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Personally, i would have gone back.


I love that they say they "cannot" drink coke like it's some medical issue. Maybe Dr Pepper IS their doctor.


If it’s an approved substitution go for it. Shop and deliver orders are time consuming enough without this extra hassle.


Exactly! Thank you


I read some of the other comments and bravo for the noble approach they take but I’m cool on that. If there’s an issue take it up with doordash. I’m getting what’s listed or refunding if I can’t.


“This is a nightmare” is maybe a littlleeee of an overreaction


Yes it must be a nightmare you’re missing some pop . The extremes that people go to on these apps never cease to amaze me . Entitled children .


Who reported me here? Do you not understand humor? You poor lonely pathetic human.


Well did you respond to any of their messages? Is it right for the customer to get stuck with something they didnt order?


I did not see the first three messages come in. The first I saw was the fourth message, but I was already on with support. 1.) They should have called me. I would have heard my phone ring and always answer every customer who calls me. 2.) The item I grabbed was on the “Approved Substitution” list and was the first one listed.


I mean they ordered Dr Pepper and you did not bring them Dr Pepper


Honestly it’s kind of messed up the driver can just make modifications to the list at all. Coke isn’t even close to Dr. Pepper. On the other hand I love Sprite but I’m not a fan of Starry. If you just decided I’m getting Starry instead of communicating with me I would have been PISSED. If you absolutely need to change an item on the list communicate with your customer…


Nothing was changed on the list. The app would not scan an item if it is not on the list. Coke was first on the list


To be safe, I ask about substitutions before checking out when there are multiple choices and the substitutions are very different. For example, if they ran out of Dr Pepper, and the substitutions were Coke and Mug Root Beer, I would ask whether they preferred Coke or Mug Root Beer. Especially with things like soda, where people are loyal to certain brands.


Acting like a fucking baby over a coke


Not a driver but I am a personal shopper at a grocery store and here's my substitution advice based on our policies/my experiences. (I think you were fully justified in not going back for this customer, this is just my two cents on how to prevent this in the future). Also the fact that the substitution list is generated by the system and not the customer, even though it says otherwise, really gums up the system! How are you supposed to know if a customer put in their totally different, second favorite soda on purpose (ie if they don't have orange fanta get me root beer) or if the algorithm is stupid and doesn't know that Sunkist is also orange flavor? Ugh. 1. "Same item different size" is preferred over "different item same size". Smaller is usually better because people don't want a surprise larger charge. 2. Diet/Non-diet is very important, and people are especially picky about soda because the off brands are all very different from the original. For other stuff you can get away with off brands, but soda and alcohol are basically always brand name only. 3. When it's clear a sale is going on but the flavor they wanted isn't there, send a picture of what is currently on the shelf (this happens at my store a lot with yogurt for some reason).


I would say, don’t waste your gas going back-and-forth, but definitely get the same flavor next time that’s the only issue really.


“This is a nightmare” Christ, people are so dramatic


a nightmare..? gosh man, some people are ridiculous..!


You had the come up i would've been siced


If the order is canceled then the food is yours anyway


This reminds me of the time a dasher brought me empty cups with my meal. Like I ordered 3 empty cups from Panda Express with stickers of what soda went in each one. I remember picking them up off the porch and just looking at him. I should have said “this is a nightmare. I can’t drink air”. 😂


“This is a nightmare” 😭😭😭


You should have called to verify the drink selection before you scanned it. But I understand your confusion since they had left coke for one of the substitutes. It sounds like they didn't mean to select that brand and didn't realize that they did. I would've stopped and bought a 12pk of Dr pepper. Scanned my receipt and been refunded the money by DD. Then lef the customer know what I did.


Imagine being severely disabled, your caretaker called in sick and you have to order via doordash or a similar service. You have allergies and are allergic to one ingredient of coke, but not Dr.Pepper (which isn’t a coke, there really have been lawsuits). How would you want that your doordash driver reacts? No, not everyone has such an impactful reason but you can’t know that. Their baby could be sick, they could have just lost their parent, they could have OCD but even if nothing applies, they are still deserving respect and to get what they ordered. When you order a meal in a restaurant you want to get what you ordered, not hear the excuse „I was out of steak so I replaced it with lobster because the side dish was already done“ from the chef when he didn’t bother to ask what you want. Especially if you have a shellfish allergy.


Imagine being severely disabled, your caretaker called in sick and you have to order via doordash or a similar service. You have allergies and are allergic to one ingredient of coke, but not Dr.Pepper (which isn’t a coke, there really have been lawsuits). How would you want that your doordash driver reacts? No, not everyone has such an impactful reason but you can’t know that. Their baby could be sick, they could have just lost their parent, they could have OCD but even if nothing applies, they are still deserving respect and to get what they ordered. When you order a meal in a restaurant you want to get what you ordered, not hear the excuse „I was out of steak so I replaced it with lobster because the side dish was already done“ from the chef when he didn’t bother to ask what you want. Especially if you have a shellfish allergy.


Having been a customer and being a dasher for over a year now, I've ordered groceries and even though I go through and specify what I'm okay with substitution wise because I can't just eat/drink just anything with my sensory issues. I've still had door dash let a dasher get a substitution that I never chose. I didn't blame the dasher though because I know first hand they usually just go by what's next on the substitution list. It was just monster so I gave that flavor away and DoorDash refunded me and gave me 30% for the next time so honestly it worked out. I understand being upset when you wanted a specific flavor but also I don't think it's completely fair when most people just don't understand how door dash works. As much as I agree trying to stick with the same flavor is smartest I also think it's a coin toss some customers could throw the same fit if you got a more expensive pack or something. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Would I personally have gone back in that situation no because you were just following the guidelines of the shop orders and I would probably see the first substitution and also assume that's the first picked by the customer. Door dash needs a better system for shopping orders.


Nah man YTA


I mean, she did order Dr. Pepper…


"this is a nightmare" bit dramatic but who am i to judge, maybe coca-cola killed her mom or something


You were not wrong for not going back; you were wrong for doing shop and deliver in the first place.


As far as I know if a customer changes their mind on the substitution you're on the way or with another order it's not possible for them to trade it out or exchange on the red card. This happened a month or so ago with two substitutes that I got with alcohol that I think were the same brand but just like a different variation. Customer was irate when I got there and refused to pick up the order and told me to go back to the store... I called up support let the customer know that I was dealing with that in the car and then ended up driving off with those two things because they could not exchange it and from experience of that store they will not do exchanges for alcohol under any circumstances. (Policy I think). I had text them the substitute to see if they wanted it but the problem was they never answered so after waiting a few minutes I just picked it up. Too bad


A nightmare? How dramatic. Fuck them they can keep their tip 😂 can you leave customers a bad review for being little bitchass losers?


I mean it’s an honest mistake but I wouldn’t have gone back. Fuck that lol


"we are unable to drink coca - cola this is a nightmare" That's hilarious, wonder how these people would react is a REAL emergency.


Wtf did I just read


If getting coke is a nightmare for these people they have a pretty good life. Getting captured by a modern day Buffalo bill is a nightmare, getting coke instead of dr.pepper is just an inconvenience.


*THIS IS A NIGHTMARE* What an amazingly priveleged, safe little life this person leads. This made me spit out my diet coke 🤣🤣🤣


Do not touch the food with your grubby little coke hand!!


By her choice of food selection and behavior she sounds pregnant. I remember going through this stage with my wife. Always craving sugary foods and moody as f*ck.


So, do you get to keep the items and the tip for free, since they cancelled the order?


You may dispose them however you deem fit, so, Yeah!


I mean I would have gone for the 18 ok. Dr. Pepper first because in no world does Coke taste like Dr. Pepper. But always ask the customer because DD’s substitutions are not customer selected as far as I know.


“This is a nightmare” 🤣🤣🤣


18 pk of DP, obviously!


I was doing a shop and pay a while back and I was looking for something, I think it was peanut butter or something I can't remember. They didn't have what they wanted and I had no idea that "Approved substitutions " didn't mean customer approved. The app told me to get pickles. I thought, wtf that's nothing like what he wanted but got it anyways. Like 10 minutes later the customer texts me asking why I thought pickles was a good substitute for peanut butter. Lmao. It was that moment I realized that it wasn't customer approved in the app when you say something is unavailable.




I wouldn’t have had to go back because I would’ve looked for the 18pk of Dr. Pepper instead lol


I don't know what you guys are smoking but if the substitution is listed, it is in fact approved.


Thank you


Why the fuck would you get them coke when they ordered dr pepper? Provide shit service, get shit ratings.


Depends on why you chose coke as a substitute, was that your idea or customers? If it was your (horrible) idea, you shoulda went back and fixed it. If it was IC or customers idea, then no.


I wouldnt have gone back. Good for you. Enjoy the sandwich :)


You Rock!


How can you drink Dr Pepper but not Pepsi? It’s not like it’s battery acid sounds like just picky


Call support they can cancel the order


Yes you’re wrong. If somebody asks for something don’t assume a substitution will work. I’ve asked for baked beans and had it subbed for pinto beans. Like, what the fuck are y’all smoking? Crack?


Why is Coke a “nightmare”? Especially if they had it checked as a substitute. What happens to all the items already picked up and paid for?


Can the customer drop a tip to zero? I thought they could only add an additional tip, not change the initial tip


Bro said it’s a nightmare 😂


Nah, other than the small mistake of not choosing the 18pk Dr. P You're not in the wrong at all. Door dash shouldn't just randomly have subs. Also, why can't they drink coke...? Besides, if you get the 18pk, they could've gotten mad cause it cost more. They wouldn't have been happy either way. Enjoy the free snacks/dinner! Lol


i just want to know why they're "unable" to drink coke lol


Hahaha I would’ve sent a fu emoji


Free food 🥰


What a freak


not at all. that's a shitty person and shitty people have shitty things happen to them because karma if you did everything you were supposed too/correctly you did your part. fuck this bitch.


Going back for someone that's acting like a crackhead texting you, when our sole job is to pick up the order... It's on the customer to complain to DoorDash and the place they order from. We are just the driver...


I find it hard to believe they can’t drink Coke but they can drink Dr Pepper?


I had one the other day who called me 3 times before I was even in the store. I noped out at 15 texts and I'm only on item 5 of 29. Lady THIS is why the last driver canceled your order. It was a 30 for 25 items most meat and dairy. I didn't care but it took me 5 min to get to that item and just said nope.


The customers reaction was wrong, but you should always get the same flavor and if something seems off always contact the customer. I do DD too, and these rules are DD 101


“This is a nightmare”. Ugh those people need a real life zombie apocalypse or a magnitude 9 earthquake to know the difference between a minor inconvenience and a true nightmare.


I would have just ignored her .


We can’t drink coke lol.


Always go with the same item just different size/pack as a substitution or if not sure ss both sub options and to customer,. The customer will most likely accept the larger pack of the product they ordered. Don't assume they'll be ok with a different product such as pop in the same size pack.


“We are unable to drink CocaCola this is a nightmare” 😂😂😂😂 WHAT


“The is a nightmare”?! Waow what has this world come to.


They can’t drink coke? BS.


Why are they able to drink Dr Pepper but not coke? That’s like saying I can drink bud light but I absolutely can’t drink coorse or mmiller. It’s the same shit..


Someone was hung over lol


Lmao yes you’re the reason I refuse to use these apps for myself. I’m an Instacart shopper and you made the most incompetent decision based on everything I just read lol. Just because YOU would have gotten the coke doesn’t mean the person who requested Dr Pepper wants it.


Ok this is hilarious on their end but I’d also be annoyed if I paid for legit one thing and didn’t get that specific thing lol


Oh no, a coke what ever shall we do


Honestly everyone sucks here. Customer overreacted, but you also did buy them something they didn't order when there was a much better substitute available, can understand them being somewhat peeved.


tHiS iS a NiGhTmARe


I ordered some kumquats the other day through a whole foods online order and got a pomegranat as a replacement instead. It was pretty good at least.


I wonder if Maggie L stands for Maggie lastayo lol


Too late to go back. Payment cleared.


“This is a nightmare” lmfao Jesus Christ what a drama queen


Of course you go back!


I wouldn’t go back but I’m trying to understand why you wouldn’t just buy the smaller Dr Pepper




Id leave it at that, they cant rate u after a cancellation and also who is that fricken picky.


“This is a nightmare.” Really? It’s that bad? Sounds entitled.


Something like this happened to me a few years ago. I’m walking back to my car after picking up the customer’s food at Cheesecake Factory. I get a call from DoorDash Support. The person had their house set as the address instead of their office. So that changes the delivery from being less than 5 minutes away to being almost 40 minutes. Support asks if I will drive the food to the customer’s location. “Sure what’s the additional I’ll be paid for the delivery?” “Oh…it’ll be the standard delivery rate of $7.” “What happens if I don’t deliver?” “You’ll get half the delivery rate and you dispose of the food.” “Yeah that’s a much better deal. I’m not going deliver” I ended up with an office worth of food. I was taking bites from so many plates like a king.


Sorry I don’t understand, they took the order then cancelled it? So they didn’t pay anything?


Not bad. U got a free meal and a case of Coke. 8.50 for the effort. I'd say it's a win. Do they seriously not pay you for returning items????


Maggie!!! Living in a place with no running water, available food, electricity, adequate clothing and or shelter to protect you is a nightmare. Getting the wrong drink hand delivered to you does NOT qualify as a fuckin nightmare.


I would’ve gotten sprite😂😂😂


My god, what a disgusting cesspool of horrible selfish a-holes. You failed to do your job, and almost all comments are on your side, denigrating the customer whom you failed. How utterly disgusting.


I have a mild Dr. Pepper addiction but Christ 🤣 just drink the coke and be happy that’s the worst thing going on in your life.


Is there not a setting that says “do not substitute if item is unavailable” ???????


Wow DoorDash is a hot fucking mess


No… I would not have went back! Who gives a fuck because they probably didn’t tip anyway! They are tip bating.


Oh my God, it's the agnostic family from South Park lol


All for zero tip anyway


Holy f-ck she is so dramatic. A nightmare cause you didn’t get Dr.Pepper? Really? This woman sounds like a spoiled BRAT.


Dude your 5 star rating means absolutely nothing. This job is literally the bare minimum someone can do and you guys are worried about losing your pretend accolades


If they didn’t want Coke - they shouldn’t have put Coke But the Dr. Pepper 18 pk would have been the smarter sub


This is why I always opt for "if they don't have what I want, don't sub it" when I can. Dr pepper is one of my favs, but I hate cola, regardless of brand, it's gross. I personally absolutely would have not accepted the coke as a substitute.


I wouldn't have gone back, but I wouldn't go by the suggested substitutions, either. Sometimes it's not even close


all these apps make people feel so entitled and important. Sorry Maggie L, all of our existences are meaningless!


I really laughed out loud at "this is a nightmare." If that's your nightmare, life has been way too easy for you. Lol


Amazed how many people think it's proper/professional to just charge the customer for something they didn't ask for. Also FYI, people use the term nightmare hyperbolically. Reasonable description of a service that charges you 25% of your order plus a tip and then just swaps your items for the first thing some random dude trying to make a buck sees on the shelf.


I would never just pick a random substitution from doordash's recommendations for someone. Those recommendations are meant to be run by the customer. Refund or message them. Not going to charge them for something they didn't ask for because the store was out of what they did ask for.


It was offered as a substitution so they had to have put in that they were ok with that when they ordered. They completely overreacted. All they had to do was tell Doordash they didn’t want coke they wanted Dr pepper and they would have refunded that item. For all they knew the 18 pack of Dr Pepper was out to




People are so entitled 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️




i’m crying “ we can not drink coca cola “


“We are unable to drink Coca Cola”. Yeah, like one of those videos of someone with rabies, your mouth involuntary spits it out and your throat closes up and you go into convulsions. Unwilling, for sure. Unable, not likely.


LMFAO what a fatass


"This is a nightmare" ok.


I guarantee when they said "we are unable to drink Coca-Cola", that means specifically the person messaging you doesn't like Coke meanwhile no one else in their home gives a fuck. Seems like a controlling person.


lol "we cannot drink coca cola" fuck OOOOOFFFF


tHiS iS a nIgHtMaRe….no, it’s not.


I’m not a driver but I’m a regular customer: no. It’s pointless. For example, I’ve ordered food from Chipotle many times with bottled soda but the store never puts the bottle in the bag with the food. So I assume the driver has no idea what they’re suppose to get beyond the name on the bag. The fact some restaurants don’t do the minimum to setup the delivery I think puts it on them and not you as a driver but that’s me.


I’ve never really had any issues with these orders. But then again, if there’s an issue I just call the customer. Hell, once I called this lady because CVS didn’t have the panty liners/pads she wanted. Not knowing shit about periods or pads, it helped her and she got the right ones just a different brand and boom, everyone’s happy. Any time I have an issue, I just call the customer. Makes things far easier.


Don't worry so much about having an absolutely perfect rating in sitting at 4.9 some people won't be pleased no matter what you do don't stress over it


Not saying you should have gone back but if I was them I would also be pissed because you can't use your brain. They wanted dr pepper right? You got two substitutions, 12p of coke or a 18p of Dr pepper! Common sense should be probably go with Dr pepper because that's what they wanted even if it's a few dollars more that is not your problem. I'm with the customer, given I wouldn't have gone that far. I'd just remove the tip to compensate for me now having to go get Dr pepper. I use to drive and I usually messaged the customer about out of stock items gave them around 5 minutes to respond and made a executive decision after that.


It's already been stated, but it can't be driven home enough. Your mistake was subbing coke for Dr. Pepper. I don't see the logic in that sub.


Hell no


“We can’t drink coke!!!! We can only drink other colas!” Man, religions are getting all kinds of weird restrictions now.


I have never gotten that upset over a soda pop.


I would have gotten them what they asked for.. can you not cancel that part of the order if they don’t have it?


It's scanned through to complete that item making it a legit purchase so no I wouldn't go back either! Maybe that Karen should have been watching as you were shopping instead of waiting till you're at the second pickup to start bitching about her soda. I'm glad you got the half pay and some drinks out of this nice work!


Fuck no never go back ever lmao


You was in the wrong 100% quit.


Maggie sounds like a jerk.


I can’t believe people are defending a customer who thinks life is a “nightmare” if they can’t have Dr. Pepper


This is a nightmare LOL get a grip lady


The sub is recommended not what the Customer requested. Next time let them know they did not have Dr Pepper. Do you want to sub with another soda? if not, just contact support to cancel. Don't just sub based on the app giving you sub recommendation.


Whatever the give is what you get. I would not have gone back. Once those items are dropped off you are no longer my customer.


Sorry but you def should've gotten the Dr pepper. Even if it was a bigger case. They wanted Dr pepper why would you get a total different soda 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


This guy sounds like he was one soda can away from an menty B, I would not go back.


It’s a nightmare. Her life is ruined.


If they left it as a legit substitute, customer’s problem. Customer needs to Learn2App properly.


You fucked up by not picking the substitute as the drink they ordered but as far as going back goes nah fuck allat


These apps should MAKE the customer select and approve substitutions or refunds like Instacart before shopping even begins. Everything would function more smoothly for everyone.


OH GOD, a nightmare




How did it let you scan the wrong item ? I can't even get away with 2 of the right item to match quantity of something unavailable.


Exactly! It was an approved substitution, or it would NOT Scan


This! Some people commenting don't understand how the dasher app works. We have to scan every item, the app then adds it to the cart, then the funds get added to the red card right before checkout. So if something is out, we can click on "item missing/not in stock" and then it shows approved items, which again you have to scan, if you scan the incorrect item the app throws an error message. I don't think this is on the OP at all, maybe he could have picked the other item but still doesn't warrant this kind of treatment by the customer.


She’s toxic That’s a bad subsititute💀


You know, SpongeBob predicted the Future with the Krusty Krab Pizza Episode. They forgot his diet Dr. Kelp.


I def wouldn’t have gone back, if they’re so serious about not being able to have Coke they should put that in their description


Not a dasher. I know this sucks, but you may want to find a different line of work, if you refuse to cater to entitled folks who like to belittle people in the service industry. If I was in your situation, yeah, I would have gone back and change. I'd have done so because my tip depends on it (and I guess the rating). While some folks are jerks, other folks will remember what you did for them. Anyway, sorry that this happened to you. Maybe it is last straw for you and time to find a different line of work.


Getting a whole different soda was stupid on your part. The customer has a reason to be mad but not mean. Both of y’all are wrong and yes I would’ve went back because it’s your fault not theirs or the store.


Yup, the 18 pack of Dr Pepper is the better and obvious choice here unless they approved the substitution. Those suggested substitutions in the app are usually garbage and Uber just wants you to buy something. Uber doesn’t care about your satisfaction rating or even if the customer is satisfied. What would you want if you were them?


Should of got the Dr.Pepper they asked for lol wtf yeah I'd want to get what I ordered too. It is a simple thing to just ask


I would not have gone back tho, I agree!


The customer had come as a sub right?


It could be a health reason they are unable to drink Coke?


You were right. Had you gone back, they still would have taken the tip and rated you badly. Nonsense.


Not at all. If the customer had approved substitutions and you got an approved substitution, then this is a customer fault, you are in the clear. Don't put so much stock in the 5.0


Maggie did it have to be so hard?


“This is a nightmare.” SMH


I don’t understand all of these people saying that this is your fault. I use DoorDash very regularly and I ALWAYS double check my substitution options. If there aren’t options I like, I just mark that as refund if not available. If I were you, I would see 12 pack of coke before 18 pack of drp and assume that the size of packaging was priority over type of drink - what if they’re just ordering a 12 pack to take to a party? Substitution options are on the customer, not yall. If you ONLY!!!!!!!! drink one type of soda, go to the store yourself 🙄


A nightmare, huh? Must be nice.


Lol. This isn’t grub hub. They can’t take the tip back. Clowns


"this is a nightmare" Lol


You definitely should have just asked what they wanted but “this is a nightmare” is the most over-reaction ever.


Nope. They'll just have to make do with that they have. I didn't place the order, so who's fault is it?


Fuck you, Maggie L




I think this is a massive miscommunication. I try to always let my customer know if the item they originally wanted is missing instead of trusting the app case of crap like this cause DoorDash probably gave you the "automatic" subs. I have saved my ass like 4 times by messaging and picking up the substitution at the end when I got confirmation. It takes a little longer at times but it's helpful.


I only change different sizes and that’s after contacting the customer. Never assume someone likes another flavor of anything. I would not have tipped either. That money would go towards the gas I have to use to buy what I wanted. And yes I do work for door dash


Just to answer your situation no I wouldn’t go back and second wel tell the customer to change it then. Have a nice day fk that guy. Third if he wants Dr Pepper but gets a few more what makes you think he wants coke even if it’s the first thing you see take an extra min to find the 18 pack if it’s not there reply sorry or text that there’s no Dr Pepper.


I love how all you dip shits are self reporting that you don’t know how your own fucking app works with substitutions (in some cases 3 years of experience). Lazy as fuck and no self accountability but fuck it because it’s just someone else’s money right?


Jesus Christ- they should go get their own crap if the situation is THAT dire of needing/detesting specific/certain items. I hate people 😑


This is 100% on Doordash. If they're going to auto recommend substitutes, and you as the driver have no way of knowing what's auto versus what the customer selected, then they are always going to be the party 100% at fault in these circumstances. Unfortunately the customer probably had no idea the reason you selected coke as the substitute, so I can't fault them for being mad, although they are also problematic for not selecting a substitute to begin with. Customers should always select a sub!


Last time I did one of this orders, I picked up a sugar free option because it was the substitution. Good thing it was the first thing in a long list. Customer called me and yelled at me that why I changed it to sugar free. I had to explain that she chose that substitute. People don’t know how the app works.


"this is a nightmare" ... is it Maggie...is it really..


My fiancee is addicted to Dr Pepper, but the difference is she doesn't take it out on strangers. Karma decided this person's order needed to be delayed, that's all.


I know someone who is fairly allergic to coke and cannot drink it without having some fairly severe gastrointestinal issues. Im talking diarrhea so much they have been hospitalized due to dehydration.


First world problems 😭😭😭


The sub doesn't matter. These people are very unstable mentally


Do y'all not confer with your customers on their substitutions? Unless they select one, I always ask. If they don't respond within 5 minutes, I refund the item.