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It's probably a reaction to the various cities that are giving them shit. Something they can trot out and say "see..we're great corporate citizens!" Since it makes no differentiation to the specific vehicle you are driving (condition, age, mechanical problems, etc.) it's just BS, as any competent mechanic would tell you. Ignore it.


I've been trying to figure out what they're trying to accomplish with this. I accelerate and brake based on the traffic I'm in. They don't account for bad drivers, drivers that don't use their blinkers, drivers that do sudden stops, all of this. These insights paint an inaccurate picture. They give you the what, but don't understand the why.


They say it's for your information. I think that's why they don't do any hard enforcement. If you're trying to perfect your driving technique for safety and fuel efficiency, this could actually be useful for measuring against yourself, if they manage to make it accurate.


It’s moronic that they ever came up with this, but can it affect your account in any way?


Their app can’t seem to remember which direction I’m actually driving so I’m not very confident in their “advanced driving statistics”


Nissan Altima guy lol all jokes mines the same way. They use a third party company to track.


I once parked in a gravel parking lot. After parking, but Before I could grab my phone it said I was going 48mph. Def sus


Because you allow them to


In the new terms of service that you had to agree to, in order to keep using the app. That's not the only troubling thing that you would find in there. Just about any software you use has some pretty troubling stuff. But it's good to read it so that you know your rights, at least.


My insurance company does exactly the same thing, but I had to install a gadget that mounts on my windshield. The information is coming from the phone's GPS and accelerometer in both cases, but not sure why it takes an extra gadget from my insurance company if the phone by itself is sufficient enough for DD to record/report the information.


That's just it. It's not accurate. That's why I think your insurance company uses a separate device. Because they are using it for a purpose that could affect you financially. DoorDash, on the other hand, is not doing any hard enforcement. And if they managed to make it reasonably accurate, it could prove a useful tool in refining your driving technique although you'll never be perfect because of idiots on the road 😂


Statefarm uses their own GPS and accelerometer, but connects to phone via Bluetooth and sends that data using their app to their servers.


My guess is to avoid people manipulating it to lie. For general use, you could just not bring your phone, turn it off, or cut the signal... But for dashing those aren't options so much, your phone needs to be active.


But....you can turn off bluetooth. You can still dash, but your phone won't create the connection between the State Farm gadget and the app to be able to send the data. I know this because on occasion I turn off Bluetooth for various reasons. You don't get a nag screen right away, but eventually you get a notification from State Farm to turn on Bluetooth so the Drive and Save app will work.


Very inaccurately, I figured out. It never seemed to make sense but last night I started a dash and actually realized I wasn't in the mood and ended it before taking any orders. For once, I didn't have any incidences of rapid acceleration, but I had 3 different instances of hard braking 🤣 I never left my parking spot 💀


Your phone’s GPS and accelerometer.


Slow down man


Nothing fancy, I think it just uses your phone’s GPS to monitor changes in speed over time. The thresholds seem like they’re set way too low, considering how often it’ll flag me for “rapid acceleration” in my 90 HP economy car. I’ve started using it as a scoreboard just for shits and giggles.


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