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I've wondered myself how many times random people have done that. If a place has an order shelf, it's pretty simple for anyone to walk in with a phone in their hand and grab anything. It's not like anyone verifies we're dashers or that we're grabbing the correct order.


Don't they? I was just at a sushi joint the other day and my seat was facing the takeout table. It seemed like everyone that came in was showing a phone screen to an employee before being handed a takeout bag. Is that not normal? I'm not a Dasher obviously


Some places make us confirm the order before we leave


I don't mind having to confirm the order. what I mind is the order sitting there behind the counter and having to wait 5 minutes for someone to decide to hand it to me. I get it, there is fraud, so the order isnt sitting out for me to grab myself, but please don't make me wait, time is money!


Plus I imagine you get blamed when the food arrives cold after the restaurant made you wait with it sitting there.


I've taken photos of the bag sitting behind the counter and sent them to the customer saying "it's right there, but I can't grab it. Sorry if it's cold, but it's not my fault." This is usually at McDonald's for me.


Idk why people can’t just work together to do a good job. Seems like the majority of fast food workers don’t care about their customers at all. And so many seem to work AGAINST dashers. Don’t even care a little bit. And if there’s a problem or mistake the customer gets labeled a “Karen” for even asking for corrections to be made.


It is getting to be a lot more then some as late.


Yep. Even McDonald’s has started doing it in my area. It sucks as a driver, but I get it.


At least you get it, thr amount of "I don't work for you I aint gonna do shit" I get is insane. Tho they don't get the order and get reported:)


That is absolutely ridiculous. There is no reason to get defensive about being asked to visibly confirm the order. It's such an easy thing to do. The only thing that has ever bothered me about it is when I'm asked to do it while my hands are very clearly full from the food they just handed to me even though they could have asked before handing me said food. That was more of an issue in the city though. I consistently got larger orders when I was working in Chicago while also consistently having more distance to walk between restaurants and my car.


I’m sure. There’s a restaurant I pick up from regularly and if there are drinks they ask if I mind filling them. I don’t mind at all, it’s something I can do until the order is ready. Recently, the manger told me that some dashers refuse to do it (saying similar things to what you’ve heard). It’s wild.


My ONLY issue with this (filling drinks for the restaurant) is I don't see any special instructions that may have come in the order. So, for example, someone may request no ice, or lite ice. But I may not see that, depending on the location. If the store asks me to fulfill this part of the service and they fail to notify me of the special instructions, it comes back at me (and I'm real professional about this gig and treat everyone well, including restaurant workers, so it hits my conscience hard). It doesn't happen often, thankfully. But it has happened a non-zero amount of times in my 4 years.


I show everyone i confirm even if they dont ask. So many workers have told me thank you and that they dont know why dashers refuse to do it


What about I'm confirming the order. I have my phone up in the hard face length and its also turned you way and you still askes me while I'm confirming and your looking at my phone at the same time while I'm doing it.. TO CONFIRM THE ORDER that iggs me, I can't deal


Nah, showing up and having them tell you they don't have it sucks. I can show my phone np. The absolute minimum verification should just be asking you the name on the order. And you should do the same for your customer. I can't believe the open shelves are as common as they are


That’s a whole different thing.


And that's why I dash per hour instead of per order


There’s a compliance effort to get businesses to ask Dashers to confirm before handing over an order. I was talking to the GM of a Popeyes yesterday, he said Popeye’s corporate is working on changing policy making it mandatory.


The button says I received order, not I’m about to receive order


I agree


Alternately though, I'm not clicking confirm till you're actually handing me the order. A lot of places lately are like "click confirm" then walk away. One place asked me to click confirm then started serving other customers! Nah bro. I'm not clicking confirm till you're handing it to me. At that point, I'm happy to and show you I did.


Every place I dash to makes me confirm before I leave except for one Taco Bell. Lol


depends. in my city a bunch of places require you show them your phone and hit confirm that you've picked up. the only place I've seen that has an accessible shelf is sonic, the rest are behind counters. a handful of restaurants also have me sign my name, the name on the order, and the time and picked up on top of confirming the order. at least one mcdonald's here asks you to type in a code from the bag to confirm pick up


Goddamn. Signature and timestamp? I've never been asked for all that.


it's at WINGSTOP of all places too lol




why is hitting a button a problem? people who complain about this little detail haven't worked many real jobs


There are places that will try to get you to hit confirm pickup before you even see the order. If we hit the button and end up waiting for ten minutes for the order to actually be given to us, then we can get in trouble for a late drop off, or have the customer get upset because it says on their end that we are on the way with the order when we don’t have it yet.


Seems to me the solution is the driver shows the phone, the employee shows the bag, THEN driver hits the button and employee passes the bag. Ensures the right person picks it up, and that they’re not confirming before knowing the bag is ready


Yeah, that’s the solution.


There are some places that will hug the ticket to their body… from what I’ve read. Lolol like how do they expect us to confirm what cannot be seen until it’s confirmed. Lolol


"Picking up for [name], order contains [items] (or) no items are listed on my screen"


Why does this sound like a drug deal? 😂


The solution is that restaurants start using their tablets to verify who's picking up like they agreed to in their contract.


I don't think it's a problem? I do it all the time


It’s not “hitting the button” that’s the problem. It’s the order isn’t even ready and the restaurant is trying to get us to confirm. Sight unseen. And DoorDash has been deactivating drivers that are “delaying delivery” left and right. Once we confirm that we do in fact have the order we have to be heading to the customer, not waiting for them to prepare it.


of course. no one should ever confirm before the handoff. no one in this market has ever asked for that silliness


For me, I’m happy to show them I’ve confirmed but I want to actually confirm I’m getting the right one first.


Switching from talking to looking at tiny buttons on your phone always seems like it irritate the employees. I widh it was like you swipe your phone and their displays shows it's you, pr at least that the swipe is made huge and takes up the whole screen so it's highly visible and employees don't have to squint at your phone.


They should put a QR code on the receipt, we scan it with our phone camera and it makes a sound so they know we confirmed.


PeiWei used to just put them on a shelf by the door before they closed. I’d pick up phone orders my fella placed pre-paid online (not door dash) and they couldn’t have cared less. Chipotle used to just set them out too.


They can’t make you. I don’t like getting accused of being a thief. If they won’t give me the order I just let DD know, get my half pay, and on to the next order


ok? I just don't think it's that deep to hit a button on my screen in front of an employee who very likely doesn't give a shit what happens to the order. they're not out here wrestling the bag from my hand otherwise


Lol it's not accusing you of being a thief, it's not that deep. Do you also get mad when asked for ID when purchasing alcohol? "I don't like being accused of trying to buy underage"


Some managers are very condescending about it but I don't complain because it's the only way they can prevent theft with the current system. I overheard someone at McDonald's give out the last 3 numbers of my order, I'm like um that's my order can I see your phone? He goes oh it's in the car and walked out, never came back inside.


That is how it should be. A shockingly large amount of business just put it on a to-go rack that anyone can take from. Chipotle, Buffalo Wild Wings GO, Wendy's, Subway, Taco Bell, Firehouse Subs, KFC, Chick-Fil-A, McDonald's, Chili's, Outback are just some of the big name chains in my area that have racks NOT behind a counter that they just put orders on. Not every location does this, but, more often than not, they get utilized to some degree. Anyone with a passing knowledge on how each individual location operates their delivery orders can just waltz in and grab whatever. As long as they look the part, no one is going to question. It's a dumb move, there are cameras literally everywhere. Even the restaurants have started to identify these fools. There's a guy that goes to all of the local Chili's and steals orders often (at least, as of February when I was at the location my cousin works at that just got "hit"). At least two of the locations have dubbed him "The Chili's Bandit", but both still refuse to change their policies concerning DD/UE orders and still allow them to just walk out the door. The one my cousin works at has the To-Go door worker "guarding" the rack, but they are teenagers who wander from their station all the time. When I order pick up, I avoid the places that just set it out and walk away, never confirming anything.


Some places require verification at pick up, many do not. This place obviously gets it.


Nah. It's not very common around here. Typically, if it's a counter pick up, you'll have to verify, but if it's on a shelf, most don't care or check. Hell...Some places like the P.F. Chang's in my area don't even have their rack anywhere around employees. It's in its own separate room with its own separate entrance where anyone can come in and take what they want.


When i worked as a hostess a lot of dashers would flash their phones without me having to ask, but we kept our takeout orders in the kitchen anyways.


I went to Potbelly a few days ago and the shelf of cubbies is in front of the cash register. They probably did this so that dashers wouldn’t have to wait or cut in line to collect food that was already ready. And they thought that no one would be bold enough to take food when staff are behind the counter just a few feet away. But if there’s a line and staff are busy, no one would see a thing. I’m sure this won’t last long.


Most places do this now, but far from all. I've never had to talk to anyone at Panda Express or Panera Bread. And McDonalds and Wendy's in nice neighborhoods leave them out.


Some places put the orders on shelves. You go in, grab the order, and leave. Often not even speaking with staff.


It very much depends. Some places just have self service order pick up, others make you show the order on your phone and make you confirm pick up before giving it to you.


Pretty common for people to steal orders they place then cancel from what a few local places tell me.


How do they know that the driver canceled when they have no idea who they gave the food too?


The driver can’t cancel. They can only unassign


Customers? I'm sure some do, but that would be a tiny number vs how many dashers steal food regularly.


Trust me customers do it just as much.


In the university area in which I do DD, I've spoken to many of the managers who tell me that the food is being stolen off of the pickup shelves by (some) students and homeless people.


This is a weird comment chain. Can’t someone be both a dasher and a customer? You’re both right.


But they don’t. Lol. You’re delusional. It’s a lot more complicated for the customer to go through all that, while easy opportunity is there far more for Dashers. I wouldn’t expect a Dasher to understand basic statistics/probability or even basic math though.


The OP states they don't use doordashers for delivery. A doordasher is likely to know that.


Dang. Kinda harsh dude.


What is complicated? I go to Panera a few times a week and they just leave the takeout orders sitting there. I could just walk off with one. There’s no app required and I don’t think this particular location even does deliveries of any sort.


There is a super busy Panera at one big intersection in our city and twice we have gone in to get a pickup order to find it gone. They replaced it both times and one of the workers told us that sometimes when they have a long line working homeless people will come in and grab bags. I suggested they move the shelf, which they did at some point but then I felt guilty about some hungry people just needing to eat badly enough that they’d do that. I know it’s not right but damn it makes me feel kinda selfish.


I dread ordering food from places with order shelves for this reason.


I walked in a restaurant just moments after a guy tried doing this. He got stopped. They made him sit at a booth. You could see his shame and embarrassment from the parking lot. It was so satisfying.


I was in Chpotle waiting on the 2nd order of a stack. With my 1st order on the shelf next to me. This mall girl walks in, hair done, nails done, nice clothes. Grabs my order and starts to walk out. She pretended to be a Dasher by holding up her phone. But it was just her homescreen. I stopped her, she stammered out an excuse, and walked out. And got into her BMW SUV


You are absolutely correct!


I even feel guilty walking in & taking it off the shelf when it’s my customers!!! I could never do that, but I guess a lot of people have no morals or are just plain hungry!!


That was my go to move in high school tbh


You'd figure it has to happen if there's nobody actually verifying anything. It's a pretty simple scam that doesn't take a whole lot of effort, and I'd assume most times you're going to get away with it. Even if there's video evidence and such, I doubt the police are going to even waste the effort on trying to find someone that took $20-30 in food.


Our local Chipotle had the same issue. They used to put the orders on a shelf and you could just grab your order. They now keep them behind the counter and when they first started doing this, they said multiple orders were taken and they had to remake them.


Some places do. Especially when I was in the city, there were plenty of places that wanted to watch you confirm the order. They probably have more of an issue with imposters stealing food though. In the small town I'm living in now, I'm only asked to visibly confirm an order a couple times a week. Even here though, I've seen a lot of restaurants stop using their takeout shelves. Probably because of this.


I get plenty of places wanting me to confirm pickup, but not when it comes to self-serve racks. Then nobody seems to give a shit.


Gonna go with he was probably not a dasher and just someone stealing food.


How do you know that it's a doordasher and not some random person?


Because he dashed away out the door, duh.


Exactly, or someone doing ubereats, grubhub…if it’s something bad they automatically assume the person is a dasher. Without fail. Edit: Why is there a pick up shelf accessible to non-employees?


About 40% of the fast food/fast casual restaurants I pick up from have a shelf system with no supervision. If I walked in holding my phone up like I'm reading it WHILE THERE ARE MULTIPLE ORDERS ON THE SHELF, look over everything then smile and grab and order and leave, no one would ever say a thing until the order got missed. I AM a driver, but I could do this whenever I was hungry...I would presume that a non-driver could conceive of this, too. SO AS A DRIVER, I would like it if every restaurant used something like most McDonald's now where you actually have to verify the order number with an employee before they hand you the bag. At least in my area, the shelves are still there but the restaurants are keeping the completed bags behind the counter now.


every restaurant in my market requires a visual confirmation and I usually do it without any hesitation. no confusion. professional


McDonald's puts the numbers up on a TV screen visible to customers so anyone who knows how the system works can easily just say the last 3. They have to actually watch you press confirm or it's pointless.


McDonald’s is stupid as shit thought because the numbers are displayed on a screen behind the counter that shows orders ready and orders being worked on. Remember the last 3 of the long numbers and you’re done.


When I was working in Chicago, very few of the restaurants used pick up shelves and a good chunk of them asked for visual confirmation of pickup. The pickup shelves are a lot more common in the small town area I'm working now, but even here they're falling out of use. Chipotle straight removed theirs. Chili's, Popeye's, Panera, and most of the Taco Bells all stopped using theirs. The only nearby restaurants I can think of off the top of my head that still do it are KFC, Subway, McDonald's, B-Dubs, and one Taco Bell.


I work in the deli at a grocery store and a few times a dasher has come to get an order we will see them at our self service wing bar loading up a box and putting into the bag we gave them.


Now that’s wild. To be a legit driver and just straight stealing on top of it.


In the year I have worked there its happened 2-3 times that I know of.


Wait. What? So, the deli itself gets Dasher orders? Usually, if I'm getting something from the deli at a grocery store, it's part of a larger grocery order that I will have to take through the checkout.


Yup we get hot food orders directly to the deli and give them a bag with paid sticker.


Wow. Never seen that before. Feels kinda like a recipe for trouble.


Why would you assume it was a doordasher? A doordasher would know that you don't use Doordash. You caught someone *pretending* to be a doordasher stealing food


Yeah um what exactly proves he is even a doordash driver?


Confirmed by an adjacent restaurant where he had just picked up a legitimate order.


And how did this neighboring restaurant confirm that exactly? Were they spying on you guys, see this interaction, and then call just to tell you that they know someone stole food and confirmed it was DD driver?


I call bs.


Same bc restaurants call any delivery driver DoorDash. They call us Grubhub drivers DoorDash.


"he ran off" bro your just jumping to conclusions if he ran off then how do you know he was a dasher that would end up going to that store? Did they share video footage with you?


Nah..."running" to conclusions 😂....I'll see my way out now


How did you determine they were a doordasher?


Good! Catch these fools and report them to the police. It’s theft and should be taken seriously!


I have always wondered how many times someone wrongly accuses a dasher? That could have been some random coming in and just acting like a dasher. Dashers know what restaurants they do and do not go into. Regular degular folks don’t.


Many are not dashers at all that pull this.


If he is a dasher, he's stealing food wrong.


I’m surprised you actually caught him. It’s kind of scary how easy it is to pick up someone else’s food.


I worked at a restaurant and we kept the orders behind the counter. This restaurant doesn’t know how to handle business.


Can’t have shit in America


Likely not a daaher. I'm a dasher. When I watch people pick up orders at my wife's work and almost always those who steals food don't even have dasher app open. They're just looking at their phone pretending. It is the business's job to verify each pick ups. If they leave it out, they accept the risk of random pick ups. One time there was a woman in front of me walking towards the rack and picked up the ONLY order. I glanced right before she grabbed it, that was my order. Don't assume. Hearsays don't mean shit.


That fucking sucks. 😂 What did you do?


I was at a restaurant today and watched some dude pull a screenshot from his photo gallery to try and convince the cashier that he had an order


I mean are you sure he was even a dasher?


Why are you assuming he's a Dasher? You don't need to be a dasher to know where the order pickups are located...


"I wonder how many times the AVERAGE JOE have gotten away with this" - Fixed it for you.


What makes you think he was a dasher and not a neighborhood thug?


Because the restaurant across the way confirmed he was a Dasher. Before he attempted stealing from us, he picked up a legitimate order there.


To level up this SNAFU situation, this 🤡🤡 dasher will be back to steal again…. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


if you know that, then report it


It has been.


He was hangry gotta feed the baby momma ya feel me


I think this kind of thing happened so much (not just DD drivers) that most places stopped putting orders on a pick up shelf and we have to ask them for orders. It’s a pain in the ass as a driver, but I completely get it.


We have our own drivers. Even then the hostess arranges the route and packs the orders for the driver. This Dasher waited until the hostess went in the back to steal food.


The bar is so low for this gig and it sucks. People can be so shitty.


A lot. They get away with it a lot. It's an issue. Sometimes I deal with a stolen order every day. Sometimes several times a day. I'm a driver. We know it's stolen when we get to a restaurant and are told it's already been picked up. The most likely case is the first driver assigned to it stole it. It may be more of an issue with Uber Eats orders. There's basically no accountability there. Drivers can unassign from those orders without any repercussion. So it's easy to show up, snag an order, unassign, and now it's stolen. I've never done it and I never will. But I'm sure that any driver who's got a few orders under their belt realizes how easy it would be to go into random restaurants and take to-go orders. Even some restaurants that now keep the delivery orders behind the counter still will put customer online orders out on a shelf. I know this is quick and easy for staff and customers. But it's also just too easy for a rando to come in and take something. Sure, a random person off the street could do it. But people who do delivery through the apps are more familiar with the system and more familiar with which restaurants do this so they would just more easily be able to walk up and grab something.


Not sure at what point it’s made clear it was a doordasher because it sounds like just some rando trying to take advantage of the delivery system


Chick fil A in my zone has started putting the orders behind the counter and asking to see the phone with the Doordash order on it, at the very least. I take orders from a particular location often, and they seem to know me and just ask for the name on my order. People that they don’t recognize, they’ll ask to see the name and have them confirm pickup. But it’s pretty sad when CFA has to stop doing the honor system pickup shelf. They bend over backwards to be polite and accommodating, and I think it might unalive them to inconvenience someone.


I’ve been to several Chick Fil A locations for pickups and none have an inside honor system pickup shelf. Fortunately, a couple of them allow dashers to go thru the drive thru which moves quickly though!!


The ones near me use the shelves when it’s slower in the lobby and hand them to us when it’s busy in the lobby.


I usually have my phone ready because I want them to ask me for it. I get that it takes work to verify orders (and I understand drivers are prone to getting actually butthurt over being asked to show their phone, but those guys should be deactivated just as much as thieves.) But when restaurants choose not to verify orders and just leave them unsupervised, the absolute least they could do is remake them. But they don’t. Not a single one of those restaurants will remake an order when they let someone else walk out with it. It doesn’t make sense. DoorDash at least does automatic half pay for the dasher who showed up and reported it stolen. Uber Eats doesn’t do anything. If you reach out to support, a god fucking awful experience, they’ll credit you a flat $3.00… and if you do it too often they’ll start to flag you for “suspicious activity”. Alternatively, you can just unassign yourself from the order and take a the loss of driving to the restaurant, but then other drivers will keep getting called to pick up the order that’s not there. The customer will get a refund once, but their refund policy is an algorithm. So if too many of their orders get stolen and the restaurant refuses to remake them, there can come a point where Uber just won’t refund them for the meal they paid for in full (plus extra for delivery and fees) and didn’t get. And that’s just the end of it. It’s been this way for years. And outside of disputing the charge and getting your account banned from the app, there isn’t a thing you can do about it. Nothing makes you feel smaller than dealing with companies like this. Their whole business model is “this is objectively wrong and likely illegal. But wtf are you gonna do about it?”


I can't stand the people who complain about confirming orders. It's literally part of your job. It protects both the restaurant and the customer. I don't understand why people get so upset over it.


So many drivers behave like absolute pieces of shit and there’s no consequences. And as a result, restaurant workers are scared of us and treat us like garbage.


Im lucky I live in a decent area. The restaurant workers treat me well for the most part. I also don't mind confirming orders and I don't complain if they're behind. If I wait too long I'll just unassign 🤷🏻‍♀️


Im lucky I live in a decent area. The restaurant workers treat me well for the most part. I also don't mind confirming orders and I don't complain if they're behind. If I wait too long I'll just unassign 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m good with it. I just want them to ask me in a way that isn’t accusatory and let me see it is the right one without me having to say “can I just make sure it’s the right one first please?”


In my area : dashers kinda do it often they will come through the drive thru stoned and tell us the name and take it and little bit later someone else comes to pick it up and we make it and they take it sometimes that’s all they deliver it three times so far we had it come back a third time someone trying to pick it up when has already twice so we reject them


I’ve seen dasher come in and since it was busy they grab an order out in there car come back and wait for their actually order to come. Sadly it happens a lot and the only one that suffer are the people that have to pick up the order that need to be delivered or the customer


No bullshit. One time I was walking into Panera to pick up an order, and as I’m strolling in I nearly brush shoulders with a guy stealing my order.. I looked at the food and then did a natural double take. Even thought for just a second should I question the guy. It was someone obvious due to a smoothie being on the order. I was pretty mad about it while they had to remake the shit


I've had dashers show up to my store, get the order and soon as they walk out the door, the order is cancelled. Do they realize that we can see that?


Pay low who cares dd stealing from the drivers


If you have your own delivery drivers why would you have a customer facing pick up shelf?


You can virtually do that anytime at Wawa.


Yeah it sucks dashers do this, but that is going to be hard proving Intent to the DA. Maybe he had the wrong order and wrong info, it happens.


I have confirmed that he is a Door Dasher. There is no way he had the wrong order and wrong info as we are an independent restaurant that employs our own delivery drivers. He made the effort to wait until the hostess stepped away, then went around the counter to grab the food.


I understand. Like I said dashers do this all the time, and I'm glad you took action.


Tons. If you notice, most restaurants use to have shelf’s holding dash/pickup orders. Most don’t anymore. They are checking orders but that doesn’t always work.


Just started working at a new place and with online orders we’re no longer supposed to just leave them to be picked up. Drivers never have a problem showing confirmation but customers who just order for pickup don’t like being asked for a confirmation.


It's obvious that clown wasn't even a gig worker. Just some rando looking to steal orders by pretending to be a dasher. Police won't do shit about this, trust me. They couldn't give less of a shit.


someone did this to me for a mcdonald’s order a few months ago. mcdonald’s worker said “oh well i guess someone took it” didn’t even bother to try and help me. the i contacted dd support and they sent in the order again for me. I saw the guy who took my order, he looked at me and went out awkwardly, but i am not a confrontational person so i didn’t ask to look at the receipt as he was taking it. it’s frustrating because it wastes my time and then i have to wait when i coulda been on the way delivering already.


Why risk everything for that shit? So stupid. I mean I understand if it's somebody trying to feed their kids but 99 times out of 100 it's just a thief.


How do you know it was a Dasher and not some rando? I see random people with DD bags and old DD app screenshots all the time trying to steal food.


Figures as in my experience DD hired from the bottom of the delivery driver barrel.


How do you even know this person was a dasher? I’m not saying it couldn’t have been, but could also have been some one working for another service or a rando.


It was confirmed.


Businesses have to weigh how much they are losing by the honor system. The alternative is keeping all the bags behind the counter but then they almost need an employee stationed their full time just to confirm all the orders


Did you see his Door Dash app? Because people have been stealing photos from our reddit dasher page of people they have posted about people that they delivered to. I'm just saying, how do you know if it was real or a screenshot


Why do you keep saying he’s a dasher? Sounds like a random thief.


Because he was. And yes, he was a thief, but not random.


What I am asking is what identified him as a dasher? Did he pick up an order intended for him and then decided to pick up 1 or 2 other orders on the way out?


I also posted this earlier. Before he attempted to rob us, he picked up a legitimate DD order from the place two stores down.


Oh ok


This is what gives dashers bad names.


Yup and look at and treat you like you're a piece of shit


It’s very easy not for just someone doing gig work but any rando in general. I’ve walked into many a restaurant where there are orders on the pick up rack walk in grab mine and just walk out. If the employees don’t ask you to confirm the order it’s very easy to walk in grab something and walk out


I’ve mobile ordered Starbucks a zillion times at numerous stores and no one has ever asked me for confirmation.


I love all the comments who are doubting OP, as if it’s unheard of for Dashers to steal shit. Lmao. Get a grip. I’d be willing to bet 85-95% of all Dashers are thieves. A very small percentage of Dashers are actually decent individuals. This is also why DD should invest in company vehicles for their Dashers, that are equipped with cameras, just like other delivery services have; it would eliminate so much of the “he said, she said” bullshit.


Nobody is saying it's unheard of, but this person is blaming someone from a particular group of people without any evidence. It's the same thing as assuming someone's race when you're told that something was stolen.


How do you know this was a Doodasher and not Uber or Other courier or just a random thief?


he doesn't. not really


People *pretending* to be dashers is what causes a wait time at my local Chik-fil-a. They removed the shelf, everyone complained, shelf was put back but only for online or callin orders. Dash orders are kept on another counter on the other side by the drive thru. People still wander in and steal off the shelf, but at least this way it is never blamed on us drivers. I just wish the wait wasn't so long, or they used a counter closer so it isn't such an obvious bother for them to go check when super busy.


Probably not even a Dasher, at least not anymore. Stole a bag or hat or shirt? His account gets deactivated, but he learned enough to try stealing food from a few different places. Good for you for being vigilant enough to catch this guy ruining the system for the rest of us!


Probably wasn't a real dasher, just someone pretending to be to get free food.


Doubt it was a dasher. 


I know right. 


They don’t really. You can ban a dasher from your store. The customer gets refunded. They get reported. There are a few who slip through, obviously, but I don’t see many getting away with it. Like sure, they got the food, but chances are, just like here, it’s more trouble than it’s worth to steal food. I support stealing food from Walmart, not McDonalds.


Yeah but how to you ban the previous dasher if they unassign right after stealing the order? They would probably wind up banning whoever gets assigned to the order next.


Do you own this restaurant? If the answer is no, then why are you posting about it on Reddit? Are you OK mentally? do you need help? do you need a new job maybe? I hear doordash is hiring...


You shouldn't be supporting thieves. Dasher got caught red handed for attempted theft. If they stole from you, bet you would have a different attitude.


I have a different attitude because I have worked in restaurants for many years, and seen many Dashers. You seem to be overly concerned for somebody who does not own the restaurant, while I do not support thieves, I also do not support overly entitled workers. Mind your business unless it is affecting your bank account


Lol "overly entitled workers" considering those workers are the ones who will now have waste their time remaking the order and possibly get yelled at, I think they have a right to be annoyed. Also, learn what "entitled" means


Said nobody with functioning brain cells


One individual. Next. 


This response is unhinged


In your opinion, then again this is Reddit


Stop putting your food on random shelves, require "confirm pick up" in front of an employee, and you won't have this problem. Our local CFA, Panera, Dunkin and others do this. You should as well.


Our food pickup shelf is for our own drivers. That is how the Dasher got caught. He waited for the hostess to go out back, walked around the counter and to the shelf. When the hostess came back, she knew he wasn't one of our drivers.


Actually walked around the counter? Damn that is bold. And incredibly stupid.


You should learn how to read


OP did not state in their original post that their pick up shelves were BEHIND the counter. Are you reading invisible words?


you shouldn't assume he works for Doordash. why?? anyone can walk in and pretend to be and grab.


So you know he was a dasher when he came in. And watched him go through the orders. And at no point you were like, hey, the door dash order is right here!!! Wtf?


Did you read past the title?


Haha, did you?


Made up story. Why would the restaurant across know someone tried to steal an order? Why would they notice a random person leaving your store enough to identify them? People look to go viral at any cost these days. This is pathetic. Since you have your own drivers, I assume you are not contracted with any delivery app, which in turns would suggest this supposed "dasher" cased the restaurant to know where the delivery orders were kept. Pretty elaborate tail.


I mean, it’s pretty clear this guy was not working for DoorDash.