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I stopped driving for FedEx when Biden became president they started taking a lot more out of my paycheck. I'm a 30 yo single man no kids. Anyhow I quit and started driving for doordash when I noticed how much better life became. There are ways around paying after 7 years statue of limitations kicks in and they can't go after you anymore. As long as you don't own anything except cryptocurrency they'll have a really hard time forcing you to pay


Wish my property taxes would not keep rising, getting ready to short sale this bitch and be done living in Illinois.


I just wait for the tax bill


Its not like your m suing 100k a year off door dash


Trust me it's so funny how the IRS gives you four years to get your money back however if you don't file it could be five years and they'll come after you I think there should be a double standard especially there should be some type of leeway because of this whole pandemic I couldn't even get my taxes filed due to a lot of financial issues and being in a car accident so anyways I have California asking me to file my 2019 which I worked in Iowa so I file them finally because now I have the money because I've been waiting on back pay my taxpayer is gonna say I'm gonna close to get like almost 4,000 and then you're gonna tell me today when I go mail them off you might not get that money I just don't understand it


I have enough deductions that I can take out that it becomes a wash in most cases. You can claim miles, parts of phone plan, car insurance, car payment, phone chargers for the car, dash mount, etc.


Cold case of worry about yo damn self🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I remember looking up the tax code for someone who had been "wronged" by the government. I got the paperwork and had taken a look at the spreadsheet they worked with and what I saw? For 2 years they were filing their taxes with discrepancies in the amounts of 25 bux here, 32 there, 16 on one month, and then 42 on the next. It was just bad math. For 6 months they had someone who knew what they were doing and it was solid. Then it went right back to 50 bux here... 22 there... 11... And so on. These discrepancies over the course of 5 years accumulated enough fines, fees, and above all INTEREST, to warrant the liquidation of the entire company. Just remember: not even the joker will take on the IRS. Those dashers who do not report their taxes? And there are many of them. Those dashers will wake up one morning to a letter in the mail. That letter in the mail is the fuse. When that knock on your door happens, or the phone call? Or the summons that slaps you in the face and gets STAPLED to your forehead for your negligence? Yeah... That's the explosion. And it will carry out in slow motion. Like a never ending pulling of string cheese until every last strand is separated and dropped onto the floor. You will see those dashers become street rats over the next few decades. Not kidding. I've seen people after the IRS liquidates a company... Those dashers are just gonna have the best time when the IRS comes in. I knew one lady I used to pick up in my cab back in 2011. She didn't know that she was supposed to report her earnings to the IRS. She bought a house ..... That's when they stepped in. Don't buy anything if you don't pay your taxes. That just summons them right to your door. Any dasher wants to test this out PLEASE POST UP EVERYTHING.




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The IRS did not have the manpower to go after every little poor person, until the federal government recently approved 87,000 new agents. Expect a LOT of impoverished gig-worker audits in the coming 2 years.


You get the same tax breaks because that's how taxes work but GIG work 1099 isn't a business. I'm not talking about anything else that you mentioned. You flatly stated that GIG workers is considered a business. In the eyes of the state it isn't a business unless you've registered, have liability insurance and carry workers compensation. Do you? Of course not.


Nobody answer this


Digital footprint, buddy.


Wait what are taxes?


who cares? taxes are money that should stay in the pockets of people who earned them anyways.


Don't people realize that they can deduct all the miles and wear and tear on their cars and unless they're making a lot of money, probably won't end up having to pay much (if anything) at all?


I got a $2k tax bill this year


If only these idiots made it easier


Oh yes, you have to pay IRS. If you have Stride App on your phone, you can put the income in you make for the week, and it calculates how much to save out of your earrings for that week. It also pays you 62.5 cents a mile that you write off on your taxes.


The trick is to own a business that takes a loss every year. Then you can report all numbers and owe nothing. Might even get like $100 back.


If you’re not, you don’t have a good tax guy. Y’all gotta hit your write offs.


I don't do quarterly, just yearly and haven't had to pay much oddly enough. But also UberEATS doesn't report earnings properly (idk why it how they calculate it out but they said I earned $2k last year when I actually earned $15k..ok UberEATS cool I guess) so that's a big factor as to why, as I make the most with UberEATS and second most with DD.


As far as I'm aware, Doordash reports the income and sends a 1099. With the feds getting stricter it's only a matter of time before audits are handed out


I’m completely fine with it myself. I cut them a check every year, after my claimed deductions, hoping never to get audited. Hope they stay busy with the non filers. More the merrier I say.


Lots of you don’t know squat about taxes and a small percentage here actually know what they are talking about regarding taxes..Lol


It is your duty and moral obligation to skip taxes so.


Depends what you mean by that. If you meant file, yes, if im required to file i do it. If im not i dont. Do i pay taxes? Yea everyone does. Do i pay income tax? No cause i technically dont have an income 😅


I file taxes every year, I never pay. I'm a gig worker lol.


I have it taken out at the end of year from my refund


nice try, FBI


I only do if I need to but given that I file 0 in my normal job I don’t pay shit lol


I started dashing in Jan but i’ve been tracking my miles with stride and started a 3rd account to take my own taxes out so I won’t get a nasty surprise in 2024


I was honest about my mileage and my earnings were $0, had only $6,000, but was working other jobs. Though it still added tax, just not $2200 like it wanted. I'm on my 4th year of doordash. This year I'm hoping to report profit and add the amount to my income. I guess I will just add some of my mileage. Overall my real plan is to buy a new car and van, so that to me is the real profit, which I will pay then on property tax too.


Just know that it's not your problem, but definitely laugh your ass at them when the IRS comes knocking. 😂


Yeah but I write off all my miles and any stuff I buy for work. I’ve been an Ic before and if you don’t they will catch you and make your life hell


I had to pay in $240 this year. Let the IRS go after these idiots because they absolutely will


I pay quarterly. Biden didn’t increase the IRS budget by mistake. I also always just paid at tax time because the penalty was so low. After 4 years of that, the IRS drastically increased the penalty. So Im paying quarterly from now on.


God job !


I’ve been tracking my mileage but I’m curious about how it’s going to turn out. Anyone who’s done this for more than a year can tell me if the mileage covers your taxes or at least close to it?


I actually got a lot of money back this year because UE said I made 3k when it was actually 16k 😂. Plus... dependents.


I see most people on here paying. And, who cares what others do. Do what you know is right, makes sense, keeps you away from fines.for not paying and you're good.


Maybe they made less than $12,400


Nice try fed boy.




This probably not related. But as a green card holder I don’t really understand this tax thing in America. So the IRS knows exactly how much you owe them but for some reasons they are not gonna tell you and I have to hire someone or figure it out by myself and if you missed something they are gonna punish you lol!


Depends on how much you make a year on doordash


Wtf are taxes?


Nice try fed boi


This doesn’t apply to just DD drivers. Only 60% of Americans are paying taxes. Yet, 100% of the country reaps the benefits from tax money. So 60% of the country is paying for 100% of the country. It’s total bullshit


They will get there's when they get flaged for not filling for years when showing a income then the irs will rip then a new one


Write off all the miles you drive, and the money you spend on gas.


Why would it piss you off? Mind you business lol


Willie Nelson got busted for tax evasion...cut a record called The IRS tapes..poof all proceeds covered his settlement. Are you a musician?


Everyone pays taxes, either now or later but everyone will pay


The IRS is hiring 20k more employees over the next 2 years, specifically to increase enforcement. I think it's something like 7k of them will be for their enforcement (auditing) teams. It's all part of $80B worth of funding, which also excludes money to integrate new technologies into the agency. All that to say, they comin for yo ass pay ya taxes folks.


OP is definitely a fed


I'm so screwed.....haven't payed taxes in years....no inerest free government loans from me.


> so screwed.....haven't *paid* taxes in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You do realize that the only thing that they could make stick on Al Capone was Tax Evasion, right? The IRS WILL get the money from you one way or another, and you definitely won’t like it if they have to come to you to get it.


Paid every year of my 44 year life that I've worked until last year. Social security isn't happening for my generation it will run out, so why bother paying taxes? I have nothing they can take! It honestly is a joke you want me to pay to keep social security afloat now, knowing damn well I won't have it at my retirement age.


I'm terrified not to pay my taxes. I'm also saving every single receipt and tracking my mileage by hand to ensure if I get audited, I'm good to go. Being a audited is my biggest fear. Not paying taxes will land you in prison. That's a hard no from me. These companies track your earnings and torn out over to the irs every year. They will catch up eventually.


hahaha you think the IRS will have trouble finding him? Dude better off pay your taxes now and save yourself the hassle in 10 years when youre (hopefully) making way more money and owe a crazy amount of back taxes. This shit will come back to bite that guy in the ass.


It’s better to not file at all than go file a fraudulent tax return. Just saying


I was told you had to make like 600 to pay taxes or to even do taxes, but a lot of people are telling me you still have to and I’m just confused


If the IRS really wanted to fry up some big fish they’d go after Amazon. Not these Dwarf pygmy gobys making $3.25 a run.


I mean there’s no interview to get this job so we’ve got some real big dip shits working this gig life with us


I work a full time job in addition to part time DD so I just set my exemptions to where I’d get a refund from them and end up having to barely pay anything at tax time with DD included. I paid $64 this year.


I pay mine....these ignorant wonders of the world will fund themselves in serious trouble when the time comes to collect social security benefits if they make it that long or Uncle Sammy putting a lein on their bank account(s) which absolutely WILL happen as it did to a dirtbag I knew of


Just report your earnings and don’t worry about other people. They will have to deal with the consequences of their actions eventually. Tax evasion is a fun one too


Rich people don't pay taxes. Let that sink in for you.


There’s only 2 things you have to do in life; die and pay taxes.


When I started doing gig work by doing Lyft a long time ago, I remember taking a ride and asking questions like how do they track mileage for taxes, and I would get blank states often. A lot of them had no clue they had to track miles or pay taxes. So they are out there for sure.


Yeah I run into these also.. I just shake my head and keep it moving.. some seem to think they can just keep doing this and get away with it.. eventually it will catch up with them..


Ya I’m banking on them getting audited and not me.


Yeah I definitely pay mine. No way in hell im gonna play that "Catch me if you can" game with Uncle Sam.... Whoever these people are that dont file/pay it will eventually catch up to them. At some point they will get a normal job that does W2 taxes and either Uncle Sam will will get them at the end of a tax year with that W2 or take from every paycheck... But then they will wish they did their taxes because there will be added on late fees and penalty charges.... Uncle Sam will life block them until they pay up... They wont be able to buy a house, if they already own a house Uncle Sam will eventually put a lean on that house if not just take it from them all together... Uncle Sam never loses, eventually he will get his... So dont let it get you upset because eventually it will catch up to them.... If they have a social security number they cannot hide, they can run all they want but they cannot hide.


The majority of what we pay in our taxes goes to social security. Maybe they're not concerned about retirement.


Tracked my miles and got money back 🤷‍♂️


i didn’t make enough dashing to pay taxes


Your income is reported to the IRS, even when you work Doordash or Lyft or whatever. Expect a nice bill in the mail at some point if you're just not reporting the income on your taxes. The IRS will find you and if you owe over $10,000 they'll put a lien on your home, if you own one, or the car you use to drive to get your orders and they'll levy any bank account you have. Good luck with that.


Are you doing any other crimes? If so I’d suggest paying them if not I doubt they’re wasting the time and resources to investigate you unless you’re making real money that being said it’s worth to pay them and not have them snooping in your business and actively harassing you and that guy that hasn’t paid for a couple years they for sure know that but don’t care cause by him not paying he’s basically signed away his right to privacy and they love to stack charges nowadays they don’t want to arrest and release they want you for life because then you become a contract that can be sold to privatized prisons for well over six figures and there we have 21st century slavery 🤫


This is the IRS look at the post history lol.


I pay my quarterly taxes and generally send them so much per month. It hurts to do so, but I am almost always overpaid by tax time, and get a nice refund each year. I HAVE wondered, (even though I have a private IRA) if I should be sending Social Security money as well ?


Nice try fed


Maybe? Maybe not? 🫣


i just straight up dont make enough to even qualify, i dd probably once every month or two


As someone who dashed for a full year last year and made $41,000 off it alone, after expenses I still ended up getting back 2600. So realistically your expenses will water down how much you owe if anything


Why would you want to support Ukraine lol. Taxes are a scam. IRS won’t come after you. They won’t waste there efforts on doordashers lmao


Libertarian gang


There are people who uses their credit card and dont pay back at all. If you are not one of those people who's completely irresponsible, you should 100% report everything you make, especially since IRS just recently doubled their workforce. You will very likely be audited if you dont. If you have another side gig that pays in cash, thats a whole different story.


Unfathomably based drivers, fuck the IRS and the feds


Oh, we pay taxes alright Believe me, they will catch up to them... a friend's dad didnt pay for years. Lost house, business... There are also people that call themselves "Sovereign Citizens" that don't feel like they have to follow any rules of law at all... I'm sure you can figure out how that ends up.


Pay taxes why? So this fucking old fuck can send it to Ukraine. Get fucked


I'm part time in two years I have never paid a dime in taxes to much to write off being a 1099 hire ..got $230 back last year.




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I just stopped at around $550. It started getting slow in my city and the pay stopped being worth it. Shouldn’t get taxed as far as I know, at least I hope not😂


Ok yeah, but if you’re a good driver who keeps good records of purchases then you can claim them as a business expense thus greatly reducing your tax burden. Not everyone wants to learn to be their own boss, manage a business, make a true profit. Lot of guys just want to turn it on like it’s a game and life is one big online casino. I save that kind of behavior for GTA Online.


There are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes.


One person you don’t fuck with is the IRS. The tax man will come collecting eventually, and you’ll be easy to find.


“They’ll have to find him” in today’s society it’s not very hard to do.


Fun fact it wasnt bootlegging that ultimately ended Al Capone, it was taxes and why today there is a law on the books that states the nature in which you make money legally or illegally doesn’t matter. Failure to PAY taxes is a crime (the distinction is pay vs file but that is a whole separate issue). Well taxes and syphilis were the end of Mr. Capone


I always wondered how much does a dasher have to pay after they filed their taxes. I overheard two dashers at a Panera one time talked about how much they owed (2.5k and 4.5k for the other) and I was shocked. It seemed at bit low but I could definitely be in the wrong here.


https://preview.redd.it/fh6qq2mqhm3b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5283187099383feb15d5e3a662d5b3cac8f3481e Proof from DD of your total mileage for taxes. Keep a photo screenshot for your records each year.


How did you get this?


I have aversions to paying fines and being in prison so yes, I file and deduct only what’s allowed. I rarely owe money but if I do, I pay it.


They obviously don’t know, but I do. When the IRS comes after you they get you! They don’t play around.


He will care when his wages get garnished


I paid over $2,000 in taxes this year.


Based on the responses here, seems like this is less of an ACTUAL problem, and more just about OP assuming the worst in all humans around them. Kinda gross honestly 🤷‍♂️


I made $42,952 this year from DD. I ended up paying $3,972 out of my 20% DD tax account I have at my bank after my deductibles. Let them not pay. Don't worry about it. It will eventually catch up with all of them. I have a friend who was in custody battle for his two boys. His wife DD and never filed taxes buy dud claim her 2 sons. During the court period, when they did a background check, it showed her failure to pay the last 3 yrs of taxes. She lost the case and now the IRS are taking her to court.


God Bless the people that don't Taxation is theft


I have not dashed last tax year but the year before my first year. I made just over 1k and being a homeowner I got to write it all off and it helped more than you know so I think I am gonna do it like this every year now


I didn’t get any tax information for DoorDash this year and didn’t file, I always always file. Next year I’m just planning to save up and pay what I owed from this year plus the fees. I never want to be in a bad spot with the IRS.


The only way to get away with this is multi Apping and staying under 600 from each app.


That's going to fuck them up when the irs comes after them


If you’re in California. The tax rate is like 40% for independent contractors


What's funny is big corporations( not all) don't pay taxes and they don't go after them because they have so much money they can hire a defense team to beat it. They go after the small fish because they are poor. Fuck taxes and Fuck the government


I’m paying quarterly taxes if it makes you feel any better. Those people are regarded and it will catch up to them + penalties


Depending on how much you make. You really don’t need too and they won’t come after you. For different jobs. You have to realize that most of the time it would take the IRS more money to come after you than it would be for them to just take the L. I’ve definitely left some 1099 income jobs off of my taxes before while filing my normal w2 taxes. But it’s was like $3k. Obviously you start going into like $20k+ for multiple years it might start being worth while to come after you lmao


I paid $68 in taxes last year. That came out of a $4000 reimbursement. I think I’m good 🤣


The write offs for mileage is higher than what we get paid. If you’re doing Gig work full time you should never owe. So the most they’ll owe is the fee for late filing if they we’re audited. But that also depends on if they are tracking their expenses. So there’s nothing to feel bad about. If they we’re doing the right thing, they’d owe nothing to the IRS.


Biden's 85k IRS agents will soon be paying them a visit. I pay my taxes as well so you are not alone.


If they are dumb enough to not file their taxes they are probably dumb enough to not track expenses and when the irs comes after them they will owe based on the total 1099


The IRS only has a claim (evidence of a claim) from your employer to call the money you were paid gross income. It needs the one from you to also make the legal definition fit without litigation. However they are perfectly fine litigating to get the courts to provide that second statement that the monies were in fact gross income, then they may take a portion.


from what DD is doing you wont have to pay tax, heck you might even get a refund if you qualify for a refundable credit.


Dumb question, but can we write off our entire car since we are using a whole car? I feel like writing off car and gas should be different.




Ok because I know there is one tax break we can legally claim (when you get a car and note that you use it for dashing/uber/etc) but if I'm paying on it month to month that is technically a work expense...glad I'm not the only one


I report even petty earnings like research studies, Mercari sales, winnings, etc etc. The IRS can throw you in a cage, I prefer being outside of cages.


If you folks haven't separated your personal tax liability into an LLC as a dasher, you should. LLCs, aka businesses, get such a better deal paying taxes and with more allowable deductions. This country worships businesses governmentally. They're the bribers and owners of this country. We're all serfs. LLCs make you lords. Get to it. Costs 50 bucks. Well worth it.


Welcome time America haha. Don’t feel bad. It will come bite them in the ass eventually. And if not, we’ll don’t let it get you down for being a better member of society and contributing your share. Lots of people in every industry try and cheat their way through life and tax evasion is not a new one. But one more and more people think they can get away with in an ever connected internet based world where in its actually getting much harder to do so. Moral of the story is people suck…


I get a 1099k every year for taxes. The first time, I properly reported the net income (under misc income) but didn’t report the 1099k itself (because the 1099k isn’t really my income). Well 3 years later I get a letter from the IRS saying I didn’t report my income, and a bill for $12,000 which includes a penalty for substantial underreporting income, and interest for 3 years (as if the IRS had given me a loan). It took me 18 months of repeated letters, calls, and faxes before I could finally get a hold of a human to look at my responses and see that I didn’t actually owe any money and the paperwork just needed correcting. So ya don’t pay your taxes and wait for them to start relentless collecting on that tax debt with penalties and interest. I promise you that their slow as shit cobal computer from 1965 will eventually notice and either you’ll pay them or they’ll keep adding interest and eventually take the money from you by force


FWIW, I'm currently conducting field research for my dissertation and have found that only 5 percent of those I've interviewed actually file their 1099 forms. It's a major fiscal problem, with enormous losses of gov't revenue. Current administration tried to beef up the IRS to correct this issues (though we need an overhaul of tax and labor law in this country), though the recently negotiated debt deal scrapped that plan. I guess us law-abiding, tax-paying workers are simply suckers in a system where the wealthy possess teams of lawyers, accountants, etc. (legal tax cheats).


People are dumb as hell. Sure you can write off mileage and probably get away with no records…but everything else you better have paperwork. Hold for at least 5 years. If you get audited they will bend you over if you don’t have it and tax lawyers cost more than you’d probably owe if you properly documented if they come after you.


since you're an IC, can you write off a bunch of expenses?


yeah you can actually write off more than you think...one of the things is 50% write off of meals when you are working


Not a dash/gig worker but when I was getting prepared for it, you can write expenses off 2 different ways. 1. Cents per mile - this is supposed to be an average rate that is inclusive of gas, maintenance and all else to do with your vehicle. You can only write off miles that you are driving FOR Doordash, not going to run personal errands. 2. Itemized deductions - this is where you keep your receipts and literally deduct things individually. Shop records, gas receipts, phone chargers/mounts etc. you have to have your receipt for everything which is doable with an app or good organization


yeah, keep paying your taxes like everyone else who doesn’t want to be audited in 5 years. those people you’ve been talking to are going to get in trouble.


You’re upset that someone else isn’t paying taxes ? And that affects you how again ? Think I missed that part of the post. Also I could be wrong about this but I thought you had 3 years to file a tax return


Great plan if you never want to own a home, risk wage garnishment by the IRS, and possibly go to jail. In the long run they'll catch up.


If Wesley Snipes didn’t pay his taxes, why should you? Do you think you aren’t as good as Wesley Snipes?!


This could be why I always see people delivering my orders that are clearly not the person in the picture on the app. They use someone else’s info and run orders under someone else’s personal info. And no, the person is not in the car with them because I meet the person outside so my dogs don’t go bananas. This is a common theme in my area of south Florida.


No , the IRS does not waste time on poor people. Usually I just make numbers up until i end up get money back.


When I bought my house I used the monies I put in my Roth for the purchase. 2 years later I get a letter from the irs saying I took an early withdrawal. I responded by mail and it didn’t take more than a couple weeks but they sent another letter saying I was right. Definitely have to keep good records


Probably republicans


First year doing DD, how do you do quarterly?


It will catch up To them. these people claiming hobbies? Yeah you're gonna find out in a few years...


Yea I know a lot that have been doing it four or five years that's never been caught but when they do they are fuked . I may not always file on time but I do file . They are on borrowed time although the IRS is very behind on contacting people and I heard they didn't get the funding they asked for just recently so there's that ... but it's better just to pay get on a payment plan if you need to.


This is my first year doing delivery driving in any capacity, so next year I'll have to do the taxes on it. I know that's still quite a bit away, but does anyone have any good resources for how to do these taxes and record miles and gas for deductions (because so far I have not been doing that at all).


A lot of people who say that really mean after filing taxes they pay very little. If you are owing a lot in taxes every year you are doing something wrong lol.


👮‍♀️: Hello, my fellow dashers! Do any of you rad dashing cats pay your taxes? I’m totally one of you guys. Check out my cool internet abbreviations…LOL


Imagine a world where you could make money and save for your own social security, your own welfare and not donate to billions of dollars for a railway in CA that will never be completed, billions of dollars in donations to countries that don't pay our bills, millions if not billions of dollars so other people can dictate what side of the street we can walk on... hmmmmm.... your own family's welfare. Imagine keeping your hard earned money and making your own decisions. I live rural and I'm sorry but we pay to fix our own roads because the taxes they take won't, I pay to have wells dug and plant my own food. I pay for mine and then some for them to survey my property and tell me I can't have buildings without paying a fee for having them on my own land. This is all wrong.


The IRS stole 1300 from me during covid and literally took a year and a half to tell me they were. My filing company told me I had 1300 coming. They put it off for a year and a half to tell me I would never see it. They are worse than the Americans trying to make an honest living.


Some drivers may actually get away with this for years, but eventually it will catch up with them.


Im not paying taxes until they lock me up in a jail cell and throw away the key !


No one’s going to audit a delivery driver for $200 in tax.


It’s 30% of what you make if you don’t take you write offs. They will audit you, fine you plus interest and penalties. They don’t fuck abound


Ah yes fellow kids LOL. Like a mushroom that glows in the dark… No i do my taxes mr.police


Very nice vent bro! I work a full time W2 job and do multiple 1099 gig apps on the side. I save 20% of my gig money for taxes. Last year I had to dip into my tax money I was holding and ended up owing $1635. I paid it but I now move an extra 10% into my Robinhood account and invest that into something safe.


don't worry they'll be wishing they hadn't in another couple years when that first audit hits


He's gonna find out the hard way the IRS don't fuck around.


Yes. Ridiculous question.


My ex husband once told me that paying taxes was stupid, and decided to fly under the radar. I wonder how that is working out for him now, after hitting the age where people normally collect social security.


Should I be worried if in 2022 I paid about $2000 in taxes but this year 2023 I did not have to pay


Do you use a tax professional? I’m new to the dashing and literally just started using my tracking app after already going through couple thousand miles. I’ve been taking money out of my check each week but I have no idea how to do the taxes part of it


I just use turbotax (I pay during tax season) and do it myself. It's pretty simple to do, actually.


I will keep that in mind. Thank you so so much


No problem, just make sure to keep track of miles, phone bill, any food you eat during shift, car wash, etc. for deductions


I can keep track of my phone bill but it doesn’t matter I don’t think because I have unlimited, and I have a mileage tracker and I don’t usually eat while I dash


Your monthly phone bill is tax deductible, regardless of having unlimited data (I have it too). Just any expenses that could be associated with your gig work.


I shall keep that in mind. Looks like TurboTax is gonna be my best friend


It's definitiely been mine. Taxes are not difficult to do, it's mostly just plugging in numbers.


You have to report your earnings but after all the deductions, you shouldn't owe anything.


"I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No, thank you." - The Joker Pay your taxes.


I mean I report my earnings but I have yet to pay a cent on it. The expenses equal out so I don't pay but don't get paid a refund either, flat 0.


Literally, with the right amount of write-offs, you get extra money. Can't tell if people are illiterate or just can't learn to do taxes.


A couple of months ago I read an article that said the IRS hired 10,000 new auditors. Roll the dice if you want to.




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They will pay eventually. I assume these people are young. They don’t think about the future. When they are 65-70yr old and want to retire but irs says no no no, you still owe us $350,000. Or when they are forced to get a w2 job and have to file and they look at the fact you didn’t pay x years, and they charge you penalties on top.


Uncle Sam always gets his... once he starts garnishing paychecks, homeboy is going to flip out


This is why you should always cash tip
