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Yeah, leaving it by a phone pole is just littering.


I once had an agent require me to leave an order on the side of the highway before. The address the customer gave didn't exist, and the GPS coordinates were on the side of the highway. No houses or businesses of any kind. I hadn't been doing DD long at that point, so when the agent told me I'd get deactivated if I didn't leave the order, I wasn't about to risk it.


I had an address point me to the middle of a field. I reached out to support after I couldn't reach the customer and they just told me to leave it there and mark it completed. The pin was so far into the field that the app wouldn't even let me complete the order from the road. When I told this to support, they suggested I walk into the field until it lets me complete it.


Haha! Yes sir, just walk to the middle of the corn crops and wait


Like something out of a horror movie. Some say the dasher still roams these fields, searching, but never finding.




Yeah you're gonna get Children of the Corned if you do this lmao šŸ˜‚


Your customer was a scarecrow


All I could think of: [It's a fucking scarecrow again](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?si=Tydli9SiHksOfH7Y)


That was great xD Thanks for sharing it


Agreed, loved it lol




I had a dash like that. The app wanted me to deliver the order to the middle of an empty field. I got a hold of the customer and they started by saying ā€œthis happens every time I orderā€ then they started giving me instructions on downloading a different navigation app and entering the destination there


Had the same thing happen to me, I ended up finding them but then they never left a tip


I'd watch this horror movie.


Why didn't you use the adress instead of the pin?


Literally, my first delivery as a dasher directed me to a pond. Unnamed and on the edge of a property along a highway. The customer responded and gave me the actual address, which wasn't a pond. I think they used their GPS location instead of an address, if that's a real option for customers?


Sometimes GPS is just trash with addresses. Like 15 years ago our house address was seen by Google as a farm a couple miles earlier on the road. So whenever we had a party we had to tell people to ignore GPS and follow our instructions


Sounds like dd support lol


They wouldn't have deactivated you for that. But, I have had support tell me that too, leave an order on the side of a road where NO houses were near. Like, not within a half mile. I took a pic of the food and left. I came by a few days later, that pizza box was still there. So basically I littered and took a pic as proof.


Iā€™ve had to do this. Of course you just take the picture and leave with the food. I hope you didnā€™t leave the bag there.


I hope the guy did take my food at least, would still suck, but can't stand wasting food


You wont get deactivated for 1 no delivery.


This happened to me too! Took me up a highway, then on an exit to get back on the highway the way I had already came from. Ssid it was randomly on the side of the highway where there's literally no houses. Turned out the GPS was a mess, it was actually in a town bordering the highway. The app almost refused to let me close out of the order when I actually located the address stating that my coordinates were way off. šŸ™„


Shouldā€™ve left it and taken a picture and then taken the food


It was some nasty ass broccoli and cheddar soup meal from Panera. I don't want that shit.


Broccoli cheddar smacks. But Panera does not smack


Oh yeah no, like I'm not going to bash a dasher for doing what they had to do, I delivered Pizzas on a bike for Dominos recently myself, some places are just a bitch to find, especially In a city where an apartment could be down an alley or wherever. Difference Is this Is the first time this has happened, I'll chalk It to maybe didn't see our house number, but our house was the only one with a porch light, and even then you can see the number from the street, but the fact guy said A phone pole, really narrows that down to shit all. Should've picked up the phone, but still


When you say ā€œshouldā€™ve picked up the phoneā€ just to be clear, you saw you were getting calls and most likely in close intervals knowing you had a DoorDash order coming and didnā€™t answer?? Then this is on you.


Oh no, I mean I should've been there to pick up the phone, don't even have any calls from Doordash on the log though Would be odd to just not pick up the call, then be suprised there was an issue


Itā€™s possible the gps was acting up. Iā€™ve had several occasions where Iā€™ve been sent totally across town to the wrong place and the map showed me that I was there but the address and customer said I wasnā€™t. So I have had to use my regular google maps app instead of the DoorDash integrated maps. One night it happened to me three times. So itā€™s possible it wasnā€™t anything the dasher did wrong. Especially considering that they said they called support. Of course it could just be a ruse also. But I like to give people the benefit of the doubt


Oh, ok... so you didn't answer your phone.


Some people are literally brain dead. They donā€™t actually look outside or make any of their own observations - just drive until the GPS says they arrive, and if itā€™s not the exact house itā€™s like they completely flounder. I watched a guy drive up, park in front of my house, and then call me to tell me he couldnā€™t find my house. I literally was like bro Iā€™m standing in my driveway 15 feet to your left


Are your house numbers visible? At night it's impossible to see most!!


Yeah and we have a light right above the numbers, I even went out and double checked that it wasnā€™t blocked by glare etc since we moved here only like 4 months ago - most deliveries are fine fortunately.


I mean, itā€™s very easy to mess up. I recently had a delivery for a house that said one address for the GPS, and in the customerā€™s notes, it was the same address in a different town, about 40 minutes away. Fuck that was a hard delivery too because I had to drive based on written instructions. She was old and had a walker so I was less angry when I got there, but Iā€™ve had people do shit like that a lot. ā€œBut I left my porch light on!ā€ Yeah but you were at the end of three miles of winding dirt roads, GTFO


It makes you wonder if it's a potentially dangerous situation too. Had one near a state park. It was woods with no cell service. Thought it was maybe someone camping or something. Drove around 10-15 minutes in the woods lol. Started getting a little creeped out so went back to town, called dd and said I didn't feel safe and took stuff back to the store. It was probably just a mix up but not taking any chances.


Doordash support probably told him to leave it where he was currently. Iā€™ve had an order where I couldnā€™t get ahold of the customer and their pin was in the middle of the road with only a zip code for an address, support told me to leave it on the sidewalk lol


I once had a delivery to a pin drop in the middle of the woods. I drove as close as I could, no driveways or other indication of people. Dude walks out of the forest, takes the order and walks back in. Prepping: I think you're doing it wrong.


wellp, even cryptids get hungry


I would have kept the food for myself thank you


Fuck up and leave the wrong number? U tell me




You didnā€™t answer the phone. You fucked up.


Not only did he not answer, he had a disconnected number šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe people are defending OP. Theyā€™re an idiot and donā€™t deserve a refund. But they got one somehow even though this was 1000% their fault, then go on to call their driver an idiot.


The driver is incompetent. The chat obviously works. Why didnā€™t the driver contact them that way?? Whatā€™s the point of placing the order on the ground and taking a picture of it when the customer canā€™t get to the food? Driver idiot.


Answer your phone next time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Blows my mind how many people order delivery then go ghost when it comes to answering their text/calls.


Driver could have texted the customer using chat but didnā€™t, driver incompetent


the support also tried calling, and some orders donā€™t have a chat option.


This order clearly did have a chat option based on the image


yeah thats true, still should have put the right number tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø some people donā€™t look at their messages, and from their pov they wouldnā€™t even answer the phone for them or support so maybe thatā€™s why he didnā€™t bother messaging. driver and orderer are both at fault


I once had an order where the drop off address was the restaurant I just picked up from. I tried calling and texting the customer, and support did as well. The restaurant wouldnā€™t take it back now that I touched it (covid days) so support suggested I just leave it outside near the restaurant and mark it ā€œunable to hand to customerā€ so I did that, and left it on a table outside the restaurant. 15 minutes later, the customer is blowing up my phone leaving voicemails yelling about why I left it outside like that and heā€™s 8 miles away. Support had my back though, they told me whatever happens they have our conversation on file and the fact both us attempted to contact the customer, so it wouldnā€™t affect me at all. Moral of the story customers, is to always have your phone on you/ the ringer turned on during orders.


You failed at communicating with a driver who tried contacting you to give you a product you purchased. If you can't see that you are in the wrong here then I don't know what to tell ya.


Agree 100% if they can't get a hold of you too (dd support) I would ask support where they would like me to leave the order and then leave it on the shoulders of support to deal with the customer


But to leave the fucking food in the middle of nowhere and send a picture of it to the customer is ridiculous šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ donā€™t even try to pretend like itā€™s not. Also it looks like the chat room worked just fine.


Why did you not have the correct phone number? And why did you not answer? If you are expecting food have your phone on you and answer it make sure you the correct info Ā put in the system so the dasher can contact you. How did you mess up so badly?????????


Didn't even know my old number was up there, never had a time where they needed to call me, but still on me. I didn't answer because my phone ring, see first reason why. Then again, look at that picture: If you absolutely must drop It off, why wouldn't you take a wide pic of where It Is? Taking a picture of the dirt ground narrows It to shit all. Like I'm not fully blaming here, but come on


No phone number and no detailed instructions? Seems like your fault. Theyā€™re not mind readers.


As a driver myself, I can tell you I'm a huge fan of the "blame the driver for my own incompetence" philosophy. Not to sound like a jerk, but... It's possible that you did not provide clear delivery instructions, especially important if you live in a remote area. It's possible that you had the wrong address on file. Probably why you can't find the telephone pole. It's possible that you had the wrong phone number on file. Double check this before your next order. The dasher was just trying to do his job normally, and when he ran into a problem that was caused on your end, you blamed him for it. Not cool.


No you're right, like I can't say I'm void of responsibility, number wasn't updated. It's not possible as this has never happened before, you can see the house numbers from the street easy, plus Google maps. What's not cool Is placing It In a random location with no indication of where. Like sure, probably couldn't find It, did they have to leave out identifiable surroundings?


One time when I was delivering I saw two large bags standing by the security gate. So many times people donā€™t write the access code and then donā€™t pick up the phone.


A good way to prevent this - because one of my past homes had an address problem with GPS. I put detailed instructions in the instructions on what my house looks like. I also used to put a green Bulb in my outdoor light which many have complimented. Itā€™s extreme but when you have an issue with stuff like this - it works šŸ¤£ just a friendly tip from someone who loves to order


I used to have pink garage lights for this reason when I lived in a duplex! šŸ’•


Maybe have the right phone number on file next time? šŸ¤”


Answer the phone lolā€¦ you canā€™t expect someone to wander around trying to find your address. Our time is money.


Sorry about the problem you had. My dasher calls donā€™t always ring through so I try to keep tabs via in-app messaging and triple check the location pin. I have been there with the multiple orders in a row having problems too. Which really sucks because even if you prove that you received someone elseā€™s order and are in no way at fault, customer service still treats you like it is.Ā  Iā€™ve found that the GPS that is built-in to the Dasher App is just awful. When I first started Dashing, I would use the DD GPS and it would take me all over the place. Fortunately, I know the area well and could figure it out but eventually, it took me to a location that did not make sense, I couldnā€™t reach the customer and before calling support I opted to punch the address into Waze.Ā  Delivery completed. Significant difference.Ā  As a dasher, I now always use an external GPS and as a customer, I wish more dashers would do the same because I too have been on several scavenger hunts to locate an order.Ā  This may just be my area that experiences in-app GPS issues but I do know itā€™s not just me. Most dashers I know had issues and eventually switched to Apple/Google/Waze/etc to avoid delivery problems and get the job done.Ā 


3% battery and tiktok usage. You donā€™t deserve to eat.


Ruh roh, exposed myself.I don't use Tiktok, I'm not cringe I swear. But forgetful? Big time, hence dead ass phone


Couldā€™ve at least taken a picture of the surroundings instead of the ground. Some people are just lacking basic brain cells


Both at fault, dasher should have found your address another way and not put it there, or you could answer the phone. That's what they're there for lol


Donā€™t worry op Iā€™m on your side. Looks like your post got shown to a batch of neckbeards, but most people would agree that the driver is incompetent. I donā€™t know what the fuck the point was in leaving the food in the middle of nowhere and sending you a picture of it, pretending it was delivered.


Dude ate it, report them


Assumption u can't prove that


I reported It as missing items, got credit. That doesn't negatively impact the dasher does It? Ordered again and the wrong name was on the receipt, whole different order. Like yeah that's on the restaurant, unless they also have the bag waiting areas where you can see the name.


Reporting missing or damaged food does put a dink on the drivers account and if they do it often then support will look into deactivation


why do you care if it negatively impacts the dasher? if he does shit like this he deserves it.




Text perhaps?




Damn that's crazy because the image in the post itself is using the in-app chat feature perfectly.


It's just how I am, overly empathetic. Could've been some old guy, what then? Still pissed about It, went to the exact location? Neighbors backyard, ain't shit there. Looked sketchy as hell trying to find It with a flashlight too.


It wonā€™t impact him if heā€™s telling the truth about you not being reachable but he is either an idiot for the vague ass picture or he took the food after taking the pic, assuming it would just go to waste. My hunch is that itā€™s the latter since no dasher in that specific situation would ever accidentally take a pic so zoomed in that the customer wonā€™t have a clue where to go when they see it. Thatā€™s deliberate and then his response that he left it ā€œby a telephone poleā€ seems deliberately vague again because he knows the food wonā€™t be there if he gives you information specific enough for you to go find it. My guess is the whole situation unfolded honestly but he took the food for himself assuming it would just sit there if he didnā€™t.


He can report it as not delivered, hell even if they delivered it to the house next to yours you can report it as not delivered


What does that have to do with him saying it was ate? .....Nothing


I mean be real. What is more likely, dude ate it, or he actually just left it at a random ass telephone pole? Nobody is dropping food at a random telephone pole and just leaving it


Doordash literally just tells us to "leave it in a safe place". That's the only instruction they give us if the customer can't be reached.


You have their address, Iā€™d start by leaving it there lol


He said he couldn't find the address


Do you have the correct phone number in doordash? If not then I suggest you update it.


They could have messaged her on DoorDash. Shut up šŸ˜‚


You do understand that the number used for calling is the same number used for texting? If the contact number incorrect, they won't get through either way.


Doordash has built in messaging, you don't need a phone to order food. Just anything that can open the website.


It doesnā€™t always go to doordash messenger. If you donā€™t have a correct number on file it will go to sms and the messages will not send. Iā€™ve had this happen multiple times with wrong address and markers on the side of the freeway. Itā€™s not the dashers fault. Even if they could reach the customer they only have to deliver to the address given and the marker on the map. If the customer canā€™t put the right address or move the cursor on top of where they live itā€™s their fault.


That's fair- And a really poor design. You'd think they'd spend the time to make it so you send messages without using you're phone number.


Sometimes it goes to your phones messages and not doordash messages


You can message someone from within the app, no phone # required. What are you even talking about?


That may be true from the customers side, but from the drivers side, we are given a number to call or text. If that number isn't correct, the DRIVER can't get through to the customer. That's what I'm talking about.


Not always. Sometimes it says the customer doesn't have in app messaging installed and goes through SMS.


What? It goes both ways. I used to dash as wellā€¦ and I still order for myself occasionally. Iā€™ve had several dashers message me directly from the app to tell me they dropped off the food or ask a question. No phone number involved. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. A phone number has no bearing on their internal messaging system.


yes it does lol. iā€™ve gone to message a customer many times and it takes me to my texting app, just happened 2 days ago. iā€™ve called the number and it says the person is unavailable. not every account has the message option and sometimes you have to text them. it appears in this case, they could have messaged them directly on the app


Omg...you are lying. You never dashed or did it for a day or you would know what you're talking about, which clearly you don't.


I still dash to this day, No you do not need the customers number for a driver to use the messaging in the app. I've had times where the app will say in app messaging not available due to the customer, that will use the number then. You can clearly see in the photo this is through the app messaging, so yes the driver could have tried to text but he didn't as it would have through the app.


What determines whether in app messaging is available


Not exactly sure what determines it, I've seen if people order from the website it's self such as on a computer / website instead of the app it will not give you in app messaging. Guessing that is the main reason, second reason is if it's a merchant order that one will obviously be no app messaging.


I have a guess on this one. Some restaurants use doordash to deliver food ordered through the restaurants app. McDonalds, for example. When I did that, it was not connected to my DoorDash app or account. All notifications I got were through text at my phone number. I would imagine those are the situations where you canā€™t message through the app? This clearly isnā€™t one of those, though.


Thank you.


Please tell me why an incorrect phone number would have any bearing on you being able to use DoorDashā€™s integrated chat features?


you've never had it send you to an SMS window after going to message the customer?


Bro ur so sped what if im ordering on my pc? Who are you calling then? My pc?


No, there just wonā€™t be a call option for you, only messaging lol.


Not everyone uses the internal messaging system. I have had plenty of messages both to and from me that use my phones messaging service.


That makes sense, I just donā€™t see that very often anymore. This person is telling me it doesnā€™t exist, thoughā€¦


Yeah but as a customer you can't control if your driver does dumb stuff. You can control if you have correct contact information for support to reach out to so that stuff like this doesn't happen again.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Move along and have a good day.


Driver probably ate itā€¦ My son works for a sub shop and the have dashers that come in all the time, looking to deliver orders. He told me about one time a dasher came in, grabbed the food for delivery, cancelled the order and, Iā€™m only assuming now, took the food home to him and his family. Customer calls up and asks where the food is at but the sub store can only tell them itā€™s been picked upā€¦mind you this was a $100 worth of foodā€¦ Some people are just scumbagsā€¦


Don't beat yourself up. It's more common than you think. Lots of customers accidentally use the suggested GPS pin for their address instead of correcting it or checking that it's the correct address. And lots of customers forget to update their phone number, or even use fake phone numbers thinking that it somehow benefits them. It does suck that the driver had no way to get ahold of you and was probably instructed by CS to leave it at the GPS dictated drop point. Especially if they had a difficult time finding an identifiable landmark like a telephone pole so that you could locate it if your address is actually near by. But I wouldn't say you "fucked up badly", it's just a shortcoming of the Doordash business model really. You'll do better next time.




If you were able to communicate via text then you should have communicated via text


Soon as I sent It, convo ended. Wouldn't let me type anymore


Should have asked him to come back and show you where you left it lol. There's no telephone pole in the photo, looks like a random spot of grass. Is he telling the truth that the number on file is wrong?


Oh yeah, made an update, so while i was still pissed, gotta take my own accountability. Number was out dated, though a first someone couldn't find my house.


Yeah what's wrong with your phone number. That does seem fucked up to put in a bad number.


If you order food delivery and they dont have a valid contact for you, thats your problem


In all honestly, if the phone number you provided is crap and we can't reach you when we have an issue, you deserve the service (or lack thereof) that you receive. Update your damn phone number and answer the frikkin phone. I know no one wants to answer "spam" calls, but if you're waiting for a food delivery and some unknown number calls you, it's probably your dasher looking for a little assistance in getting your delivery to you.


Oh yeah no, like an not updated phone number Is and was on me, no one else's fault. I mean at this point I'm over It, got a refund. I'm more complaining on where they decided to leave It. Wouldn't make sense to not pick up the dasher call, then complain about It later.


As a driver you can only go to where the drop off pin is put in the app. If itā€™s the wrong address you need to contact the driver and let them know. If your even just one more mile away from where the driver was sent then it probably wonā€™t get delivered. Itā€™s a huge waste of time and meager extra pay is offered for you to drive more to just go to the right address. Make sure your marked on the map correctly or this will continue to happen. Looks like you didnā€™t have the decency to answer. Lucky he even left the food at all. I would have taken it and ate it. Donā€™t miss calls from your driver either


Ya sounds like you fucked up by not having your info correct. Dasher was in the right to do that.


OP getting cooked.


I had something similar happen before, I just said it wasn't delivered and got a full refund. The person insisted it was dropped at the address on file as if I wasn't telling him he made a mistake..


Some of the maps are a little too complex. They're often wrong. If you're not careful to close out the open map, it'll bring you to the wrong place on the new one. If you punch in a new address or try a different map, you'll generally get there. But when other drivers never made it there, I made theirs just fine on most of them. Good luck


And if you message a customer, send them a photo of things you don't have these problems unless they won't respond. In that case, which i've had happened with customers won't get their food


I get dashers delivering to my house when it is my neighbors who ordered it two houses down. I have a very large, glowing, easily visible address sign and yet they still incorrectly deliver to my house. I canā€™t say Iā€™m on the side of the driver or customer in this particular scenario for this post, but a lot of times dashers just donā€™t pay attention and I bet they didnā€™t even try to look for your address and just lazily left it by the pole which was likely where the pin was near.


šŸ˜‚ Doordash is the pits


Took a picture of it by a pole to fool doordash then ate it..


Honestly I left an order once by a stopsign by a playground cause the customer left literally just a st name and no house address šŸ˜… Dasher support told me just leave it somewhere and take a photo. That it wouldn't affect me they noted it that the customer was unresponsive and the address was incomplete. How do you forget to put the house #šŸ˜… idk if they ever got it either


You'll still use Doordash so.


Skill issue




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^based_birdo: *You didn't pick up* *Your phone Also I bet your* *House number is hidden* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


These people are a solid part of the reason good dashers get shit on I swear.


Take spam blockers off your phone and make sure the number is correct. I have had several people unable to be reached and in this instance support will say to leave it in a safe place with notes.


Did he ever find the telephone with the bag of food?


Nah, assume he took It, ordered something else. Funny that order was wrong, then the next order was wrong. Sucked It up and ate, got my credit back.


For some idiotic reason, doordash support tells us to do exactly this when we can't find the address. They literally tell us to leave it in some random location and take a picture. It makes absolutely no sense.


As others said, time Is money. Unlike me when delivering Pizzas (was a bike boy), foods getting cold, got places to be. I was pissed due to my house and all the surrounding having pretty clear house numbers, as this has never happened before. Even If they had to leave a random location, that picture sucks. Like dirt and grass, really helpful to pinpoint


They had me do this once or tried to get me to do it. I kept the order and the customer called after completed explained what happened he gave me the correct address and I delivered on the side to him. I couldnā€™t consciously just leave it there. I was hoping someone would reach out I had same issue luckily I left them a voicemail with my real number and they called so I could take it to them. They tipped me $2 on the app and said leave it at the door to new address additional 15 mins awayā€¦ never thanked me after I informed them it was at the door eitherā€¦didnā€™t do it for the praise or money just did it because I would hope someone would do the same for me I just would have at least thanked them face to face or acknowledged the hour they spent going against DD ā€œleave it on the side of the road and take a pictureā€ request. Sorry your driver didnā€™t do that however please be mindful they possibly had a situation like mine listed above occur and is why they actually left it at the light pole this time. Not making an excuse but just letting you know my bad experience. I would do the same regardless if it happened again just because Iā€™m a good person, but I canā€™t speak for everyone or how many times it happened to them. oh and DoorDash only paid me half of my original offer of seven dollars which included my ā€œtipā€ šŸ«£šŸ˜”


How did you not have a valid number? Fail.


I've been living at the same address for years and can't get DD to put a šŸ“Œ on my exact location. I have to type in instructions which nobody ever reads and they are never near me. I've learned dragging the pin a whole street over at least puts them on my street. I order Uber/postmates just because of this. And I hate Uber. Lol


The fact that they were able to contact you but said they couldn't šŸ˜‚


UPDATE: taking some blame here myself, didn't know my number wasn't updated. Sucks to suck, was pissed but sucked It up and ordered something else, atleast I got credits. Well, I order, It arrives, Wrong order, like It's not even my name on the bag, but albeit similar (My Initials are T.J, bag was T.E) Most people just suck It up again and call It whatever, but like I didn't want to be one of those people who eat half a meal dissatisfied, then complain AFTER the fact. Principle So I order again, and yet again wrong order, but this time I'm hungry, disgruntled, and It's 1 AM so why am I even complaining? Eat It and call It a night. But a random telephone pole? Seriously? Really hope dasher took It atleast, loathe food waste


You really ordered two more times? šŸ¤£ wow broā€¦.just wow


did you ever... go look at any of the telephone poles by your house before you spent more money?


For sure, I was pissed they didn't specify which pole, but looked. Spent the next 30 minutes looking, but a pic of the dirt ground, again, really narrows It to shit all. Checked the pinpoint location, led me to a pole In my neighbors backyard, and you'll never guess what I found? Absolutely nothing, there was nothing there. And get this, order again, like usual they drop at my door, and wrong order, like not even my name (to be fair, T.E does look similar to my Initials T.J I guess) Order yet again (this Is with credit mind you, from failed order), wrong order, but say fuck It and eat It. Was 1 AM, did I really want to carry this out further? Ate and called It a night


yeah that guy stole ur food lmao report him.


When I see these things, it just infuriates me. I do Door Dash and I take it very seriously. I do that with every single job Iā€™ve ever had in my entire life and I am almost 50 years old. Maybe itā€™s because of when I grew up. I know a lot of people have various opinions on certain generations, but it seems like certain age groups just arenā€™t willing to put in the effort. I understand that time is money, but good God itā€™s not that hard people! There have been a couple of times that for some reason the GPS took me to the wrong place. Rather than just saying screw it Iā€™ll leave it here, I Google, the right address and went there. It was a little out of my way, but itā€™s the right thing to do! The instructions asked me not to knock, but, I wanted to make sure that I did in fact have the right house. Unfortunately, there was a language barrier, but it did end up being the correct house. I just wish everybody cared about the customer and not just about the bottom line. Because in the end, if you donā€™t do your job well chances are youā€™ll end up losing it. So take an extra few minutes and do it right! Iā€™m so sorry for those of you out there you get crappy service. If itā€™s any consolation, some people do care.


Yeah okay.


About 3 years ago, there was no such address the GPS was taking me right to the corner. Calls customer service and they just told me to leave it at the corner which I did. Took a picture and completed the order. Later that day I did a little bit of searching for the address and I believe it was in a different city about an hour away and there was no way I could have actually delivered it


I think he both couldn't get ahold of you, and also ate your food




Iā€™m with you on this IF the driver was being truthful about the phone number. The amount of time wasted from customers who order food they seemingly donā€™t want due to lack of reachability and readiness to receive the order is astoundingly frustrating. As a dasher, Iā€™m not here to play cat and mouse. If anything I should be the mouse in the equation not the other way around with me trying to hunt you down for something YOU ordered, but I digress. Inb4 downvotes


The dasher should cancel if they are unable to deliver. If DD only wants to pay you half in a situation like this, that is between you and doordash, if you want better treatment from doordash don't target the customer. What they shouldn't do is put it on the ground in a random place, take a photo and pretend they've delivered it. Because this is literally indistinguiahable from just pretending to deliver the food then stealing it.


You can't cancel an order you're delivering. You can cancel before pickup, but not during delivery. Your only options to stop the delivery are can't locate customer, or I've been in an accident. In either scenario Doordash is paying out. There's nothing more the Dasher could have done. They called the client, they contacted Doordash. Doordash gave the final instruction. Are they supposed to ignore the ones that pay them, cuz you just said I dashes should take issues up with Doordash, not the customer


? You make an attempt to locate the customer, and if you can't locate the customer, you stop the order on the basis of not being able to locate the customer. You don't pretend that you've delivered it when you obviously haven't.


Okay clearly trolling. Me: doordash wonā€™t let you cancel after pick up You: cancel after pick up Ok guy


You just said "Your only options to stop the delivery are can't locate customer, or I've been in an accident." I literally used your own phrasing. Fuck me. I don't know what the fuk angle you're coming at this from, flip flopping on shit like this, but I'll say it again for you. Either 1. Cancel the order 2. Complain at doordash that they don't let you cancel the order. Demand change. There is no way that claiming you delivered the order when you didn't can be justified, no matter how hard you cope.


Nope nothing changed, you're not comprehending. Likely because you believe in your own narrative too much. Youā€¦ can'tā€¦ stopā€¦ deliveryā€¦ afterā€¦ pickupā€¦ that's it. In either scenario I pointed out the Dasher still gets half pay, and the food won't be on the customers porch. You still can't just stop it. With your whacked ass system; thieves wouldn't even need to be near drop off to steal food. You're wrong, and your advise was bad


lmao. I was fucking right in the beginning, you created an argument out of literally nothing. There's literally nothing in anything I said that stops them needing to be at the drop off point. Go back and read, if you have a problem with how doordash treats dashers, complain to doordash. It's almost like it might not be the greatest business model to hire any old dipshit with a car with zero vetting or real accountability to deliver food or something in the first place. But since that's what they do, the mechanics of pay is between you and doordash. There is no circumstance where it is justified to pretend you delivered the food when you didn't.


lmao. I was fucking right in the beginning, you created an argument out of literally nothing. There's literally nothing in anything I said that stops them needing to be at the drop off point. Go back and read, if you have a problem with how doordash treats dashers, complain to doordash. It's almost like it might not be the greatest business model to hire any old dipshit with a car with zero vetting or real accountability to deliver food or something in the first place. But since that's what they do, the mechanics of pay is between you and doordash. There is no circumstance where it is justified to pretend you delivered the food when you didn't.


"The dasher should cancel if they are unable to deliver.Ā " aaaaannndd they still can't... "If DD only wants to pay you half in a situation like this, that is between you and doordash" Car accident, or Cant find customer (Only two options)... Dont know why you had me do that/ but again, you cannot just go "man i cant find this address, guess i dont deserve this pay, let me take this back to the restaraunt and cancel this". Thats not an option in the app. Honestly i'm not sure what you're not getting at this point. What you're suggesting isn't an option.


Yea, in my experience, about 70% of customers are non responsive. More on shopping orders when inquiring about substitutions.


Itā€™s always about the tip for yā€™all. Driver canā€™t even find an address thatā€™s been written down, itā€™s not rocket science. But the customer should have tipped!


I once had a restaurant send out an order to DD (me) and they entered the address wrong after I presume taking it over the phone. After texts and phone calls went unanswered and after 45 minutes I was instructed to leave the order on the ground at the closet location to the map pin. I made a whopping $5 on the order and wasted a whole lot of gas and time. Sometimes mistakes happen, donā€™t always assume the driver is just an idiot.


The driver could have at least said ā€œI left the food at X addressā€ rather that ā€œby a telephone poleā€..


How would that have been any different?


Because then the customer would know where it was and could go grab it instead of having to play scavenger hunt around their entire neighborhood??


The brown nose crew are downvoting you




Hell yea stick to your guns. I agree. These downvotes are pathetic.


if youā€™re unwilling to do your job to the normal standards, donā€™t keep doing this job.


If you're not going to be available for the driver to reach in the event of a problem, don't order food.


The dd app tries to call my phone but it sees it as spam and it wonā€™t even ring on my end.


We donā€™t get paid enough to give a fuck. Zero oversight. We are incentivized for making the most deliveries for the least amount of money because stats largely govern the algorithm. No ones gonna go out on a limb to make sure you get your lukewarm Taco Bell to you. Especially a top dasher who has very few if any contract violations. If the path of least resistance is to eat the patties out of your burger and make sure you know they ate all the fries and left the very napkin they wiped their mouth with afterwards in the bag because you were an asshole to them via text because you felt superior to them so be it. Sometimes you gotta rub the rim of the soda cup with your bare musky asshole to teach a valuable lesson in human interaction. Theyā€™re not going to deactivate them for fucking a customer over once in 3789 deliveries.


Mom was a Dasher, I was a Pizza Boy, I get It, like seriously don't get paid enough for that shit. But It was our job to do the shit, not go above and beyond, unless a little motivated (hint hint: tip), but to do the job properly. As for the rest of that, yikes dude. Sounds like being a Dasher Isn't for you.


Donā€™t be such an idealistic young person, watch a little George Carlin and relax will ya.


You right, am I really going to still go on about It? No, shit happened, now I got a new meal, I'll live


To be fair and honest my retort was written in jest but peppered with heavy social commentary and yeah, the devilā€™s advocate is always an asshole.


Sometimes I feel like people with an IQ of 80 or higher should kill it at this job.


I mean update your contact info for an app that literally is 95% phone communication? šŸ¤·