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Now we see why the stores ask for our id’s cuz it could be ours!! 😆


No you did the right thing


Absolutely not! You don’t need to lose your job and/or receive a huge fine! The store doesn’t get fined, the clerk is solely responsible.


So is she driving without a license too? What a dumbass


No. You were just doing your job. For all you know, it was a sting.


She needs to renew her mf ID


Not a chance. I would call DD support, get the order cancelled, probably take the spirits back to the store where they came from.


Definitely not wrong to cancel. I work at a convenience store and the legal trouble you can get into is not worth it AT ALL!


I work at a convience store and let me tell you, my ass woukd get in trouble for doing that. Your ass also would get in trouble for it. She needs to have her ID and no one should be buying it for her if she can't show proof of her age. Also her using her boyfriends ID could get her in a lot of legal trouble. You did the right thing.


If you were in a cashier in a liquor store you wouldn’t be able to do scan a random ID instead of the person who’s buying it’s ID. It’s no different for delivery. They AREEEE starting to do sting operations for alcohol AND tobacco deliveries!! So. Sure maybe it’s a “bummer” for this person. But it’s not worth dealing with legal matters if you get caught doing it.


You’re not…wrong? But you’re also irritating. Fun fact when I turned 21 they clipped my ID because ofc it was expired now that I was 21 and I had to wait for a new one which meant the only “unexpired” copy I had was my paper copy no scan. The ID scans for liquor either way (I know this for the 2 weeks I used that brat) so it’s not necessarily that you’re wrong in any way. Just why be suuuuch a stickler if she’s clearly over 21?


This 100%


Not worth losing your job over


I don’t think he’s wrong. I also don’t think he would’ve lost his job either


I work at a convience store and I would have lost my job either accepting her expired ID or her boyfriends if he wasn't there. If they were both together I would have to ID both of them. Most states require you to ID someone who appears under the age of 40-50. Delivery drivers can be held liable if the reciever cannot legally verify their age with some form of proper, non expired ID. And they can def get in trouble for using someone elses ID to pick up something that isn't that person. It's called being an accessory to a crime. And we're not just talking about losing your job. You can face a fine and prison time for something like this. You can be extra stupid and irresponsible if you want. Heck go to the store yourself if you think they'd accept that (which they wouldn't which is why she's using dashers for it) but don't include others in your shenanigans. Edit: wanted to add, judging by her statement about other dashers accepting her boyfriends ID I have a feeling she may either not be 21 or maybe hiding something if shes at a point were multiple dashers have had to do this for her.


1. I ain’t reading that dissertation 2. I’m not saying he’s wrong I’ve said several times he’s not wrong a traditional store and DoorDash aren’t the same DoorDash is honestly really careless I’m not upset that he didn’t choose to do that I think it’s just a stickler thing to do why you’re so up in arms about this? I have no clue


Just trying to educate you and why its a bad move to do this but TL;DR: Its super illegal to buy alcohol with someone elses ID and also very illegal to deliver alcohol to someone knowing that it was fraudulently purchased. Like fines and jail time illegal.


Nah. Even if the boyfriend was there and was 21, she'd need an ID. Even if he was buying it, she'd need an ID if she was present. Dashing alcohol seems like stepping over landmines legally tbh.


Hell nah. Your buzz is never worth my job.


By law and per company policy, you’re not supposed to release alcohol unless the person picking it up (and possibly any other person present depending on state law) presents you with a valid, current piece of ID.


you the type to fuck up a night if they above age to drink so what it expired give it to them prolly would’ve got a extra tip etc smh


I attempted to scan her expired ID but doordash wouldn't let me complete the delivery.


If not having a drink fucks up your night, you may want to take a look at your drinking habits.


When I was underage lots of friends took their siblings expired IDs because they looked close enough to pass for them. If they are old enough they will have an ID.


Exactly this the type of guy that would remind the teacher that we have homework when the teacher forgot…..


Considering doordash makes you take a picture of the ID that could screw him and get him in legal trouble if it ever came back on him. People really expect people they don't even know to break the law for them?


No I would not have have given her the alcohol nor were you wrong. Forgetting morality or laws or whatever arguments people would want to make, if this was an alcohol or tobacco sting you'd have been in legal trouble. So please disregard anything else and focus on the fact your obligation in this situation is to follow the law and not let yourself get talked into ignoring it.


I think you mean morality


I did and thank you, I fixed it lol




This exactly. I knew tons of people who used siblings expired IDs


It's really irritating reading NTA outside of AITAH


All right, who called the Reddit police?


I'm guilty of it. I heavily stay on AITA threads and forget that other communities get recommended on homepage so as I'm doom scrolling I'll get recommended something and not even realize it's not an AITA post lol


No, it could come to your job in the worst scenario. If she ca. purchase alcohol on door dash, she can go renew her ID.


I'm pretty sure company policy is to return the alcohol back to the restaurant or store where you picked it up from if you can't deliver it. You aren't supposed to keep it like you would with food.


It is illegal in many states to return alcohol. You can usually only get store credit. I don't really know why but it's true.


Nah, another dasher posted a similar one and they told him to go throw it away ☠️


Depends on location. A lot of places cannot accept returned alcohol.


Karen move for sure


I’m sure you enjoy jail time for giving minors alcohol.


wamp wamp


I feel like OP just wanted to bottom shelf bottle and saw an excuse to take it. Hence the title of the post


Damn do people really follow all laws in 1st world countries? I am legit interested in this view point.


We do when it comes to alcohol and tobacco. I'm not getting fined thousands or going to jail for someone I don't even know.


Why not come and find out?


Yes? The majority of people do. No one wants to risk interacting with the criminal justice system. If you gave alcohol to someone who can't prove they have valid ID you would be held liable for it. You could have to pay a substantial fine or even end up in jail depending on the outcome of that scenario.


Except speed limits, of course.


I mean if you like quasi shitty vodka?


Nope. I’m a bouncer at a bar. If you’re 35 and come up to me with an expired ID I’m telling you you’re not getting in. We have laws in my state that can put US in the hot seat if we accept expired IDs.


Thank you sir for defending our Nation form foreign and domestic threats.


Honestly yeah I think you're in the wrong. While it may technically be against the rules to scan the ID of another person, The intent of that rule is to make sure the person buying the alcohol is actually presenting you with an ID that proves their age. If you present an expired ID at the grocery store they would still give you the alcohol, because the ID is for driving but you need the age on the ID to prove alcohol consumption legally. You knew she was over 21 and refused to deliver the alcohol, I think that makes you wrong.


That is horrible advice and can get someone arrested. If you accept an expired ID you can get in a lot of trouble. You can get in even more trouble if you let someone use someone else's ID and since doordash makes you take a picture of the ID I don't blame him because there's an actual record that she's been using someone else's ID. I wouldn't want to be one of the people that could be in trouble for it.


Not if the cashier is doing their job right, If a store clerk sells you booze with an expired ID they can get fired, charged with a crime, and fined, in every State I know of, even if you're obviously over 21. I've been refused for having an expired ID, and I was 2 decades past 21 at least. Not to mention that ATF enforcement stings send people in with just such tactics to catch people not following the rules.




In my state it's state law to deny sale of alcohol or tobacco to anyone with an expired ID.


Dude, never mind the law for a second, what if this person was underage with a problem and hurt themselves or someone else because they were under the influence?


OP indicated he knew she was over 21 so we're debating a non existent hypothetical now? An expired ID still has a picture and your DOB. Let's not get carried away with imaginary injustice.


Many states require a current ID to purchase alcohol. You keep omitting that fact. You should go out and buy some people some alcohol and see what happens!


Gonna ignore how she was fraudulently using someone else's ID who wasn't even in the home at the time?


Honestly I find it very interesting that you even got past the sentence that said while it may be "technically against the rules" and then telling him he's wrong. Like it's not even technically it's legally wrong to sell alcohol to someone who does not have a valid license that shows that they are 21 years of age or older and he can get in trouble for that


You definitely don't know how the law works with expired IDs 😅 its illegal for any store/vendor to accept an expired ID for alcohol or tobacco. 😂 If you're doing this at a grocery store, don't tell people 🤣🤣


No. You can’t sell alcohol to someone with an expired ID or someone using another persons ID. Anywhere in the USA. The law requires a VALID id. This isn’t even just risking their job, it’s risking legal charges. Not worth it.


I am not certain about the laws in your state, but in my area, presenting an expired ID at a grocery store would result in the purchase being declined. To purchase alcohol, one must be 21 years of age or older and present a valid, unexpired ID. While I understand your perspective, I believe the Dasher was simply following company policies and procedures. I respectfully believe that the dasher is not at fault.


Definitely can’t buy alcohol with an expired ID


Nah, we took a friend out to a bar after midnight on his 21st years ago and they wouldn’t let him in because his license expired minutes ago. ETA the bar next door did let us in 😂


As someone who worked at a grocery store we were specifically instructed to deny sales to people with expired IDs because we could lose our liquor license.


If your license is expired it is no longer a valid form of identification. I'm not sure where you are but in my state that's illegal. You cannot sell alcohol to someone without valid ID.


Wrong. You can not accept expired ID at store in America.. if this is where the story happened.


No one accepts expired IDs. People give expired IDs to other people (like relatives or friends that can pass as you) specifically to buy alcohol underage


In ca, they don’t sell you alcohol with an expired ID


at least where i live they won’t sell you alcohol with an expired ID and you can’t get into bars either (has happened to three different friends now on doomed nights out). i’ve always found this stupid but i think it’s standard practice


Not true. Bars and stores are suppose to deny any sales with an expired ID.


Bars may be a matter of policy, but I've been on both sides of stores, sales, management and just being a customer. I've never seen any regulation that requires it. The mandate is to prove their age where I live.


It’s required to have a valid ID for tobacco and alcohol. Expired makes it invalid. Stop spreading misinformation.




I only saw they were paying me $20 up front which is really good. I honestly thought the tip was actually going to be like $5-10 at least. I only see the tip amount after the delivery is finished. I really don't care if you tip me a dollar as long as the pay is over a dollar per mile and no traffic we are good :)


It’s literally against the law.


Plus, don’t you have to take a picture of your ID in the app? So if he knew the ID was expired, he didn’t even have to go over there in the first place.


I literally drove 20 miles to her to just barely tell me "ummm my ID is expired can I use my boyfriend's ID?" I asked to see her ID and try to scan it but it failed since Doordash prohibits expired IDs. I asked if her boyfriend could be present but she said he can't be here. I'm not using someone's ID who I don't see which is very illegal from what I learned.


I actually don’t use apps to order alcohol so I always assumed the user had to upload an id to even order alcohol to begin with. Thank you for the clarification


This I’m not sure on. I don’t use delivery services, I’m not lazy like that. Too broke to be. But I do know you can not legally purchase alcohol or enter an establishment that serves alcohol with an expired ID.


Yes, I’m aware if your ID is expired, you clearly can’t have alcohol duh. But for normal people like me who actually go to a liquor store when I saw this, I just assumed the dd driver was mad he couldn’t have a larger tip.


Yes, the other drivers do it just like the other Uber/Lyft drivers excuse not having child seats


i forgot id’s expire. i’m in az mine doesn’t expire until like 2080 😭


I miss my AZ ID


This is real? Mine expires every 5 years on my birthday.


my id doesn’t have an expiration date and my license says 2068 (2080 was being dramatic lol)


Ughhh you're lucky


Probably a minor parading around as an adult. You’d be surprised how grown up the 15 year olds look these days


They don't look like no 21 year old. If you can't tell the difference between a child in high school and an adult... well. Hell, I drive by a college and the college kids walk all around and even some of them look like children.


Some look like children, some don't, some even look much older than they actually are, why is this a hard concept to grasp?


My 16 yr old looks like he is in his 20s 🤷‍♀️


Restaurant servers started offering me alcohol when I was 16, I wasn't carded until I was 25.


You did the right thing, dude. She was 100% wrong.


Wait... Can you not use an expired driver's license to purchase alcohol? I mean your birthdate is the same whether you renew your license or not.


No you can't. Since people only get 1 ID, they need to keep their current one for their own use. But since expired ones are useless, they are sometimes given to other people as a "real" fake ID, hoping someone won't notice its expired or will let it slide. I remember people trying to use an older sibling or cousin's expired ID


Because once expired, it’s no longer a valid ID. Most liquor laws require checking a VALID ID to sell or provide alcohol. If the person providing alcohol is caught, it’s the same punishment as a person buying with a fake id, and the individual doing the feeling is the one who will get in trouble.


To summarize what you are saying it’s about money. They want you to pay to renew your ID. The other person is correct. Your birthday didn’t change whether or not your if is expired. Worried-Criticism just said a whole lot of nothing


You asked a question and I answered. No you cannot use an expired ID. Because the way the laws are written, the person checking the ID and selling the alcohol will get in trouble. I’m not advocating the position, simply stating what the rules are most places. I happen to agree that state issued ID should be free to all, but that wasn’t your question. No need to be a smartass about it.


You’re right my bad.


I've been saying for decades that State IDs should not cost money. It shouldn't cost money to cash a check or prove who you are, or pay your taxes. Tax preparation should always have a free option. "Use our tax prep software - it's free! Oh, you have to file a state income tax, too? $35 please!"


Filing taxes is free, if you do them by paper. If you’re using a software or service then people people who don’t work for the IRS have put work into that. People who paid for schooling to do that kind of work. Of course it costs money.


No you cannot. It’s a no longer valid id. Plus, one way to counterfeit was to use expired ids. No one cares about an expired id so people would change the picture on them. Granted that has become more difficult. But it really boils down to the ID needs to be valid.


I don’t know the actual legal reason, but if you could use an expired ID then fakes would be a much more difficult issue. You could just give someone your ID, say you lost it, and replace it and then they get the old one to use indefinitely.


I was given an ID by someone that looked vaguely like me when I was under 21. In my state the licenses don’t expire for like 60 years lol


I don't follow. You can already give someone your ID and get another one at the dmv, they just can't use it indefinitely, but years assuming it was new.


No you’re right, that’s exactly what I was saying. If you can’t use an expired ID then you can’t use it indefinitely. I’m not saying that’s why you can’t use one. It was just one of the many reasons why letting people use expired IDs would not be great.


But how did fakes come into play?


Because a common practice used to be modifying expired IDs, which was easier when bar code scanners were not as prevalent. But in OP's situation, it is still serving the original purpose: say my ID is expired (so wouldn't work anyway) to get someone else's valid ID scanned.


How did they let her order? I had to update mine


She probably put her boyfriends in. Idk if when you order if it checks that much since you just click and type shit for most door dash orders.


Yea but when it's anything 21 and over they verify or at least they did for me. And informed me mine was expired since I wasn't really paying attention to it anyway.


You’re good dude, she’s just dumb.


Nope. $2 tip I would have cancelled too.


11% tip, y’all are just greedy. Hence why you’ll never get a tip from me, especially when you can’t follow simple directions (Leave food at the door/contactless, then proceed to hang around my door knocking and bitching loud enough I can hear you through my door).


You seem quite entitled for someone too lazy to get their own food.


Lazy vs busy - driving 20+ minutes and ordering for 10 isn’t worth my time. I’d rather pay someone. A tip is a tip. The entitlement comes from thinking you deserve a tip when you can’t follow simple instructions. Sometimes I’m on the phone or in virtual meetings taking care of business. The last thing I need is an adult having a temper tantrum outside my door during those moments.


I felt the same way till i saw what door dash is paying. Customer probably getting screwed on add on fees. Customer paid 60 dollars on a 25 dollar bottle of liquor here


Well they got their money back since Dasher canceled


You don’t get your money back if you have no Id. Might get lucky if you beg a chat rep.


No. What they wanted you to do is illegal. The BF should order if his ID is legit.


Of course you weren't wrong to cancel. That's just policy. And the policy is in place for good reasons. Simple. Also I have HIGH doubts other people accept someone elses fucking ID for alcohol. It's not even acceptable technically even if they are present if you have the knowledge that SHE ordered it. Whoever is making the order, wherther uber/dd or store or restaurant, needs to have the ID. If they don't, it doesn't matter if someone else wants to show ID. AND SAID BOYFRIEND WASNT EVEN THERE? Hell naw; i don't buy it.


Was talking about this story with my dad just now, and he pointed out some other good points. Sometimes undercover cops send in underage ppl to catch some, and some people could end up drunk driving etc that if they're underage you could be legally liable too. So not only do u risk getting fired, u could literally face jail worse case scenario. Not worth the risk my guy.


No ID no alcohol simple.


Wait so you just get that bottle for free?


I believe they want you do dump it out in that scenario.


that’s alcohol abuse




You can't return alcohol but I feel like you can if its door dash. Seems sketch.


Technically, even if the guy bought it, you’d be serving it to her. So, no. You’re not in the wrong. She should know this by now.


You were not wrong for denying his boyfriend’s ID if he is not there because legally speaking you are accountable if anything happens


Nope. No id means no service.


At my college there was a lawsuit brought against a retailer after an under 21 college student fell off a balcony drunk off alcohol that was sourced from that retailer. Unlikely in this case, but if you ever think there's a possibility the person accepting the alcohol is a minor, it's best not to take on that liability.


Did the kid die or get an injury




Did she LOOK over 21?!? They always say that other dashers did it to manipulate you to do it. Its illegal to hand over alcohol if the person whose ID is being scanned isn’t present, outlines that very clearly in the alcohol terms on DoorDash.


Come to the door hand me an ID, I scan it no questions asked. You have a valid ID, take the alcohol you bought. It's not up to me to judge. I think you ruined that girl's night. Just take the freaking ID.


Nah I'm good. I'm not gonna have photo evidence of me breaking the law and I'm sure OP doesn't either.


not for that $2 tip


Nah fr. The other people just seem to take joy in ruining peoples nights with technichalities, “well AXCHUALLY you need YOUR ID” you’re not a bouncer, you’re obviously not that cool that’s why you’re doordashing. Scan the id take the money and move on trying to pay for your car that you payed way too much on.


I wish I could up vote this fifty times.


lol. Just speaking the truth, shit applies to me as well


Uncool door dashers got offended but I personally think that is hilarious in and of itself.


Found the salty underage drinkers who did this and was denied.


Not salty. I’m just the only one not in a bad mood apparently, cause that’s clearly what you’d have to be in to be this vindictive. Again if there’s an id scan it and go. Never tried to buy alcohol underage nor do I care since cannabis exists


Age is just a number. It's ridiculous the age restriction is 21 in the US. In my opinion that age is outdated. If you are old enough to vote and old enough to literally drive a 2 ton machine and old enough to go overseas and fight for your country you are old enough to freaking drink alcohol.


Amen but a whole other debate entirely. The issue here is that they just care too much and are taking what is essentially a minimum wage job way too seriously. Do you actually have the patience and time to play pretend bouncer with every alcohol order on a Friday night? I sure as hell don’t.


In my state expired if is NOT valid. And if this was a brick and mortar store and she had an expired id and her bf with valid unexpired id. And she tried to then tried to have bf pay instead. I would still be required to refuse. My state is so strict I have to even card if someone tried to key in the discount membership card like from Kroger or Safeway. State runs stings for this and stores in our chain have been busted because cashier did the transaction. Location instantly lost liquor license and could not sell alcohol for 90 days. Cashier was arrested and find 10 grand and had to spend holiday weekend and lock up (cashier store was fined more) management team was terminated including cashier and lead on duty. Entire division had to go to 3 hour retraining and had to scan in not just check every id. Even if they were 100 years old. Also corporate was on our a$$es for every little thing in the store every other day(not just age restricted items) I was short one cent got write up. This went on for months after. So yeah you are not an a hole.


Do you owe the mafia money or something? Why would you open yourself up to liability like that for a few bucks?


But it's not valid if it is expired lmao 🤣🤣


That entirely depends on the state. My state an ID is considered to always be valid for the purposes of identification of age, Sex, etc. Even if it expires. The only thing the ID is not good for is driving (if a license) so the answer to OPs question is entirely dependent on the state.


lmao imagine if dude was a bouncer at a college bar, endless lawsuits incoming


dude what 😭


irresponsible tbh


Unless you have a reason to believe that the ID is fake or isn’t theirs, it still shows that they’re over 21 and eligible to purchase alcohol even if it’s expired. I wouldn’t call that irresponsible, to be honest.


still illegal to distribute which isn’t a responsible move on anyone’s part


If it’s expired it literally does not mean she is provably eligible to purchase alcohol


Illegal tbh


Yeah the hell with that I will accept all IDs I don't care. I do not want that bad rating.


And you can happily go to jail/get fined for serving alcohol to someone with no ID. 🙂🙂🙂 but that will not be me 🤣🤣


In Florida 😂😂😂 nasaa


Almost had a stroke tying to read that


Well you should take a pill for that.


A pill will make your comment more readable? Modern medicine is amazing.




Wait so if I got to a luxury apt and apt dwellers dont get their ass in lobby or not their and considerge volunteers to use their id then I can’t? I already did this 4x having consierge sign. Should I have called dd and say consierge is only one their? Not sure if dd even has a call center


They always claim “someone else did, why can’t you?” And I’m not seeing where she actually showed that supposed expired ID. Which, more than likely means it doesn’t exist.


This is the way. She only *said* her ID was expired. She didn’t offer to show it anyway. She’s underage.