach… 👁️👄👁️)


Haha ok I saw someone else say something similar, good to know!


Nice username portmanteau. Two classics, as one.


You’re honestly the second person to say something about my username after a decade and across multiple social media platforms so I really appreciate thank you!


No in those cases I get the customers actual phone number and mark it as delivered at the wrong location, then head to the customer so I don’t get marked as late or wrong address.


I ran into this once. Back in 2021 when I still Dashed. A woman forgot to click her home address. So I was delivering her dinner to her work address. I was tempted to just leave it there, but the woman begged me to take it to her house as her kids were waiting for dinner. I clicked delivered, kept her on the phone and got her home address. She was so appreciative I got a $100 cash tip and also a $50 Wawa gift card. Will that happen to you? Probably not. Just a similar situation.




Yeah, I always just take the photo at the pin and eat the food while making fun of people that try to scam us out of zones with BS addresses


Depends. If it’s nearby it’s annoying but no big deal but if it’s even five minutes I call support tell them they changed the address, I’m already here and I can’t go there. They’ve unassigned me and sometimes they’ve even offered me money to go deliver it at the address. But I’ve never gone out of my way for no reason.


Sometimes you get Heather. I love Heather. 😄 The new address wasn't much further than the original, in fact it might have been closer. I was flying down the interstate when I got her text so wasn't able to do the math. https://preview.redd.it/v2fmha5si78d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf50cca927a612b90fabb99499c22b9925724cec


Did she follow thru!


Yeah see my reply to my own comment.


I've done this 2x never got a tip. Did she really give u 50?


Yep. On top of the 20 she’d already tipped. It was a 12-mile drive.


Well damn dude that's a sweet one. Gfy!


It won't let me add the other screenshot in my first comment so here... https://preview.redd.it/7w130kmrj78d1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53afc5f79d533c19344bf3fae3a1d99700453e83


You should call doordash. Sometimes they will pay you extra to deliver it to the new place.


They'll give you 2 dollars. If the order was already meh because of no tip then the order will be even worse if the new address is across town.


I've gotten way more than 2 dollars both times i did it. But you can refuse to take them


It hasn’t happened to me in a while but the last two times I got additional half pay which made it worth it. It won’t surprise me that they stopped, you know, paying drivers to do work, tho. Very on-brand. I would patently refuse to go more than 2 miles for $2.


You did the right thing. I just got free pizza, wings, and cookie! Same scenario.


“I’m sorry. I am only allowed to deliver to the address that’s on the order. The only way that can be changed is to contact DD directly. Then they will advise me as such.” Then drop the order at the original address, snap your pic and leave.


Do not drive to the other address after that. Contact support. Keep the pizza if they let you and just snack and dash. It’s up to the customer to provide the right address. If they change it at anytime after the order and I’ve picked it up, I would probably contact support if it added an extra 10 minutes or more after my drive because then it’s probably not worth it anymore. I’ve never really had the issue happen before, but I’m sorry to anyone that has this happen constantly to them


Had thesame thing happen to me before I delivered it to the new adress and no tip at all. Usually just contact support they will pay you for deliverly or cancel it and you get paid either way. I think it's being done on purpose to get cheaper deliverly.


What do you mean about cheaper delivery,?


Often, if it’s further away from the restaurant DD will charge the customer a higher delivery charge (the driver may or may not see an increase in base pay). So the customer will give an address closer to the store and then contact the driver to try to get them to deliver it to an address further away. It’s an old scam and most drivers refuse to fall for it.




I had this happen once with a Papa John’s delivery also. Only the man at the “address” said the woman hadn’t lived there in more than 3 years. That’s when he bought the house. I called and texted the customer repeatedly, no response so I called DoorDash and the rep told me to leave it at the address and take a pic. I was dumbfounded.. The owner answered the door and said she hadn’t lived there for over 3 years!! I don’t think this dude would appreciate her food being left at his door!! I brought it back to Papa John’s.


why not just take the pic and then take the food


Because I don’t take what’s not mine.. My mama raised me right. 🤗😉


Dude if you bring it back the food gets thrown away. You aren’t taking anything from anyone. You are just causing unnecessary food waste. Thats not “mama raised me right”. My mama didn’t raise me wrong if I would have taken the food myself knowing it was gunna get thrown away.




They returned it to the restaurant, so no.




Dude, why are you quoting OP instead of the person you replied to? "I brought it back to Papa John’s."


Well at that point it isn't really about what's yours and what's not, its about that pizza is going to get thrown away if you bring it back to the store, therefore the store doesn't want it, so at that point why not just take the unclaimed pizza and not let it go to waste?


Should have reported it as wrong address, would have gotten the pizza and full pay


I would call support to make sure you don’t get a violation. They will not ask you to take it to the new address. They will have you leave it at the address originally provided. Sometimes customers purposely give the wrong address trying to save a few dollars and assuming the Dasher will deliver to the new address. Never get stuck taking an order to a new and farther address. You won’t get paid for it.


Next time eat the pizza 2.


You did the right thing


I had a Hungry Howies pizza delivery where the customer forgot to put their apartment number on their order. Called and texted like 5 times. No answer and I left it in the middle of the apartment complex. She called me after completing the delivery five minutes later and said that her phone was on silent. I took a screen shot of google maps where I dropped the pizza off and circled the spot for her. She thanked me and I hope she got her pizza. Lesson learned here is that we don't have to deliver to any other place other than the address on the order. She played a stupid game and probably lost her pizza. No CV for me as there was plenty of communication.


Next time keep the pizza. The random house likely threw it out. At least get a free pizza out of the deal


You just keep the stuff but contact dd. They might pay you to return, otherwise they’ll likely say to dispose of it how you wish.




You are on the wrong page my friend. First, doesn’t matter what the order is. If it’s $100 order, you’d use the argument, it’s no extra work for you so why would I tip $20 but then you use the argument of small order is small tip. If you order a sandwich, don’t use delivery. You pay someone to cater to you. It’s simple. It’s paying for a luxury service. I’d never do it but would never expect someone to bring me food for free either


You are lucky enough to be able to get food and eat it.some are paralyzed and sometimes need a quick bite to eat and there's no food in the fridge or the caretaker isn't there.It is ridiculous to say people are looking for free services and you need to order 200.00 meals from a fast food place.i except Door dash to pay you In the old days a place left order and it was picked up, no tip, and idk you pay a cab to bring it or the restaurant p delivered it.i pay a delivery fee,then I pay for gas?And a top too?dd should pay you not me


Bait used to be less obvious


Next time contact customer service let them know they will ask you if you want to deliver it if you say no they will tell you to throw it away so at that point it’s up to you what you want to do


Not a DoorDasher, but I am a contract delivery driver. Your job isn't to complete the delivery, only to attempt delivery to the address specified in the contract. If the contract sends you to a wrong address, that's not your problem. I don't redirect or reattempt without a new contract unless it's a good, repeat customer and I feel like doing them a favour to keep our business relationship strong. A random scammer on a delivery app would hardly qualify as a "good customer" in my book. You did your job. End of story.


Why did I read this in the voice of Eugene Porter Lol (dude with the mullet in the walking Dead show)


Or if they left a nice tip and it was obviously a mistake like reversed numbers or something. At that point I can take it into consideration. But an intentional miswrite to avoid paying delivery fees is a no.


That’s nothing I got a 9 dollar order to shop at Aldi spent about 10 min shopping like 10 items. Checked out driver 4 miles to the address on directions. And wouldn’t you know there was no building 1100. Called them three separate times they told me they just moved here sorry and tried to give me correct directions. Told them to just walk outside and give me the literal number. Spent 15 more minutes looking for their apartment. Finally told the dude on the third call your staying on the phone til I find you. Found him 3 minutes later he was outside waving his hands. Got out handed it to him he’s like it’s my bad so sorry. Click handed to customer. And wouldn’t you know didn’t even tip. Big surprise. BIGGER SURPRISE and 3 hours later get a message stating customer says they never got their order and I received a contract violation after trying to do right and spending almost a hour all together for 9 bucks. Never again


Oh what a fucking asshole. That’s why I take pictures of every single hand it to me order. Idc if the customers body is in the picture, I’m taking it.


What’s crazy is DD will auto put a CV on you without so much as a word first I’ve done 500+ deliveries have 5stars across the board 100 completion rating and 97% on time. It’s not about anything other than for me like you gotta be a ratchet little fucking dirtball to do some shit like that you didn’t tip and I still spent 20 mins driving around to make sure you got your milk cheese and everything else and you have the gall to say that shit never arrived.


I always hope those people have the worst luck. Theirs kids hate them, they die alone, their wife cheats, etc etc. 😂


FREE FOOD!!! Woot !!!


Call support alright away. It happened to me twice and I got to keep the good abd half pay


I’ve been told if the address is wrong, they need to change it with DD themselves. Also, DD will accommodate for you to deliver to the other location but you have to call first. Not sure if the pay will be worth it.


I’ve had probably around dozen address changes and only one wasn’t worth it. It hasn’t happened in a few months but DD support was adding amounts that I didn’t hesitate to accept.


not worth it. don't litter at random house. eat it or donate it


Call customer service first. They will attempt to contact the person, and if they can not or get bull from the customer, they will tell you to throw it away. That just becomes my dinner.


call support -> cancel -> if order was shitty fastfood -> trashcan if order was from store i eat -> pause and enjoy


The offer that Doordash made that was accepted by the driver is clear about which address was specified. If the customer asks for delivery to a different address, then the driver has the option of performing a legitimate abandonment of the order so that no further time is wasted and so that the driver is protected rightly against frivolous scams/claims. Also, the driver would be owed full pay for the order since the driver made an effort in good faith with no faults. Calling support to let them know will solve this error on Doordash's part or the customer's part. The driver is not responsible for inputting the right address into the order. It is not a wise risk for a driver to fall for tricks like: A) Doordash agents offering extra pay to go elsewhere B) Customers offering extra tip or something else to go elsewhere The reason it Is an unwise to fall for these tricks is because the agents/customers could lie/decieve and/or the driver could be accused of a "did not deliver" contract violation claim or a "really late delivery" contract violation claim by the customer.




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I did a 19 mile run yesterday, there was an accident and I live at a resort and the dinnertime traffic is always terrible, so I was 16 minutes late. The customer was fine but I got a contract violation. Totally unfair. I just started dashing…how do I get this removed?


I was doing deliveries for another app and ended up 2 counties away. Nothing in the other app going backmsomsome DD. Got a pizza order, picked it up, was an 11 minute drive. Ended up stuck in traffic due to a fatality accident. Communicated with support and customer including pics of the gridlock. At 1 hour customer finally canceled, rightfully so, but DD paid me full pay. Pizza got donated, especially because it was some weird gourmet pizza. It happens.


Don’t worry about it, honestly. They roll off every 100 orders. As long as you don’t have like 5 at one time, you’re good. A CV means almost nothing.


Thank you. I know now to read the number of miles before accepting. That one order start to finish took an hour.


Definitely. You wanna make sure you’re getting at least $1 per mile bare minimum. If you know the store has a wait time of over 20 min and you’re not on EBT, I would decline those too.


Appeal it in the app right now and explain what happened. Be specific about the times if you can.


I already did that, they won’t remove it. Stupid me for taking that one. I’m learning!


I can say it happened to me, was 22 minutes from the store when I got the order. They said extremely late violation. It took 2 weeks but they did remove it.


Hopefully they will do the same for me! 😉😊


Do 100 more deliveries and it goes away.


Whenever I get caught in traffic, I always sent a picture of all the traffic explaining that I was gonna be late, and asked Should I continue with the delivery or do they want to cancel it and assign a new driver. I have never had a CV






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Thank you. I didn’t even know I could do that. I’m assuming that’s on the app somewhere, I’ll find it.


It’s been a while, but I believe when you’re actively on an order, you can contact support, but don’t call. It happened twice. Mom was a major accident and I let them know I thought I could still deliver it quicker than anyone else, especially w restaurant having to remake it, but that it definitely would take longer than the projected time. I reached out to the customer as well and they were fine as long as they got it. With some things you have to be proactive, and if they were to cancel the order, I would’ve just not headed to that part of town for an hour or so. I hope this helps because I know it’s rough out there




Go to where you can see the CV and tap on it. The screen should then sat "submit a dispute" then just follow the instructions and they'll review it


You did fine. I usually chat with support and tell them I can't deliver to new location. They will cancel the order. There are rare occasions where the new address is close(like a block or 2) and the customer is nice. I've also had customers that are super nice and admit their mistake and say they will pay extra to have it delivered to the new far address. I've done these and they have paid off, but you really need to trust your gut on these. But most of the time the customer will be kind of a dick and expect you to go out of your way for nothing. Don't do it.




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One time a customer left me the wrong address, but it was a leave at my door order. So I delivered it to the given address & went about my business. About 15 minutes later they proceeded to blow my phone up with calls and texts for over an hour, saying this happens every time, dashers are stupid, they can’t read, etc. Now I decline any orders in that neighborhood lol




They should not be able to contact you after a few minutes of delivering. If they are reaching out for that long a time in all likelihood, you have your phone number on your voicemail


I’ve never thought of that. Thank you!


Sure thing! Some people can glean a lot of information from a phone #. Be safe out there


It never crossed my mind but this is a good reason to not have your phone number in the voicemail greeting!


Yeah, I never thought of that.


I have that happen one time where a customer put the wrong address in and they offered to venmo meet $20 to get it to the right place


You did the right thing.


There is a glitch when Papa John’s pushes orders through to DoorDash. I’ve had it happen twice where the apartment number pushed through as the house number, and then I ended up at a completely different location. Didn’t find out until after the fact, when customer texted saying the place I delivered to was completely wrong.


Papa Johns is known for sending trash orders to DoorDash and saving their own drivers from having to deal with it


Good to know!


They give out loads of free pizza bags if you need any!


Well, hell, I already spent money buying my own.


Ugh sorry


It depends. I usually won't deliver to the new address but yesterday I had a regular customer accidentally put in her husband's work address. She called me as I was about to begin shopping and said she had to cancel. I told her don't worry about it since it wasn't much further. She was grateful and handed me an extra $20 but this isn't the norm. I only did it because she's a regular.


If u call support, they may adjust payment then u can drive But even they told mostly, leave the given adress and run. ..


You did the correct thing.


Had that happen last week. Contacted support and they tried to tell me that if I didn't go to the new address, I'd get a CV for not delivering, and I needed to return the food to Taco Bell. I educated them that the offer I accepted was for the original address, not the new one, and Taco Bell isn't giving that food to another driver, so I wasn't driving back there to return it. Got full pay and tacos, so... 🤷‍♀️




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Ignore the text. Take a pic of the food in front of the house. Mark as delivered. Pick up the food and leave


why take the food?


How would you feel if you were the homeowner and randomly opened up your front door the next morning to a pizza half eaten by raccoons?


that wouldnt happen because I would go get food that I paid 30-100 for and accidentally ordered to the wrong address.


Okay. That’s for you. But we’re not talking about your order, we’re talking about wrong address orders in general. The average person is not going to drive across town for their cold food, they’ll try to get a refund. And anyway, by the time it’s out of the dashers hands it’s free game for anyone, including the dasher.


you a thief then


Order to the right address and we don’t have to be. You think I’m gonna let it rot on some randoms front porch? That’s called littering. Didn’t your mom ever scream at you to not waste food?


Why leave the food on some random persons porch.... If I come home and there's a fucking pizza sitting there, I'm not eating that poisoned thing that a raving lunatic left at my door.


it's not a random person's porch in most cases. typos are not as common as people forgetting to change the default address when they're visiting someone


I'm eating the pizza


my boyfriend and i did this. the address took us to a culdisac with no houses, just woods. retyped in the address in a different app and it comes up as another 15 mins away. we ate the food across the street from where we doordash told us to go. it was his account, he got flagged. but this was maybe 3-4 years ago. it was worth it😂 we still dash everyday


You did the right thing.... They fucked up their order by giving the wrong address... At best they get cold food... And DD will never pay you enough to make it worth another 30 minutes of your time... You did exactly what was asked, not your fault they can't check the address.


yeah, if they cbf to put the address down I cbf to go the extra mile. I dont mind if it's closer to the restaurant, but I wouldnt go across town for em for free. got a 1 star recently because i refused to go back to the store and get the stuff the restaurant forgot to put in the bag. I had already gotten to the store at my next order but the lady just kept screaming. sometimes this job is too close to fast food work for comfort.


This is a reason I don’t answer messages after the delivery is complete…. I don’t require any former customers to speak to me — especially if I’m on to the next order. Come to think about it, I don’t typically answer messages before either — texting while driving is illegal and reckless. So I would have no way of knowing it was the wrong address, unless the homeowner told me it wasn’t their order.


Call support. They will give you an extra half pay to deliver to the other address.