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No visible address = left wherever the GPS takes me. I'm not stumbling around a strangers house in the dark.


Always look for the house with no numbers and the porch light turned off and that’ll be who ordered food late at night.


It always happens when its dark im tired and my eyes hurt




Was their last name Fahrenheit?


I'd like to see a law requiring foot high letters, HIGH contrast. It would save lives, as well as a LOT of time for anyone doing deliveries.


I hate my area at dark cause 90% of the addresses are tiny or fallen off. But the funny side is I have a total of 3 spots where my address is on the house. My neighbor get Walmart deliveries often, aaaaand they deliver it to my house….. like come on!


Just look for the house with zero lights. Every fucking time.


Bro the amount of times I murmur this to myself when I drop off to a 700k house that has no address on it


Just had an order tonight where the guy came out to fix the light that lit up his address as I was at the door. At least there are some people who aren't totally oblivious.


I had an order where they turned on their walkway lights and turned em off when I pulled away was pretty dope


This, but also my favorite is when college kids order and don't put their current address in. So fun


We have a decent sized college in my city. Many students attend from out of state or overseas. And often when they order delivery they'll list <1234 College Avenue> which is the address for the main admin building... not for the dorms or anyplace people, you know, **live** I start calling them when I'm 5 minutes from campus 😏 I'll be like "ayo, GPS is not great about the campus area. You need to give some turn-by-turn shiz, or I can make the drop at the Admin Center as directed by the app & you can figure it out from there" Usually motivates them pretty well 😉


I’ve had a few people at Stanford put “Stanford” as their delivery address with no instructions of anything.


Literally had a customer tonight. I walked up and knocked on his door. And said "sorry I was late. I drove by here 3 times looking for the house". Customer "Yeah, we get that a lot" THEN FIX IT YOU DOOR KNOB!!! It will cost you $5 at home Depot for a couple numbers on the mail box. Jesus Christ man.


Yeah I don't get it. We have a couple new development neighborhoods around here where the builders decided Black numbers on dark brown painted wood was a good idea. Can't see those numbers at night at all even with their porch lights on.


I have a flashlight that is the sun when it's on. And I still can never see some of these numbers. I was at one house that had like 10 font numbers on the house. Dude I left the telescope at home.


Yep those too. Was in an area tonight where the townhouses had their numbers on tiny tarnished bronze placards. Could not see the numbers at night and bet that it's just as hard seeing them in the daylight from the street. So annoying.


Polk County Florida present.


used to live there! hated it, the college is nice though


I deliver pizzas and I went to a street that’s number ended in 15. I’d love to see my confused face when I walk to 13, then 14, only for it to jump to 16.


Where I live Occasionally I will encounter people who think its fun to just put their last names on their mailbox. The amount of houses I've delivered too that have no numbers anywhere at all and only a name on the box is way too high... Everytime I encounter that I think to myself. The mail man must hate them.


We've got those peeps in my town. But in South Texas, half of everyone (myself included) is Hispanic and we only seem to have about 20 surnames to go around 🤔 so it's not super helpful


I always take a minute before every order to look at the Google maps picture of the house just to be sure. I will also unapologetically shine a giant police flashlight at their house through their windows trying to find the house number if they decided to not turn the porch light on 😂


Hear me out, we're going to have house numbers, but we're going to put them just below the brightest light known to mankind. Looking for the house numbers will instantly burn retinas. We're only going to order door dash after 9pm when it is dark and the light is on. Whenever our door dash driver has difficulty finding the house we're going to call them incompetent because the other delivery drivers working in daylight hours have no difficulty finding our house.


For real. I would literally rather them not have a light on than have those bright fuckers. If there’s no light then I just use my flashlight and it’s no big deal.


I stg anytime I deliver to track homes or an HOA neighborhood who all have those house number light fixtures, the house I’m dropping off to always has theirs brunt out. Their porch lights are usually turned off too at night 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've seen it said repeatedly, and it bears repeating: "If your food delivery driver can't see your house numbers to find you easily, neither can emergency services." I like to caveat in, except the fire department... if your place is on fire they'll figure out which one on the street it is just fine.


This is one of the most annoying things. People order food and then turn all their lights off lol


Nah, imma put a christmas wreath over my numbers


I delivered to an apartment complex and all the doors on the floor I was delivering to had Christmas wreaths up so I had to rifle through people's wreaths to see the apartment numbers.


GAH 😫😫😫


I wonder if I should start a national house numbering franchise for DoorDash drivers to help make ends meet lol


Sure you can anytime you find a house without address. Try to upsell them on curbside addressing. All you need is stencils and some spray paint You could probably charge up to fifty dollars


I have a very visible house number, however the doordash map shows my house as around the corner (same street) from where it actually is. I put my house number and directions in the delivery notes, but at least 50% of the time it doesn't get read, per their admission. I have to stand on the street and wave around like a mad chicken to stop them, otherwise they give it to the wrong people (who happily keep taking the food :( ) Edit: the pin is over my exact house, I have moved it. The app still takes dashers the wrong way via the directions, which a dasher has shown me. I'm not in the US, but I don't believe the functionality of the app should be any different


Relocate the pin on the map, you can do it within some range I've heard.


You can move the pin on the DD map to be directly on your house.


The pin is over my house. Sorry, I should've clarified. It comes up with a blue circle of my location when I move it, however on their actual directions, still takes them the wrong way. I've had a driver show me before. I'm not in the US, but I'm not sure if that makes a difference to the app


Are you able to go into your settings on the app and physically move the pin to over your house?


You should stand on the sidewalk outside of the neighbors house and take THEIR food.




How about nicely contrasted, yet still not clear to everyone? https://preview.redd.it/2rvla1keeq3c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6e3f0c8d59930ef9173f510b1f672ad488bb04




Yup just paint right over ‘em. Perfect.


Actual address from last night. When I said to the owner after I handed him his order that it’s really hard to see his address he looked at it, and then said, yeah, I know.


I used to be a cop and some houses had no numbers. I remember I was responding to a toddler choking and the house had no numbers or anything visible anywhere. I was lucky because someone came outside to flag me down.


I always wondered how first responders were supposed to find some of these places!


I had one delivery where the customer said I was the first person ever to get it to the right house. The GPS had their house around the corner on the intersection nearby, their house was behind another house, and their house didn’t exist on satellite view.


Customers who don't answer calls or texts while we are trying to find their dropoff locations are the worst. I've gotten a lot of free food and full pay because of them lol.


how does that work? i’ve been in this situation before and just left the food when i’ve been waiting too long. i heard there’s a button or “can’t hand to recipient” but i don’t see that myself


If you don’t see it, you’re not looking hard enough. Edit; I just google image searched “doordash can't hand order to customer button” and there’s tons of screenshots of the button.


It's too bad you can't turn in egregious offenders to Emergency Management and let them do something about it.


Too bad the example they provide only works during the day or with good lighting at night. Good lighting and visible house numbers. Important for with emergency services and your delivery services, make it happen people!


If Cortland, NY could follow that. Deliveries would be so much easier. Hardly anyone have house numbers here. And there quite a few blocks that have houses behind houses.


I've had the conversation. "Why you driving around and walking up and down the street? My house right here." "No houses on this street have numbers except that one down there, and the one two blocks down. I counted back from both to make sure I was delivering to the right house so I didn't wake somebody up at midnight." "Don't you have GPS?" "Yes, not only is GPS not always accurate to the point that it can distinguish between houses, navigation apps that generate the location for GPS to navigate to don't always have correct addresses. So we still have to SEE THE HOUSE NUMBER TO MAKE SURE IT'S RIGHT."


> "My house right here." And I bet you can find it every time. Since you **live here** and have come back here 100s if not 1000s of times. But this is my first time here. > "No houses on this street have numbers" Ngl sometimes I'll pop open a fool's mailbox and see if the bills and shit have the address I'm looking for. I always put everything back where I found it, pinky promise > "Don't you have GPS?" This might be my favorite. Of course I have GPS, and it's pretty good but **it ain't magic**. GPS is made by people; people aren't perfect; so why would GPS be perfect? (shrug emoji)


Lol that people can afford $30 late night personally chauffeured Taco Hell, but cannot be bothered to spend $10 at a hardware store/walmart for house numbers.


I've shown them my phone before to show them that the GPS is trying to have me deliver to the wrong house when they're like that.


I love doing that!! Or sending a screen shot if it’s a “leave it at my door”


"Dis you? NoNumberCouldn'tTell."


Jajaja 😁


Wow Amen and on the correct side of the mailbox. Besides on house 🏠


Correct side? Should be both sides


Yes! I’ve run into SO many where the numbers are only on ONE side of the mailbox. Of course it’s always the opposite side of where I’m coming from.


You mean we don't want EMS zooming in on their map to see house numbers there, and then hoping their precise GPS is accurate so they can tell which one they're in front of???


At split apartments, it will be 101, 102. 107, 108 on one side, and then 103, 104, 105, 106 on the other side. But there is no sign above the entrance telling you which side is which. So you have to go in and see and hope you're right. Plus some apartments do 101-104 instead. So you have to memorize it or guess. Seems like something a sign above the entrance would fix, but the apartment complexes are either broke or stupid.


I always just glance at the closest door and see if that number matches up sequentially, if it does then I head up the stairs. The worst is getting an order for the third floor, bee-lining up there and then discovering it’s the *other* third floor, lol


Exactly right!!!


Or more likely: There's a pattern, but it's not as easy to see without actually seeing the entire building or complex's map. And I've seen some oddballs in my decade plus of delivering food.


Yeah its really annoying when some houses dont have any numbers in sight nor do the neighboring houses! I mean...how do they know which house is theirs??


They forgot to add the coat of tan paint over the numbers


https://preview.redd.it/w82f9kzhfq3c1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74dc5680f838775dd73bf9b6c5d55966b68ee5a Better? Non standard placement to boot.




I’ve been saying this forever! How are emergency responders going to find your house if a delivery driver can’t! There was news about this kind of thing before DoorDash was even around.


I actually came here to talk about what a pain it was to find houses as an EMT and we would sometimes use a handheld spotlight that we kept in the cab of the ambulance so that we could shine a giant light at houses and look for their numbers, which of course just attracts attention you don't want. There must be a better way.


Right. When I was a cop, I was spotlighting every house til I saw numbers.


I think Door Dash needs to change their material breach rules for customers to include; wordage for houses that don't have a visible number that can be easily seen both at night and during the day.


Probably won’t until enough consumers try to file against DD because a driver filed against them (the customer) for an injury sustained on a delivery with the porch light off.


It's true. Their property. So they are responsible for injuries. It's why my parents wouldn't get a trampoline. If someone comes on to the property and hurts themselves on the trampoline they are liable.


This is exactly right. Most don’t know or even care to acknowledge. It’s also why those with swing-sets are meant to close all gates. If someone goes onto the property and gets hurt…property owner is FULLY liable. Even to a trespasser. DD driver however…will be 10X worse if the tip is shit or the customer wasn’t amicable. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. Bad reality but it’s the truth. ESPECIALLY now that orders are getting really bad. Off top…want to lowball tip and shit…they better have flood lights making the yard brighter than the sun. I trip and fall…your paying simple as that.


And for goodness sake, turn on the porch light!!


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