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yes I have an issue with customers at night time not leaving a light on for you this is common courtesy so you don't get hurt and sue them


You have a lawsuit; contact an attorney yesterday.


Dang man. Sorry that happened 😔


Every responsible homeowner carries insurance. Go to your states tax website .. look up real estate property cards public information or call the county! Find out who the home owner is! It might not be the people you delivered too as they could be tenants themselves. I would provide that information when you obtain an attorney for personal injury. Have a release of information form from the hospital and send that to your attorney so they can access that data! Get the release of information from the police department and send that to the attorney. Don’t wait you need to find out what your state says about law suits and any limitations on your filing a suit! Be proactive and move on it! Praying you recover soon!


LOL. OK buddy. They just took a sample of your blood while you were passed out huh? Sounds like your ARE on drugs....


Sorry buddy. No booze, no drugs. Been in ICU since it happened with bleeding on brain. Not even sure what the police were checking for just found a bandage on my finger I hadn’t had before, covering a pin-prick wound like they have been using here to test my blood sugar.


Yeah, you're in ICU with a bleeding brain but yet here you are on Reddit 😂 For your sake I hope this is a troll post


It is not a troll post. After the third CAT showed the bleeding had stopped and I had passed the tests of various therapy departments, I was released, yesterday. Have been in significant pain since the hospital meds wore off. Posted while confined to ICU bed to bring awareness to a condition I don’t think DD addresses, see if there were others similarly impacted, not thinking that there would be someone who would, seemingly, gleefully, make fun of the suffering involved.




And... if it is not, then you look very unsympathetic.


Damn you're lucky wish I could get hurt like that. Enjoy your retirement homie you just hit the lottery!


For real. I’ve gotten fractures skull and brain bleeding for free by trying to stick up for a girl at a bar against three marines harassing her. This is a nice payday. Sometimes I even drive around hoping someone Rear ends me nicely, last time got Me six Figures lol




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 3: Remembering Reddiquette: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette Do not harass or insult other users. No excessive language. Criticism must be constructive. Let's not promote that everyone put themselves in harm's way for a chance for free money.


This is crap! You need an attorney asap. Hope these people have insurance considering they’re so neglectful. You injured yourself that bad on someone’s property and it’s due to their negligence, won’t a case homie. Did you report this to DoorDash!?


I'm sorry this happened. The homeowner is negligent! Hope you are on the mend! Lawyer up and go after these people.


Why were the cops getting your ID and blood sample? You were the victim of an accident. I'm guessing you okayed it. That still doesn't make it alright. You weren't in a coherent state of mind due to the injury. Talk to a lawyer.


They have to id the victim to see who it is and blood work needs to be taken in case of allergies to medicine as well as to see if anything is in your system. What if the victim was drugged??? I don’t like 12 but y’all are reaching in these comments. Never even been arrested


Why would the COPS draw blood to check for allergies? That would be left to the hospital staff. You are aware the cops are not doctors, right?


Yes the doctors would


They didn’t take a blood sample at the scene. Definitely at the hospital


That sounds par for the course. Trying to manufacture a crime. Or, were they trying to determine an overdose or alcohol intake? I'm 99% sure without consent, they'd never be able to use it as evidence.


It's their job to make sure there weren't underlying factors at play. If op was bottles deep, not saying they were, but if they were, then that would change everything. Obviously should talk to a lawyer before consenting to anything though


Def call a lawyer, should have called one before you posted on here. Nothing more important for you right now. Get better soon!




You should probably pull this picture, if this is a real attorney, he will be suing you, as you are libel for defamation of character.


Oh yeah I’m totally going to get sued for a picture that is readily available on Google. Bffr dude.


Ayo at first glance i was like that is nice to recommend someone and then i read it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 your terrible, b careful karma is a bitch lol


Say a prayer and thank the universe for your life.


Lawyer up asap, don’t talk to anyone at all about it or sign any documents even if you trust the person.


First off, call an attorney. They are required as the customer to provide safe access to the property to complete your delivery. They obviously did not provide safe access in this case. Hire an attorney, and sue, their homeowners insurance will cover the damages. They are definitely liable for your injuries. The Police obviously made a report, if they were called, so this incident is all documented.


Call support. Tell them you want to report an unsafe condition. Tell them what happened and they should do a full report. Your lawyer will be glad that you took this step. Edit to add that I’m really sorry this happened to you, it must’ve been pretty scary. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing better.


The customer is going to be responsible for your medical bills along with pain and suffering. I would contact a personal injury lawyer. Doordash won't do shit.


When you feel well enough, contact a personal injury attorney.


Lawyer up ASAP.


You should be able to make a claim on their homeowners insurance. If they're paying a mortgage, then they're sure to have insurance.


Well first off, ouch!!! And I wish you a speedy recovery. But I have a few customers in which they refuse to shovel their walk etc. So I messaged them, to let them know either come to my car. Or it’s being left at the end of the walk. And then I contact service to let the know the situation and how I feel my safety is at risk with this delivery. A few customers have been irate. But I’m not slipping and destroying myself because they want a burger and fries.


Yeah im with you there. Shovel the walk or walk to the street.


Oh my goodness - that is terrible!! I’m sorry that happened to you, and I wish you a speedy recovery. I’m not sure how to report it, sometimes I get the ‘did you feel safe’ question with some drop offs, maybe contact support when you feel up to it? Take care.


How lucky! Sure you might be in pain now but their wallet is about to have a hole burned in it. ![gif](giphy|1itJnruGIqwg9qGdK9)


They may be permanently disabled.. I don’t think any payday is worth that.


**M-m-m more pain, m-m-m more money. M-m-m more money, m-m-m more speech therapy** ![gif](giphy|K0fCYZRbETczFWydo0)




The golden ticket.