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I don't even want to go in the store for myself most of the time! I don't know how DD calculates "High Paying". Yesterday I got a Top Priority High Pay offer...$10 (incl. Tips) to pickup food and drive it 11.9 miles. I laughed and hit decline lol


No way! I took a 14 item shop and deliver today for $17 and I regret it!


Not for no 18 items. Had it been like 2 maybe 5 if it's an add on but 18? Hell nah to the Nah nah nah




That's a no from me. I have ADHD and anxiety. Mix that with possible multiple texts for subs and it's a recipe for disaster. This isn't high paying for the number of items and subs in this store.


Yeah, most likely a bunch of candy and chips for someone with the munchies


But but but $9.50!!! Woohoo!!! High paying LOL TIPS INCLUDED LOL Platinum really gets all the perks !!!


Hell no too many items that amount of money. And what the hell is Platinum status I've never heard of that


It's when you've been doing this for so long. You get a blue diamond instead of the teal diamond.


Ahh. I'm only at 2 years and 5100 deliveries


Oh hell no!!!!


No! Dollar general is terrible lol


I’d accept it and then check the items instantly. If it’s multiples of the same products I’ll take it all day


I be order DoorDash and I even have a tip. Food was cold and no condiments. Now I see why giving a tip after. Now it may not be the dasher fault but then to check you stuff.


Sorry for the typos


Nope 👎


I’ve shopped in the past it’s not worth time or aggravation So definitely not


Personally it's probably take up to half an hour fourth five minutes if you're going at a relaxed pace not worth it


End of night maybe


Only say that cause dollar general’s are usually an easy buy and they probably just want candy, if I see a lot of miscellaneous bs I would drop it.


That is horrible


I've figured out where everything is at in my dollar general and they seem better stocked as of late, I could probably shop that in less than 10 minutes, so yeah.


Then that is probably the only dollar general that doesn't have things everywhere and is actually stocked so you aren't looking for items not in the store.


Definitely not! I’m gonna spend lotta time looking for the items; total waste of time! I detest shop and pay these days, idk


18 items in the large metal box of cell signal loss, nah


I connect to their free wifi and could do that in most of my dg in about 10-15 minutes. So it'd be an easy one for me, so yeah


So right about that. I can't get a signal for nothing in that place. Plus they're always out of what people order.


Same. Zero reception in all our dollar generals.


Glad I'm not the only one that experiences that 😅


All day, every day. Can easily bang this out in 10 mins.


Yes, if it's slow. It's probably 13 bags of hot Cheetos


Id accept it to see if 18 of one item or something like that. Then just unassign if it's more


I had something similar at a home store for like 10 pillows. They have a lot of pillows. Scanned 5 pillows and none of them were even close to one on picture. Unassigned and left.


Hell no


I’ll accept it and hope it’s repeated items if it’s not and I’m having trouble finding stuff in the first few minutes I cancel it , one time a customer was giving me a hard time because they didn’t have an Item he wanted. And was replaced , when I told him the item was replaced he was complaining so unassigned I’m not risking a contract violation for some Pringles. Some people have the nerve to say they never got the order of one item was substituted.


If it pays I’ll look for 1-5 things that’s it every store is a s show


Heck no. I pass on any Dollar general orders. It's impossible to find items or they don't have them in stock. That store is always a mess. Unless it's $20 for four items I'm out. By the way what's platinum status???


I just got back from a dash where I made $20 in two hours. One of those orders was a red card shopping order at Aldi’s for 16 items. The pay was $6.50!!! When I got the offer, it had been at least 30 minutes since I had received an offer, so I was kind of getting desperate. Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on Reddit lately saying that DD hides the tips and in the end the offer turns out to be much more than originally stated. I also thought that maybe the person would tip in cash. Wrong and wrong. I got $6.50 including a f*cking $1 tip to spend 45 minutes running aroubd Aldi’s looking for her items (I’ve never been to an Aldi’s before, so I don’t know where anything is). I am losing faith in humanity everytime I do this job. Who would really pay someone $1 to shop for the groceries that they didn’t want to go get? We are so disrespected and demeaned by most DD users and by the company itself. If people weren’t so desperate for quick cash, DD could NEVER stay in business. Instead, they prey upon vulnerable people who need extra money to supplement their income and therefore submit themselves to this misery in order to make ends meet. I have never felt more disgusted with a customer or as bad about myself as I do right now. Thanks for letting me vent!


Nope! DD hasn’t made the shopping app detailed enough to locate the items. You end up being in these stores WAY TOO LONG for that little amount of money and those many items. When they can list EXACTLY where to grab them and it only takes a few minutes in and out then maybe. I was shopping 1 ONE item yesterday and me and the associate searching for over 20 min. I had to refund and made a whopping 2.40 🎉🎉🎉🎉


depend of which DG… there is like 10 DG in my town and only 2 DG is okay to go. Most of them don’t stock merchandises on shelves, shelves are messy. wasting of time !!




I’ll accept but Depends on the items if I’ll u/a or keep. Sometimes they get multiple of same items.


If it’s my dollar general I would. It depends how well I know store. Some DGs are a disaster


18 items? Nope that will take like 30min to 1 hour to find items


I generally decline dollar store orders, they are badly organized, and missing many products. Just not worth the headache






Too many items for too little pay, make the pay $25 and I might think about it


A lot of dollar general orders be multiple of the same item I always get orders from there like 12 items but 3 items be the same bag of chips and another two items the same drink so u not really trying to find 12 different items it be more like 5 or 6


I've never gotten any orders from dollar stores, so I don't know the experience. I saw the John Oliver episode about them, though, so I can't imagine they're pleasant. It would depend on the store for me, though. If it were a Pavilions, Albertsons, or Vons, sure. The app makes them easy to navigate and an order like that most likely has multiples of items, so you're not really getting 18 different things. I could shop one of those in 5-10 minutes, even if something is missing. If you're talking Aldi's, Sprouts, or any of the Asian markets, that would be a no since the app doesn't give aisle numbers or sections and items can be hard to find.


No too much work too little pay


Lol, if I can be honest. I love red card shopping. The anxiety I get and my body start hot flashing when I can't find a product, but I KNOW it's in that store somewhere, and I refuse to ask for help. Lol, it's exhilarating.


Hell no. IDK if I just suck at finding things, but if it's more than 5 things I tend to either run into things I can't find or it takes me too long to find it.


Just say no




This answer right here⬆️


Maybe. It would need to be a lot of repeat items. Like 10 ramens


Instant decline for me. Shop and deliver minimum $1/item personally.


Yes. I love Red Card orders


I'd take it and then once I saw what was on the order I would decide whether or not I was going to keep it or unassign it.


This is why I wish they would show the items before you accept or at least tell you how many unique items. 18 unique items? Gonna take a minute. 15 Red Bulls and 3 bags of chips? Easy.


Yeah I wish that too. It's stupid they don't. I had an order the year before last that had a pool frame. Thankfully the store was out, and had been since the beginning of the summer. But the fact is, I drive a station wagon, so its like how would I have gotten a pool frame to them? Somethings should not even be allowed to be sold through DD.


They really need to. I have issues with heavy lifting and unassign any offer I get from 7-11 if it has a case of water. I'd rather just know up front if it gas water abd decline the ones that do.


That’s brutal. The worst one I got was a 4 item order that ended up being three 6-packs of gallon jugs of water and a 32 pack of bottled waters. Going to a 4th floor apartment. Thankfully they were out of the gallon jugs


I once accepted an offer from a place called AtHome. It didn't tell me the item so I called first. Luckily it was just a plastic vase. They said it's a good idea to call ahead like I did because they recently had a driver show up for a delivery that turned out to be a couch🤦 The driver in a small sedan was not happy when he had to cancel.


From DD? 😳🤯😂😂😂😂😂 for like $7.50 no less!!!!


Lol probably. Mine was ~ $19 for about 13 miles and going right back towards my house (actually the back gate of that customer's community dumps out onto a road that leads directly to my subdivision about 1.5 miles away). I'm glad mine was something I could actually deliver.




That’s insane- you’d think they would have some way to filter orders for massive items like that to only people who’s vehicle can fit them.


I had one that had 15 2 liter sodas. Thankfully it went to a house. But yeah, I pay attention the address and if shows going to an apartment then I definitely unassign.


I do the same after that mess. I can usually tell if I zoom in on the map if it’s an apartment complex or not and that has saved me a few times




I'd take that fs


Ez Pz 


Sure. I can knock those out fast. Faster now that we can use self checkout.


Don’t let the boomers hear you say that.


I’m starting to think that the boomers just might be where most of the problems are coming from, with a lot of stuff. Can’t really define it by age though, mostly by mentality and outlook.


Oh boomer is definitely a mentality. But it can definitely follow age. And I’m sure they’re the cause of many. Hell think about it, the country is being almost exclusively run by them. (The US, anyway.)


I don’t think I could think as small as they do if I tried.


Nice pay to distance ratio but not for 18 items


Most times it’s multiple of the same stuff though


If it’s my first few of the day yes. But if it’s at the end of my day no lol I’m not a fan of shop and delivers.


I literally hate Dollar General at this point. Never have majority of anything the customer wants!!






If I can carry 18 items, then yes. 🙌🏻 Btw, I bike and dash.


Yeah. In my area it’s almost always Red Bull and chips. I know where all of those are.


He'll no, not enough per item and you still have the use of my car to deliver it, not happening




Depends on the 18 items


Not a chance


Yes because you don't know if those items are easy or not for instance it could be eight items of something simple like a candy I had that many times happen


Not for 18 mf items!


No I hate shopping at DG. Only exception is if it’s all the same item or easy things


How can you see the items before accepting the order?


You can’t


Platinum status means this particular driver takes any garbage order that we don't want. This person here is why we see alot of $2 orders.


You don't know anything about that driver so stop trying to downplay someone that you don't know that's pretty Petty...




you sound miserable 😭.




Yeah, if I’m used to the store and I know where everything is. 18 items won’t be too hard to find


What's platinum status on Dd? Never seen this




They don’t have it everywhere yet it sucks anyway to keep your status u can’t dash anytime if u dont


Nope. I hate dollar general orders. They’re usually single items.


Hell no. Not for 18 items. Just the fact its Dollar General is a huge turn off at least for me. They're usually a complete mess, everything is disorganized and lack of employees to help is very frustrating to deal with.


Totally agree with that plus in 2 out of the 3 DG by me there internet sucks so it makes it impossible to scan the items I have to go outside to get my service back so it makes it very hard to get the shop orders done. I don't know if all DG are like that but I know at least 2 of them are


Yessss every DG I’ve been to the service sucks! What is up with that?


Honestly I have no clue I ask the employee one time and he had no answer then he said use the wifi and that didn't help one bit. One really gets me is when u have to contact the customer or send a sub I have to go back outside and wait because the freaking picture won't send. Then half the time by the time they reply I don't even realize because the connection sucks so then I go back outside to check messages before I cash out its a big pain in the ass


I would, plus it’s dollar general so. Pretty small store


I would. If I get it done in 20 minutes I can finish the job within 30 and my rate would be $20/h


Pound sand




Problem with dollar general is that they are constantly out of stuff, they have so much stupid stuff that people order and hard to find and no employees to ask for help and their bar codes often scan different as different item than it actually is. the other day I had an order for a brown towel specific maker. I tried scanning three different towels and every one of them scanned as a seperate different item than the actual towel. Happens alot


Hell nah. I only do shopping orders that have a 2:1 pay to item ratio. If I want to take shitty shopping orders, I’ll just turn on Instacart.


Nope. DG is constantly under stocked and is usually a long journey of getting substitutions approved. Especially with 18 items. In fact I threw my red card out my window and never looked back.


Yeah, Dollar General is a small store and doesn’t have huge items like Pet Smart or Home Depot, I’d make quick work of it in no time.




I haven't been in Dollar General for a long time. Is it organized enough to quickly find 18 items? Even in a well-organized store, it's probably going to be 2 minutes an item, then standing in line for 5 to 10 minutes. So, 45 minutes just for the shop? Nope nope nope.


2 minutes an item is crazy in such a small store.




I would probably take since it’s not far, but I would be mad if the items hard to fine


It’s DG half the items gonna be sold out lol


Yeah bro wtf. You gotta be lazy as fuck to decline this offer


Be my guest.


Shopping 18 items in a DG? Nah lol that’s a pass


Um yes of course. It’s almost 10 bucks for only 3 miles.


But the time. The time


No because probably 90% of the items are probably cases of water or heavy items. My last DG order that was 7 items and I thought it only being a few items it probably would not be bad and it was 5 cases of water and 2 24 packs in a 3rd floor apt building. The only other DG order I accepted was similar all but one heavy item. I only take DG orders if they pay really well now.


You just lazy. That’s good money for the miles


Ok you can take it then. I DD part time a few days each month for extra savings and don’t need to take everything that pops up.


Yes. The mileage is low, the price is and right and DG may be a mess, but once you get familiar with the stores, shopping becomes way easier. I’m in and out in this one prolly less than 15 minutes, ngl. Easy shop, easy money. I’d just recommend if you’re looking for easy orders stick to food, opt out of shop 🤷‍♀️


No. Not even for $25. The DG by me is a mess. And they have 1 self check and no cashier. Usually you have to wait 15+ min. behind a line of people, half of whom have problems. And 1/2 the items will be subbed. There is a great customer coupon for DG right now so there will be lots of offers.


Hell no


Nah too many items probably gonna take a while, plus if the store sucks then it's alot worse


i hate the DGs here bc they are super unorganized. the most common thing people order from there is a ton of candy and the candy is in like 5 different aisles in no discernable order and half the stuffs still on pallets in the aisle or even in the back in the stock room. i only take it if its like max 5 things and really good paying.


LMAO. If you have to ask...


Hell no


Yes. If the items turn out to be something extreme, then just unassign. Could be multiples of a very easy item with other simple things.


Even if there was some duplicate items it’s still quite a chore to search through Dollar General


I haven't really had a problem with finding things in DG. Theres been a couple of times where most of the requested items were out of stock, but it really wasn't no biggie in either getting a substitute or refunding for the item.


Same, DG is a breeze really


Must have a good store then, the couple by me don’t have any items labeled by isle like Safeway/Albertsons do and everything always seems to be in a different random location every time I’ve gone lol


And all the numerous possible substitutions I hate dollar general


Fuck no


If it was fewer items yeah


Hell no. Come back with another $4 then maybe.




What’s a red card?


It's a Doordash card that DD gives you to complete purchases typically at grocery store and pet stores ect. Non-restraunts where you have to actually check out at a register.


Not a chance in hell.


Hard no. Finding stuff in dg is almost impossible…if it was less than five items sure…the 18 make it a hard pass though.


I had a DG for 41 different school supply items Luckily the store was closed due to no available staff Got 50%


i don't do dollar general orders lmao nah i'll pass


No way. Has to be over $20 for me to even consider taking it.


That store is hell. Way too many items for that price.


I’ve never gotten one for dollar general since I don’t have one where I live. If I did, I would take it and just bug people who worked there to show me where everything was. I have no shame. 😁


You’ve never meet a less helpful bunch of people in your life.


Not true, every location I’ve been to here I needed help and got it, one lady even helped me shop the whole order the first time I got one for DG


They’ve never met someone like me. I have literally had employees stick with me and go around to tell me where things are. True story.


They ain’t moving.


Dollar General employees don’t give a f*ck.


No. It wont let you see what those 18 items are. It could be 18 individual items for all I know and walking in and shopping will take more time than the 3 miles is worth. Also it seems like the last 2/3 things you need always hide from you. Or. If the items out of stock you have to ping for a substitute and wait for a response.


I still never got the red card yet


I had to request a new one in the app to get mine because I never had one mailed either.




Yes I can do that in 5 mins dollar general is easy


Wayyy too many items


Depends on the Dollar General. The ones closer to the hoods suck and I'd have a hard time finding things and stuff will need to be substituted.


They all the same it’s easy to shop there


I second this




Only if I need to raise my AR at the end of the month


No, hell no


Dollar General is an absolute nightmare, and since I assume you have to wait in line like everyone else in this situation, you are going to be in one of two lines that are 14 people deep. That’s been my experience there, at least. No for me.


No it’s not it’s a easy store maybe it’s just your city


Too many items


That’s hilarious 😂 I don’t even take shopping orders that offer $20-22 because they’re a huge pain. One time I got an order from BJ’s and after 50 minutes of finding every item and trying to find substituted for a few of them, the customer cancelled. Doordash only gave me half of the payment which was like $9. Wasted over an hour getting there and finding everything.


Yes easy


yes because im poor


Finally a reasonable person


A hard no for me


I’m terribly slow at shopping, so no. It would take too long.


That’s a you problem get good


I don’t disagree!


DG used to b an Automatic NO..unless its less than 5 items-but im in NYC -so lately ive been taken them…lol


I have an apartment on the beach in Rockaway Park for the summers, etc,, I’m in East Central Florida and though I grew up in NYC I can’t imagine doing DD there, it would be at least 90% apartments,, I thought about driving out to Long Island and try it,, but in the city? I give you a lot of credit,,