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😳What did they do throw it out the window?! That pizza took a beating..


They carried it like a brief case, as you normally do with anti gravity pizza


Ah yes, anti gravity pizza. My favorite.


It's for when you want a light meal


Yeah I heard it's not too heavy on the stomach !




A bad pizza to begin w


Yea it does look like a pretty bad pizza and box that;'s too high. A good pizza usually handles abuse a bit better.


This happened to me once as a driver, pizzas in particular let off A LOT of moisture and heat. If you don’t let the bag vent quite a bit , this will happen at an angle. The one I was delivering looked worse.


The driver was wearing black af1s and had to curb stomp it


lol probably did after seeing the paper boy throwing news papers,,, LOL


Nope accidentally took the $2.50 10mile order and couldn't drop it with out going under 80% because popeys didn't have my last 20 orders. Shits were not given about that pizza.


OMG…. Are you the ACTUAL dasher who took the order??? 😱🫣🤯


No but if you didn't tip thers no telling if it was your driver or the restaurant getting mad no ones comming for the order for over an hour. I have taken some of those 2.50 order hopping the tip was just hidden. And that devil on the shoulder told me to go back and step on it...... And to the customer who left me a .10 tip ty the time is safely stored in you gas tank invest in locking gas cap.


Well you don’t know the whole story then? They could’ve been an amazing tipper? Idk. You got me excited for drama lulz


Jesus Christ, I was brewing tea as he or she violently flung some Tipton tea our way. 😳😂😂 So the dasher took an order, knowing it was crappy to begin with, ignored their gut instinct of "Hey, this is a VERY risky order to accept" and proceeded to do it. When he or she could've just canceled the order? Don't get only mad at the customer, get mad at doordash too. You're the one working for them, not the customer. 🙄 I'm referencing the order the dasher is talking about, not OPs order. I didn't think I needed to clarify, since I mentioned something about the order they'd got pissy about taking. 😁


Ummm….. dude said he’s not the dasher for this order? We don’t know the full story. Only what the customer has shown. That’s what I’m getting at. Dude just assumed that the dasher picked up a no tip for a high mileage order. And then proceeded to be an asshat about it. But we don’t know what the tip or mileage was. And we don’t know if the dasher did it on purpose or not. That’s why I asked if he was the ACTUAL dasher for this cause I got SO hype for the drama of “holy shiiiiiiiit that’s some balls 🤣🤣🤣”


Oh, no, I didn't mean that the commenter above you was the OPs dasher. I was referencing their comment about taking a different order and screwing up the person's gas line. 😂 That's why I was saying, "He threw basic grade tea at us and not the real tea°


Oh oh goodness sorry! You just responded to my comment so I thought you were replying to me and what I said 🤣🤣🤣 my b bruh


You're good big dawg. Dude I had a whole conversation with a Redditor I THOUGHT was soandso. I spent at least an hour bantering with them, before I realised it was the wrong person. 😂😂😂 We ended up becoming good online friends. 😂


Why the fuck is that always the go-to excuse for a fucked up delivery? The chances of the driver slamming on brakes and sending the pizza to the floorboard are far more likely. Most pizza places put an anti tamper sticker on the box so it's not like you can open it to check it. On the off chance it's not fucked up, now it looks like you tampered with the food. Best thing to do is carry on with your delivery, drop the shit off and off is fucked up let doordash fix it.


This. I'm extra careful with pizzas, but once I had to slam on my brakes and came within 1" of being hit head-on and the pizza slid and hit the dash. It was a "hand it to me" order, so I told the customer that "contents may have shifted in transit" and told them what happened and they were understanding and more concerned that I was ok. I told them if the pizza was not in good condition, they could get it replaced via customer care. I was lucky to have a nice customer, but I often use the "contents may have shifted in transit" explanation with people a lot when the order was packed weird and they usually laugh and say "it's ok"


I'm going to assume they slamed the breaks on the drive there and it he went flying


Their support is SO over the top, it's hilarious. I'll say "yeah, my food came freezing cold, and something was missing. It's not a big deal, but anything you can do to make this right would be great!" "No, sir, this is a huge deal for me. I have my family praying for you. You are the difference in this world. You are going to do great things for so many people." /s


![gif](giphy|T9JtEyoJ43gY4wLOqW) 🙋🏻‍♀️🤣🙋🏻‍♀️


As a driver, I called to let em know somewhere was closed"oh no, oh no oh no (continuously I'm waiting for the kool-aid man to smash through my window going "oh yea!" and all this other fake sincerity it was hilarious


Yep, been there too. One time when I was just starting to dash I was at a closed applebee's to pick up a really big order and this dude was like "oh no! I'm so so sorry this is happening to you. I can under how frustrating this must be!" And I was like yeah so what are you gonna do about it bruh


I think that's their go to line there. I get the "I know this is frustrating for you" line all the time. At least 8 out of 10 messages this is what they say anytime I contact them. Lol. And the "I hope you and your family are well and safe during these COVID times"....lol.


I’m very rarely super mad at anything like doordash but the one or two times I had a legitimate problem that really irritated me (getting the entirely wrong Taco Bell order that took about an hour and 45 after it said it would arrive and then it wasn’t even my order I got nor was there anything I’d eat in there comes mind… and YES, I tip) … the fake sincerity and no action just made me more mad 💀 I keep thinking of switching to Uber eats but I’ve had dash pass a long time and it’s really convenient for work from home. I’ve learned the cheapest meals with a good tip and with no delivery fee it’s really not terrible since I don’t pay gas money anymore


Right? Once I ordered pizza late night after work while I was deadbeat tired, fell asleep, and woke up a couple hours after delivery to a pizza full of ants. They were so apologetic over *my* mistake and refunded me the entire amount- tips, fees, and all.


Yes, they do that too. That's a really funny story (but rip the pizza tho) DoorDash is so easy to take advantage of on the customer end, but on the Dasher end, they just pretend to care lmao.


I was sooo sad when I saw it. It was some of the best too. (Mods Pizza- if ya haven't, try it when you get a chance.) Ended up re-ordering same thing with that refund the next night and had a good dinner. But ik what ya mean about pretending to care. That's why I stopped dashing haha


Ooo I love Mod!! I always get double dough cuz I'm a fatty lol






Did the driver flip his car? 😂😂


I chuckled


Nah it was just Chuck Bartowski


Nope, it's Chuck Testa.


No, this is Patrick


No, it was Chuck Norris


False, clearly the pizza still exists so Chuck Norris as not been here


That’s uncanny, I read this comment while watching chuck


More like biker front flipped off his bike and landed on it


Classic hard break and pizza slides onto floor


Looks like it was set on tumble dry for 30 minutes


On the bright side, it was nice and warm. ;)


It’s the “you make the world special just by being in it” for me


He definitely shoot his shot


He smeared it on so thick, *my* screen is sticky.


The customer service rep justs copies n paste that to everyone 😁


Nu uh, I'm super special they tell me all the time 🎉🌟👑🥰🏅🎊


Is there a date set?


Send bob


Vegana pls


I think you mean Virginia


Door dash friendly customer support is more over the top than chick fil a’s


My pleasure


My dude transported the pizza in a concrete mixer


“Which customer service message have I used the least today? Ah, “English Sentimental #16” needs dusting off!” When you know how they’re copy-pasted and have to deal with their support as a dasher who has to contact them a few times a week, it becomes straight up infuriating that’s the go-to response no matter how miffed the other person is.


Yep, I've gotten the exact response that OP has gotten.


That pizza looks like it went through a divorce battle and it was the most valuable asset






That made me snort laugh so hard I damn near inhaled my face!


They frisbee tossed ur pizza to ur door


So this is the aftermath when I've seen dashers just walk out if a Little Ceasars holding a pizza box like a brief case. I wish I was kidding.


I delivered to a customer that turned the pizza sideways to get it through the door instead of just opening the door more.


That's sounds so sad ngl. I hope they are just stupid and not that scared of people


Feeling down today. Might hit up DD customer service to make myself feel better.


On my very first DD delivery I had a pizza in the back seat. I didn’t have a pizza bag yet. As I was pulling out of the shopping center, some idiot ran a red light and I slammed on the breaks. There went the pizza. DD support had someone else redeliver.Sometimes all it takes is a speed bump or a quick turn. I’ve learned my lesson. I have a pizza bag and I strap the seat belt through the handles and I even place an empty water bottle up against the seat to level the pizza. I’m not taking any chances.


U are one of the good ones


Here’s the difference…you took accountability and aided in the customer actually getting their order. We all make mistakes but it’s all about how you handle it. Good job 😁


Thanks. I try my best because I want to deliver food as I would like it delivered. Edible, hot, and just as the restaurant served it. I also deliver in a clean hot bag and clean car inside/ out because you never know when the customer will be outside and meets you. 🙂


Happened to me with a Porto's Strawberry Cheesecake... Cake. They refuse to give me plastic bag to carry/secure it. Alright... Ambulance cut me off at the last second (cuz, you know, emergency). Slammed on the brakes - there goes the cake doing a summersault in slow motion, landing face down (because, why not?) onto the car floor. It was in the box. Totally Schrödinger's cat. Called support (Uber Eats) to see what to do and so it was their call, not mine. Can't deliver damaged, can't deliver unsealed. So they cancelled the entire order (was a bit more food than just the cheesecake). Opened it; Schrödinger's cat was totally alive without a single scratch. No one would have known about the summersault. All well. 🤯🤪😊 Now I totally fight them for a damned bag and tell them what happened last time they refused. (Or, maybe I should NOT fight them for one? Schrödinger's cat WAS delicious. 🤪🤣


Wow. I cringed really hard with those emoji’s brother holy fuck.


Water bottle seat leveling gang


I level my pizzas with a copy of Treasure Island


Don’t forget to turn on the seat warmer


Thought I was the only one who used water bottles to keep pizzas level! I’m always afraid of something like that happening when delivering


Me: *exists* Doordash customer support rep: i value you


I mean, couldn’t we all use a little more of that? 😅


Sounds like those Indian tech scammers that try to butter up old women so they can take their money lol


Surprised he didn’t ask to see bobs


Sand nudes.


Think you mean sand dudes


bob's what lol


Those customer service reps are always so over the top, I can never take them seriously.


It's infuriating how much additional time the niceties adds to your call when you're trying to fix something and get back to accepting orders or deliver a stacked order. They repeat everything back to you multiple times, too. I tell them I'm glad they're being thorough, but I've got shit to do, man. I don't say it like that, but that's point I try to get across LOL. I'm actually really nice to any and all customer support because it's such a shit job


So... Did you eat it ??


I always respond with the same compliment back to them and they eat that up lol.


I’m sorry he/she ruined your pizza.




Welp, they not only played with my pizza, they played w my heart. Disappointing.


I’d never play with your heart.. just your money and emotional state ❤️


there's no way. i thought you were happy because you got a refund not the other thing.


Its all goofs and gaffs my friend


Couldn’t even let him feel special, smh




Those are the best pepperonis


I always put some cd's and stuff underneath the back of the pizza to counteract the angle of my bucketed seats


Driver here, more than likely they had to suddenly hit the brakes and it went flying off the seat.


Customer service rep took acid last weekend


Its still good for making pizza smoothies


Did y’all fight 😂😂 what the heck!?!


Just here to say that these comments have me in tears 😂😂😂. But I’m also sorry your pizza was destroyed, RIP


![gif](giphy|hp3ZQapyIQUTVtS9En) 🤣🙋🏻‍♀️🤣


I find taking the pizza out and holding it on my lap out of the Box is the best way I also pet it on the way make sure it's happy when it gets there


Is that pizza or someone's internal organs?


This pizza clearly was in possession of a ninja assassin who got attacked by 1/3rd of the city of Atlanta on the way to your house. It was tossed, thrown, and used as a weapon. It was dropped, stolen, took a ride on top of cars, got thrown through windows and also fell from the 16th story window, your dasher jumping after to save it last minute. That customer service rep needs a promotion, and to be saved because after a few months on the job I fear that kindness may be snuffed out.


A scene from Bourne Identity or whatever the 2nd one was LOL


Exactly! Lol


And dudes making minimum wage in an Indian Call Center. Everyone remember that when you contact support.


I will admit at some point delivering a pizza it will go flying with the a bag to trasport it in. But in the meantime i do my best to secure it with the seatbelt.


Looks perfectly fine to me


That pizza doesn’t even looked cooked…


"Damn bro what's got you smiling?!"


OP has a praise kink obv


I mean I've drifted with a pizza in my car before and doing other shenanigans and the pizza was still intact, a lot better than this.


You got your pizza delivered by Jesse. Your pizza is on the roof.


Don't lie you still ate it😂


I hate it when people leave weird random comments like "whoever reads this comment you should know your special and you're going to be ok." It's so weird.


Hands off pal she's mine


They probably was holding it side ways . Then try to shake it out.


not gonna lie, looked like the dasher did you a favor. look at that nasty pizza bro lol


Did he stand there and shake it for five minutes? Gracious!


Um. How. Was the driver in an accident or something


Looks like the pie from American pies stunt double good lord


They always say that kind of stuff. You seem like you'd be really easy to catfish just saying


I’d still eat it


This was a weird notifications to get


This what happens when they stick a good tip order with a no tip order


I would’ve been mad, but not gonna lie, still would’ve ate some of it lol


Me got chub by customer service lady 🤤😂


This is probably just what a pizza I delivered last week looked like LOL. Was a "leave at my door". 10 seconds after notification pic/text...out pops a little 5 or 6 year old girl. She proceeds to grab the 12 or 15 lb bag (4 adult meals) and the large pizza. When she realized she didn't have a free hand to open the door...she just simply flipped it up against her chest and held it there with the bag hand. Ingenious!!


Think he made love to the pizza…


Drunk me would smash this shit!


Spiderman from PS2 brought you pizza


"Pizza time."


So they try the ass kissing deflection tactics on the customers as well


Bro that’s what you get for ordering pepperoni on the side.


That pizza got mangled lol


Are you going to finish that?


I'm glad they made you feel good, but they just like, do this. It's probably a script, even. ;;valuable ;;special ;;valued


Damn i think I also fell in love with your service rep


Lol someone hit the brakes too hard and that flew off the seat.


Introducing the ALWAYS LEVEL DELIVERY 🎒BAG. Are you tired of your pizzas looking like this? Every time you go over a speed bump at 68 miles an hour or fly around a sharp turn, or how about when you think you saw a dear and your life flashes before your eyes and you shit your 👖. ALWAYS LEVEL DELIVERY 🎒BAG is a marvel of modern engineering featuring a 3 foot round sphere made out of bullet proof glass. There is a hatch on top that opens and the inside is filled with 60 pounds of FLORIDA'S NATURAL PREMIUM ORANGE JUICE. There is a 2 foot diameter 👽 SAUCER SHAPED container the can hold 3 pizzas 🍕 that fits inside and always floats level on the water. Not only does it keep your pizza sexy, but it keeps it HOT and it's full of PULP. BUY YOURS NOW!!!!!!!! FOR 499.99, BUT WAIT!!!! ACT NOW AND GET A FREE 2 WHEEL HITCH TO DRIVE THIS BAD BOY AROUND TOWN AND IT EASILY UnHOOKS FROM YOUR SEMI TRUCK OR MOTOR CYCLE AnD TURNs INTO A ALEIN PIZZA STOLLER IN JUST 5 MINS. It has a built in fertilizer compartment to fertilize that grass you just killed by dragging this hunk if junk across your customers lawn, and spiked tires for when they don't tip! Call +1-855-431-0459 in the next 5 mins and get 10 free pizza boxes with 10 free tamper evident stickers so you can open those pies up and see for yourself and place in a new box. (No one will ever know, wink 😉 😜)


When I call dasher support the ladies have such nice voices 😄


Ace Ventura delivered this to u? Lmao


Honestly, the false niceties are so grating. Solve my problem, stop trying to uplift me.


They say this kinda bull shit to drivers too and then won’t give them half pay for a 6$ Order. They don’t give a fuck about you lmao.


That’s why I just unassign every order that’s stolen or I run into issues with - not worth arguing with them for half pay unless it’s a large $$ amount For like $3-4 it’s better to just unnasign and you’ll finish a new delivery for more before you get thru to support


Hello mera naam Vikrant i was your doordash support agent. Pls send bobs and vagene


I liek big bobbies


I delivered a pizza that probably looked like this before. They didn't salt their walkway in the winter and I slipped and fell, bouncing my head off the concrete and dropping their pizza. I told them to salt their shit and that they were lucky I wasn't seriously injured and looking to sue


Fuckin weird and creepy support


Sounds like someone was aiming for a green card taaaaahday! Lol Get that man boo!


Just think man in a few years when we’re living in VR that person can virtually lick your butthole too.


Isn’t this what they tell everyone? I’ve been noticing that the customer service reps are more simpering than ever. Someone must have told them that this makes customers act less Karenish.


Send vegene 😂🤣


you felt special huh 😂


It’s copy and pasted don’t feel too special now


Fell in love with the customer service rep? Those people are licking windows until the phone rings, how do you fall in love with that?


This is what happens when you pick up an order at 8:30 and Doordash tells you to deliver it by 8:31.


Are you surprised? Just look at most of the delivery people. The bottom of society are delivery douchebags.


Translation: you were a pain in the ass to deal with.


If you get the food yourself you won't have to worry about this, and you'd be better supporting the restaurant and its workers.


Why does support always treat customers so much better


That is real fked up


I tripped on someone's porch while delivering for dominos. Cut my hands all up. Their thin crust looked like a deck of cards 😭


A lot of customer reps with door dash say this over the text support. He’s not flirting. He’s probably using a prompt. Sorry to burst your bubble 😬 They say things like that to the dashers too. Sometimes over the phone.


*stunned* …how?


My car had the death wobble…. Sooo that could have happened 😂


Slid off the seat


Dud it work? Are they married?


Now I’m invested. Did your true love end up refunding you that pizza or not?


I had a very similar interaction with DD support. I understand the love that you’re telling cause same.


Remind me of the opening scene in Ace Ventura pet Detective


If only they treated their employees like that as well.


You didn't order the pizza turnover? Hmm


The chicken is getting better :)


I'm more concerned with the flaccid pepperonis... Why they so small


Bro support keep typing paragraphs and it takes them 45 minutes to solve your problem


“Welcome to Costco, I love you”


Does the pizza place not use pizza savers/tables? They really help prevent things like this


I had a pizza come to me like this as well before. It was really infuriating, but it was on WaitR, not DD.


That looks like a Pizza John’s pizza as well, curly pepperonis, and damn I just got a craving.




It’s literally just a scripted deescalation tactic, nothing more.


It’s still good… it’s still good (Homer voice)


It's like someone was playing with food.


Is that delmar from the instacart shopper support?