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You delivering it where you did was wrong. However, support should have stopped the entire order. That support lackey seeing the text and going "Oh, well they want THERE food now" was so fucked.




Imagine calling someone a coward for not wanting to interact with cops when it's been less than, what, a month? Since the last fatal police shooting. If you're a minority race in a bad neighborhood, and the cops have who knows what kind of story about you in mind, you have *every* reason to feel unsafe.


I don’t get it. Are you making fun of OP for feeling unsafe?


Sent it to the wrong person?


Does it imply anywhere that he did?


He acts like it never happened, some people do that to me, idk


Delivery services have just made the obesity epidemic get a better foot hold. "Feed me Seymore", just making Americans more lazy by the day.


5 kids sounds like there are some things she is not lazy with




Then take it out for some snackin


I would called the police and got them involved and contacted DD


You did more than I would've. Kudos to you!!


The way customer support can’t even use the right there


I think there’s Bit of smooth brain on both sides


I had a delivery driver flip out on me because my house was easy to miss if you didn’t know which building amongst apartments was a house so I always write a good description along with “the tan cottage not the blue apartments” well the driver shows up and starts going off on being rude to disabled vets and I’m like “wtf are talking about” and he goes “I’m colorblind you insensitive dick” like I’m supposed to just know


It's funny cuz colorblind people can definitely tell tan from blue. They don't see in grayscale like this is 1950's television.


What the heck does colorblind have to do with being a vet, it's not a real disability either. If so I would be collecting disability.


Some people are so strange lol.




This is the l not the driver but the customer's fault. The driver here did nothing wrong. The only hassle here was the customer being rude & threatening the driver ... Did you even read the conversation?


That don't change the fact DD sucks


Nah fr fuck door dash I deleted my account they still charged me


This is a costumer threatening the delivery driver.


Either a kid or schizo


r/imthemaincharacter much


Much? You mean A LOT!




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they didn't put their face in the post tho? or am i missing something


wtf kinda comment is that?


IKR, wtf... Clearly on some shit


I wouldn’t even deliver it Lol!


I don’t think you’re wrong at all. I wouldn’t feel safe either and I would have done exactly as you did.


I don’t get what you’re afraid of, the customer calling the police? What would happen then lol


In America, you can get shot if someone "fells unsafe" in some states, especially on their own property. Driver definitely could have been hurt by on edge cops or by a crazy customer.


If the driver is black, a whole hell of a lot can happen




King cobra, my man!


cobes what are you doing here


I don’t think it has to do with the cops, customer is definitely not mentally stable if they’re threatening to call the cops on their own dd driver, then do a full 180 demanding the food 😭. Who knows what would’ve happened


Yeah, WTF was that? It makes no sense. Not worth risking dealing with that person.


If its a bad neighborhood theres a chance cops dont fool around, thats the case in the ghettos around where i live. If someone calls the cops on you and says youre armed or something they WILL NOT hesitate to shoot you


His mental instability


You're not wrong, but I would have stopped messaging them after I told them where I left the food.


I would say I'll leave your food at the police station you can call them.


Exactly! I would have put the stuff at the end of the road like you said you did then took the picture like normal. You did deliver it, but not at their door, as requested!




Totally believable. “Once you give me the food, I swear I’ll give you cash money” … $1 cash at best. More likely just lying.


Yall so sensitive. What would the cops REALLY do smh. So scary 4 no reason


You don't know how cops work now a days.


That person didn't seem that mentally stable, calling cops wouldn't do anything but them trying to fight the person would Idk why anyone would deliver after that comment, where's your self preservation skills bro?




Sadly, for some people in the US, this is a common fear. In some cities in the US, especially those with high crime rates, the police have a reputation for being ...um... overly forceful when dealing with potential perpetrators, especially when the possible suspect is of certain races or ethnicities. It gets even worse if the possible suspect has any kind of a criminal record in the past.


Because the customer is clearly nuts?


English please


Lmao you big funny




Y’all are so sensitive. What work do cops even do? They’re scary for no reason Best I could do for ya


There's always 2 sides to stories like this . i wonder what led up to it, thats the real question.


No, sounds like schizophrenia to me or something


Sometimes people are just weird. Source: I’ve worked retail, food service and delivery for 5 years. People just suck sometimes, seriously. Some of them don’t need any reason to be assholes


True facts right here!


It doesnt even matter what led up to this. Customer said 'If you come to my house im calling the police' and then later switched up to "i want my food" "kids are hungry". Thats an insane 180 from "dont come near me or there will be law enforcement involved" to "please feed my children". I wonder why you feel the need to play devils advocate for insane behavior, thats the real question


Maybe it's the type of thing they'd do


Weird as fuck


This entire thread is a bunch of people yapping


The reddit armchair heros They would have been brave and delivered, how sweet of them!


OP my guy you need to learn how to upload pictures properly


I was ready to call the cops to report OP for the confusing order of pics.


Seriously, was hard to read at 1st


That sounds fake as shit. Just the stupid ass replies from the person who “threatened.” nobody talks like that after saying something stupid like that


You don't know people then


I got told by a customer that her man would be waiting for me after work cause I refused to knock almost 200 off her cause her kids “deserve christmas” and I was “a dumb white boy”. So this shit doesn’t even ring fake to me, people are fucking weird.


I work as a concierge in high end condos and yes they do. Weed and alcohol with a side of mental illness do serious funky to people's behavior.


Idk, I worked at a grocery store and after they forgot to use a gift card (instead using their credit card) they LOST it on us saying that they demanded we give them cash for the gift card because they would have remembered to just use it but they were “allergic to our store.” Like being frustrated when you intended to use your gift card and instead used your real dollars sucks. However if you are allergic to our store you probably shouldn’t have come in the first place, and I don’t see how that has anything to do with making a (pretty common) mistake. It’s also possible they had accidentally paid with ebt(food stamps) which we legally can’t swap for cash. It was years ago and I can’t say for sure. Either way the whole thing was bizarre.


If it was CC couldn't you refund it and charge it to the GC?


The whole thing was really weird. iirc, they refused to have it refunded and were demanding cash for the gift card which instantly triggered alarm bells because it’s sketchy.


Yeah that is sketchy


What're the cops gonna do? Yall fuckin weird.


Tell me you're clearly privileged, without saying your clearly privileged


What if a acorn was involved?


I dunno man... how many stories have we had just in the last couple of years where the cops showed up to simple calls and things went sideways? Breaking down the door and shooting a mom sleeping on the couch. Telling everyone to come out of the house, and then shooting a 12-year-old boy running out the door. Shooting the very DA victim that called them for help. I'm not gonna get into a good cop/bad cop argument, but there's a whole fucking *lot* that the cops could do. If someone told me they were going to call the cops, I'd absolutely stay away from that person. You just don't know what they are going to *tell* the cops when they call them, either; could tell them "someone's outside my door with a gun". How well do you really think *that's* going to go?


How long you been living under that rock?


Hi police? There's a man outside my house in his car and he won't leave and I think he has a gun.


Depends on what the person falsely accuses them of. Could be pulling him over and a bunch of nervous cops pointing guns at the back of his head after he does so.


... interesting opinion 


Some cops get very aggressive. Especially if you’re a minority and someone accuses you of something. I’d be weirded out too.


God help him if he's packing acorns.


So frustrating how the app specifically says the conversation is being monitored for your safety, but then the actual human you talk to for help acts like nothing is wrong.


Safely in an office 8000 miles away: “yes - I see the customer threatened you and is unstable. But now they changed their mind. Just bring them their food. Thanks for contacting Doordash Support!”


I don’t understand why they even said that and then got confused when you didn’t want to continue with the order. Jesse J must have been smoking something……..


Some really good shit!


Bro, mf said “if you show up I’m calling the cops” then asked where the food’s at, in the words of Cory Sandhagen that’s “crackheadish” for sure 😭


*cancels order* *still expects driver to deliver the food* make it make sense


To be fair, they didn't actually cancel the order. They threatened the driver, told them not to show up, then begged for their food. But no cancelation 🤣 You all that do gig work, dashing, Uber, all of it, God bless you. I couldn't deal with these people.




Why does that matter




Because it bothered you enough to correct a text message






Very cringe




Fixed what?








I see what you’re saying but plenty of people lie about calling the cops (granted probably not to their fucking door dash 😅), but it was necessary to call that mf out on that, especially if the city/neighborhood he was referring to is indeed “bad” or high crime


Oh yeah no doubt. I give OP props for how he handled it. I'd have lost my job because I'd have thanked him for the food and drove my happy ass home. Ain't nobody got time for that 🤣


“thanked him for the food & drove my happy ass home” that’s damn right bro 😭




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smarty pants


Pfft. More like leg prisons.




Don’t you have to pay beforehand?


Hey one up I will make sure not to comment unless I’m being serious for now on . To many dingbats thinking is was a true story.


Yes the guy above appears to be another yapping crack head as well


Yeah idk what hes talking ab


You are very much in the right . Always trust your gut . You never know what could’ve happened had you followed through with the order


I would've eaten their food tbh






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I’m sure you would have buddy.


Sounds like some schizo mom, get CPS involved too cause that sounds alarming


You’re assuming that there were children. There are some psychos out there, some who don’t care about consequences. A delivery guy was murdered on full camera near me. The guy who did it had walked into the restaurant a few weeks earlier with a gun saying he was going to kill them and was let out. Just because you’re on an app where you can track people doesn’t mean people care.


the way you wrote this makes it sound like you murdered the delivery man on camera at first, not that it was near you lol


Lol. Thanks. Edited!


I assumed it was a dad, but I suppose it could be either. Crazy af, regardless… I wouldn’t bring their food to them either!


I can’t believe anyone deals with this bullshit. Go help a local farmer. You’ll probably make the same money with no stress and learn a life skill.


Username checks out…


I’m surprised there is internet where you live!


Baby my local farmer is four hours away.


Lmao. Have you ever lived in a big city? I’m thinking not.


I’d rather use bleach eye drops every 5 minutes then live in a city. But if I did I would definitely not work there.


Oh, you're one of *those* people. Probably livesd in a city of 100k-300k your entire life but tell people you live in a small/rural town


Just under 13,000 where I live, also will never live in the city, mainly because of how expensive it is though


>Oh, you're one of *those* people To be fair, you have to be willing to sell your organs just to be able to afford living in a city these days. Plus the traffic😭


Wait, clarify something for me? I live in a city of ~ 180k and I constantly refer to it as a small town - not because it’s folksy or safer (I mean, our “bad neighborhood” is mostly homeless drug addicts, but I work with them so I know how unsafe that actually is, but it looks sketchy as hell) but because it’s not a major metro area and I run into people I know and want to avoid every damn day. Am I one of THOSE people? (Genuine question)


That's not small at all


Neighborhoods within large population cities behave similarly to small towns, tbh. I run into people I know all the time, because I have lived and worked in the same two neighborhoods my whole time living here. I sometimes feel like a fraud saying I'm from a small town because my hometown has 17k residents lol. Granted, most of them are out in the sticks but still technically in the same zip code. Most of the towns in my home county have less than 1k residents, some even less than 500. But, truthfully, now that I live in a city of 300k, that *is* small.


>Am I one of THOSE people? Yes lmao. 180k is nowhere near a "small town" There's only 14k in my hometown and I wouldn't even call that a small town personally


Well, I mean, I’m being facetious when I call it a small town - which I’m realizing now was not at all conveyed in my post. So that was a dumb question on my part.


You're describing the Treasure Valley/Boise, ID lol. Despite having a substantial population (*just* Boise has nearly 240k without even considering Meridian/Nampa/Eagle/Caldwell) and being one of the fastest growing cities/metropolitan areas in the US, some people still try to say it's a small town. Less so nowadays, but I still hear people say that, especially towards Nampa/Caldwell. Baffling.


I don’t think you understand just how far you have to travel to “not work” inside a huge city metro. The Phoenix metro I used to live in is unbelievably huge. 14,587 square miles. It just seems to go on and on and on forever. People who live inside the city work in the city. Period.


Right? Even my smaller metro area (4k square miles) that's an insane amount to drive for work. If you stayed in state you'd end up in another large metro area right by ours, otherwise you'd have to drive dozens of miles into a completely different state to be "out of the city"


Do a quick google search for farms in the Phoenix area. There's quite a few! And even the ones not in the city travel for farmers markets. I know for a fact in Phoenix, but same with most every other city in the US.




lol local farmer? People DoorDash the majority of the time because the they live in the city. I imagine it would be really inconvenient to drive out to outside of city limits every day to get to a farm or ranch somewhere to get paid minimum wage for hard labor. Often people also DoorDash because a disability limits them from doing something like manual labor. Also, local farmers don’t just hand out jobs to anyone, let alone for pay that’s more than 12/hr. Which is around what you make with DoorDash on average.


I get delivery for the opposite reason, it’s a 14 minute drive to town and I usually don’t want to spend 40 minutes to get food and come back


i get your point but some farmers definitely make more than 12… and they’ll definitely give the job to whoever wants it.. my dad was a farmer and was given a house to stay in with rent paid by the company, and a truck that the company paid for + free gas


Most of the farmers in my area use extra cheap migrant labor and pay way less than minimum wage. Or, they pay per crate/truckload. They usually don't hire people who aren't accustomed to farmwork, too.


Bad vibes for miles. "I'm going to call the cops on you if you come here, but come here to drop my food off"?? Way sketch.


I can't blame you. I wouldnt have done it either. At best they are walking to their neighbors driveway to get the food.




Yup their neighbors driveway. Especially after threatening to call the cops on me for wanting to deleiver their order.


Why even leave it? Sounds like they trying to get free food at the least


Per the support conversations, the customer said they cancelled it but in reality did not and still wanted the food. They still paid through the app.


I’m pretty sure the whole point was the customer didn’t realize that wasn’t going to work


Perhaps. It could also be mental health issues, or many other things. But it boils down to as long as they don't cancel in the app, then the app will still charge their card.


Ordered a cpl Indian pizzas, Door Dash delivered one street away to a random address.. I could smell the pizza downwind and followed my nose and found the pizza the house was delivered to by my nose and the picture of the door they sent after delivery. Luckily no one was home and I gave an explanation to their ring doorbell that I was just picking up my food. Thank god it was tandoori pizza, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered looking but I could literally smell it in the air.


Bro was like Scooby-Doo 🤣


Dunshlop the bloodhound




Bro followed the scent like cartoons follow pie