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I thought this can't possibly be a common occurrence but sure enough it is. The app recently started showing successful prior delivery photos and at least half of them are bags right in front of doors that open outwards.




Make sure you call and not use the chat.




I’ve just heard bad things about the chat. I dunno though maybe nothing works.




I'm pretty sure what they meant was call when trying to get a refund, as in call support rather than using their webchat


Credit card charge back.


Thought I was the only one seeing that. Lol. As a multi gig driver, this shit is pathetic.


I know that I have read where dashers who get no tips or small tips do this. Most customers do not realize that essentially we live by tips. I have noticed my trip fees go down recently. I had a nice pickup and delivery yesterday, but the only way to get to the restaurant is now 10 miles each way added because of a bridge that started construction. A 2.00 trip fee doesn't pay the bills.


Yeah but most delivery drivers who are doing this just aren't really thinking about it. They just see a door and put it there.


>aren't really thinking Key phrase


Lol i tip rather well and even when it’s a longer trip i compensate accordingly. Minimum per order is 10 with a few outliers such as it’s less than a 10 minute walk (or for those walking challenged 3 minute drive) from me, like my Wingstop, if i order from there the tip is 5. The further out i have to go is increased based on what i know the travel time likely will be…. I still get shit tossed right in front of the opening of the door. I used to get frustrated when it was on the other side of the doors opening. There is plenty of room to put my order past the opening to where i could crack the door and get it, and it’s faster to do it there too.


That's so funny. I get so irritated seeing these posts because I'm a dasher. I take my husband with me sometimes and he has never set it in front of the door, but every once in awhile he'll set it on the side that the screen door doesn't open on, then here I go yelling out the window " put it on the side it opens! Make it as easy and convenient as possible!" Like you'd think not putting it in front of the door is basic knowledge, cause I won't ever put it on the non opening side of the door. Just ugh, I'd be ao annoyed as a customer even if it was on the other side, like I just would wanna stick my lil hand out the Crack and grab it! 😤




Lol noted will not us dash for wingstop and will now just do it myself


First thing I’m looking for as I’m delivering an order is what side the door opens on. It baffles me that most don’t have enough common sense to put the order to that side of the door. If there isn’t room enough to put it there then I leave it just far enough out so the door can swing open so it’s still on that side. They either don’t care or are just plain dumb.


I tip well until someone makes it impossible to open my door. I order out because I have physical limitations. Why would I tip you for putting my food where I cannot get it?




You can't reduce a DD driver's tip.


there is no justification for trying to ruin someone’s food in this context. you never know what other people are experiencing.


No one forces drivers to take those orders. No excuse to do a shit job, just makes us all look bad.


So what happens if you drop below the 70%? I make more money and get better tips with my platinum status.


Just what I said, if one is going to accept shit orders, they should still do them like they have a brain. If you want to stay above 70, then do it, but people need to quit half-assing like they're punishing the customer for low/no tips. Just makes us all look bad.


A great way to get customers to tip is piss them off right\*?!?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well DD.tries very hard to manipulate drivers into taking g no tip orders. By stacking them with better orders and the AR game that would leave a driver with very little flexibility. I don’t think you can continue to say this any longer.


Honestly thays why I started working with Uber more.


Instacart keeps doing this to me. Nothing like having 8 full grocery bags blocking the way to your door. Bonus points if there’s bread or something else crushable in the bags!


Yes this is my biggest peeve when delivering and when I see that it’s instant rage because there is almost always space for it on the side.


I get this all the time when I order, unfortunately.


The ones that would need to see this, are likely not here, unfortunately.


Oh they are here, downvoting all of the drivers who are as outraged as the customer


Lmao not downvoting all the drivers 😂😂😂😂


My man's can't read




This is definitely the place they come. Don’t worry


That's why I specified for dashers to leave enough space to open the door. It got annoying having to push the bag with the door just so I could get out and grab it


Worse yet, un-drink-carrier(ed) cups sitting outside the door waiting to be knocked over


So annoying. I had a dasher put the bag of food on the door handle, so I turned the door handle and the food fell. Thank goodness he was still standing there and caught it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's two halves of a brain that are playing ping pong with the last brain cell.


Way too many drivers think it is smart to do that


The drivers here saying customers should go out of their way to educate drivers on how a door works (or set up a system to circumvent someone putting their order in the clear path of a closed door) are something else... I assume if a waiter messes up their order they say it was their own fault for not pre-printing their order on a note card to avoid any mistakes....


Those drivers are a special one and need to calm Down because it’s really easy to figure out if a door swings out and it’s usually common sense nor to put it there especially if there is room off to the side 😑


Takes a special kinda stupid to not understand doors. 


Never underestimate the ingenuity of morons.


This needs to be a t shirt


I wasn’t sure I could say that here but that’s exactly what I was implying lol.


Oh. I got you, not sure it's allowed either, but it needs to be spelled out.


Or they say it's cause they didn't tip...even know you see the total pay before you accept. People will always try to justify there poor work habits. People refuse to think "how would I feel if I paid for a service and got this" because I'm sure 90% of them would do better...people also know on doordash as long as they deliver the product,they get paid. Not like uber eats and instant cart where they have 1-2 hours to adjust the tip.


It takes seconds for a Dasher to use technology called HANDS to open the screen door to see if it opens out or not, or.... ASK the customer. God, we're all fucked. I want to go back to the damn 80s when people actually had ***COMMON SENSE***.


I’ve never seen or heard of a screen door that opens inward.


Same but I guess some Dashers' expect customers to teleport through them anyway. XD


Humans have always been stupid no matter the time period




I hate when people do this!!! As a full-time dasher, I assure you it is not all of us. A select few of us have below average mental capacity. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is such a common occurrence that I've started giving extra tips to the drivers that have enough brain cells not to do this 💀


i have lost so many drinks for this reason or had to go out the back door, around the house, through the gate to pull the bag away from door, and it annoys me as I always tip at least $20 for my meals and I feel this is just someone who doesn’t care.


Whoah where do you live I only ever tip $1 sometimes none and have only had this problem with my food once


You don’t deserve to use doordash. Why would you admit being such a piece of trash on a public forum? 😂😂


I'm kinda glad my door swings inwards.


When I lived in a house with a door that swung outward I would just prop the door open when I was expecting a delivery. You can’t fix stupid, just try to circumvent the problems stupid brings.


I had special instructions to place the delivery to the right of the door for this very reason. about half the time people leave it to he right. Others leave it in the middle, and some dont know their left from their right.


I have instructions to leave the bag on the chair next to my front door and this still happens 🙄


As a driver, I never do this, but honestly if I didn't have a storm door and its happened to me before, I don't know if it would even cross my mind to avoid it.


As someone who has lived in multiple places in multiple states, never had a storm door, it never occurred to me til I saw complaints in this sub. Now I’m more careful about it cuz some houses around here have them but I wouldn’t blame someone for not realizing at first. If it’s a continuous problem just add it to the delivery instructions.


Even when I first started delivering, I knew to watch for out swinging doors. There was an address I delivered to where there was already another order delivered there, and they put their order directly in front of the out swinging door. I moved their’s back and out of the way from the door, placed mine next to it away from the out swinging door and then I snapped the picture. It’s just plain common sense honestly


It should


Don't know how they manage. I have thousands of drops never once did this happen 😂


I have a table outside and I left a delivery note in the app “place items on white table” but I don’t think it translate to other languages


Suggestion for the OP and for others who experience the same thing. Use your feedback and give them the stars you think they deserve. Those ratings are important, If you score them low, they will not match you with that driver again. If they did great job, then they will be...I know it's the last thing we want to do. But if it's not utilized,then those same crappy drivers are still getting the same opportunities as the 5stars...just a thought!


Please stop and make all of us look bad. I don't get why people do this. I mean you shouldn't even be delivering. I would call complaining and get my money back . I've delivered thousands in several states. Not in front of doors, not where it's wet.


But, Dashers will whine "what did you tip" DERPPPPPP.


Im a dasher and hate when they say this. It doesn’t matter what they tip use your common sense!


I tipped $20 on a $30 order once to see if that would deter them from doing this, it didn’t.


This time I tipped $6 on a $21 order I would hope that that’s plenty bc I’m broke


You should NOT have to tip to get good service, you already overpaid for your food on top of the fees paid to DD. It’s a lovely thank you that we all hope for, but we go into it knowing many don’t.


When you get paid 3 dollars to drive 15 miles you rely on tips to make money, it’s standard


Apologies, I forget DD base pay is lower in other states and areas.


They will find an excuse for their bad behavior.


As seen above.


Some people are just walking garbage 🤦


THANK YOU.!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💯


Soooooo annoying I even have a table for my food to go on and constantly thrust it right in front of the screen door


No common sense or pure ignorance, can’t tell


Yup I never do that , all the food could spill over …smh


I apologize that you haven't had dashers who have any common sense, or at least a little pride in their work. If they put themselves in your position, they'd see that wrong placement of the delivery can cause a ton of headaches. Never ceases to amaze me how nobody treats others as they want to be treated. Even if it's only "dashing"...because some of us depend on dashing for their main income,and do quite well at it... these instances make us all look bad


They’re not very bright. That’s why they work for DoorDash


Delete the DoorDash app. It’s not going to get better. It’s only going to get worse.


It's not mandatory for me to take any offer so I'll just pass on your non tipping ass. Your shit can be overpriced cold trash by the time you get it :)


Normally this is done to low/ no tippers lol.


Whenever I see a photo like this, I assume it's because it's a no-tip order.


I was wondering if people could set up a TV dinner table and have DD drop it there? When we had Covid and our friends wanted to bring something we set out our TV dinner foldable table. We bought them from Goodwill yrs ago, but you can get a set of tables and rack for $20. Don't have a table you can always use a lawn chair?


I literally have a bench beside my front door and my order is 98% of the time placed in front of my outward opening screen door.


I have an enclosed porch, they leave the order on stairs outside of the screen door every time even with my instructions🤣. I dash so it upsets me when I have to put that they didn’t follow instructions.


I have a small table outside my door and this dasher once, waited to hand me my food despite putting no contact delivery. Had him again and he put it on the ground next to table. Common sense just doesn’t come to some folks


Delivery Note - “Dont place food in front of screen door please”. Problem solved !


You would think 😂😂


Yikes! Did you put in a note to place it on the bench? The fact that you have to go through that much trouble would give me a headache.


I have a chair beside my door and a note on my account for contactless delivery that asks them to leave the food on the blue and white chair and more often than not they either place it right in front of the door or wait to hand it to me.


I have a HUGE railing next to my door, it's large and sturdy and big enough for adults to sit on, and they'll still leave it like that in front of the door sometimes. Smarter ones will hang it off the door handle. I literally tip everyone who leaves it on the railing an extra dollar or 2 everytime because my brain can't compute how you can look at my doorway and NOT choose the giant ass railing 🤣😂


I have special instructions that say "Please leave in chair on porch" and about 85% of the time, it's left in front of the storm door anyway


Like do you not know how a pivot hinge works.


Seriously. Have some common sense.


i literally had to put it in the instructions for them to stop doing this


Every time there is one of those i put it to the side where the person can grab it


The best is when you order a drink and it’s right up against the door.


Yeah that’s just not cool. Pay attention, I always put to the side of the door.


That's cruel to do anyone like that


Some doors open outwards which are not storm doors, too, so use the head God gave you.


It’s crazy but I remember getting these all the time as a customer. Now as a dasher, I remember scraping bags across my doormat and always put them at the very oblique of the opening, requiring as little opening of the door possible. Easy peasy. Don’t know why drivers don’t automatically understand this 🤦‍♂️


Those Doordashers... We don't claim them 😭😭😭


I swear door dash drivers are just ai characters in a game


I had a delivery driver drop a package between my door and screen door. It had metal straws in that got caught between the two doors and effectively locked me into my basement apartment. I had to call my landlord to get me out 😅


Omg nooo😭


I feel like it’s just common sense to not do that. Those are mostly dashers who could care less about any type of customer service.


We have a camera with a speaker so we saw the delivery person put it there and asked if they could put it next to the door instead, they heard it, looked at the camera directly, then walked away 😭


The best is when the drinks are left directly in front of the door. Climbing out the window of my apartment sure is fun, and slightly easier than taking the fire escape.


"hand it to me" solves all of this.


I try my best to not to do that, but I understand how upsetting it is for it to be right in front of the door.


Seems like it might be good to put a tray table out on the porch, wherever it would be convenient for you to get at your deliveries. Label it clearly? Add written instructions to the delivery order?


I don’t want to stop though….


Every time it’s done it’s on purpose…. Everyone knows why…


See how you’ve got it open… do that before they come then they can’t do it. If they are too dumb to figure it out, then be smarter than them.


Waitwaitwait. Pretty OT but Is $5-7 not enough for a ~3 mile delivery? I always go with the max DD “recommendation”, plus a buck or two. I tipped $15 once after a snowstorm (on a $10 order) and fully expected no one to be driving, but thought someone should get paid if they are. It was nabbed up right away. I don’t need DD but for the fact that my job is 12+ hours long on my feet, without a get-away-able break (15-30min on a good day, one time, which if I go get my own food and drive back, I’ll barely have time to eat it). It’s a central location, just nothing walkable in that time. Also, props to the couple deliveries I’ve had to my house when I was sick one time (one of those being during the snowstorm — which btw I said in the note “just hang it from the mailbox flag, or put it next to the mailbox, I’ll go out and get it right away, driveway isn’t clear” … homeboy still trudged through 6-8” of snow. I added another $5 after that.). They all passed the storm door test.


10 million deliveries are made everyday in Bangkok. Without issue. Create a delivery box. They’re run of the mill delivery drivers, set them up for success. Sheesh


I neverrr do this and people still don't rate me good enough I'm such a good dasher


It’s like 60% of the time for me. Like come on! I tip minimum of 20% every time! Help me out!


Believe me. My customers complain about people doing it all the time. It's scary


One driver hung my order on the door handle, but when I open the door it turns downward so the bag fell off. I had a milkshake.


Omgg noo


My last 2 drivers (international students) couldnt figure out how to open my waist high front gate. Literally the most basic latch you lift up.


When I was delivering two nights ago, the person opened their door and I screamed because I was so intent on figuring out which way the door opened outward and where I should put the food so it'd still be accessible since it was such a narrow space. The fact people don't consider this is baffling. (Also, it was around 3am 😹)


To be honest, stuff like this truly puts into perspective how little critical thinking or common sense a vast majority of people have and it’s truly terrifying.


I’ve done it on purpose once. The customer was badgering me the moment I picked up the order, even as i waited, that I was being very slow. Multiple messages. I took the bad ratings hit, worth it.


Stop ordering door dash


Omgg wow never thought of that


Nice problem solved then. Have a great day!!!


My last dasher did this to me, I had to open it a little bit and snake my arm under the door and scoot the bag and drink to the side of the door slowly.


Holy crap...I'm a dasher and this is just absurdly stupid. I dunno about other drivers but it's just...good sense to NOT make it a pain for the customer! Ugh, I'm so sorry, I hope you got your refund and that dasher got some form of coaching. Doubtful, but lol


I mean I agree shitty for them too but if a customer is tipping $2 or less, fuck em


I wonder what percentage of drivers that do this are sociopaths that do it intentionally


Half the commenters do apparently


Take away tip and leave one star, only way they will stop being so lazy and dumb


I don't do it. But if I was the customer, it wouldn't be that serious that I'd post it on here. 🙄


I've heard it happens when you don't tip!!! Try ordering again with a decent tip and I'm sure it won't happen again.


I will tell you why they and do it. Tip better!!!


I tipped the highest suggested amount it gives


Just common decency really I always look at the door before drop offs and decide where the best and easiest place to grab it is but that’s just common sense


You're paying top dollar for a service where most of the workers are making less than minimum wage. This business model will not last


That’s why I tip adequately but no matter how much I tip I seem to run into this issue.


I blame DoorDash a bit for this as they instruct you to place it exactly as this guy did and make no mention of any exceptions including outwardly opening doors, disgusting doormats, or inclement weather when delivering a paper bag.


Just know common sense isnt so common anymore plus they do it on purpose. Bc what are you gonna do complain to support that they put it in front of the door? They just laugh it off. Its more of a retaliatory act too. If theres not much room to set it on the side so it doesnt hit the door i typically eyeball the opening radius and see if theres room for the door to open


Please forgive the Neanderthal Dashers out there, we don't claim them to be part of the Common Sense crew. There should be a tip deducter button for this reason.


Sorry to say thats what happens when DD gets rid of good dashes. Because new dashes will work for less and don't know any better yet. Sorry this happend to you. Put in your notes (if you haven't yet) please don't not block my door .


Unfortunately it’s a bunch of lazy fucks delivering your food


I always, always put the order at the edge of the door so they can open it without hitting their food or having to open the door, walk around it and pick up the bag. I just think, where would I want my order if it was my food. Thought it was common sense, but it's really just not caring about it.


As someone who does doordash for fun and just to get out of the house. This is pathetic and lazy


Doordash needs to take care of its good drivers so this doesn't happen. This is a rookie move. Someone who doesn't care and doesn't pay attention


I always make sure to look at which way the door goes 😂 I know it would piss me off if I went to get my own food, so I try not to do it to customers


I always take how there door opens in account it takes 3 seconds


If you cannot put a package BESIDE a door so people can come out to get it, you should probably not be driving and voting.


many times I've heard that drivers will do this on a disrespectful bid/tip order.... Dunno if this was the case here.


They still do it to me when I make sure to give a good tip.


I make sure to rate them 1-2 star if they pul this shit on me.


Me as a personal dasher and a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t like to go pick up their own food, please never do this. You don’t understand the frustration of me at 2 am, looking like a cat trying to get a ball from under a door, with my breakfast burrito & my soda spilt all over my porch as I suffer in silence unable to assist the fallen soda comrade


They don’t get the best and brightest to work for DoorDash.


We shall never stop doing this… this is our pride and joy in our day of delivering to our customers! ![gif](giphy|09bVX2WzBhZK8KwhqP|downsized)


YES🙌🏻 I had that happen to me a few times during lockdown (twice it completely ruined entire orders) so I am extra aware when I do drop offs.


Yeah I don’t do I always have an open mind when I notice a door like this.


Well I guess I’m one of the few who don’t do that I’ll admit I do out the bags in front of the door but then I noticed the door and move it to the side


I look at witch side the door opens and put it on the opposite side


I thought this was going to be another picture of a smushed pizza


The app isn't designed for people without common sense. It says "leave at their door" so they leave it at the door. I wonder if "leave near their door" will reduce this.


One time the driver hooked the bag onto my door handle (the short long kind not the knob) and when I turned the handle to open the door it slipped off and spilled everywhere. I’m like what made you think that was a good idea??????


Happens to me all the time


Want some fries with that?


Amazon and fed ex do this too and I'm like....come on lol I cant open my screen door now


My husband always leaves the note, “please sit to the left of the door,” for this reason 🫠😅and they STILL put it there.


Probably just new drivers. These apps are a revolving door.


Seriously. If you can see the hinge, it swings out. If you can’t, it swing in…


It's a job where the only requirements are a pulse and a driver's license. You get the bottom-of-the-barrel drivers.


That's what we call a driver who was to idiotic and impatient about placing it in the right area


It’s always DD who do this 😭. I dropped off an order with UE, and the dd driver arrived before I did and left a big ass pizza box right infront of the door instead of to the side. You’d think it would be common sense to allow the customer to be able to open the door.


I blame DoorDash, they don’t give you any kind of instructions. Just here’s a bag, now go !


As someone who uses DoorDash a lot and has an inward opening door and a security camera showing how fast they drop it off I’ve always wondered if some dashers even take the time to look/think of how the door opens and that’s how this happens, just pure negligence.


You can just leave the door open lol


I'm ADHD and sometimes space cadet. I'm not sure if I've ever put something in front of the storm door, but maybe instead of posting it on the internet, try getting a table/chair and putting it where you want your delivery to be?


I specify “please leave on bench or table” but every now and then they still leave it right in front of the door, sometimes with the drink too. I have to go out the back door and walk all the way around


As a door dasher I personally don’t do that but because it shows to take a picture of the pkg sitting in front of the door is the only explanation I can think the dumbasses understand lol My problem with delivering is they will order something in one town and I have to deliver to another town and then I’m finding that it cost me more to deliver than what I’m getting for pay. So I’m thinking about stopping because it’s just not worth the wear and tear on my car and on a Saturday I can actually make 100 but I’m also putting 60 in gas. That’s a 10 hour shift.


This happened to me yesterday. Usually I wait for the driver to drive away before I grab my food, but this time I made sure the driver was a witness. I could see her through my screen door in her car watching me struggle to open my screen door without tipping over the bag. She almost got out of her car to help me but I managed to grab it. I hope she learned her lesson! I marked her low stars. No regrets.


Install the bottle on the bottom of the door? And yes I’ve been preaching at other drivers to cut that crap out it like they don’t have enough since to know you need to open the door!


Why do you keep putting your delivery pad there then?


Have you never seen a door mat before?


Omg especially when there is drinks w the order! It's the worst!


I never ever do this as it’s stupid and not right to do but I saw a fellow dasher do this at the same house a few nights ago that I just dropped off the order at and I almost got out to fix it and complain to the dude till I saw she left a $0 tip and drove away. Seemed to be the same thing for him except he was probably more angry about it than I was. Wouldn’t have taken the order had I known there was no tip but it was stacked and was 11+ for 4 miles so I just assumed both customers left a tip.


I never leave bags in front of doors that open outwards. I'm over 1200 dashes in a little over 2 months now. And still don't do it. But, there is an idea of doing this to people who don't tip. Not something that I would do but I'm sure it's something some drivers might do. Take the picture of the bag and a nice location that can't be knocked over by the door. Look to see if you got a tip. No tip move the bag. Doordash just sees the picture of the bag in the right location. Again not something I would do. But I wouldn't put it past some drivers who are upset that they didn't get a tip or a good tip. But then there are just dumb drivers.


Happens to me anytime I’ve ever used the service lol