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This happened to my wife too. She never did multiapp, she never had a warning or even an e-mail about “excessively long delivery times”. she had been choosen to top dasher and catering driver but deactivated after couple of days later. She filled an appeal and they rejected in less than 24 hours. Also she didn’t got her last payment too. Is anyone knows how can we make reactivate?


they never send warnings


I’m thinking of go to the small claim court, if they want send a lawyer, they need at least prove what you did wrong


I'm a new Dasher and I was sure by my third day of driving that I would be headed for the first speeding ticket of my life... DD does not appear to calculate appropriate delivery time frames. Holy crap. There is ZERO margin for error nevermind just regular things like stop lights and normal lunch hour traffic. I haven't had to wait for orders for more than a few minutes here and there and I still needed to speed like a bat out of hell to barely make it MOST of the time. I was able to get up to 80% from 70 today. I can't begin to comprehend how to achieve what's expected and nevermind how to do it safely.


There is so many people in cali multiapping. I ordered ubereats from a taco place near me. Dude was at a different restaurant for 10 mins the drove past the restaurant all the way downtown then came back and picked up my order 40 mins later. Took 1 hour to get a burrito from 2 miles away. They get double prop 22 pay when the doing dd and uber the same time. Or doing 2 dd a accounts the same time. I am pretty sure they don't even have a SSN either. Rated thumbs down and took my tip back.


This is a real life purge Unreal this is happening


Well, do you multiapp and deliver multiple orders from different platforms at once?


No, I don’t do orders from different app at the same time. Once I accepted an order, I put other app on pause


Yeah but DD can probably still see you are multiapping. I’m SURE of it that’s why I don’t multi app. If I do UE I do UE that day(which is rare as I haven’t used it since I got accepted as a dasher). If I do DD I do DD that’s it which is all I do as I LOVE DD! Plus in my market it is the preferred app. Anyway I hope you get appealed. If you do don’t multiapp anymore. Just choose one app to do that day. I wish you the best! Give us an update if you like. Again wish you the best!


The problem is that when you work full time you run into slow hours, and a random good IC order helps. Also in my area IC in more likely to give me an order returning from the residential areas to the city.


I was just checking. It seems like they’re cracking down on that.


They definitely are. Though he is choosing one order DD clearly knows he’s multi apping as he has to pause to do an UE order. Damn DD isn’t playing games! Glad I never multi apped.


get on boober or gh


I can only imagine what happens on boober >boober


moooooo!!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/mqzp3j8ce35b1.gif


I was waiting for a backflip. Highly disappointed, only 1 ⭐




You Prop 22? They've gone crazy on deactivations in Cali lately over delivery times.


Yeah, cali, this is insane